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Everything posted by DarkTergon

  1. TBH, I don't think they've ever listened, in any multiverse, or any universe. They do what they do, and to heck with everyone ... /shrug
  2. So the education system is the sole reason for all the rubbish decisions BW have made recently....lol
  3. You are bashing swtor, it's the policy of this admins team to hide that as much as possible, so all negative posts go to off topic where possible, to die a lonely and forgotten existence....ok, slight exaggeration, but good bye posts do get moved here
  4. There are less people on the PTS, plus everyone there , is there to help. And you have to be a sub (Unless that's changed) , most trolls are F2P/Preff, because they don't care if they lose their account.
  5. Been a while since I posted, so happy 2022 all, lets hope things pick up
  6. I've said it before about having more avatars, and also, if two people have the same one, that maybe they could have a different border, so hopefully everyone could be slightly different. It can be off-putting seeing the same avatar multiple times in a row
  7. except , you try to add me as a friend, and I refuse, you get the hump, cause hassle, stuff happens, , etc, etc, end of friendship. And yes that can happen. As I've said, just because you're a friend on one toon, does not mean I want you on them all. Sometimes people just like to roam around at peace.
  8. except people have voted with their wallets, they have left in droves, but BW don't care, they have a revolving door policy , as long as they are making a profit, they don't care. Profits down? Release on steam, need a new boost, release new shiny , etc, etc. Even in the darkest days, when we lost 60% of the players, they barely listened to what was said, and instead, just listened to a small few select best buds on discord. A smaller group then on the forums, but because they are best buds, they must have a finger on the pulse of the community.... It won't die, because they'll just keep releasing shinny's, or promotions with other games, or new areas, etc. It will be the end for a lot of people, but as they step aside, another lot will step in, and cycle will repeat.
  9. divide and conquer , if we are too busy fighting each other, they can slip any old garbage in, and they won't have to face a united community.
  10. Playing Star Trek, Fleet Command, reached level 20, without resorting to Pay to win , so yup, it's slow, but still fun. As for this game, logged in to move stuff on the gtn with a couple of mains, used the tokens to get 50k on a guild toon, and log in to a couple that are not in my guilds, just to keep them active. Pretty much it..... Did manage to set up another char with my son, but haven't gotten around to playing it much, just had an idea, lol
  11. Are there many players left that have had a non break sub for 10 years?
  12. 1. Nothing is in development (that we know off), and if it was, and we knew about it, it would usually be a long time coming before we actually see it. 2. If you don't like the game, stop paying for the darn thing, no one puts a gun to your head and makes you pay. If you aren't happy, stop paying. You can protest by going Pref, and still play most of the game
  13. The problem is, no matter how good a credit sink is, if it's tied to a shiny, or story, or reward, or something one person can get, that another can't , without the credits, you'll have people crying here, on the forums, or discord, or reddit, or whatever, that BW, are excluding them and they can't get it, etc, etc,
  14. Sure they do, and that's why we've an amazing amount of servers, with a huge community, and so much new content we can't even finish it. And we are all so happy unicorns are popping out of our ***** Over the last few years, each step they have created has reduced the amount of subscribers, has reduced the amount of players, they alienate most groups of people, except their elite friends on a certain discord group, they don't listen to the community, and when someone speaks out they bully them, and silence them. The game is a shadow of itself, it pales in comparison of what it could be.
  15. There is, the solution is for Customer Service/Community Managers to do their job, and act on any reports sent in. This way, the people who mess it up get punished, not those trying to enjoy it, and contribute
  16. yes, remove it from CQ, see how long GSF will last after that. The reason GSF gets so many high points is because it was at a disadvantage, and wasn't popping much, since it was added to CQ, and then seasons, it enjoyed a rebirth. Sure you get people who are there just for the points, and as I've said numerous times, it's up to the players to forward these to CS, and CS to sanction them. But since it has been added, you also got the players who started enjoying it, and playing more, you also got the players who do it for GSF/Seasons, but actually try hard to. But removing them from CQ will put it back where it was. Fewer players, less pops, more disgruntled people.
  17. nah, i'd say a little bit more do pvp than that, maybe 1% more
  18. Don't know if anyone here played the BETA for Magic The Gathering : Legends, but they had plans, long term plans, but unfortunately it shut down before even getting past BETA, there were multiple articles , about how strong their suture were, and how much was planned, but it still shut down. Not saying this game is going to shut down, but just because they get an article saying they have years of plans, doesn't mean they'll be able to , or allowed to. The game is already a former shadow of itself. I had hopes that things were improving, new people, new focus, etc. but it just turned out to be more of the same, hoisted under a different banner.
  19. This isn't going to change, the player base isn't important, we do not matter. No idea who the F they listen to, but it's not us.
  20. It already gets you very little, and won't affect the long term players, but will instead screw with the new players, who will then have to turn to the gtn, or credit sellers
  21. They haven't curtailed anything, most of the stuff that goes for crazy money can be bought directly from the CM. And even if it wasn't, it does eventually come back around, or pop up in the special sales. Not everyone, just certain people Bloody right I do, I earned them from playing the game, instead of being a lazy **** who just complained that other people have stuff I can't get. That is the one thing we do agree on, and the only thing you've said that's on topic. SRM's go for very little and don't affect the over all markets, in fact putting them on jawa vendors, will probably increase their prices. They just needed to look like they were doing something, and picked an easy target. It's hard to discuss basics economics with someone who doesn't actually understand what he is spouting, your solution was to burn the gtn and credits to the ground, wipe the slate clean, that's not economics, that's financial suicide . how long would the game keep going when all these people lose their money, and walk away? We're down to 5 servers, and two of them are practical dormant, only showing a little life during the seasons.
  22. not to mention, people who are too lazy, or unwilling to work at the moment to get credits, aren't suddenly going to get motivated , they'll still have no credits, and will still be crying over it.
  23. It's not laziness, a cap would make it less likely people would sell it on the gtn,(which is happening already) people would just trade it instead. Not only that, if they capped what people could trade it for, people would just trade multiple times to pay for it, and then we'd have the ***** who'd get the cash first, and run, or worse, they get the item first, and not pay the rest. And CS would be flooded with calls/texts about these people. The only way for this to stop is for PEOPLE to stop buying, but they won't, someone is always willing to shell out for an item, because they have to have the new shiny. And BW love this, as it means they sell more CC's, and make even more money.
  24. 1. I can't read your mind, nor am I looking over your shoulder, and thankfully I don't know you in real life, so to me you are just a faceless text message on an increasingly irrelevant board, so guy and he, etc are generic terms, as I really don't care what sex, etc you are, and I'm not going to type out his, her's, theirs, etc, just in case someone gets the hump over nothing. 2. You complain about everyone not understanding economics, yet you woefully ignore the biggest economic factor that if BW do anything you propose , they'll kill the GTN, stop people buying CC's, and pretty much kill the game. They don't need help doing that, they are managing to damage the game without your help. 3. Greed isn't the problem, WANT is, people want everything, and don't want to have to pay for it, you complain about other peoples greed, yet in the same sentence, you boast about getting twice what you should have for dyes. It's hypocrisy. You are trying to claim the moral high ground, yet you are standing on a pile of ill gotten gains, that YOU admit is more than you should have had. 4. This is a multi faceted game, which appeals to many different people, the gtn is also a mini game, which some people enjoy, it's not up to you to decide who plays what part, or enjoys what part. This whole topic is supposed to be about "Why Are Solid Resource Matrix Rewards Being Removed From Conquest?" Yet you continue to go off topic and rant about how bad the gtn is.
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