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Commendation Conversions in Eternal Throne


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200+ posts of righteous indignation about an outrageous commendation transfer cap exacerbated by a shockingly shady bait and switch maneuver on the part of Bioware and all we get is a post about STARFIGHTER, the one feature of this game ignored even harder than end game PVP and PVE?


Is this actually happening right now?


You won the thread!

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You're either intellectually dishonest or trolling. No one was worried about putting all eggs in one basket. Without the announcement, there is literally no concern about this. And no one is talking about "diversification of an investment portfolio", lol. Strawman much? So I'm pretty sure you're just desperate at this point.


Look at what was ACTUALLY said:




So you read this as - "we better keep our stockpile of comms diversified on as many alts as possible"? You're being blatantly dishonest, or you cannot read. Sorry for your lack of comprehension.


"or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants". Sorry, I'm not the troll here. If you cannot see that the Dev's are saying that having a Stockpile of coms would be detrimental, then I rebut that you are purposely misunderstanding this conversation. This isn't strawman anything. I didn't move my coms around to create a stockpile and actually moved some so as to not have a large sum in one place. Evidently "One more time" went out the window with your comprehension. When someone tries to explain it, you can't see reason for your anger, which should be directed at yourself instead of those trying to give you a clue. Once more, the Devs did not say, hey, let's screw Keimanna and all who PvE and PvP as you imply in previous posts. The issue is you made a mistake and won't admit it.

Edited by Sareeph
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Yup! Fleet Commendations will remain in the game, unchanged.




Lets be honest here, this isn't a good choice to reply to and this isn't a good thing.


Fleet commendations are staying the same because space pve (GSF as well) is dead. They were no doubt forgotten about and only when somone jokingly asked about them did you remember they existed and then proudly announced they were staying the same. I'll hazard a guess everything that could be purchased with them is remaining the same. Players are too stupid to work out crystals so thats all being sold as credits or dropped in random lock boxes but fleet coms don't need to change cause they are self explanatory, even though it is clear they have stopped being a meaningful currency with the launch of 3.0


Its a little hard to follow why the choices that are being made have been made, is it a lack of understanding, is it some deeper plan or is it simply a desire to get out of working on a game using the hero engine and this seemed the best way to do it?

Edited by Costello
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"or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants". Sorry, I'm not the troll here. If you cannot see that the Dev's are saying that having a Stockpile of coms would be detrimental, then I rebut that you are purposely misunderstanding this conversation. This isn't strawman anything. I didn't move my coms around to create a stockpile and actually moved some so as to not have a large sum in one place. Evidently "One more time" went out the window with your comprehension. When someone tries to explain it, you can't see reason for your anger, which should be directed at yourself instead of those trying to give you a clue. Once more, the Devs did not say, hey, let's screw Keimanna and all who PvE and PvP as you imply in previous posts. The issue is you made a mistake and won't admit it.


The line 'please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on' is enough to make people believe we have an intention of having them on an important character. No one would "want the comms to be on" all characters, it serves no purpose (without the little withheld knowledge about the cap). As for your quote, no I don't see any clue about anything detrimental there, and I think neither do you. Thats another desperate method of using A to prove B, hoping nobody notices A has nothing to do with B, except for some words which appear in both sides.


So try to explain this to us: exactly how does "or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants"[eric] = "having a Stockpile of coms would be detrimental"[you], beside the fact both include a variation of "have a stockpile of warzone comms" in the context??

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"or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants". Sorry, I'm not the troll here. If you cannot see that the Dev's are saying that having a Stockpile of coms would be detrimental, then I rebut that you are purposely misunderstanding this conversation. This isn't strawman anything. I didn't move my coms around to create a stockpile and actually moved some so as to not have a large sum in one place. Evidently "One more time" went out the window with your comprehension. When someone tries to explain it, you can't see reason for your anger, which should be directed at yourself instead of those trying to give you a clue. Once more, the Devs did not say, hey, let's screw Keimanna and all who PvE and PvP as you imply in previous posts. The issue is you made a mistake and won't admit it.


You can't be serious. Dude, "please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on" is pretty straightforward. The characteR, not characterS. Singular. There is no English language interpretation that can read that as "spread out your coms" on multiple characters. I wasn't able to log in time or else I would have been screwed too. And there was a very easy way to avoid this, had the devs wanted to. They could have told us the cap plans before binding the comms. Could have been crystal clear (or are you gonna argue they didn't know those plans?). Instead, they (deliberately) were cagey here. So just stop embarrassing yourself. You lost the argument. Move on.

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You can't be serious. Dude, "please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on" is pretty straightforward. The characteR, not characterS. Singular. There is no English language interpretation that can read that as "spread out your coms" on multiple characters. I wasn't able to log in time or else I would have been screwed too. And there was a very easy way to avoid this, had the devs wanted to. They could have told us the cap plans before binding the comms. Could have been crystal clear (or are you gonna argue they didn't know those plans?). Instead, they (deliberately) were cagey here. So just stop embarrassing yourself. You lost the argument. Move on.


Got there before you by 3 mins ;). But its nice to see more and more people keep saying they have the same ideas about everything. :D


Somehow developers still can miss it when quickly looking around this post, and somehow notice only the side question about space comms...

Edited by Rafiknoll
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Got there before you by 3 mins ;). But its nice to see more and more people keep saying they have the same ideas about everything. :D


Somehow developers still can miss it when quickly looking around this post, and somehow notice only the side question about space comms...


:p Dang slow computer! I still trust that BW will make this right or at least better somehow. Call me naive, but I think they'll fix this.

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Yup! Fleet Commendations will remain in the game, unchanged.




So to clarify?


Removal of the following,

  • Common Crystals
  • Glowing Crystals
  • Radiant Crystals
  • Warzone Commendations


Keeping the following,

  • Ranked Season Tokens
  • Fleet Commendations


As others have asked in the thread, what is happening with the following Eric?

  • GSF Ship Requisition
  • Unassembled Tokens
  • Ziost Tokens
  • Eternal Championship Tokens


I'm going to take a guess that we'll still be keeping Event specific tokens (Bounty Hunter Contracts etc), as well as Cartel Certificates? As well as all of the respective vendors will remain in place after 5.0 and not go off for a sneaky break? :rak_03:

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You can't be serious. Dude, "please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on" is pretty straightforward. The characteR, not characterS. Singular. There is no English language interpretation that can read that as "spread out your coms" on multiple characters. I wasn't able to log in time or else I would have been screwed too. And there was a very easy way to avoid this, had the devs wanted to. They could have told us the cap plans before binding the comms. Could have been crystal clear (or are you gonna argue they didn't know those plans?). Instead, they (deliberately) were cagey here. So just stop embarrassing yourself. You lost the argument. Move on.


If you insist. I lost and intentionally moved mine and did not get screwed. You think I read too much into this but as I see it the people stating that the devs clearly had intentions to SCREW the players and make them unsub and thereby cause the Devs lose their jobs, didn't read enough into it. Fine I lost but didn't get screwed. It's your world dog.

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If you insist. I lost and intentionally moved mine and did not get screwed. You think I read too much into this but as I see it the people stating that the devs clearly had intentions to SCREW the players and make them unsub and thereby cause the Devs lose their jobs, didn't read enough into it. Fine I lost but didn't get screwed. It's your world dog.


Can't argue with the fact that you avoided getting screwed and are egoistical enough to think that since you take no damage everyone else can burn and bioware are completely OK when burning them.


But there can be only 3 reasons as for why did you really split your comms:

1. You illogically interpreted the 1st dev comment and decided it meant dividing the credits. As 3 people have already said, this can't be interpreted using the common logic, but it went good for you, since Bioware decided to get illogical.

2. You also realized that the devs want us to stock our comms but thought they want us to do so, so that they can screw us. So the fact you did the opposite of what they asked is proof that you of all was the 1st guy who thought bioware intend to screw us.

3. You knew about the cap even before 4.7.3 through connections to the higher-ups, therefore, saved yourself by spliting and are know repaying them the favor for warning you in time by attempting to defend them.

[The 1st reason is much more likely. Wrote the other two to make myself and the other annoyed players him to have a cahnce to laugh a bit. Forums LOVE conspiracy theories]


Regardless of the reason why you split your credits, and even ASSUMING everyone should have split their credits, what happened here was still unfair. That is because, like many others mentioned, the notice before 4.7.3 was way to short, and some people didn't even have time to log in once between the notice and the patch. If they get screwed by the slightest 50 credits, that is unfair...

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Can't argue with the fact that you avoided getting screwed and are egoistical enough to think that since you take no damage everyone else can burn and bioware are completely OK when burning them.


But there can be only 3 reasons as for why did you really split your comms:

1. You illogically interpreted the 1st dev comment and decided it meant dividing the credits. As 3 people have already said, this can't be interpreted using the common logic, but it went good for you, since Bioware decided to get illogical.

2. You also realized that the devs want us to stock our comms but thought they want us to do so, so that they can screw us. So the fact you did the opposite of what they asked is proof that you of all was the 1st guy who thought bioware intend to screw us.

3. You knew about the cap even before 4.7.3 through connections to the higher-ups, therefore, saved yourself by spliting and are know repaying them the favor for warning you in time by attempting to defend them.

[The 1st reason is much more likely. Wrote the other two to make myself and the other annoyed players him to have a cahnce to laugh a bit. Forums LOVE conspiracy theories]


Regardless of the reason why you split your credits, and even ASSUMING everyone should have split their credits, what happened here was still unfair. That is because, like many others mentioned, the notice before 4.7.3 was way to short, and some people didn't even have time to log in once between the notice and the patch. If they get screwed by the slightest 50 credits, that is unfair...


4 I stepped back and looked at other clues you don't cover here which I did post earlier before you joined the argument but other are so quick to shrug off because it's much easier to blame everyone but oneself. You are wrong though, I do feel for the ones who lost and my intention as stated multiple times in this thread for posting was to show people why they should take a moment for thought instead of following knee-jerk reactions. This is what I do for a living. Think things through for the company that employs me. All I have received here is self righteous contempt. Egotistical, to think about something before I react and encourage others to do so? Hardly. And yes, there was time to think, a couple minutes would have sufficed.

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4 I stepped back and looked at other clues you don't cover here which I did post earlier before you joined the argument but other are so quick to shrug off because it's much easier to blame everyone but oneself. You are wrong though, I do feel for the ones who lost and my intention as stated multiple times in this thread for posting was to show people why they should take a moment for thought instead of following knee-jerk reactions. This is what I do for a living. Think things through for the company that employs me. All I have received here is self righteous contempt. Egotistical, to think about something before I react and encourage others to do so? Hardly. And yes, there was time to think, a couple minutes would have sufficed.


So you followed the trail of bread crumbs the devs left to lead us to the massively important conclusion that you should spread your comms around (for funzies let's pretend there was any sort of clue exactly how spread out they needed to be)? Communication between a developer and their subscribers is not a game of clue. What reason would they have to not be transparent with us about this? I see zero reasonable explanation for why they wouldn't just explain in crystal clear terms what needed to be done with excess comms and crystals to avoid getting hosed. You are contorting yourself to explain bioware's behavior on this matter when their negligence is 100% undeniable.


Until they give some explanation of their reasoning here the community has every right to assume the worst.

Edited by yellow_
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So Eric I have a question that relates to commendation. Players current use commendation mainly for buying companion gifts grade 5 and 6. What is going to happen to those vendors? Is the only way to get grade 5 and 6 companion gifts be through RNG boxes?
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So you followed the trail of bread crumbs the devs left to lead us to the massively important conclusion that you should spread your comms around (for funzies let's pretend there was any sort of clue exactly how spread out they needed to be)? Communication between a developer and their subscribers is not a game of clue. What reason would they have to not be transparent with us about this? I see zero reasonable explanation for why they wouldn't just explain in crystal clear terms what needed to be done with excess comms and crystals to avoid getting hosed. You are contorting yourself to explain bioware's behavior on this matter when their negligence is 100% undeniable.


Until they give some explanation of their reasoning here the community has every right to assume the worst.


Bread crumbs, meh. Okay let me ask a question in this. People state they knew that the coms were changing in to credits before the 24hr announcement but not that there was a credit cap. If this is the case, why go through all the hassle of converting the coms to legacy containers and then sending them through in-game mail? You can send only 8 items per mail and many claim to have multiple toons with max coms after the transfer. If they knew it would be converted to credits, you could just send the credits in one mail per toon to a bank toon after the Xpac goes live, with way less effort and aggravation. There is no logical reason to transfer them knowing it would only be credits after the conversion. Let's call it what it really is, people weren't aware of the credit conversion and so hurried to stockpile what they thought would be converted to Command xp. When they found out it was credits and the Devs had already disclosed this they got mad and then further upset when they found out there was a cap. If there is another logical explanation for funneling all coms to a stockpile, I'd like to hear it. As stated in multiple posts in this thread, the Dev's released the fact of credit conversion prior to the announcement of the 24 hours to move those coms.

Edited by Sareeph
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This is what I do for a living. Think things through for the company that employs me.


And what would have been your sage advice to your company if they wanted to pull this stunt with their loyal customers?


This is, frankly, indefensible. Stop trying.


Step 1: Put out an announcement with a super short suspense ... for a change that was not needed in that time frame (unless the entire point was to be deceptive). While offering little-to-no details about the ramifications to change 1.


Step 2: Put out another announcement the day after change 1 goes into effect detailing the ramifications of change 1.

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Let's call it what it really is, people weren't aware of the credit conversion and so hurried to stockpile what they thought would be converted to Command xp. When they found out it was credits and the Devs had already disclosed this they got mad and then further upset when they found out there was a cap. If there is another logical explanation for funneling all coms to a stockpile, I'd like to hear it. As stated in multiple posts in this thread, the Dev's released the fact of credit conversion prior to the announcement of the 24 hours to move those coms.


I assume (yes I said assume) from reading this that you: a) don't PvP much and didn't have much in the way of comms to begin with, b) you really just got lucky with the comms you did have, c) you actually did not read what the devs said here, and d) you have not followed the timeline properly.


Lemme start with the basic undeniable point which is that we were told that we were not getting CXP. This was told before and in the dev post about stacking comms. No one was confused about that. So saying "Let's call it what it really is, people weren't aware of the credit conversion and so hurried to stockpile what they thought would be converted to Command xp" really is just mind boggling. The fact you don't know that sequence of events really hurts your credibility here (points c and d). See below:


It is our intent that Warzone Commendations will convert to credits (as will Crystals) with Eternal Throne’s launch.




Now, you must not PvP much and you must not have had much in the way of comms anyway (points a and b) because no one who does asks questions like why do people "tunnel all comms into a stockpile". Anyone who has large amounts of comms knows why this is done. The devs knew too:


If you have a desire to move Warzone Commendations around or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants, please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on before Tuesday’s maintenance.


Devs know that people already do have stockpiles, becuase by the design of allowing 200K comms/alt, we collected "stockpiles" of comms with 4.0. That's clear they know this from above.


What really happened is that people with smaller stockpiles of comms spread out on different toons went out and then created an even bigger stockpile on their main based solely on the above. Without this dev post, no one does anything different. And mind you, this is consistent with the general trend of 5.0 news that seems to favor one main over multiple toons. And so this is why people are upset. What they should have said was "if you have a stockpile you should be sure to spread them amongst alts as we will be capping the conversion at some yet to be determined rate." Simple. Clear. Anything less than this, especially given the above and after giving 24 hours notice, simply cannot be considered fair dealing (or we have to assume incompetence, which I NEVER assume in cases like these).


So I get it. You got lucky, or your (mis)reading actually helped you. Or you don't care. Cool. Fine. But just stop trying to make it seem like the complaints here are random and unwarranted.


For the record, I'm inclined to give devs an "oops" pass if they commented on, and/or fixed, the issue. I'm in the loyal "I'm going down with the ship" camp. But until then, this clearly reeks of disdain for the pvp community. If that mattered to them, they would clear the air (so I'm expecting that to happen:)).

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And what would have been your sage advice to your company if they wanted to pull this stunt with their loyal customers?


This is, frankly, indefensible. Stop trying.


Step 1: Put out an announcement with a super short suspense ... for a change that was not needed in that time frame (unless the entire point was to be deceptive). While offering little-to-no details about the ramifications to change 1.


Step 2: Put out another announcement the day after change 1 goes into effect detailing the ramifications of change 1.


Warzone Commendation Grants in 4.7.3 | 10.24.2016, 03:03 PM



Hey folks,


I wanted to give you a heads up on a change included with Game Update 4.7.3 on Tuesday. As we discussed last week, we are making changes to how gearing works in our upcoming expansion, Knights of the Eternal Throne. In support of our new Galactic Command system, we will be removing Warzone Commendations from the game on November 29th when Knights of the Eternal Throne Early Access opens. As a result, any new Warzone Commendation Grants will become bound and will Bind on Pickup starting on Tuesday, with Game Update 4.7.3.


If you have a desire to move Warzone Commendations around or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants, please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on before Tuesday’s maintenance. Please note, Customer Service will not be able to assist with any Warzone Commendation grants after Tuesday.


It is our intent that Warzone Commendations will convert to credits (as will Crystals) with Eternal Throne’s launch. We are still working out the conversion rates and I am hopeful that I will have that information for you later next week. To reiterate, in preparation for Knights of the Eternal Throne all Warzone Commendation Grants will become bind on pickup as of Game Update 4.7.3 on Tuesday.


Thanks everyone!




He tells everyone right there that A) Coms will be become bound on the following day and B) They will turn in to credits.


What is there to defend? Peoples lack of reading the entire post or the many angry posts because that lack?

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I assume (yes I said assume) from reading this that you: a) don't PvP much and didn't have much in the way of comms to begin with, b) you really just got lucky with the comms you did have, c) you actually did not read what the devs said here, and d) you have not followed the timeline properly.


Lemme start with the basic undeniable point which is that we were told that we were not getting CXP. This was told before and in the dev post about stacking comms. No one was confused about that. So saying "Let's call it what it really is, people weren't aware of the credit conversion and so hurried to stockpile what they thought would be converted to Command xp" really is just mind boggling. The fact you don't know that sequence of events really hurts your credibility here (points c and d). See below:




Now, you must not PvP much and you must not have had much in the way of comms anyway (points a and b) because no one who does asks questions like why do people "tunnel all comms into a stockpile". Anyone who has large amounts of comms knows why this is done. The devs knew too:



Devs know that people already do have stockpiles, becuase by the design of allowing 200K comms/alt, we collected "stockpiles" of comms with 4.0. That's clear they know this from above.


What really happened is that people with smaller stockpiles of comms spread out on different toons went out and then created an even bigger stockpile on their main based solely on the above. Without this dev post, no one does anything different. And mind you, this is consistent with the general trend of 5.0 news that seems to favor one main over multiple toons. And so this is why people are upset. What they should have said was "if you have a stockpile you should be sure to spread them amongst alts as we will be capping the conversion at some yet to be determined rate." Simple. Clear. Anything less than this, especially given the above and after giving 24 hours notice, simply cannot be considered fair dealing (or we have to assume incompetence, which I NEVER assume in cases like these).


So I get it. You got lucky, or your (mis)reading actually helped you. Or you don't care. Cool. Fine. But just stop trying to make it seem like the complaints here are random and unwarranted.


For the record, I'm inclined to give devs an "oops" pass if they commented on, and/or fixed, the issue. I'm in the loyal "I'm going down with the ship" camp. But until then, this clearly reeks of disdain for the pvp community. If that mattered to them, they would clear the air (so I'm expecting that to happen:)).


It's not about what I do or don't do. (Yes I do PvP and know why people stockpile), my question was why stockpile knowing that they will turn in to credits. Eric clearly states that in his post, coms turn in to credits. No need to stockpile coms when one can transfer credits via in-game mail already. There isn't anything subversive here, just people who don't read past the first sentence or two.

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Hey folks,



1 Radiant Crystal = 1,500 credits



the market price for a radiant cristal is 27 500 credits, dear Bioware this is robbery i dont see casual players farm 80-90 million credits to buy a full 220 set



edit: BW have the data for all the servers in my opinion they should calculated the freighted average of all items sold in the past 6 months then determine a "fair value" for each cristal and pay players based on that, the values posted in OP are 100% arbitrary and the person who put those numbers frontward should be fired, there is no way 1 radiant crystal= 3 common

Edited by cosyy
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Frankly Eric, if any type of commendation should be phased out and goods purchased through them should become purchasable through credits instead, it should be Fleet Commendations. For the record, we're not talking about Starship / Fleet Requisitions here.


This. Unless there's an actual plan to put more Galactic Starfighter/Rails Shooter/Whatever content in the game, the fleet commendations should absolutely go. It seems odd to keep them when the entire rationale behind removing the other commendations/currencies is to simplify things it makes no sense to keep one of them. It'd probably just be easier to have everything that needs fleet commendations cost credits and require reputation, while adding reputation to more of the rail shooters or somesuch.

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4 I stepped back and looked at other clues you don't cover here which I did post earlier before you joined the argument but other are so quick to shrug off because it's much easier to blame everyone but oneself. You are wrong though, I do feel for the ones who lost and my intention as stated multiple times in this thread for posting was to show people why they should take a moment for thought instead of following knee-jerk reactions. This is what I do for a living. Think things through for the company that employs me. All I have received here is self righteous contempt. Egotistical, to think about something before I react and encourage others to do so? Hardly. And yes, there was time to think, a couple minutes would have sufficed.


I have neither the patience nor any benefit to explain to you why you are wrong. I will just mention that you again avoided completely explaining just how did you infer the need to split the comms from the original bioware post. I read all you have said and all of it was logically disproved by the other people here or myself.


Now, as far the last thing you said, what part of "didn't even have time to log in once between the notice and the patch" didn't you understand? there are only so many ways to understand this statement. Again you compare NEARLY similar statements and make them one: "And yes, there was time to think, a couple minuteswould have sufficed"[you] != "didn't even have time to log in once between the notice and the patch"

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Bread crumbs, meh. Okay let me ask a question in this. People state they knew that the coms were changing in to credits before the 24hr announcement but not that there was a credit cap. If this is the case, why go through all the hassle of converting the coms to legacy containers and then sending them through in-game mail? You can send only 8 items per mail and many claim to have multiple toons with max coms after the transfer. If they knew it would be converted to credits, you could just send the credits in one mail per toon to a bank toon after the Xpac goes live, with way less effort and aggravation. There is no logical reason to transfer them knowing it would only be credits after the conversion. Let's call it what it really is, people weren't aware of the credit conversion and so hurried to stockpile what they thought would be converted to Command xp. When they found out it was credits and the Devs had already disclosed this they got mad and then further upset when they found out there was a cap. If there is another logical explanation for funneling all coms to a stockpile, I'd like to hear it. As stated in multiple posts in this thread, the Dev's released the fact of credit conversion prior to the announcement of the 24 hours to move those coms.


After reading this the only think I can add is:


Dude, get your logic together!!! the announcement about the conversion came WITH the announcement about the bind, it was the same post. The announcement about the cap came later, and after 4.7.3, all the above are FACTS!


QUERY: Why would anyone go stock their warzone comms when only given the info about the credit conversion? [This query comes after correctly assuming that everyone knew the comms become credits, at least those who knew they are gonna bind. It was the same post, same time. god dammit!!!]


NOTE: Again, in the 100th time: there are also people who are gonna lose from the conversion not due to what you define as "miss-thinking" and stockpiling, but due to inability to login in short notice.


ANSWER: Because people might have wanted to transfer their soon to be converted comms as long as they are bound to legacy, in order to safely avoid mistyping the address and losing credits. AND/OR: Because people inferred from the over-quoted comment of Eric: "Ensure the commendations are on the character you want them on", that bioware might add additional meaning to the comms as they convert them (possibly granting valor or command points, in which case I wouldn't mind exceeding the limit, though some still might). See? Logical possibilities. The probability of the dev's adding these things to the conversion was no less than the probability of them adding the cap. in fact, given the quote, it was even higher. All of us say that the Devs acted illogically when they added this cap after implying what they did, so this time it really isn't in place to ask me: "If what you say is true, the devs have been illogical", my answer would be: "It indeed is...". Falling back to saying most players in the server acted illogically was unnecessary, you might have done so because you really thought it is the only possible explanation.

Well, now that there is another explanation, you will probably do the following:

You somehow find a way to disprove all what I have said, and when you do, don't repeat disproved things that you already said, and got get over-complicated with your explanations, because every player should have been able to figure it out themselves. What I mean here is: even if you can get to the conclusion that after fully thinking things through, the post that 'seems' to say "stock the comms" at a 1st look, actually says "divide the comms", it still doesn't take the blame off bioware and puts it on player. Why? Because bioware should have found a way to make things clear to prevent mistakes, not make posts with a logical "catch". There were plenty of possible ways to say "It will be better to have comms divided across character" in an unmistakeable way. And unless you think you are Revan and say "You are ALL fools!", you can't deny many players really understood that we should stock them, and made some 'seemingly' logical explanation, even if they are wrong.


So in short, find a short, simple way to explain why did bioware unmistakably imply we should divide the comms. If your explanation is wrong, long or complicated, we blame bioware for not being straightforward when posting about it. End of story.

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