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  1. feedback about game engine well BW i dont know what did u change or what did u do in the last update but the performance in WZ was dropped allot in very low settings i got under 30 FPS in ctrl+shift+f i get the numbers in red meaning is the GPU my GPU is gigabyte GTX 970 driver 378.49 my CPU is a i7 5820k i am willing to bet that BW f**ked something related to multi monitor even if i play on one monitor it can affect because the game is poorly optimized
  2. feedback on 5.0.1a Patch Notes you know when a event is badly designed when you need to add this change, even xmas fun events require grind , maybe just maybe the reward system should be structured the other way around and to count only when a player already has the snow on them so players get a incentive to have a snow fight...... if u set the incentives that way then you can build on top of that some group/operation bonuses for example if a 4/8 player party manage to hit a single player x/y times in less that z seconds even a WZ where one side build snowman and the other side try to destroy the snowman with a at-st could be better than the current event ..... BW fails to use basic logic :D
  3. rant on CEXP grind i post in this thread how keep people busy but ofc BW had other plans and decided to add 300 levels of grind meaning the CEXP to read lvl 300 is = 1233921 that means 123392.1 elite mobs or 61696.05 champion mobs also i could do a chapter on story mode 6169.605 times
  4. feedback kotet killing companions
  5. nice argument in favour of time travel
  6. companion gifts feedback for some odd reason BW can't do math... rank 5 gits cost 10k and give me 532 influence rank 6 gift cost 250k and give me 1662 influence instead of 532*25 LOL
  7. suggestion kotfe chapter viii arcann encounter the encounter should not reset of T7-01 gets pushed on odd places for example this places http://i.imgur.com/Oa60pLE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/v9t6IKf.jpg for some reason arcann bump the companion to this odd places and then reset the ecounter to full hp
  8. feedback on kotfe achievements why there are achievements that cant be done ? http://i.imgur.com/Ji7B2z4.png the achievement " shroud of memory" is unavailable for me yet is still there
  9. this is what got SWTOR in trouble, tolerating constant failure, i dont know how shareholders got tricked to accept this lack of efficiency, the only explication is this type of failure was priced in and they hedged their positions or grandma is holding the bag on this case for context http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ERTS/3106383683x0x902862/EB2B27C5-AC60-4022-87CC-BA3C36B8C6E0/EA-Transcript-2016-08-02T21_00.pdf
  10. well said man /s if someone wants to eat bread they should grow their own wheat and harvest it by hand leaving joking on the sideline did you even consider using logic ? instead of allowing api and data gathering automation for everyone this will be available for those who write bots / cheats that scan the market, so those who play by the rules will be at a significant disadvantage versus those who ignore the rules and if you chose to ignore logic you should observe reality because the war on drugs is a perfect example of this
  11. salty much ? give me your address and i send u some salt via amazon you should apply that logic next time you dont like air quality, stop breathing if you dont like the air quality instead of complaining well dint take much time for the fanbot to post, good good is obvious you dont have any problem with having certain game specialization less viable because bad game design and is obvious you dont see a problem that a game designer that failed on going his job should keep the job next time when you go to mcdonalds[or your favourite place where you eat] try some raw meat burgers[insert here your favourite food] because is obvious you dont care if the person working there does or does not do their job and is obvious you dont want quality product :D
  12. suggestion about Server Status page http://www.swtor.com/server-status this page lack charts per every server and faction i made this simple chart http://i.imgur.com/SJUR4Hj.png so bioware get a better idea how the server page should display faction population not just some pathetic colored word with no numbers attached
  13. feedback kotfe from sith sorcerer healing spec perspective this is yet another case that show how incompetent bioware is, kotfe is one size fit all content, well this dont fit healing spec at all, the experience up to this point (chapter vi) can be resumen in few words "pain in the rear". First bioware decides that is good idea to remove companion that got a decent level and put lvl 1 companions because who knows and the only way to get bank is in chapter ix Second they decide that you dont need a companion to beat content because......... i hope the person or persons that took the decision to have kotfe one size fit all will lose their job because is clear they dont follow basic logic edit http://i.imgur.com/89cNymk.png lvl 1 T7-01 is so slow at killing Arcann some how he got bumped out of the room
  14. feedback kotfe chapter vi i dont want scion help and there is no way to skip that crap, for some odd reason bioware ask me if i want their help then force me to get their help and do the trials, i dont want their help and i dont want to complete their stupid trial, i dont know if the people who designed this are actually sane and understand the basic concepts of logic, in order to have a ally both parties needs to agree on the fact they want to be allies dear bioware this quest is pathetic
  15. suggestion item highlight/finder/filter banks and inventory should have a input to filter inventory highlighting the items that match what the user has typed, the item list can be downloaded in json or fastjosn on player computer and do the query locally and the local file can updated via diff
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