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How would you grade the new chapter (POTENTIAL SPOILERS)


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I think it was as good as a filler chapter can be with characters I wasn't originally interested in. I deducted 1 point for bugs - they're industry standard nowadays but still not good and 1 point for no "mmo bits" (because I know they're coming otherwise I'd deduct more).


I was originally looking slightly forward to getting Kaliyo on my knight's alliance, but then cringed at her during some parts of the story (wondered about killing her) and am now unsure if I want to use her or not. The story made me think a little which is what the writers said they were going for. I'm really looking forward to see what happens with Kira at this point.


The fights were good - a couple had me wondering if I should have switched my Kaliyo from dps to heals (healing comps are basically cheating to me and that's a side effect of trinity game design, not easily fixed without cheese mechanics).

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6/10.... I don't hate Kaliyo like some do, but she is pretty useless from a story perspective. I was more annoyed that after 5 years she is still just as petty and juvenile as ever. Chapter was more of an Alert than anything else, with only a tiny tidbit of story at the end.


Also, they do nothing with existing romances.



Though yay Koth can be tossed, such an annoying character.



Trash mob city gets tedious but it makes sense given where we are and what's going on.


On a side note, I played through first with my male agent, then with my female sorc, and I have to say, the VA for the female sorc is just as insanely good as ever.... Some of the lines are delivered so well. Xanthe Elbrick is just ridiculously good.

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It's terribly disappointing, but not unexpected (if that's possible). If you take out the clearly intended time-sink that the trash mobs are, you're left with 20-ish minutes of game play and another 20 minutes of cut-scenes. To expect anyone to pay $15 for less content than what's included in any free demo is crazy.
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I think the thing that disappointed me most in this chapter, was that Koth leaving was not based on past events. I did my BH, and he did everything Koth liked (saved the spire originally, saved the refugees in the swamp, etc.) and now when he blew up the Spire, Koth goes "this is the last straw!". What straws were there before? It would have been nice (and probably not too difficult) for them to make it based on some combo of previous options (need to do something he doesn't approve of at least twice or 3 times before he leaves).
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Worst ever. After waiting 12 plus hours for asset 225 to download because of 310 errors. I can not believe we waited 4 months for this. I can see if this came out one month later like the original plan, but it did not. They have ruined buying cartel crates from what I have read. I have not spent my cartel coins I planned on buying a crate with so I will wait to see what happens before I waist my Coins on Old stuff I don't want.
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Bioware has truly missed the boat on the new chapter. The chapter begins with a reveal that 5 worlds will be turned to ash in an effort to track down the "Outlander."


We then spend the entire chapter recruiting a highly unlikable companion.


Bioware could have had an epic mission to save a world. We could have even been on one of the planets and had to react to the destruction, save lives, or make the choice to leave the world to its fate because our alliance is the only hope for the galaxy.


There were real opportunities to play on the heart strings of the character yet, instead, we recruit a willful child.


A story is supposed to show not tell. At the very least, we could have gotten a cutscene of the terrible destruction. We did chat about it in a committee though and turned the wanton slaughter of billions into a conference with a few meetings minutes and some action items.


This is the height of lazy writing, poor game play and a tired, railroad of story with no meaning.

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I give the new chapter a 6.5/10.


The story itself was quite good, but all the running around like a headless chicken was annoying.


Voice acting was top notch.


The big let down was all the mind numbing fights that was forced on us, with no way around them like vanilla gameplay, where you could avoid certain fights by not entering agro range, but here they are forced. Boss fights being force is one thing, but all the trash mobs?? No, if you want to avoid them, you should be able to do so.


Overall, not a bad chapter, but I do hope the forced fights go the way of the dodo in future installments.

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Honestly probably a 5/10 overall. I enjoyed the first 20 minutes of it but what I didn't enjoy in my first play through was being a stealther forced to fight all the trash mobs that would leap to you in stealth every 20 steps of an instance. I also didn't like going and doing the same thing 5 times in a different area, and the un-instanced parts were just annoying anytime anyone walked up to the locations you had to go to another dozen things would spawn on top of yours but at least the the clickable respawned fast.


Lightside play through I would rate even less though for obvious reasons and if you played through then you know why.


Darkside i'd probably give it a higher rating of maybe a 6 or 7/10. I was more satisfied with this outcome.


In general though 4.1 broke half the game having come on today I still see no fix for Armormech or Synthweaving.. I still see my artificer needs kits from other toons to be able to make items. Countless other things that are broken felt as if they just fixed what ever the issue was yesterday and tossed it out so people would stop complaining and have something to play.

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Bioware has truly missed the boat on the new chapter. The chapter begins with a reveal that 5 worlds will be turned to ash in an effort to track down the "Outlander."


We then spend the entire chapter recruiting a highly unlikable companion.


Bioware could have had an epic mission to save a world. We could have even been on one of the planets and had to react to the destruction, save lives, or make the choice to leave the world to its fate because our alliance is the only hope for the galaxy.


There were real opportunities to play on the heart strings of the character yet, instead, we recruit a willful child.


A story is supposed to show not tell. At the very least, we could have gotten a cutscene of the terrible destruction. We did chat about it in a committee though and turned the wanton slaughter of billions into a conference with a few meetings minutes and some action items.


This is the height of lazy writing, poor game play and a tired, railroad of story with no meaning.


This is well put.


Sometimes Im amazed people can give scores like 8 out of 10 and not really explain what gripped them or why they scored it so highly. If things are done well or really well then they should be flagged up and expanded upon.

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I think the thing that disappointed me most in this chapter, was that Koth leaving was not based on past events. I did my BH, and he did everything Koth liked (saved the spire originally, saved the refugees in the swamp, etc.) and now when he blew up the Spire, Koth goes "this is the last straw!". What straws were there before? It would have been nice (and probably not too difficult) for them to make it based on some combo of previous options (need to do something he doesn't approve of at least twice or 3 times before he leaves).


My only one was telling him the Gravestone wasn't his and he gave me the same spiel.


"Let me guess who you think this belongs to." Well let's make a deal, Koth: you pay the subscription fee and you can have the Gravestone, fair enough?

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The good.

Its a good story.

Kaliyo is fun. I liked her in the IA story and here, she's the same. I'm looking forward to running this with an Agent to see if the story changes any.

Blizz was a blast. Unfortunately I found I liked R'bik A LOT more after he was introduced... Give a crazy a laser and fun just happens!


The indifferent.

HK. Meh... BioWare gave out a disc with Nico so that everyone could just click it and get Nico. Here, you have to run a mission (that you cannot access until you run chap 1 - 9 and the Yuun mission). Not as "free sub reward" as Nico was.

Combat. The freaking mobs... At one point, there were 20 people running past an intersection. In that intersection, a mob of 3 NPC's spawned for every single person that ran by... Nice...

DMG Weirdness... I ran this as a tank. Kaliyo was influence 1. I kept seeing crits of 18K popping up. Where the heck was that coming from? When I ran thru the same area with C2-N2 (influence 50) and another tank (outside Chapter X) no one was popping 18K hits...



The Patch --- Bring up the PTS and roll this crap out there before you go live... That Dell laptop server in the back room is hardly a "test bed"...

Bugs -- Came across 3 in the HK mission. 2 in the Blizz mission. About 3 in the Kaliyo mission. See above.

Short --- Get rid of all that mass of combat, and you get about 35 minutes. Go stealth, it gets A LOT shorter. Didn't need 2 days pre-release. Could have don't just fine with 6 hours after the massive download...

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This is well put.


Sometimes Im amazed people can give scores like 8 out of 10 and not really explain what gripped them or why they scored it so highly. If things are done well or really well then they should be flagged up and expanded upon.


Its a 7 out of 10 for me. The scenario the other poster put up would have been probably 3/20 for me just because I've seen similar things a million times. How many times in game have we already saved a planet? How many times have we had to make life and death decisions? I appreciate that this chapter took place off to the side of the main conflict and focused instead on character development. Its not perfect. Kaliyo is still Kaliyo and everything I hate about her is still there and underdeveloped. It would have scored lower, but I'm grading on whole and not by the lowest scoring parts.


+Kaliyo cannot be killed. Despite my hatred of her, I am greatly relieved by this. Allow me to explain, Kaliyo is the first of the returning love interests and therefore how she was handled would go along way in judging how the others after her would be. In all previous instances, characters who could be killed recieved either minimal or no appearances after that questline was done or directly after the mission. (ie. Lord Cytharat) Despite my hatred of Kaliyo the fact that she could not be killed at this juncture means she's likely to be included more often in the future (at least in season one) and bodes extremely well for all the other returning love interests who otherwise might have made single farwell appearances before phasing out of swtor. This one thing greatly relieved my apprehension on how returning LI's would be handled.


-As everyone else has said, dull repetitive gameplay. I didn't mind it like some, but I didn't like it.


+Chapter 10 shows both continuity with previous choices we've made and has ramifications for the alliance depending on what choices you make.


+HK55 is still hilarious.


+Blizz has a fun and very little grind like recruitment mission.


+/- I'm torn on crafting, on the one hand I like that I have new stuff to do but they've got some annoying kinks to work out.


-About 3 hours of content playing leisurely, probably won't be bad month to month but after four months I was left feeling a little more should have been here.


7.5/10 - Which isn't bad for a single update. I've scored whole expansions much lower. *cough* RotHC *cough*

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7/10 Story. Although I have not played through on my ds characters yet, Koth does not fit with my Sorc at all, so no loss when he goes.




The chapter set up why Valkorian was so popular with the Zakuulians. He has droids doing everything for them, so they are basically a population in chains. An entire planet dependent on droids for everything. This was much more devious that his blatant subjugating planets as Vitiate. I had wondered before why the citizens were so devoted to him.






The use of Firebrand to add a bit of thrill to mundane lives ties in with the battle scenes from Aldaraan being sold or sent to Zakuul which we found out from Choza Rabaat.






It also sets up the growing conflict between Valyn and Arcaan. She is playing his game for now, but how long will it last? And, I still don't trust Senya at all.




Game play: 4/10. Like others, so many irritating mobs. Too many snares, slows, etc. Got annoying fast.


HK and Blizz alerts: 10/10. Found them enjoyable. And my BH is so glad to have at least 1 of her original crew back.

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The chapter set up why Valkorian was so popular with the Zakuulians. He has droids doing everything for them, so they are basically a population in chains. An entire planet dependent on droids for everything. This was much more devious that his blatant subjugating planets as Vitiate. I had wondered before why the citizens were so devoted to him.




Senya had earlier mentioned that the Old World where were Zakuulan citizens went to hang out and then return home to brag about it. I felt this chapter expanded upon that and Zakuulan society which was a nice thing to see and something I hoped to see explored. I'm hoping to see Zakuul and it's people fleshed out more as the chapters goes on because it helps make Zakuul feel more atmospheric and alive.

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4/10 for the new Chapter


The new Chapter did little at all to advance the plot, it felt like more of an extended Alliance alert mission. I say extended as in say compared to a Heroic mission because the "Chapter" overall felt very short and a bit boring. I don't find the Firebrand character all that interesting, but at least there was the littlest bit of character development in the antagonists there at the end. But hey,

at least Koth is gone, couldn't stand him at all.



The overall rollout of the patch was pure crap, quite pathetic. They added some crafting stuff which is nice (and needed) and the new stack size (which should not have take years to implement frankly). From a technical standpoint the patch was a failure, how did some of these bugs make it through?

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Story I'd give 8/10.


Playability and enjoyment was 1/10. Scripted mobs, pulling the entire building, and "really? you have to throw a slow on me, over and over again? really, you have to stun me over and over again?", and the lack of ability to mount in most areas. Found that quite obnoxious. There's better ways of extending the content than forcing you to have to play it at 1/4 speed. What's next, will they disable sprint in the next chapter?

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I liked...

...discovering that Kaliyo is actually pretty fun after reading all the forum hate on her. I love her voice, it reminds me of Adrienne Barbeau's radio voice in John Carpenter's The Fog.

...Kaliyo's apartment


...the look on her face when she momentarily lets go of her anger when ask her to not destroy the spire and join the alliance



I didn't like...

...the wayward flying jet pack.


Overall I really enjoyed it.

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