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Everything posted by SFDebris

  1. When we arrived on Makeb and my Zash-in-Khem was speaking as herself finally, I was happy and hopeful that we'd get more using her. If this is the end, if BW just wrote them out of the story with this, then I'm going to be really, really disappointed. I had a dim hope that maybe we'd actually see them playing a major role ala Scorpio or Gault given the complexity of their situation, but that seems pretty much impossible now.
  2. So no James Earl Jones for Leia, right. We know she was supposed to play a major part, a mask would allow a lot of the story to remain in place as originally intended, while allowing for the potential thematic options of her father and her son having donned the same kind of thing, to force her in the same position. But mostly because I have always cared so much about Leia, I don't want to see her diminished by death or absence. No one clapped louder than me in TLJ when she used the force to recover from that certain death. Watching her go away again after that just feels wrong. She gave the fight against evil her world, her brother, and her husband, she needs to be there at the end to see it to completion.
  3. Oh, the logic is simple: the most loyal long-term supporters would have subscribed consistently (because they're the most loyal) and for several years (because they're long-term) and thus would have to have received these rewards because if their subscription stopped they wouldn't be the most loyal and if it was only recent they wouldn't be long term. Other people who are not the most loyal or are not long-term supporters might also not receive the rewards, which makes the list of subscribers not receiving subscriber rewards larger certainly, but the first group definitely will not receive subscriber rewards despite being subscribers.
  4. Good point, I guess that means that they are disregarding those people IN ADDITION to their most loyal long-term supporters! Thanks for pointing out the list of people who are getting absolutely nothing from these "rewards" is even larger than I thought!
  5. MARKETER: I've cooked up a plan that will encourage new people to subscribe, but it will make our long-term, most loyal customers feel we care nothing for them. BOSS: ... MARKETER: Sir? BOSS: Oh, sorry, I thought you were going to follow that up with the downside of the plan. Make it so!
  6. I'm shocked, I didn't lose anything. Being on Satele I knew I was only facing two other people for each name, but I was worried about a few getting some sneaky trick to take them away. Nice to not have to worry about it any more.
  7. I'm ready for that Mars mission. Assuming it's getting a Mars bar from the grocery store. Because I have been training for that mission my whole life.
  8. What worries me is the xp boosting armor we got last year after DvL that I had in there. I've probably got a hundred million in mats and other items in there, but those armor pieces are impossible to replace.
  9. I just want to know if I lost my names before I go to bed.
  10. As someone who went from committed player to occasional dabbler because of KOTFE, I wanted to re-address the points brought up here. 1) Personally, this had no effect on my viewpoint. 2) It depended. Kaleo's was long and tedious, while Gault and Vette's was fun. 3) Somewhat, see below. 4) I was hesitant, but open-minded. Choices mattering is actually a subset of the larger issue which led me to despise KOTFE, which is that "choices matter" means "wrong choices are punished." The close of the final chapter is the most glaring, the game actively seeks to humiliate the player whenever they don't follow the "pure light side Jedi" path. You already begin with a scripted step into a trap, then every time the player tries to do anything they want to (that isn't what a Jedi Knight would do) they fail at it. And THEN Koth uses his own personal matter transporter to get on board your most important war asset in the middle of a battle and steals it, just in case you didn't already feel like a failure and an idiot already. THEN adds literal insult to this injury by getting yelled at by Shan for trying to shoot down your mortal enemy. The problem with KOTFE was failure at the most fundamental level, it - was - not - fun. "Choices mattered" only meant you got to choose how you hated yourself while you played. Did you break character just to not have to deal with BS, or did you play as your character would and watch them get humiliated and fail? This is antithetic to the entire purpose of a game, your crowning moment when you rolled credits was the closest I ever got to permanently quitting the game. The point which ultimately stopped me was that I have the Sith Inquisitor story to analyze, which convinced me to stay. Let me repeat that: The only thing that stopped me from quitting was that someone paid me not to. To give an example of what I'm referring to with "pure light side Jedi," the bombing of Zakuul had a choice matters of either a) nothing changes, or b) you lose Koth and he magically sneaks in and steals your ship. That's not "choice matters," that's "WRONG choices matter, and are punished." What (a) should have been was that Arkhan had more resources to throw at you because they were not diverted towards dealing with the fallout of your attack, allowing, say, Lana to be kidnapped at the climax, and the future chapter is now saving Lana or recovering the Gravestone (this could be easily implemented as identical chapters save for the climax). That says that choices matter, that you were now choosing either to limit your warfare (but learn that someone you care about will suffer terribly because of it) or be prepared to wage absolute war (but alienate your allies). That, at least, says that your role as leader comes with burdens, that you will have to make personal sacrifices depending on how you choose to wage war. As presented, it says "tow the line, or be humiliated." What I have seen since has been a step in the right direction, but the bitter taste KOTFE has left in my mouth has yet to be washed out completely. And when I do give my look at Sith Inquisitor, I will express at length the level of my disappointment with that story. Not because it had monthly chapters Not because of companion chapters Not because of the core premise And not even, specifically, about choices mattering But because KOTFE forgot that Star Wars: The Old Republic, is supposed to be fun.
  11. The problem I have is that both of these things are set too low: the rng for getting a set piece, and the value of disintegration. Disintegration is the consolation prize, but with each rank that prize is effectively smaller because you have to earn more each rank to get to it. Rather than being a fixed value it should be a percentage of your bar filled to at least give you a good jump on the next rank (say, one tenth of the current value, that percentage, so that 150 points becomes 15%)..
  12. And "Be specific" is right below that. The only thing more absurd would have been to have you explain only using emojiis.
  13. Same, I reduced it to three bullet points, which required abbreviations and pidgin English to fit (and no actual bullet point bullets). Reduced a paragraph explaining the specific ways the setup of the Galactic Command and the command points system was negatively impacting my play and how to fix it, had to trim it down to "GC < grind" and hope it was understood.
  14. Are you crazy? That's my homepage in my Netscape Navigator, so I can stay up to date on what's happening on Seinfeld.
  15. I particularly like how below the message about a 50 character limit it says "Be specific." That's like putting out a suggestion box with feedback to only come written in magic marker on grains of rice.
  16. The Wampa companion seems to use the Shae Vizla template, because it's not accepting the Delicacies gifts as usual for creature companions, but Imperial Memorabilia and Military Gear.
  17. That can't be right, Mao wasn't one of the Stooges, he was one of the Marx Brothers.
  18. I sure hope we get the chance for that. Plus with repeatable story I can make endgame content progress by beating up Koth over and over, that's the single best thought I have had about 5.0.
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