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Bioware says NO LFD TOOL.


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Who said anything about rewards....




A server only LFD tool that just helped form groups would not hurt a damn thing and you guys know it. People would get groups for what they need groups for and would make new friends as its server sides.


The way it is now it promotes no social interaction unless you consider spamming /1 a social interaction..... **** with that nonsense seriously.


After LFG tool was implemented, did your friends stop running heroics using your "friendlist"?

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And now people cant get groups to do flashpoints, how is this better if i may ask?


Anecdotes may not be the singular form of data, but my experience does not bear this out. I ran two heroics and two flashpoints with a group I got from my guild last night. We had to turn people away because we were full up. That's not an atypical evening either.


I see all this "we need a tool" and my response is "don't you have a guild and/or friends you can coordinate with?"


The attitude reflects the idea that the game should be solo right up until the instant someone wants to do something requiring a group to do, but that experience should emulate the solo experience as much as possible- in short, no talking, just clicking some buttons and moving out.


I guess what it comes down to is what kind of interaction you want with the game. Some people want to get to the "content" as quickly as possible, but they see the need to work with other people as an impediment to that process.


I respectfully submit that these people have missed the point.

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Ok, so the way to get to do heroics was to suck up to healers and tanks to became there friends.


Well let me tell u this, i dont wana suck up to healers and tanks just so i can run heroics.


And let me add that this may have been the way it worked on your server, but on mine it wasent so dont try to make this into "the way it worked back in the days".


or just not be an ***. I never sucked up to anyone, I just behaved as myself and so did my spouse. I played a hunter, he played a warlock. in case you are not aware - those classes were considered to be bottom of the barrel, with hunters especially being seen as terrible unless proven otherwise. I didn't have trouble finding groups. I still don't have trouble finding groups in SWTOR. and I don't spam. I ask, and I act proactively when I want a group, I whisper people if needed. if you just sit there, hoping that someone forms a group for you, makes all the effort for you - of course you have trouble.

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After LFG tool was implemented, did your friends stop running heroics using your "friendlist"?


no. but if you came to a game late or switched servers... it became impossible to create that friend's list in a first place. becasue even those people used LFD to fill in the holes. or just ran with less people.

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or just not be an ***. I never sucked up to anyone, I just behaved as myself and so did my spouse. I played a hunter, he played a warlock. in case you are not aware - those classes were considered to be bottom of the barrel, with hunters especially being seen as terrible unless proven otherwise. I didn't have trouble finding groups. I still don't have trouble finding groups in SWTOR. and I don't spam. I ask, and I act proactively when I want a group, I whisper people if needed. if you just sit there, hoping that someone forms a group for you, makes all the effort for you - of course you have trouble.


How bout my situation then ive spent 2 hours trying to make 2 different groups as a tank and the one forming the group.


Some of you seem to not realize that there are those of us that just cant get groups on our servers very easily if at all.


Grats glad your getting groups and the games a hoot but how can you sit there and tell someone thats frustrated because they aren't having fun because they cant get a group due to no one grouping up on their server. Then reject a solution to remdie other players problems?

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Anecdotes may not be the singular form of data, but my experience does not bear this out. I ran two heroics and two flashpoints with a group I got from my guild last night. We had to turn people away because we were full up. That's not an atypical evening either.


I see all this "we need a tool" and my response is "don't you have a guild and/or friends you can coordinate with?"


The attitude reflects the idea that the game should be solo right up until the instant someone wants to do something requiring a group to do, but that experience should emulate the solo experience as much as possible- in short, no talking, just clicking some buttons and moving out.


I guess what it comes down to is what kind of interaction you want with the game. Some people want to get to the "content" as quickly as possible, but they see the need to work with other people as an impediment to that process.


I respectfully submit that these people have missed the point.


I have a guild, but we are not on the same lvl.


Ive played mmos with LFG tool and mmos without.


I choose lfg tool 8 days a week.


Most time when me and my guild use LFG is when we are short 1 or 2 people, or when someone dc inside a heroic. Makes it so much easier.

some people dont have 2h a night to play u know, if u have 45min to play and wana do a flashpoint u cant spend 30min to spam in /1.


but they might not matter so much to u guys what do i know.

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How bout my situation then ive spent 2 hours trying to make 2 different groups as a tank and the one forming the group.


Some of you seem to not realize that there are those of us that just cant get groups on our servers very easily if at all.


Grats glad your getting groups and the games a hoot but how can you sit there and tell someone thats frustrated because they aren't having fun because they cant get a group due to no one grouping up on their server. Then reject a solution to remdie other players problems?


Are you in a guild? Are you making any friends on the server or are you acting this way in the game as well as on the forums?


I have no problem seeing why many of the people complaining about not being able to get a group up for a flashpoint have these problems and it's not because there's no window in the game to help them do it.

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Are you in a guild? Are you making any friends on the server or are you acting this way in the game as well as on the forums?


I have no problem seeing why many of the people complaining about not being able to get a group up for a flashpoint have these problems and it's not because there's no window in the game to help them do it.


I don't think it's fair to require every player to build up a large social network before they can do any group content efficiently.


There would be no need for an LFG tool if everyone was in a massive guild with plenty of people to group up with for every possible flashpoint. In fact, at that point, the megaguild is its own LFG tool.

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no. but if you came to a game late or switched servers... it became impossible to create that friend's list in a first place. becasue even those people used LFD to fill in the holes. or just ran with less people.


Thats what u have guilds for, join a guild and make friends.

Even if u start a 10 year old game u make friends if u join a guild.


And if u join the guild they have friends they can invite?


But lets be honest, it dosent work that way. People use the LFG even if they have 50-100 friends because thats what they want.

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Are you in a guild? Are you making any friends on the server or are you acting this way in the game as well as on the forums?


I have no problem seeing why many of the people complaining about not being able to get a group up for a flashpoint have these problems and it's not because there's no window in the game to help them do it.


No and getting a guild in this game is also hard, because guess what theres no server forums in which to meet people and join guilds.


Oh yes i cant guild hunt im sure the few guilds I joined had like 5 people in them.... all skewed levels some where high some were low.


Sharding in this game hurts that aspect and the fact that theres no real way to find a guild unless you just randomly bug other people you see in a guild and ask them questions.... you shouldn't be required to do that just so you can successfully enjoy the content and actually do it.


I missed out on 2 heroics because I couldn't find groups for them. Hurray for that when the game is based around story and you having to skip some because hte community is acting ignorant about a tool to help form groups....


sorry if I sound mad its because I am. Its very frustrating to waste time looking for a group and never getting one then having to skip content. yippe

Edited by Barracudastr
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I don't think it's fair to require every player to build up a large social network before they can do any group content efficiently.


There would be no need for an LFG tool if everyone was in a massive guild with plenty of people to group up with for every possible flashpoint. In fact, at that point, the megaguild is its own LFG tool.


False binary thinking- I'm not advocating that people build up a "large social network" or even that they have a guild, although it obviously helps.


Being polite and friendly helps one make friends. Being rude and abrubt, joining groups, not talking to people, running the dungeon, dropping group and running off- I'm not gonna add that guy to my friendslist.


The pattern I see with many (not all) of the people who are demanding a LFG tool is being demanding, overbearing and dismissive/rude to people who don't agree with them, coupled with what appear to be very limited communication skills- using "u" instead of "you", no punctuation, capitalization or even an attempt at proper grammar.


The people who are relatively mature, polite and considerate seem to have far fewer problems getting groups or getting into a guild with members that will be willing to help them out.


But that's just my experience.

Edited by Jimer_Lins
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False binary thinking- I'm not advocating that people build up a "large social network" or even that they have a guild, although it obviously helps.


Being polite and friendly helps one make friends. Being rude and abrubt, joining groups, not talking to people, running the dungeon, dropping group and running off- I'm not gonna add that guy to my friendslist.


The pattern I see with many (not all) of the people who are demanding a LFG tool is being demanding, overbearing and dismissive/rude to people who don't agree with them, coupled with what apper to be very limited communication skills- using "u" instead of "you", no punctuation, capitalization or even an attempt at proper grammar.


The people who are relatively mature, polite and considerate seem to have far fewer problems getting groups or getting into a guild with members that will be willing to help them out.


But that's just my experience.


Well, until a proper scientific study can be done on the matter, I submit myself as someone who is very well-spoken, polite, and considerate - but has a ton of trouble finding groups.


Without a global LFG channel, players without large and super-helpful guilds must resort to hanging out on the faction space station, begging in General chat for the roles they need to go about the dungeon.


On my server, healers and tanks are in short supply. I've already spent upwards of an hour filling out a flashpoint group on five separate occasions.


Most players simply don't bother flagging themselves as LFG and setting a proper note. I've resorted to measures as desperate as whispering everyone with an LFG flag up who is in the level range for the Flashpoint, only to be told that they have the LFG flag up for heroic quests on their current planet, not for Flashpoints.

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God I love listening to all the kiddies whine. "Ohh this game is gonna die if I don't get my way, whine whine whine, Me and my friends are gonna quit if we don't get what we want, bla bla bla"


Also, obligatory, and it still fits, GO BACK TO WOW


So if they implemented it would you not be whining? ****

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How bout my situation then ive spent 2 hours trying to make 2 different groups as a tank and the one forming the group.


Some of you seem to not realize that there are those of us that just cant get groups on our servers very easily if at all.


Grats glad your getting groups and the games a hoot but how can you sit there and tell someone thats frustrated because they aren't having fun because they cant get a group due to no one grouping up on their server. Then reject a solution to remdie other players problems?


and why is the solution giving people easily abusable, dehumanizing tool?


is your server low population? maybe they need to combine servers then, once the game settles down at least a little bit and they can make that judgement call with more certainty.


are you having trouble at specific times? maybe you picked a server with a wrong time zone.


when I play at 4 in a morning server time, I have trouble finding groups as well. which is why I don't look for them at 4 in a morning. weekends and prime time though? no problem


edited to add - global LFG channel with better group finding tools (like you know making it clearer for people that they could join it and set their flags correctly) as well as shorter cool-down on emergency fleet shuttle would be certainly most welcome. and/or ability for one person to summon the rest of the group to them, preferably from the inside of the story area/flashpoint they are about to run


I'm only against automated tools

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Sigh. I play on a server thats always on Very Heavy or Full and im already at the point where I can spend an hour spamming /1 for a group and I end up never getting a group together. And I play a healer :/. They could at least do what Rift did and made it so its the only the server that gets put in a queue than work its way up to muti server queue. People who say the LFD kills interaction/community is an idiot. Yea spamming /1 is such awesome interaction/community woowhoo! :/.

IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT USE IT. You go ahead and spam /1 all you want while I can go have fun having almost no wait time to get into a flashpoint.


This. I am getting sick of standing in the fleet spamming for hours to find a flashpoint group, on a full server that often has queues. Since I gave up on it, I've missed out on Mando Raiders and now Cademimu, simply because I have better things to do than stand in one zone spamming general for a group.


If we can't have LFD, at least give us a global LFG channel.

Edited by Vember
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No, I would adapt.


And why are you against a SERVER ONLY LFD?


I would like to see how grouping with people on your server would ruin the game in your opinion because this is not wow many dont want it to be like wow and its not the same community as wow.


Ive been LFM this whole thread btw which is about 2 hours now. I have a tank in group and myself as dps no heals and no second dps. You tell me how I should Adapt to this game so that I can play the content and enjoy it.... because right now im not because I cant get groups and cant do the content.

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and why is the solution giving people easily abusable, dehumanizing tool?


is your server low population? maybe they need to combine servers then, once the game settles down at least a little bit and they can make that judgement call with more certainty.


are you having trouble at specific times? maybe you picked a server with a wrong time zone.


when I play at 4 in a morning server time, I have trouble finding groups as well. which is why I don't look for them at 4 in a morning. weekends and prime time though? no problem


My server is full as we speak, had a 5 min que to get in.


Theres a whoping 50 people in fleet. I started spamming for a group at 630 pm. its now almost 8. I have a tank in group.... will i get a group? probably not.


Edit: scratch that theres only 41 in fleet, and im the only one thats said anything in /1 for the past 30 minutes lmao.

Edited by Barracudastr
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My server is full as we speak, had a 5 min que to get in.


Theres a whoping 50 people in fleet. I started spamming for a group at 630 pm. its now almost 8. I have a tank in group.... will i get a group? probably not.


have you tried looking on a planet where you initially get the flashpoint quests? becasue I saw some people on my server looking there. another question are you higher level? most people level relatively slow.


again, I'm not against global channels and more user friendly grouping tools. as long as they are not automated and/or cross server.

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