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The Story of SWTOR, 2014


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Hi folks! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I do read all of your feedback, and apologize if yesterday’s blog felt repetitious or unnecessary for you. I’ve seen some posts and comments around the web over the last few months where folks didn’t seem to know we’d started a new ongoing story, didn’t know there were more than two conversations in the Tython & Korriban Flashpoints, didn’t know when to expect the next chapter, etc. Obviously I’m super enthusiastic about story in our game, so I leapt at the chance to make extra-sure everyone knows where to find the latest stuff. I’m definitely sorry if my zealousness frustrated more folks than it educated.


If anyone wants to register their displeasure with me in person, or talk about anything story-related, I’ll be at our Cantina Event in San Diego tomorrow – come down and give me an earful! Otherwise, I’ll go back to lurking here, as I always do. :hope_05:


Dev posts like this go a long way with me.open communication does wonders. :)

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Hi folks! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I do read all of your feedback, and apologize if yesterday’s blog felt repetitious or unnecessary for you. I’ve seen some posts and comments around the web over the last few months where folks didn’t seem to know we’d started a new ongoing story, didn’t know there were more than two conversations in the Tython & Korriban Flashpoints, didn’t know when to expect the next chapter, etc. Obviously I’m super enthusiastic about story in our game, so I leapt at the chance to make extra-sure everyone knows where to find the latest stuff. I’m definitely sorry if my zealousness frustrated more folks than it educated.


If anyone wants to register their displeasure with me in person, or talk about anything story-related, I’ll be at our Cantina Event in San Diego tomorrow – come down and give me an earful! Otherwise, I’ll go back to lurking here, as I always do. :hope_05:


So, any chance you will give the majority of the player base, that was aware of the current point in the story, some insight into the yet unreleased part of the story? Even something as broad as, "in release 2.9 we will advance the story" would be vastly more clarity than we have today. Even if it isn't release 2.9, but some release later than 2.9. Or perhaps, "in the 3rd quarter". Or perhaps, "before the end of year".


That's where my negative sentiment personally comes from. BW has delivered an amazing STORY DRIVEN MMO, but in 2014 has yet to deliver very much in the way of story content, and has not given us much information about when or if, during the rest of 2014, BW will deliver more story. In Feb, 2014 we heard as much detail as you gave us yesterday. So in more than 5 months time, the roadmap for story has yet to get any clearer, and that's not a good thing for a STORY DRIVEN MMO.

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If you are interested in feedback the story needs to be a little (polite way of saying a lot) more frequent. My Sith warrior got a mail from people he hasn't heard from in 2 years after completing the new flash points and it was a nice touch. Obviously 2 years, there better be an option for me to kill them in the next chapter how dare they keep the Emperors Wrath waiting for 2 Years. Now fortunately I have a fairly good memory and more importantly the SWTOR encyclopedia and could there by remember who the hell they were but its hardly free flowing story.


And then the mail is auto deleted before the next step of the story even begins. If your own systems date the mail as old and subject for auto deletion you know its taking too long for a follow up. Most american TV shows have a previously on .... at the start of the show so that people can be reminded what happened 7 days ago. Yet the story in TOR is months between instalments which doesn't allow it to build suspense or create any memorable connections.


I can't even remember what the blonde emperors child lady was called let alone the sith and the other chap. Should I be asked to take sides between them I will be hard pressed to recall anything of value either of them said to help me inform my decision. Which does not help the story or help these encounters mesh into an epic adventure as opposed to stand alone dialogue.

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Hi folks! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I do read all of your feedback, and apologize if yesterday’s blog felt repetitious or unnecessary for you. I’ve seen some posts and comments around the web over the last few months where folks didn’t seem to know we’d started a new ongoing story, didn’t know there were more than two conversations in the Tython & Korriban Flashpoints, didn’t know when to expect the next chapter, etc. Obviously I’m super enthusiastic about story in our game, so I leapt at the chance to make extra-sure everyone knows where to find the latest stuff. I’m definitely sorry if my zealousness frustrated more folks than it educated.


If anyone wants to register their displeasure with me in person, or talk about anything story-related, I’ll be at our Cantina Event in San Diego tomorrow – come down and give me an earful! Otherwise, I’ll go back to lurking here, as I always do. :hope_05:


I'll admit that when I read the blog you posted, I wasn't thrilled about it. I wouldn't say 'disappointed' just I realized that it wasn't put out there for me. You had a goal in mind, and I think you achieved it. You wanted to make sure everyone knew about Part 1 of this story line.


The only downside was that it wasn't meant for folks like me who were aware already. And some people took your intent the wrong way, and thought you were just throwing stuff out there to say "Look, I'm here, I listen." and then go into the shadows for a time until you were forced to poke your head out again(Which I and many others know was not the case).


I think it was great that you came back to clarify your intent, and thank you for it. I know it's not easy to hold stuff back from us, that you want to get the content you and your team are working on, out to us for everyone to enjoy and talk about. That if you could, you'd likely love to tease out little bits of info of what's coming, but at the same time you can't/don't want to spoil things.

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Well, as long as there is actual solo content, then good to go, but having stories in with group content is just a huge mistake, because players don't care about it, after the first time seeing it and tend to not care about other players and demand and bully people into skipping....not caring if they have seen it or not.
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Hi folks! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I do read all of your feedback, and apologize if yesterday’s blog felt repetitious or unnecessary for you. I’ve seen some posts and comments around the web over the last few months where folks didn’t seem to know we’d started a new ongoing story, didn’t know there were more than two conversations in the Tython & Korriban Flashpoints, didn’t know when to expect the next chapter, etc. Obviously I’m super enthusiastic about story in our game, so I leapt at the chance to make extra-sure everyone knows where to find the latest stuff. I’m definitely sorry if my zealousness frustrated more folks than it educated.


If anyone wants to register their displeasure with me in person, or talk about anything story-related, I’ll be at our Cantina Event in San Diego tomorrow – come down and give me an earful! Otherwise, I’ll go back to lurking here, as I always do. :hope_05:


I think what you wrote up is perfect for those that don't pick up all the quests on the fleet. I was just hoping for something to bridge between "Since KOTOR: Manaan" and Forged Alliances: Part II.


Have fun at the Cantina Event!

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I for one am glad to get some new story content whatever it will be. Why? Well, I enjoyed the one about the Cartel and Dread Masters, but after doing Makeb 20 times and TC a million times and DF and DP a zillion times....i REALLY would like some new something or other soon. I know it's coming, but believe me, SM, HM or NiM it's the SAME ops over and over, just harder. Boo. More fresh stuff even if it's minor things. And please add more talking to our companions, even if it's one line to say 'sup, homie' or something. I'm getting quite bored doing Dailies and the same Ops repeatedly. =)


And believe me, I'm allowed to be bored. I've played this game for almost 3 years straight NO breaks.

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The Wookiee and droid in the screenshot are new characters; we weren't trying to subtly imply playable Wookiees. Sorry for any confusion there. :)


Kind of what I thought, but a boy can dream :) thanks for getting back with me

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Well, as long as there is actual solo content, then good to go, but having stories in with group content is just a huge mistake, because players don't care about it, after the first time seeing it and tend to not care about other players and demand and bully people into skipping....not caring if they have seen it or not.


Story content in group missions was, is, and always will be a problem. Story should be told to a character in soloable content.


For all it got wrong for me, Wildstar got this part right. Story in solo content, challenge and loot in group content.


SWTOR has pretty much given up on adding good, story-based solo content. It's a shame really, because once I've finished up the 8 stories, I"ll probably never have any reason to come back and give them more money.


Half-baked story in group content isn't going to cut it for me.

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Hi folks! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I do read all of your feedback, and apologize if yesterday’s blog felt repetitious or unnecessary for you.


Even though there wasn't much "news" in the blog, I think its still worthwhile to have the refresher. I hope you will still do more in the future.

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Story content in group missions was, is, and always will be a problem. Story should be told to a character in soloable content.


For all it got wrong for me, Wildstar got this part right. Story in solo content, challenge and loot in group content.


SWTOR has pretty much given up on adding good, story-based solo content. It's a shame really, because once I've finished up the 8 stories, I"ll probably never have any reason to come back and give them more money.


Half-baked story in group content isn't going to cut it for me.


My thoughts exactly...


Story in group content does not exist for me.

I'm a casual / very slow player (been here from beta and still have 3 class stories to go). I enjoy the stories and test out the various dialogue possibilities (thanks to the esc-key).


i'm not a good player, unhealthily shy (and slightly handicapped) so in a FP I guess my group would strangle me (RL)... in fact I only tried a PUG FP run once... and it was an experience I have no intention to repeat ever (so many new insults learned).


For a short time I tested soloing FPs which I have outleveled - but thanks to the new tactical FPs this road seems blocked too.


To make it short: If the new story content is behind a FP or OP wall, then - at least for me - there is no new content.

Edited by Jaspin
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Story content in group missions was, is, and always will be a problem. Story should be told to a character in soloable content.


For all it got wrong for me, Wildstar got this part right. Story in solo content, challenge and loot in group content.


SWTOR has pretty much given up on adding good, story-based solo content. It's a shame really, because once I've finished up the 8 stories, I"ll probably never have any reason to come back and give them more money.


Half-baked story in group content isn't going to cut it for me.


I am glad someone agrees with me, i mean sure group content can be fun to do, but if there is really no story to do, there really is no point to add in any more money to keep my sub going......this is why i think bioware was high or something when they said swtor is kotor 3-10, since we have only seen content equal to 2 kotor games and i have to say pvp content and group content doesn't count.


Anyway, its good to see someone that actually wants more story content, but its sad to say that this game is pretty much dead when it comes to story content, i just think bioware should have just told the truth instead of spinning it to make more money......but i guess greed does that to people.

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I really hope you are reading this cause it would be really good to get some info on the story.


There is a rumour that Lord Vitiate is going to be back, his some how merged with Revan and seeks to once again destroy the galaxy. This then sets everyone Imperial and Republic alike against him with the possible exception of the Sith Warrior who has to decide if his going to work with him or betray him. Where betrayal is inevitable given the ridiculous scheme of wiping out all life you included, but you can act as the most incompetent underling somehow avoiding death at the hands of a guy that doesn't bulk at wiping out the galaxy but has a soft spot for someone that keeps screwing up until that last inevitable betrayal.


This then allows for lots of cross faction questing, flash points ops where everyone is against the big bad thereby cutting down on the need for multiple story arcs or faction specific content. Now this is a rumour I wouldn't normally believe it and not posting to troll or flame, you do get a mail as a sith warrior suggesting you will have to pick sides.


This will destroy the story of ToR and remove much that allows people to play the various roles. If the rumour is correct its all leading up to SWTOR 2 anyway so might just be one way to go out in a ball of flames. But one of the best things about TOR is the story, by taking the common enemy it reduces the individualism or even depth of story to a disney movie where everyone joins forces overcoming their differences to save the world and make everything alright. Maybe with a joke at the end with some cammed laughter.


For all that is holy please don't let tor go down this path, if anything make it more of an adult story where not everything is alright at the end, where people don't get on and there are no one dimensional big bads whose want to kill everyone, didn't Lucas say that evil doesn't think its doing evil. It would have hard to argue Lord Vitiate isn't a retarded kind of bad guy that with his clearly insane short comings would never have amassed the power he has or been able to lead the Sith Empire given his clearly bat **** crazy.

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Story content in group missions was, is, and always will be a problem. Story should be told to a character in soloable content.

Wanted to highlight the above part.


We all know, due to budget reasons, character story might very well never be expanded. Still group based story has a nasty flaw: it does not follow a mandatory chronological line. As such a player might very well do the FP in a totally wrong order, especially returning or casual players that don't group that much until level 50+.



For example I killed the false emperor way before having served Malgus in all other FP, way to ruin the story



Most of the time I found myself involved in FP story totally clueless of what what lead to the current situation. As such why my character should care at all? I did not feel involved at all, character wise.


As long as you keep expanding the story with FP only you'll keep puzzling most of the players instead of delivering nicely laid out story.


There are few ways to mitigate this:


First add a story based FP run timeline.

You can create a new mission in the quest log with all the FP laid out in a chronological order.

The player should be able to queue for that quest in the group finder, thus the system automatically queuing them for the next FP, story wise.


Then allow players to replay the cinematic of their characters in spectator mode, would they want to.

I'd suggest giving a title or a little something to encourage players to do so. Some will "exploit" this by not being in front of their computer but as long as the reward is mostly cosmetic there's no harm to that.


Finally, as asked by players since launch, let players redo any of the class mission would they want to, having them automatically leveled according to their current character level.



Still, once again, if you want player to have a good experience story wise, either you write all FP story as separate elements or you deliver them as it's done in books, plays, movies: a mandatory chronological order.



Hi folks! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I do read all of your feedback, and apologize if yesterday’s blog felt repetitious or unnecessary for you. I’ve seen some posts and comments around the web over the last few months where folks didn’t seem to know we’d started a new ongoing story, didn’t know there were more than two conversations in the Tython & Korriban Flashpoints, didn’t know when to expect the next chapter, etc. Obviously I’m super enthusiastic about story in our game, so I leapt at the chance to make extra-sure everyone knows where to find the latest stuff. I’m definitely sorry if my zealousness frustrated more folks than it educated.


If anyone wants to register their displeasure with me in person, or talk about anything story-related, I’ll be at our Cantina Event in San Diego tomorrow – come down and give me an earful! Otherwise, I’ll go back to lurking here, as I always do. :hope_05:

To be honest you're half the culprit here, a huge part goes to the producer(s) of the game.


Would players have actual infos of what's going on, your blog would have been much welcome.

Consider it as an icing but players don't have the cake, barely the plate and the fork to eat it.


Now people would bite for actual info. No wonder your post has not been much welcome.



Then unless you want to disappoint people I'd advise against the usage of the word "Story" for the FP.

Whatever the marketing guys are telling it's bull. For players, in SWTOR, story means Character Story.

A few V.O. sentences here and there won't be acknowledged as story and will certainly leave players looking forward new story not that satisfied.



Thing is roundly 3% players actually post on the forums and about 10% read them, some more often than others.

As such I don't see how your post will make sure most players know what's next and that there's more to Tython & Korriban Flashpoints.


If you want to give infos to the players either mail them or better send them in game emails. People do read that.



Fnally sorry to disappoint you but I'm far from being super enthusiastic about story in TOR.

Make it more mature, make it less cliche, built complex characters, surprise the players. Do not keep copying/pasting SW iconic scene (droid head on Wookiee chest) or characters, invent news ones (Thrawn > Malgus). Stop trying to make the player feel heroic by telling him (s)he is that good but by making it feel as such.


And please change the way NPC talks to characters, too often it's totally ruining the immersion having them asking Sith Lords or whatever BH/Agent/Jedi... to sweep the floor for them.



Then we talk.

Edited by Deewe
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I think we have our confirmation of the delay of the expansion.


How did you get that? On stream yesterday, Eric specifically said that 2.9 will be now (19th August), followed by 2.10 in September, and 3.0 following shortly after that. So it is still on track for "by the end of the year" as planned.

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Hi folks! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I do read all of your feedback, and apologize if yesterday’s blog felt repetitious or unnecessary for you. I’ve seen some posts and comments around the web over the last few months where folks didn’t seem to know we’d started a new ongoing story, didn’t know there were more than two conversations in the Tython & Korriban Flashpoints, didn’t know when to expect the next chapter, etc. Obviously I’m super enthusiastic about story in our game, so I leapt at the chance to make extra-sure everyone knows where to find the latest stuff. I’m definitely sorry if my zealousness frustrated more folks than it educated.


If anyone wants to register their displeasure with me in person, or talk about anything story-related, I’ll be at our Cantina Event in San Diego tomorrow – come down and give me an earful! Otherwise, I’ll go back to lurking here, as I always do. :hope_05:


I'm glad we got to see something, but you can chalk me up with the "Disappointed" crowd. I also like how you ignored all the comments about class/companion story "Mr. Lead Writer". Before you all flame me, I've herd that BW said no more class story...BUT THAT ISN'T GOING TO STOP ME FROM ASKING FOR IT!! I really did enjoy the first part of Forged Alliances, but only because of the story...& MOSTLY because of the hint of class story at the end.


I'm fine with little bits of class story mixed into the content (at least give me one cut scene), but I need to see something about my Character to keep me plugged in. After you run the same content 4 or 5 times it gets old...introducing small bits (if not large) of class story would keep it fresh -- just saying. I space bar though Makeb when I get there...as do most of my Guildies.

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A lot of people have so high expectations. Yes I would also love to see more Class Stories and Compnion Stories. Or at least where we can start a conversation with a Companion and unlock some dialogue possibilites even if they repeat themselves but at least to just be able to go into cutscene mode. As a reward for maxing them out.


But I think it`s great that the developers communicate like that, are being honest and apologize. I think this is great.


Very excited for the upcoming story arc. Though I must admit I am a bit dissapointed it`s going to be a tactical flashpoint again. Tactical flashpoints are boring, sorry to say but they bring no challenge.

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Wanted to highlight the above part.


We all know, due to budget reasons, character story might very well never be expanded. Still group based story has a nasty flaw: it does not follow a mandatory chronological line. As such a player might very well do the FP in a totally wrong order, especially returning or casual players that don't group that much until level 50+.



For example I killed the false emperor way before having served Malgus in all other FP, way to ruin the story



Most of the time I found myself involved in FP story totally clueless of what what lead to the current situation. As such why my character should care at all? I did not feel involved at all, character wise.


As long as you keep expanding the story with FP only you'll keep puzzling most of the players instead of delivering nicely laid out story.


There are few ways to mitigate this:


First add a story based FP run timeline.

You can create a new mission in the quest log with all the FP laid out in a chronological order.

The player should be able to queue for that quest in the group finder, thus the system automatically queuing them for the next FP, story wise.


Then allow players to replay the cinematic of their characters in spectator mode, would they want to.

I'd suggest giving a title or a little something to encourage players to do so. Some will "exploit" this by not being in front of their computer but as long as the reward is mostly cosmetic there's no harm to that.


Finally, as asked by players since launch, let players redo any of the class mission would they want to, having them automatically leveled according to their current character level.



Still, once again, if you want player to have a good experience story wise, either you write all FP story as separate elements or you deliver them as it's done in books, plays, movies: a mandatory chronological order.




To be honest you're half the culprit here, a huge part goes to the producer(s) of the game.


Would players have actual infos of what's going on, your blog would have been much welcome.

Consider it as an icing but players don't have the cake, barely the plate and the fork to eat it.


Now people would bite for actual info. No wonder your post has not been much welcome.



Then unless you want to disappoint people I'd advise against the usage of the word "Story" for the FP.

Whatever the marketing guys are telling it's bull. For players, in SWTOR, story means Character Story.

A few V.O. sentences here and there won't be acknowledged as story and will certainly leave players looking forward new story not that satisfied.



Thing is roundly 3% players actually post on the forums and about 10% read them, some more often than others.

As such I don't see how your post will make sure most players know what's next and that there's more to Tython & Korriban Flashpoints.


If you want to give infos to the players either mail them or better send them in game emails. People do read that.



Fnally sorry to disappoint you but I'm far from being super enthusiastic about story in TOR.

Make it more mature, make it less cliche, built complex characters, surprise the players. Do not keep copying/pasting SW iconic scene (droid head on Wookiee chest) or characters, invent news ones (Thrawn > Malgus). Stop trying to make the player feel heroic by telling him (s)he is that good but by making it feel as such.


And please change the way NPC talks to characters, too often it's totally ruining the immersion having them asking Sith Lords or whatever BH/Agent/Jedi... to sweep the floor for them.



Then we talk.


Honestly I disagree with story having to be soloable. No, it`s an MMO. Combining grouping and story is actually a good thing and should have been done more in planet quests before.


Also you are expecting a bit too much from Bioware. Their stories were always cliche and those are not the KOTOR times. People go away, new people move in. You won`t find this OMG complex great fantastic breathtaking story in swtor. The story is cool and I am excited but your expectation bar is way too high.

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