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Everything posted by Maniacraid

  1. Except they won't be paying with their money. They use the credit card information that they get from the people who use their 'services'. There were credit sellers before free to play, and if they did get rid of the free to play option there would be credit sellers after it. Not that EA/Bioware would remove F2P, because it's actually a cash cow for them. As for your quote of the ToS/EULA they need to be made aware of the accounts involved to take action. So whenever you see those spammers you should report them so Bioware can take action.
  2. 1: It is commonly known that gold seller web sites are complete scams. You* visiting their web sites, getting your computer infected with a virus, and/or giving them your credit card info to buy in-game money, and them then 'stealing' that info is completely on you. EA/Bioware cannot prevent you from doing something stupid. 2: What other games? You say that other game companies do something, but EA/Bioware don't. I've been playing MMOs for 14 years, and not one can put a stop to these types of people. 3: There is only so much that EA/Bioware can do. As I said, I've dealt with these types for years, and they've been around a lot longer than me. They have ways around ISP bans, account bans, and any other form of punishment you can think of. Yes, it would great if they could do something to stop gold sellers for good, and short of having someone(Likely a team of hundreds if not thousands) monitoring every single line of dialog sent through chat, approving it, and then allowing it to be seen by the public, there is really no way to put an end to it. I don't know you, or what you do for a living, so if you have any knowledge about how to stop the spammers that no one in the entire company of EA or Bioware could possibly conceive of, then get in contact with them on a professional level rather than coming to a forum to libel them for inaction. *Meaning the generalized form of 'you', not the personalized form.
  3. Honestly... I'd say change servers. I've been playing since a couple months after launch, and have never heard of someone getting kicked because they didn't spacebar through the cut scenes. Some people are jerks and just say "spacebar" over and over, but if you don't say anything, an neither does anyone else in the group, then they don't know who to kick. If someone else in the group says something, then lie. Tank: Spacebar Tank: Spacebar pls!!! DPS1: I am... sigh... DPS2: Yeah, really! Healer: OMG! Hurry Up! Bingo! Who to kick? That would be my advice until you can change to another server, if that's what you'd like to do. As for your suggestion as a whole, more content is good content, but you can't expect them to cater to solo players in an MMO. And even if they did, it wouldn't change the attitudes of those who have treated you badly in the past.
  4. You sir, (The OP) are incorrect. The examples you give do not apply to gamers only. Honestly, even as I type this, my spell check is relaying to me that the word "gamers" is not a real word. Seeing as how you use a word that is not a word, only furthers the argument others in this thread used to say that languages evolve. You are both pedantic and imprecise in your insistence of proper grammar usage. However, I do agree that follies in spelling can be annoying. Example: Using 'then' when 'than' is intended. At the same time, I know for myself at times, when typing my mind will think one thing, and my fingers act out another. In my time as an online role player, I will find when looking up from the keyboard that I've written out "and and" in the middle of a sentence. I would go back and correct it, but it happened to me constantly. It is a beautiful thing when a person's elocution allows for eloquence. When a single sentence can paint a picture in the mind of their audience that disproves the notion that 'A picture is worth a thousand words'. Anyway, the point I was intending to make at the start of this, is that it is not only 'gamers' that make these grammatical foibles. It is the majority of humans that type online in most any fashion available to them. Be it games, web site forums, blogs, personal websites, social media, and many others. Is it a failing of the educational systems, or just disinterest in proper usage in a medium that will have zero real world consequences? Who knows? Who cares? In the end, the argot of the people you've labeled as 'gamers' is not yours to concern yourself with. 'Gamers' will speak how they will, of their own will and no amount of preaching, or people acting as grammar Nazis (Not saying you are), will change that. Did you honestly think that your post here would enlighten and enrich this corner of the internet? P.S. I personally gave up on consistently using proper grammar when I had learned that the word 'ain't' was added to the dictionary.
  5. If that's all they want, then they can buy the rancor, or the walker off the GTN. No dollars necessary.
  6. So I had been in my Nar Shadda house, when grou finder popped. Ran the FP, no issues, but when I left the FP, I clicked on "Previous Location" and I was sent to my ship, rather than my stronghold.
  7. Like LordArtemis said. Companions don't have the Presence stat, so putting any Presence on a companion would be like putting Aim on a Sentinel. The only exception would be if the other stats on the gear like Endurance or the comps main stat are an upgrade to what's currently equipped. But the Presence would have 0 effect.
  8. I won't go into your logic of 5 players in the group meaning shorter queue times... But I do have to ask... what role does this 5th person fill? If it's a tank then... which tank gets to be main tank? What does the second tank do other than crappy DPS? If it's DPS then all the fights will progress faster, and trash mobs will be even more useless. If it's a healer then... the group could be OP because there's little to no risk of death. Not to mention that there are healers already who think that's all they have to do, and just spam heals even when everyone is at full health. Get two of those types and that's 2/5ths of a group as opposed to 1/4th that aren't doing everything they could to help the team. Then there's the issue of gear drops. It's bad enough when someone clicks need on everything when they don't need it, but tossing in another person that might actually need the gear making it less likely that you'll get it when you need it is just a nightmare. Sorry but, bad idea. Not to mention inherently wrong as FPs and groups were designed around 4 player groups, regardless of your perception.
  9. My complete BS reason to explain this plot hole is as follows... Like with most outbreak plots in TV and movies, 99% of the population are susceptible to the plague, and that 1% has a natural immunity that the scientists will use to create a cure. Of those 99% that can be infected, there are some who's bodies will have an adverse effect that doesn't happen to the majority. The NPCs in the game can become infected and can change into Rakghouls. The players however have the adverse reaction which causes their immune system to overreact to the infection which then causes the electrical signals sent through the nerves in the body to ignite with the oxygen in their blood causing spontaneous combustion. That... or it weakens the molecular hold of the body so that when falling from great heights(VIP area of the Fleet) that instead of leaving a broken corpse, they just fall apart in what looks like an explosion to the outside observer. Take your pick.
  10. I'll admit that when I read the blog you posted, I wasn't thrilled about it. I wouldn't say 'disappointed' just I realized that it wasn't put out there for me. You had a goal in mind, and I think you achieved it. You wanted to make sure everyone knew about Part 1 of this story line. The only downside was that it wasn't meant for folks like me who were aware already. And some people took your intent the wrong way, and thought you were just throwing stuff out there to say "Look, I'm here, I listen." and then go into the shadows for a time until you were forced to poke your head out again(Which I and many others know was not the case). I think it was great that you came back to clarify your intent, and thank you for it. I know it's not easy to hold stuff back from us, that you want to get the content you and your team are working on, out to us for everyone to enjoy and talk about. That if you could, you'd likely love to tease out little bits of info of what's coming, but at the same time you can't/don't want to spoil things.
  11. To put your mind at ease, no one knows Yoda's species name. It's just always refered to as "Yoda's race". As for adding it, pretty much as was said, it's not likely to happen due to the size. Also, due to the rarity in the universe of know members of the species. For any other races being added, I know I haven't heard of any new races being added to the game. As for Togruta, I wanna say there used to be a user generated poll on these forums about what races we wanted to be added, and I think Togruta was the number 1 requested. Or at least in the top 3. But again, no word as far as I know of any new races being added.
  12. Startling revelation there! So glad this deserved a whole new thread with such important news! Edit: Nice ninja edit as well!
  13. For my first character, I found money to be a bit lacking. I don't have fun playing the 'mini game' as some people call it, of working the market/gtn. Once I got him up to 50, and started grinding dailies I found I didn't have many problems after that. I really never have a bank roll so to speak. When there's something I want to buy with credits, I work for it, and get it. Like right now, I'm wanting to get one of the hover chair mounts. They aren't cheap, so I'll be grinding dailies again once the 2xp week is over. Maybe buy some cartel packs, and sell them for a boost. So now I know how to get large sums of credits, but I know I'll never be someone with hundreds of millions of credits.
  14. All reputations have a weekly cap. I believe it's 12000... but don't quote me on that. But, you can keep running the event throughout the week, but wait until next Tuesday and use the rep tokens then. You can raise your rep between the event run times. As for why there's a weekly cap, I can't say for sure, but I'd bet that it's so people don't just burn through the content at break neck speeds and then unsub until there's new content released. Just a theory, not hating.
  15. So I logged on after the maintenance, and tried the datacron.... It worked! Hopefully it wasn't just from a server reset, but I got the datacron without issue.
  16. So, my first reply from support was unhelpful, telling me to click on the panel, rather than the datacron... so my first ticket went unread, as I specified I clicked the panel first, then the datacron. So I replied and went through in detail the steps, and how the datacron was bugged. The next reply from CS actually read my email and confirmed that the bug exists. She said to try again after maintenance for 2.7, and see if that fixes the problem. There's nothing in the patch notes for it, but who knows.
  17. Same here. Just soloed the AP, and went to the charging station. Click the panel and the loading bar says 'inserting credits'. I hear the power charging sounds, and then click on the datacron, and nothing. Submitted a ticket as well.
  18. Don't care, can I have your stuff? I called the white house and spoke to Barack Obama. I told him about a few of the issues I've had with his presidency, and he very calmly explained his point of view. It seems he's gotten a lot of people that have had similar problems and while he's sorry that not everyone agrees with him, he did what he felt was best.
  19. None at all. But really, it didn't help that your suggestion came off as more of a rant being made while beating the dead horse. At least, that's how I read it. It's not gambling. That's an argument that has been had on these forums way too many times already so I won't derail the thread into that. But it's also not gouging. That would meaning that they raise the price on the items in an unfair and unethical fashion. I know nothing about an Exclusivity promise for the CE vendor. I know I can't access the vendor and that's it, so I can't comment on that. But it seems like what you are trying to suggest is that they take items from the packs and put them into the CE vendor. But how exactly would that work? 1: They take an outfit from a pack, like the Qel-Droma set out of the packs, and put it in the CE Vendor. Now only CE owners get that set, and it would be BoP so no one else would have access. Then the packs would be shorted an outfit set, and the people paying money, as opposed to CE owners only needing credits, are given the short end of the stick. 2: They copy the Qel-Droma set and make it so it's in the packs, and the CE vendor, but then that negates the exclusivity you mentioned. 3: They copy the Qel-Droma set and recolor it for the packs. So CE owners get the actual Qel-Droma set, and in the packs is the recolor. Is this the kind of thing you were going for? Or am I off the mark completely?
  20. No one makes you buy the packs. You could easily buy the items you're looking for with credits on the GTN. Or buy the packs with credits. As for the necessity, yes. Because that's how they make money. From people willing to giving them real money, for subscriptions, and from packs. If you just have to have the new shiny toy, then pony up the dough for it. If you can be patient, save up the credits to buy it without opening your wallet further.
  21. 2-3 years of doing nothing? The game was released in December of 2011, so the game isn't even 3 years old, and Makeb came with Rise of the Hutt Cartel which was released in April of last year, so those Datacrons aren't even 1 year old. Hyperbole like this only makes you come off as a troll, not someone with a legitimate issue they want addressed. Send in an in-game support ticket and ask that they grant you the codex entries as you've already collected the datacrons. Note, I said 'ask'. Not demand. I've read before that this tactic was used effectively for codex entries that were fixed and the person was no longer able to get them.
  22. When you submitted the in-game tickets, did you submit them as "Bug Report"? Because if so, tickets with the subject of bug reports don't get anything beyond a "copy and paste" response, no matter if it's an exploit, or a typo in the loading screen.
  23. Nope! I had done it before with a low level alt, and failed to kill the bounty. The next month, while the quest was still there, it reset back to the beginning, to talk to the client. But I upgraded his armor, and took the bounty in. So I imagine that next month it'll be the same, that the quest will reset. Hoorah if it doesn't, oh well if it does.
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