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any info on 2.6?


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This is ********. Survivability means near JACK SQUAT in pve. in PVP, it has minor applications, and Guardians themselves don't have high survivability in PVP.


Saying classes with heavy armor and tanking abilities shouldn't have great dps is like saying classes with off heals should do worse dps.


Its illogical.


Unless the heal to full argument is now valid? 0_o


I agree to some extent, I think a more sensible thing is that classes with tanking abilities shouldnt have good dps buffs too low on their tree, so to not allow high dps / high mitigation hybrids. The same for healing classes.


EDit and by their tree i mean in the dps tree,. basically the good stuff should be on the last 2 tiers

Edited by tekhiun
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This is ********. Survivability means near JACK SQUAT in pve. in PVP, it has minor applications, and Guardians themselves don't have high survivability in PVP.


Saying classes with heavy armor and tanking abilities shouldn't have great dps is like saying classes with off heals should do worse dps.


Its illogical.


Unless the heal to full argument is now valid? 0_o


Yeah agreed. as a tank, I am ok with less damage IF I am tank specced, as I have specific skills that increase my survivability and capacity to take and absorb damage. however the dps specs should live up to their name, not be low just because there is a capacity to tank. Saying a dps shouldn't have good damage is contradictory and will not make anyone happy in the end.

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To sum up. We nerf damage output of dps that can have tank skills 'cause they have more survivability and we nerf dps that can have healing abilities 'cause self-heal. Leaving only Sents/Maras & Slingers/Snipers at highest dps!


oh wait...................

Edited by Pietrastor
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Facepalm. Dude, play your pve, do not make back-breaking for you difficulties. We are talking about concealment in pve and pvp!!!!!


I don't have any difficulties. Yes, I play PVE and get well geared on my 4 55's, but I also play PVP.


An entire class doesn't need a buff because of one tree in PVP.

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First off, Happy New Year everyone! I am back in the office now from the holidays so we are right back to some yellow posts :)


Game Update 2.6 first and foremost will mark the launch of Galactic Starfighter! That will mean the introduction of:

  • The Gunship unlock available for F2P players.
  • A new Gunship variant.
  • Two Bomber variants!
  • ...and more! We will talk more about this next week.


Let me get this right 2.5 was the release of Galactic Starfighter all be it for subscribers only and now you are going to release the same content for everyone...


To me that is not new content it is old content with a different release date, please tell me and the rest of the community how this is to be considered new content to be released on your 6-8 week promise... You would need to add a lot more than just a new gunship and bomber variants. I am not sure about others but 1 extra map to be used would not be enough in my opinion.

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Classes with tanking abilities and/or heavy armor should never deal as much damage as damage classes without such survivability.


Let me guess you don't play a DPS operative or scoundrel?!


No, but he runs in my raid group and I'm an Operative and I'LL say that Jugg DPS needs a buff. A DPS jugg really isn't that survivable. The survivability comes from the Soresu stance and DPS jugg isn't in that. Heavy armor is very minimial if not in tank stance. Yes, he has better survivability, but that's not his job. He shouldn't be 300-400 DPS behind because he takes 2-4% less damage.


Let me guess, you don't play a DPS Jugg or Guardian?!

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Classes with tanking abilities and/or heavy armor should never deal as much damage as damage classes without such survivability.


Let me guess you don't play a DPS operative or scoundrel?!


This is ********. Survivability means near JACK SQUAT in pve. in PVP, it has minor applications, and Guardians themselves don't have high survivability in PVP.


Saying classes with heavy armor and tanking abilities shouldn't have great dps is like saying classes with off heals should do worse dps.


Its illogical.


Unless the heal to full argument is now valid? 0_o

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Also, Game Update 2.6 will come with a few class changes, here is just an overview of some of what you will see:

  • Mercenaries/Commandos will now have a skill to eliminate pushback on Tracer Missile/Grav Round and Power Shot/Charged Bolts.
  • Mercenaries/Commandos can now cast Kolto Shell/Trauma Probe on more than one target at a time.
  • Mercenaries/Commandos can now use Rapid Shots/Hammer Shot on themselves while Combat Support Cylinder/Combat Support Cell are active.


AW YISS. Good to see we're getting some love finally. Biggest improvement? Multi-target Trauma Probe. (Though honestly, I'd have preferred to make Full Auto pushback-immune instead of Grav Round. I'll take what we get, though.)

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A fairly significant DPS boost for Operatives/Scoundrels.

Just keep buffing them smugglers EA. Heaven forbid you actually balance the classes. Or to put as someone put it, The rich just keep getting richer. The only base class capable of doing 4k+ gets a significant buff.


Stay classy EA.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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First off, Happy New Year everyone! I am back in the office now from the holidays so we are right back to some yellow posts :)


Game Update 2.6 first and foremost will mark the launch of Galactic Starfighter! That will mean the introduction of:

  • The Gunship unlock available for F2P players.
  • A new Gunship variant.
  • Two Bomber variants!
  • ...and more! We will talk more about this next week.

Also, Game Update 2.6 will come with a few class changes, here is just an overview of some of what you will see:

  • A fairly significant DPS boost for Operatives/Scoundrels.
  • Mercenaries/Commandos will now have a skill to eliminate pushback on Tracer Missile/Grav Round and Power Shot/Charged Bolts.
  • Sorcerers/Sages will now have a skill to eliminate pushback on Lightning Strike and Force Lightning/Disturbance and Telekinetic Throw.
  • Mercenaries/Commandos can now cast Kolto Shell/Trauma Probe on more than one target at a time.
  • Mercenaries/Commandos can now use Rapid Shots/Hammer Shot on themselves while Combat Support Cylinder/Combat Support Cell are active.

As always, look for the 2.6 patch notes for a full list of all changes that are coming! That is just a preview of what is to come.




If this is it, please don't call it 2.6. These details are the same as 2.5 with different classes getting balances and F2P getting access to Starfighter. Unless you plan on bringing NiM Dread ops, new arenas, warzones or flashpoints, this is no more then a minor update, 2.5.x.

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merc healing is gonna be CRAZY now...unlimited Kolto shells? WUT?


Not as useful as you think outside of PVE. Kolto Shell costs 16 heat. You can't really afford to use that more than a few times once a PVP match begins and you're stuck in a long, big fight. You need that heat to cast real heals. You cast shell more than 4 times in a row, and you're guaranteed to be under the 60% mark, which hurts your venting time. Even if you stopped there, you're still going straight to rapid shots, because you won't be able to afford any real heals at that point without hurting your venting even further.

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Not sure if this qualifies as "something". Feels more like a slap in the face. Well, i guess a slap in the face is something. At this point I'd prefer if they just forgot about sage/sorc altogether.


Either way, I'm going to spec DPS on my scoupratives and make people rage quit. But I'm sure the sages/sorcs will be able to beat me now that they have that fancy pushback ability.


Sounds like you're too bitter beyond the point of them ever being able to please you. Might be time to step away for a while.

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Just keep buffing them smugglers EA. Heaven forbid you actually balance the classes. Or to put as someone put it, The rich just keep getting richer. The only base class capable of doing 4k+ gets a significant buff.


Stay classy EA.


I would love to see the parses of the Scoundrels/Operatives parsing above 4k.

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Thanks for the update.


And one comment on the operatives dps buff. Everybody who linked or mentioned top parses missed a great deal of the overall picture. Those are irrelevant for 95 or 98% of subscribers as they don't play on a level to ever see similar numbers.


Instead do some of the stuff average subscribers do: find a pug for S&V or DP story mode and check which DPS classes are being played. You will see tons of marauders (using imp names only) and snipers, significantly fewer sorcerers and mercenaries, very few juggs and powertechs and virtually no assassins. Since coming back to the game about half a year ago, I've seen exactly one operative dps in pugs (obviously ymmv). A game has a problem not only when classes are imbalanced, but also when the vast majority of players is convinced they are imbalanced.


If DPS operatives - or any other vastly underutilized class - end up being mathematically OP for a while and it leads to more people giving those specs a try, that's most likely good for the health and longevity of the game. Even if it's bad for some nightmare mode clearing OP compositions or fragile pvp egos.

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Glad to see some class balance changes on the horizon. However, very disappointed not to see any improvements to shadow/assassin PVE DPS. We are very bottom of the barrel, even with the 2.5 so-called buffs, that didn't really do anything. It would be nice to see those added into the plans for 2.6 - something so that people don't laugh and snicker when you ask to join an op as a shadow/assassin.
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I don't mind that they didn't mention buffs. The fact that they haven't properly acknowledged we have serious problems at all is ANNOYING. I would appreciate a "soon" or we are working on it more than "uhmmm we don't care."


They did say it was "high-priority" ...


back in August.

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The good'ol who cares about pve attitude.


Hate to break it to you, but for us PVErs, which are just as if not MORE common than you PVPers, Nightmare Operations are OUR ranked. How would YOU like it if your class was barred from ranked due to the fact that it cannot breach mathematical barriers required by ranked reliably and consistently? You'd be forced to reroll!


Well thats how Guardians, Shadows, and Vanguards feel. Stuck in the filthy pooper, on the deathgrip between viable and useless, and unlike PVP, PVE has mathematical hard barriers, you can have dumb enemies in PVP. You don't get that in PVE. The boss won't randomly have a heart attack and decide that he needs to go to the bathroom and explode.

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The good'ol who cares about pve attitude.


Hate to break it to you, but for us PVErs, which are just as if not MORE common than you PVPers, Nightmare Operations are OUR ranked. How would YOU like it if your class was barred from ranked due to the fact that it cannot breach mathematical barriers required by ranked reliably and consistently? You'd be forced to reroll!


Well thats how Guardians, Shadows, and Vanguards feel. Stuck in the filthy pooper, on the deathgrip between viable and useless, and unlike PVP, PVE has mathematical hard barriers, you can have dumb enemies in PVP. You don't get that in PVE. The boss won't randomly have a heart attack and decide that he needs to go to the bathroom and explode.


Didn't Drop it like it's Hoth get world 1st NiM Dread Guard with a dps Guardian in their group? I believe it was Lacedaemon or something.

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The good'ol who cares about pve attitude.


Hate to break it to you, but for us PVErs, which are just as if not MORE common than you PVPers, Nightmare Operations are OUR ranked. How would YOU like it if your class was barred from ranked due to the fact that it cannot breach mathematical barriers required by ranked reliably and consistently? You'd be forced to reroll!


Well thats how Guardians, Shadows, and Vanguards feel. Stuck in the filthy pooper, on the deathgrip between viable and useless, and unlike PVP, PVE has mathematical hard barriers, you can have dumb enemies in PVP. You don't get that in PVE. The boss won't randomly have a heart attack and decide that he needs to go to the bathroom and explode.


How would you like it if they removed 16 man NiM ops (8v8 ranked) because allegedly not enough people did them (because BW didn't do anything whatsoever to support them)? How would you like it if they made pve bolster for ops? PvErs don't have it great, but they sure have it better than PvPers. Most of the balance decisions have historically centered around PvE, often times to the severe detriment of PvP, so please don't complain when this upcoming patch's balance changes are PvP-centric.

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Let me get this right 2.5 was the release of Galactic Starfighter all be it for subscribers only and now you are going to release the same content for everyone...


To me that is not new content it is old content with a different release date, please tell me and the rest of the community how this is to be considered new content to be released on your 6-8 week promise... You would need to add a lot more than just a new gunship and bomber variants. I am not sure about others but 1 extra map to be used would not be enough in my opinion.


I'm with you there.


There is ment to be a flash point tied to the new GSF map but this seems unlikely to be really linked just in around the same place.


What BW don't seem to be able to grasp is that GSF isn't very good and only for PvPers who like mouse driven PvP. Calling it an expansion is a little insulting to expansions and then to have it as 2 updates so in effect 16 weeks of new content is crazy.


2 PvP maps with the possibility of a 3rd is not an expansion or going to keep people interested for 16 weeks. More than that the unbalanced match making makes it even more unenjoyable, that it has no context in the ground based game makes it pointless. How is this going to draw subscribers and keep people playing, and in response to the lots of posts about GSF BW have made no comment on the state of GSF or the game in general.

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[note: my comments are general, not specific or directed to Master-Nala, whose post I am using for context.]


I'm more inclined to wait and see the actual patch notes before condemning. Why? Because Eric could have been imprecise or incomplete in his post, and things very often change before patching goes live.


See, this is the general problem with trying to tease out responses from Eric. As soon as he makes any comments at all in response, they get meta-dissected, judged, condemned, and dismissed......before anything is actually playable by the forum members. It's pre-emptive and counter-productive in the absence of actual patch notes and game play. I freely admit though that it is catnip for disaffected special interest groups. :p


This, basically.

Eric said words like "some" and "more to come", and yet people are acting like these were the complete patch notes...

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