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Everything posted by HaoZhao

  1. They don't need to clarify it because you can see it with your own eyes. All of those people on your team with 30K less HP than everyone else? They have no augs.
  2. You said that you could watch ranked streams at any time of the day. For this to be possible, ranked would have to pop all day long, which has literally never happened. You made it up, got caught, and now you're arguing "I didn't mean it literally..." Ohhhh, you meant the exact opposite of what you explicitly said then??? Wow, what persuasive damage control you've got here. lol BioWare's stakeholders? What are you even talking about? I think you've been watching too many bad movies or something. BioWare has exactly one stakeholder. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Electronic Arts. Even if that wasn't the case, stakeholders don't control day-to-day decisions at publicly traded corporations. The entire reason boards of directors exist is because corporations like this literally can't oversee every little detail. I'll also point out that you are subscribed. You cannot unsubscribe because reg PVP is just too fun. I know for a fact that ranked only popped a few hours a day when we had it. I actually played ranked so I saw this first hand. For the vast super majority of the day, you could queue for ranked for hours and hours and get no pop. There's no assumption. Because this is an objective fact, that's definitely what BioWare's telemetry data also shows. Because that telemetry data exists, it's impossible for you to gaslight them.
  3. The community never left. Regs is popping every 10 minutes like it always has. Reg PVP warzones is and always has been the fastest pops in the entire game. lol You guys keep talking about unsubbing in protest but you need to be subbed to post here. Even you can't stay away because PVP is just too fun.
  4. Here's your exact quote: "SWTOR Twitch is in a very sad state now, but you used to be able to hop on and find someone streaming solo ranked at just about any time" For this to be true, ranked would need to pop 24 hours a day which obviously was never true. One lie you tell exposes the next lie. Your own link debunked you and now you don't want to talk about it. I accept your surrender. lol BioWare did not say they ended ranked because of toxicity. You're hearing what you want to hear and you went out of your way to not answer my question. Ranked has been toxic since pre-season 1. If you were around then, you'd know that without me having to tell you. So, I'll ask again. Why did BioWare wait TEN YEARS to do anything about it if they actually cared? Anything to the tune of "I don't want to talk about this" when you've been stumped is not a persuasive argument. Ranked isn't coming back. Thanks for staying subscribed for regs. You lose.
  5. There were definitely toxic teeth-grinders in ranked but this was a problem from pre-season 1. Why do you think they left it alone for TEN YEARS if they actually cared about it? But you've moved the goal posts here. You can't defend your absolutely absurd claim about ranked being active 24/7. Your own link debunked you. Not a great look.
  6. Evidence for what? You're asking me to prove a negative which is a logical fallacy. Your little link doesn't show a single case of ranked ever happening 24/7. Your own source contradicts you. lol
  7. You keep asking me to search for evidence for your argument that you can't find. I'm waiting for you to post evidence of a higher quality than "just go to google.com bro"
  8. Thank you for that link which contains exactly zero evidence of ranked ever popping 24 hours a day, I guess. You've been very helpful in debunking this horrible attempt at gaslighting which will never fool a single developer. Thank you.
  9. It's easy to miss it. It never happened, so everyone missed it. I'm glad we cleared that up! There has never been a point in this game's history where ranked has popped 24/7. The end. Fin. Stop trying to gaslight me because I've been around longer than you. lol You keep trying to pass off this fabricated anecdotal evidence as a real evidence but once again, you can't fool telemetry data from the developers. They are immune to gaslighting. Who are you trying to convince? Do you even know?
  10. Again, very bad gaslighting. Ranked did not pop 24/7, so there could not be streams of it 24/7. lmao
  11. This is interesting fiction, but again, you can't gaslight the developers because they have the actual telemetry data. It's impossible to fool anyone who has to power to bring ranked back. So your end game here is to just lie and rile people up on the message board. It's your free time, you spend it how you like. Ranked did not end because of "toxicity." The same whiners who exploded in rage every time they lost a game are still in regs and they still grind their teeth down to little nubs while steam shoots out of their ears. If the devs wanted to get rid of toxicity, they'd implement harassment rules like FF14 has where you get suspended for a week if tell someone they have bad DPS. No, ranked did not pop 24/7. I'm not sure if even anyone here is going to be fooled by that one. SWTOR twitch is also mostly dead and the most popular PVPers have trouble breaking 15 viewers. They certainly do not stream PVP all day long, let alone ranked. This just never happened.
  12. I've said it a million times before and I'll say it again, I don't know why people bother lying about stuff like this. I get arenas at all hours of the day. Why is that? The only people you can gaslight with this nonsense is people here who don't know better. You literally cannot successfully gaslight the developers because they have the telemetry data. They can pull up the list of every single arena that happens on any given day and the exact times those arenas popped. So, making up lies about it isn't going to get the game changed because the developers know better. PVP seasons wouldn't have fixed ranked. Ranked has exclusive rewards and it was still a dead game mode that popped like 3 hours a night.
  13. Operations are available almost 24 hours a day now from from fleet chat. You could remove the group finder component, I suppose, and no one would notice. But as you've already been told, group finder requires zero resources from the developers. Ranked PVP required the developers to balance all classes around arenas as well as PVE, required them to constantly divert resources to ranked rewards that only 0.1% of the player base would ever have, and then required them to commit more resources to investigate complaints such as win trading and trolling. It was a bad investment.
  14. Ranked wasn't taken away because of win traders. It was taken away because it was deader than dead. Ranked popped for like 3 hours a night and then it was dead for the other 21 hours of the day. Any game mode that requires you to chant "queue solos" over and over and over again in fleet chat to get a pop is a dead game mode. Ranked was taking up resources from the rest of the game and only 0.1% of the players actually used it, so the devs pulled the plug on it. It was a good call. 6.0 ranked was the worst when half the queue was PVE players farming crafting materials and not caring if they won or loss. They should have pulled it then.
  15. You're thinking small. The only change that needs to happen is stealth being turned off if you're the only member of your team left. If everyone else is dead, your stealth should automatically cancel after 10 seconds and it should have a 1 minute cooldown. Let's not play the game of "gaslight the devs which never works but let's do it anyway." It's a boring game. Vote kick was removed because of rampant abuse. One guy on the team dies, legit, the rest of the team throws a tantrum and boots him. That's why it is gone.
  16. Yeah, let's set up a parliamentary committee for PVP integrity in the middle of matches. We'll all stop PVPing to discuss the merits of charges against trolls. (lol) If you change the rules, then the trolls will change to adapt. Instead of AFKing, they'll just play poorly on purpose and then then burden of proof is on you to distinguish between genuinely bad players and genuine trolls.
  17. No, this was never how it worked. I've been on teams with players all 1,500 rating against teams where at least one player was sub-1000 rating. Match maker has never been that discriminate. It tries to role balance and after that, it's really not picky. On Ebon Hawk, I remember one nasty troll who purposely lost every game and got away with it for months before he finally got banned for trolling. He must have been at near zero rating and there was definitely no one else close to his rating on the entire server.
  18. Anyone who thinks that ranked EVER worked either hasn't been around since the beginning or they have some very foggy nostalgic memories that don't match up with reality. From the very beginning, ranked was designed with an ELO system that was meant to be used on a playerbase that is 10 times bigger than the one this game had at its peak. Because the playerbase has never been big enough to support an ELO system, what you often got was players with 800 rating being paired against players with 2,200 rating. I was once the top ranked assassin on Jung Ma and I never really felt like my rating meant anything because of how poorly teams were assembled. Any chance of ranked being good or working properly went out the window a month after launch when 500,000 people unsubscribed at once due to lack of PVE content. BioWare should have realized that during their pre-season 1 period that seemed to go on forever. The interest just wasn't there. Ranked is gone because it was bad. That's the only reason. A handful of people on a message board trying to gaslight everyone will never fool the developers because they have the actual telemetry data.
  19. No. They said we only get two combat styles because the servers choke on lag trying to store all of the data. Logically, it follows that merging the servers would significantly increase that server lag because you would have one server managing the data for both old servers, combined.
  20. I only like running Korriban heroics. Therefore, 332 gear + gold augments + everything else I want should drop from Korriban heroics. Why am I being punished, BioWare?!
  21. If you live in this game all day and all night, I'm glad you're having so much fun. Normal people don't play like this and the caps make it so normal people don't feel pressured to make this game their entire lives just to keep up. Pace yourself. If you want to get really crazy, even consider doing something else other than play SWTOR.
  22. Combat styles are exactly what I wanted. I have healing, tanking, and DPS loadouts on a single character. I can fit into any group with the press of a button. It is very, very good.
  23. I am not part of any imaginary conspiracy, raid group, or anything else you have invented. BTW, the burden isn't on me to disprove imaginary claims. The burden of proof is on you. You have to cope better.
  24. ??? Arsenal has pretty much always been one of the lowest parsing specs in the game, dude. That's not a 7.0 phenomenon. "Balance" does not mean that all specs do the same damage. Arsenal is one of the most braindead specs in the game. It's four buttons, pretty much no energy management, and you couldn't fail it if you tried. If Arsenal did the same damage as say Annihilation marauder, then why play marauder at all?
  25. If you're here for the story, you must be really, really miserable. We've had two expansions in a row where they have added like 2 hours of story. Compare this to say the recent Final Fantasy XIV expansion which added like 40 hours of story. This is not a story focused game. The claim that it is cannot be backed up with evidence. The last time BioWare attempted a serious story based expansion was Eternal Throne and that was over half a decade ago. Since then BioWare has been trickling out the bare minimum of story in expansions and it is clearly not their focus. The very little story they have been releasing isn't even good. The most recent "story" expansion on imperial side was . That's it. That's your story focused game. It's a joke, dude. It's not possible to take this seriously. The only substantive addition from from all of 7.X will be the new operation. Outside of that operation, we will be getting Manaan dailies, and (if we're lucky) a single flashpoint every 6 months until the next expansion.
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