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Alignment decisions - Evil or Good? Flip-Flop?


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When you play this game how you handle some of the Alignment choices?


I've played a Sith Warrior that ONLY made Dark Side decisions because he could.

I've played a Imperial Agent that was a nice spy and only made Light Side decisions.

I'm now playing a Republic Trooper that makes decisions that help the War / Republic, doesn't matter if they're Light or Dark Side Choices.


So how do you decide which choice you're going to make?

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My impression is that dark/light choices don't really affect gameplay, except that some items like relics require a certain level of dark or light to use...but there are equivalent relics for both sides, so...

I've found that the dark side choices tend to lead to more entertaining dialogue (imo, anyway) but I usually role play it...my Sith Juggernaut is darky-dark, my trooper is pretty goody-goody, and my Bounty Hunter flip flops.

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It literally means nothing thanks to clueless beta testers.


Choice stopped being an integral part of the game after people started crying that their factions started hating on them and companions tried to kill them. :rolleyes:


I just went with whatever I felt like at the time; my trooper went LS 99% because his choices were the smartest of what was given - went DS at the end of chapter 3 because the chancellor is a moron. Rest of my toons are either mixed or DS because they are Sith, or LS because they are Jedi.

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I make decisions that are logical for the character. Some of my characters are goody-goody, some are evil, and some just make the efficient choice (what they think will progress the end the most expediently regardless of right or wrong).
Stepping outside the logic box can be a fun experience in this game.
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I decide the alignment based on two factors:

1) how I envision the character before I start to play with them. I usually have at least some idea what I want to do with a character before I start the beginner planet. So, for example, I knew beforehand that I wanted my Jedi Knight to be pretty much a good guy through and through, that my Sith Warrior would be kind of a self-serving (but not inherently and abominably evil) bastard, or that my Smuggler was shady and greedy, criminal all the way, but with a heart of gold underneath etc. These ideas usually serve as loose guides for me.

2) the choices I make based on the spur-of-the-moment decisions I can't predict. In the sense that I don't know how I'll really react to certain quests before they happen, so I make the choices that feel right for the character given the rough initial idea for them and the circumstances of the quests.


So far most of my characters tend to fall into a sort of a grey area. Ironically, my Smuggler ended up more "evil" than my Sith Warrior but they are still both in a pretty much grey area, along with my Bounty Hunter. The only character I make consistent one-sided decisions is the Jedi Knight whom I intend to lead into as full a Light Side as possible (given that he romances Kira and I just know this can't end well for my "goody two shoes" alignment...). On the other side of the coin, I'll probably go full-on Dark Side with the Inquisitor when I finally decide to start playing seriously with her.

I am undecided what to do with the Agent, the Jedi Consular or the Trooper, though; I have the vague idea that the Agent should be relatively good while the Consular has to be darker than the Knight but she'll probably end up grey as well :p And no idea whatsoever what a Trooper should be like...

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Because I play on the RP servers, I tend to pick my choices based on how my character would actually act. My Agent? They'll do anything for the empire, so good or evil, doesn't matter, so long as it furthers the empire and leaves no trace. My Sorcerer is in it for the evulz, so whatever seems the most fun at the time he'll go with that option, which usually means frying someone with lightning and moving on. Though back on topic, I do tend to pick my options based on how the character I'm playing would answer them (Sometimes light, sometimes dark). I've yet to play a character simply for a single alignment type (like I'll only pick dark because I wanna be dark, or only light because I want to be light).
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  • 1 year later...

I played through my Agent as a pro-Imperial light side agent. Loved the result.


Also played as a Light Side Inquisitor, and loved the result: You're accepted as a genuine aid to the Empire, rather than a Sith Lord who only looks out for himself. Darth Imperius was awesome.


I played a Dark Side Warrior, and wasn't too pleased with the result: I felt the Empire suffered for him.


I've been playing through the Republic recently... though it's hard not to cringe at certain points.

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Alignment is mostly meaningless today outside of a few relics that require a specific level of LS or DS to equip, and most of these are obsolete as quickly as you find them.


Just choose the one that you think provides the most interesting conversation options.

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I started with pure dark side, since I thought it meant something (relics) but over time, I have one pure DS and one pure LS (two actually, one for RP reasons), but for the most part... I sort of play each character as their own being.


For instance, my Mara kills EVERYONE, unless they helped her. If they weren't a whiny thing that cried and cried, I'd let them live. Like the troopers early, that one Jedi dude, and that first Lord. Help me without begging, and I'll let you live. Anything else, dead. That earned me some LS points among the DS.


Some NPCs are such arsehats that you want them to die (even if light side) and some you sort of feel sorry for and let them life (even if dark side).


Nothing is cut and dry anymore for me.

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Sadly, too many of the Dark Side choices come across as either juvenile, or "MUAHAHAHAH look at how EVUL I am!" or the actions of a low-intellect psychotic.


Sith are supposed to be unchained by morality, not chained to the continuous effort to prove to everyone around them how immoral they are.

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I've found that the dark side choices tend to lead to more entertaining dialogue


So very very true.


I just go with what goes right for the charcter. Even trying to play full LS/DS they always end up with some of the other.


Honestly, I only was able to get the full LS/DS acievement by spamming Diplomacy :D

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I generally pick an aspect that my character will fight for, and then go along with that.


Aishilynne, Sage, Cyborg: Knowledge, not running around shoving the Jedi Code down people's gullets. Low LS.

Lyraine, Mercenary, Human: Mandalorian awesomeness, honor, the hunt, having fun. Actually very high LS. I think I had Diplomacy on her for a while.

Pixil, commando, Cathar: The Republic, her troops, family/home. LS I currently (Taris)

Jarote, scoundrel, Cathar: Adventure, family/home, his ship, friends. LS I currently (just before Balmorra)

One-Four, Vangaurd, human: Honor, Battle, Duty. LS III

Marockluxson, Guardian, human: The Republic, truth, allies, choosing his own path. LS II (Just finished Voss)

Besul, Juggernaut, Cyborg: Strength, power, doing what is expected. DS I (DK)

Nau'ur, Sage, Miraluka: Other cultures, knowledge, battle, eventually second guessing herself all the time, LS II (Tatooine)

Nau'ur'dha, Sorcerer, PBSith: Other cultures, knowledge, battle. LS II (Darth Imperious goal, not sure how it's going)

Toryah, Juggernaut/Mara (two different server versions), cyborg: Love, respect, precision, fun. LS III

Morri-Orinas, human, Gunslinger: Thrills, adventure, battles, family. Newly rolled, sitting neutral-zoned.


I fully admit, I have more fun playing LS on Impside characters, since the reactions are so... "Wow, thought bounty hunters were all thugs." "Please, I beg of you-- wait, did you just spare me? Oh, thank you my lord!" "Wow, patriot much?"

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I RP my toons, so however I see their personality, I choose that side. I've got a sith warrior and a sith inquisitor who are both light side 5 because that's their personality. Plus....I did a DS 5 sith warrior and omg I had to spacebar through ANYTHING where the voice actor let loose with the moans and cries and begging because I can't stand torture of ANY kind. Not even fake game torture at all. The second they start whimpering or moaning cause I did something evil, i hit that space bar fast as hell.


So, it's actually more MY thought processes and then my toons' personalities.


Though, I know this one player, every single toon she has, pub or imp is so dark that the evilest of evil on either side give her a wide berth...but she's DS in rl anyway, so....there ya go.


But me? I'm LS, it's just REALLY hard to hear a GOOD voice actor begging to not be killed.

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I RP my toons, so however I see their personality, I choose that side. I've got a sith warrior and a sith inquisitor who are both light side 5 because that's their personality. Plus....I did a DS 5 sith warrior and omg I had to spacebar through ANYTHING where the voice actor let loose with the moans and cries and begging because I can't stand torture of ANY kind. Not even fake game torture at all. The second they start whimpering or moaning cause I did something evil, i hit that space bar fast as hell.


So, it's actually more MY thought processes and then my toons' personalities.


Though, I know this one player, every single toon she has, pub or imp is so dark that the evilest of evil on either side give her a wide berth...but she's DS in rl anyway, so....there ya go.


But me? I'm LS, it's just REALLY hard to hear a GOOD voice actor begging to not be killed.


I survived two sons, so whining and screams of pain don't faze me.


I did run a few light aligned Empire characters, but it just didn't seem as fun as being dark. I haven't run any dark aligned Republic characters, but would gladly make a dark side trooper if I could get a shock collar around Gen. Garza's neck.

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I survived two sons, so whining and screams of pain don't faze me.


I did run a few light aligned Empire characters, but it just didn't seem as fun as being dark. I haven't run any dark aligned Republic characters, but would gladly make a dark side trooper if I could get a shock collar around Gen. Garza's neck.


If you get to shock collar Garza, I want to [throw rocks] at That and anyone else who annoys my consulate like the SI gets to use [shock]. I'd even take the DS points for it.

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I go with what fits the character and the situation. LS and DS don't directly translate into a universal "good" or "evil". There are some examples where exactly the same decision is considered LS for one faction and DS for the other.


The ambiguity becomes perfectly obvious in the "Kaon Under Siege" flashpoint. Both empire and republic players get the exact same two choices, but they're labeled the exact opposite.


You are faced with an NPC infected with the rakghoul virus.

  1. Kill him on the spot (without fight)
    • Light for Empire (mercifully ending his suffering, avoiding struggle/fight)
    • Dark for Republic (prematurely ending a life, murder)

[*]Wait for the virus to fully transform him, then fight & kill him

  • Dark for Empire (watch him suffer, revel in struggle/fight etc.)
  • Light for Republic (letting things run their course, not interfering/fighting/killing until it's inevitable)


(Reasonings are my own guesses.)


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When you play this game how you handle some of the Alignment choices?


I've played a Sith Warrior that ONLY made Dark Side decisions because he could.



Me too, my first character. My biggest mistake in SWTOR. LS Sith Warrior all the way. Playing DS Warrior you miss like 25% of story there. Really.


As to why I chose DS or LS: most simple answer: all my females are evil, all my males are neutral/good

There is something special in evil babes :cool:

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