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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your one Swtor Pet Peve.


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The ability failure bug. Or as others here call it the false cooldown because the the ability doesnt fire off and the cooldown does.


All of the elitest ******es in this game that instantly attack someone new to the game if they ask a "simple" question in general instead of keeping their mouth shut if they don't want to answer.


That happens in every game. In my server theres always someone that answers thruthfully though.

Edited by Nemmar
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That happens in every game. In my server theres always someone that answers thruthfully though.


But sometimes people are just lazy, like when you try to give them a lesson about how to use the map, they are just rude to you because you wanted them to use their own brains :rolleyes:

Don't get me wrong, there are elitists out there (and a lot of trolls) but a lot of times the person asking the question rejects an answer which would help him permanently (like learning how to use the map instead of having to ask on every planet where the toilet is :p)

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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For me, I have 2. I cant make up my mind which I hate worse..


1- Mobs that have knockback/stun/slow abilities as their first move: Its so frustrating when Im tanking with my Juggy, and I leap in just to be knocked right back the way I came and slowed to boot. Or just getting knocked around like a ping pong ball and then stunned right off the bat.


2- Loading screens: Ive got so I hate them. Having several max level characters, I find that I help out the new low level players in my guild quite often. Which means I planet hop a lot sometimes. Which means that Im staring at a stupid loading screen a lot also. It makes me less willing to help because I know that I will probably be spending more time staring at a loading screen that actually helping someone.

Edited by Apache
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Well, I have several pet peeves (but I still really enjoy this game)


(1) Spaceport/planetary travel too cumbersome

(2) The GTN needs a complete overhaul in terms of user friendliness and functionality.

(3) In WZ's, maybe they could reduce the time a bit to cap objectives.

(4) Added -- Chat...can the default be the same as the chat channel...should be easy fix.

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The one thing that bugs me more than anything else is the really horrid in-game chat system. I've played games whose chat systems make TOR's look like someone tied a string between two tin cans and called the result a telephone. (R.I.P. City of Heroes and damn you, NCSoft!)
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The one thing that bugs me more than anything else is the really horrid in-game chat system. I've played games whose chat systems make TOR's look like someone tied a string between two tin cans and called the result a telephone. (R.I.P. City of Heroes and damn you, NCSoft!)


The 3 things that City of Heroes had, that i WISH that SWTOR had:


1- Global Friends

There were two ways to friend someone... "Friend" and "Global Friend"... You could "friend" anyone you wanted without them knowing, much like SWTOR. That specific character, would be a friend of your specific character... However, you could also GLOBAL FRIEND someone... You could friend someone on one of your characters, and it would friend their WHOLE ACCOUNT to your WHOLE ACCOUNT so regardless of what toon they were playing, or what toon you were playing, they were in your friends list. To do a Global Friend however, it sent a request to that player that they had to accept.


2- Cross Faction - Global Chat Channels

You could create a global chat channel. Anyone with admin rights could invite people to join the channel, via their global handle. You then had access to that channel, regardless of what character or faction you were playing.


3- Exemplar System

I know CoH worked both ways, leveling up and down (much like Guild Wars 2 does now)... but the concept of strictly Exemplaring, which would allow a higher level character, to team with a lower level character without nerfing their experience. But since the higher level character was leveling-down, they would lose access to all of the skills/talents they obtained beyond the level they were exemplaring to, so it also didn't make the content faceroll. There were "badges" (titles) that you could obtain for certain amounts of time spent exemplaring to help other players, which would factor into stat boosts that your character could achieve, not to mention you still got level appropriate drops and currency from running the lower level missions, just no exp... so there was actually incentive to do it.


ok.. this was off-topic... but I still miss CoH.

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The 3 things that City of Heroes had, that i WISH that SWTOR had:


1- Global Friends

There were two ways to friend someone... "Friend" and "Global Friend"... You could "friend" anyone you wanted without them knowing, much like SWTOR. That specific character, would be a friend of your specific character... However, you could also GLOBAL FRIEND someone... You could friend someone on one of your characters, and it would friend their WHOLE ACCOUNT to your WHOLE ACCOUNT so regardless of what toon they were playing, or what toon you were playing, they were in your friends list. To do a Global Friend however, it sent a request to that player that they had to accept.


2- Cross Faction - Global Chat Channels

You could create a global chat channel. Anyone with admin rights could invite people to join the channel, via their global handle. You then had access to that channel, regardless of what character or faction you were playing.


3- Exemplar System

I know CoH worked both ways, leveling up and down (much like Guild Wars 2 does now)... but the concept of strictly Exemplaring, which would allow a higher level character, to team with a lower level character without nerfing their experience. But since the higher level character was leveling-down, they would lose access to all of the skills/talents they obtained beyond the level they were exemplaring to, so it also didn't make the content faceroll. There were "badges" (titles) that you could obtain for certain amounts of time spent exemplaring to help other players, which would factor into stat boosts that your character could achieve, not to mention you still got level appropriate drops and currency from running the lower level missions, just no exp... so there was actually incentive to do it.


ok.. this was off-topic... but I still miss CoH.


So do I, man. I miss their loot drop system too. None of this "Need/Greed/Ninja looting" crap there. I didn't even know what that stuff was until I came here. Not that I've run into any of the bad stuff here that I can recall, but there've been so many threads about it that I can't help thinking it would be better for everyone's stress levels if TOR switched to the CoH loot system.

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Kinda of a minor peeve, but one that gets annoying real fast.


Seems everytime I have a healer companion out, when I enter a new area, get off an elevator, dismount from a speeder, finish talking to an NPC etc...the companion thinks I stubbed my toe or something and require urgent medical attention.


*Gets off speeder*

"Stand still!" - Elara, throwing a medpac on me.


Maybe she just throws them out at random. lol.

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All of the open instances...


As others have said there were things about CoH that would be good here. This is one thing I wouldn't mind...

Nothing more irritating than trying to finish dailies and can't because someone else in the same place doing it as well.


I want to enter a complex, building, etc. and be the only one (or my team) in it. Basically...anything that has an entrance, mobs and objective, should be instanced.

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I have two pet peeves. Both are actually things that will probably never be changed since they've been part of the game since the start and are already a big part of the game.


1) My first pet peeve is basically the character stats and weapon system being less customizable than KOTOR.


Let me explain. When I first heard SWTOR being made and how it would be the MMO spiritual successor to KOTOR, I had assumed and pondered many things about it. I was expecting that SWTOR would follow the basics of KOTOR's character system in that, it would be using the D20 system which I so loved. I was thinking of what stats I would give to my character in terms of the usual D20 system (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA), and that I'd be distributing points at character creation and during the course of my leveling career throughout SWTOR. In other words, being able to customize my character's primary stats outside of gear.


Alas, that did not happen, instead we have a dumbed-down stats system that we can't distribute points to, and the only real way to increase them is with outside stuff like gear, datacrons, consumables. And each class has a primary stat that governs everything for them.


Also related to this is the lack of customizability of the weapon system and not being able to choose your Jedi's proficiency in wielding either a single saber, two sabers, or a doublebladed saber (and for none force users the ability to hold a pistol, dual pistols, rifle, etc.), regardless of what type of Jedi or non-force user class you are, respectively.


2) The Jedi Classes. Again, something that most likely will never change.


I can understand why they only went with the two basic Jedi classes of Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular. But how I wish that instead of doing that... they just went with ONE basic class for jedi just simply called "Jedi", which has three Advanced Classes: Jedi Guardian, Jedi Sentinel, and Jedi Consular. This jedi class would roughly just use the Jedi Knight story we have now.


Doing it this way also leaves a spot for a different 4th class for BioWare to put in. So you'd have Jedi/Sith, Smuggler/Agent, Trooper/Bounty Hunter... and whatever 4th class BioWare would want for the 4th story, maybe a diplomat or politician pet class that summons soldiers or something. This diplomat/politician class (or whatever it is) would use a modified none-force user version of the Jedi Consular story we have now, or whatever story suited to it.


All of this of course, would've been planned and done way before the game launched. Too late now of course.

Edited by Gamman
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Quests that tell me to kill 25 people. You do that, then the quest updates and say "Hey now kill 40 more!" (Thats when I drop those ****** quests)


Quests that send to back to my ship for any reason to speak to a companion (can't summon them and speak to them). I have to take off from the planet, fly into outer space just to speak a few words, then fly back and land just to continue the quest. Massive waste of time with more loading screens than needed.)


Quests that send me to one area of the planet to do "X" then go back to the quest giver for turn in. Then to be send right back to the same area to pick up or kill something else. Another massive waste of time.

Edited by Quraswren
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The main pet peve I had was the fact there was no revealing gear for male at the start of the game. Thankfully that has been changed, although they still need a piece of gear which helps show-off their legs.


Yes, I like my guys to be able to show off their chests and muscles. Problem?


Anway, other pet peve's include the fact that Plant Bonus Series are basically just cleaning duty with little interesting story content, the fact that we have to go through orbital stations every time we want to go to a planet, the active mission limit (I dont know about everyone else, but I always run out of room despite the quite high 25 limit) The fact that some items cant be dyed, Cartel Packs (Would much prefer every item available to buy separately on the CM, rather then having to gamble with your CC) and, as I comment on below, the general elitist attitude that players have, players being judgmental over how others dress their characters and the stigma that is sometimes attached to us males who also play female characters (If it helps, my female characters also sometimes ware revealing gear...) but that is more of a gaming culture/MMO thing...


Mission obejectives need to be made "permanent" in heroic or open areas, there is nothing that makes me angrier than to have to fight the mobs that are serving as bodyguards to a mission objective and have a player casually walk past me as I am fighting and standing atop of the mission objective and help himself to it and leave. Its even more insulting that in many instances, I can't click on the mission objective because I am in combat! Thus the game designers are making sure that the objective can be easily ninja'd...




Oh, I feel your pain. It happens all the time, I take on a tough mob, and see another player just run pass me, take the mission thing, and then jump (why do they jump?) away. Still, there is the odd time they will help kill the mob (After taking the item), and when I personally find someone already battling the mob, I help them out and let them take the item. It just seems polite and right to me.


All of the elitest ******es in this game that instantly attack someone new to the game if they ask a "simple" question in general instead of keeping their mouth shut if they don't want to answer.


I completely agree, although that is a pet peve I have with every game, not just SWTOR. I remember on my first day in WoW, I had no idea how to get to Rut'theran Village (I was a Night Elf) so I asked in chat how to get there. The amount of abuse I got was outstanding! Thankfully, there were a few nice players who stood up for me and told me where to go, but its something I always find in any MMO (The one exception seems to be LOTRO, which seems to have a more mature player-base)


The developers adding cutesy pandering lorebreaking features like Treek.


There is nothing lorebraking about Treek or her story, and some people (Like me) have no problems with the so-called 'cutesy' Ewoks. She is completely optional, so you dont have to get her! :i_angel:

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There is nothing lorebraking about Treek or her story, and some people (Like me) have no problems with the so-called 'cutesy' Ewoks. She is completely optional, so you dont have to get her! :i_angel:


If I'm forced to SEE it, it's not "optional". It took SWG 6 years to introduce such stupidity to their game - Bioware did it in under 2.

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Players spamming "help me" in chat and when you ask what they need help with, they say "a mission" and your like which freaking mission! and they say 'story class' arrggghh! Or like the one the other day where someone wanted a hanger-on to help with getting them through their class missions b/c they didn't do any side quests and are way under-leveled for what planet they were on.
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Players spamming "help me" in chat and when you ask what they need help with, they say "a mission" and your like which freaking mission! and they say 'story class' arrggghh! Or like the one the other day where someone wanted a hanger-on to help with getting them through their class missions b/c they didn't do any side quests and are way under-leveled for what planet they were on.

Do you feel compelled to try to help them or something?

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