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Everything posted by Gidrea

  1. Section X worked fine, but Rishi never advanced past 2/4. Also, Rishi said "section X" in the description.
  2. Daily Missions on Rishi are not counting towards the Daily PO. I did the entire weekly and only got 2/4.
  3. So... 1 small, 1 medium, 1 large was too diffiocult?
  4. Get the Hawaiian pizza. Forget your family, eat the pizza!
  5. You can get all your original companions back by using the terminal in your bedroom on Odessen. Does not affect your story.
  6. I think that's the one. It auto discovers. When you're on the QT menu it says, "Forward Operations Base", sounds good. But it's really the Republic Forward Operations Base and they have those lovely turrets to welcome you.
  7. The QT point at the Republic Forward Base unlocks only for Imperial characters
  8. No companions available to be summoned on Onderon.
  9. I turned it off my first day, back in 2011... never looked back.
  10. Are you serious? This is Shock and Jawa speaking... But I want a Jawa Guardian :cool: The Jawa could have a translator, and romances are overrated anyway. Agree on the gear, let's not have half naked jawas around...
  11. Alderaan Politics. All the kills have to be strong or elite, it takes forever.
  12. You have to buy it in the tunnel. FYI, you should equip it, use it, then re-quip your good relic back on. You don't have to keep the THORN one on.
  13. People are using the GTN to 1) store items, or 2) transfer large amounts of credits from credit spammers.
  14. Nope, he's telling the truth. "Legacy of Promptness" There is also a perk to get more points from each gift. (Legacy of Altruism) Which are not actually legacy abilities, it's per character. There's a vendor on fleet where you can buy a "Commander's Compendium" to instantly raise a companion to 50, it's 4,250,000 credits and 3 dark projects. You have to have met conquest to use the vendor. It's a droid named V1C-ORY. in the Strongholds and Crew Skills section.
  15. You're not alone. It was nice to see items become auto-stackable in the legacy hold, only to find the guild bank is broken. You can't combine items, or split the stack. They don't auto-combine when you add them, and they used to.
  16. Let them die a few times. "If you charge in before the tank again I will let you die." The rest of the group will usually go along with you and watch, because he deserves it, and it's funny. If you're the tank, ask the healer, because most healers are ticked off, too. It sounds mean, but after waiting two hours for a pop, I usually have no patience for idiots.
  17. I can log into my Republic toons that are the guild ship, but not the Empire side. w.t.f.
  18. It's a problem if you take a PvP flagged toon there and die instantly, and again on revive. There is no chance to change instances or leave the planet.
  19. No, it's live. Started today.
  20. This is totally ridiculous, aren't bases supposed to be safe areas? You can't even revive because they're waiting at the medcenter. You can't change to PvE because you're instadead. Not sure how this is fun for them, but that's another issue.
  21. "Time Limited" ought to mean limited, too. Not that same mission for two weeks running.
  22. I loved Andronikos, and Theron Shan. The one night stand with Theran Cedrax was OK. None of the other men were even remotely attractive. Maybe if Aric hadn't been such a jerk in the beginning I wouldn't have left him in the cargo hold polishing my boots. And I think I dated Doc already, back in the 70s... Quinn, that Mando kid, and Bug Boy... forget it.
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