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Your one Swtor Pet Peve.


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Quests that tell me to kill 25 people. You do that, then the quest updates and say "Hey now kill 40 more!" (Thats when I drop those ****** quests)

If there were some explanation as part of the quest as to why you're doing this -- i.e., the first 'kill X [targets]' was to find some piece of information that one of them had, and when you find it, it's incomplete, and you need to get the rest of it from another of the [targets], so you have to kill more of them to find it. But the quest system just blindly updates the goal -- there's no visible rhyme nor reason behind the individual stage goals, nor anything linking them together other than that they are stage goals for a mission.


So do I, man. I miss their loot drop system too. None of this "Need/Greed/Ninja looting" crap there. I didn't even know what that stuff was until I came here. Not that I've run into any of the bad stuff here that I can recall, but there've been so many threads about it that I can't help thinking it would be better for everyone's stress levels if TOR switched to the CoH loot system.


Add me as hating the need/greed loot system after the independent loot system of CoH. At least with City of Heroes when we saw someone getting two purple recipe drops in quick succession, we knew that it was the RNG awarding them, and could just as easily have happened to us, rather than someone walking away with three or four artifact items because he quickly picked 'need' for all of them and relied on the chat window quickly scrolling their choices out of sight when the group had 'accepted' everyone picking 'greed' and letting the RNG settle it.

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That one thing that happens to you in the game, either by another player, or ability or boss mechanic that just makes you go fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.



I always shout gosh darnit (lol at the profanity changer) when I log in to see players undercut the new color crystals by near 30% from other players. From seeing the Cyan Crystals going from 90k down to 40k and staying there. Hard to make a honest credit as an Artifice without endgame hilts or enhancements to make people drool.



There that little something that happens after you log in the game that just grinds your gears at its inconvenience? Rolplayers being griefed with music therapy droids prehaps? or that Juggernaught in pvp just times that saber reflect just right your series of shots makes you kill yourself.


Truthfully, with color crystals as they are, I'm surprised they're not cheaper now. Seriously, I have +41 END and +41 Power crystals I can now get for free and use at level 10, why spend anything above 10k for a different color crystal.


Sure, I might prefer a different color (luckily for me, derelict purple, is perfect) like Red on my Sith (got it :) ) but why pay lots when I can get second best if not best color free.


My pet peeve, that the slave bikini is adaptive. Would be nice to see it made green and thusly not used so much.

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My one SWTOR pet peve is always hearing the devs talk about how hard it is for them to do things. Whaaa its to hard, its to difficult, not enough time, whaaaa. God man up for once or find new developers Bioware.


Other pet peves that also annoying.

1. Crap textures on certain environments. Used to be low rez textures on toon, dresing room, and avatars but they ''kinda'' fixed that.

2. Their ''fake'' Anti-aliasing that they claim is in the game.

3. Low frame rates in certain environments.

4. Again, always hearing the devs that its always too hard.

5. Last but not least, The decision makers and marketing at Bioware.

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When the music cuts out at the exact same freagin' time in the Alderaan Warzone...:mad:

I HATE silent WZs... the music really does make all the difference


the music in general in the game is poor.

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What I finnd really annyoing is the need of the devs to force us into different playstyles.

Heroic 4s at the end of solo questlines. Objectives in pvp areas or dungeons.

I find this annoying and detracting, rather than enriching my gameplay enjoyment.

If I really wanted to play in groups or PvP I have enough possibilities for that already without being forced into it. :mad:

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The developers adding cutesy pandering lorebreaking features like Treek.


Lorebreaking? Which bit of lore is being broken? Although I'll admit he's pandering to some people's tastes and sort of cutesy, but lorebreaking, as far as I'm aware there is nothing stopping individual Jawa's leaving Tattoine and adventuring.

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Lorebreaking? Which bit of lore is being broken? Although I'll admit he's pandering to some people's tastes and sort of cutesy, but lorebreaking, as far as I'm aware there is nothing stopping individual Jawa's leaving Tattoine and adventuring.


Uh, ... Treek is not a Jawa. That is what has so many people upset, i think.

Edited by anonymi
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hrm I have way more than 1 SWTOR pet peeve...I guess the most frustrating by far for me is the psuedo GCDs that occur in combat. Get me pretty riled whether its pve or pvp. It'll be okay though because in Wildstar there are no such issues can hardly wait for it to launch.
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People who are fresh 50 or 55 and que for operations without any knowledge about the fights. I understand that it is their first time and things need to be explained, but they could at least take 5-10 minutes and look at guides for the fights on the internet.
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One, you say? No. Here are a couple:


The GCD issues.


Clipping issues. Current favorite: robes clipping through vehicles. Gah.


The GTN interface and functionality. Missing tons of should-be-there features.


Mobs doing stun/knockback (often several in succession) as their first move.


Random dyes.


People on the English EU server(s) *refusing* to speak English even when grouped.


People *refusing* to listen and/or otherwise cooperate when grouped.


People in the 30+ levels having *no* clue how to play in groups.


People making groups with *no* consideration for the roles needed for the content in question, only to realize that it might matter after a couple of wipes, and repeating it all over again in the next group/mission/flashpoint, and the next, and the ...


Companions not staying dismissed when explicitly dismissed (they return after a conversation) and dismissing themselves when explicitly summoned (they disappear when riding an elevator) more often than not.


The tank Guard ability disabling itself for no good reason, both on companions as well as on group members.


Taxi routes going straight through solid walls. (Not many, but they exist. How did they pass QA?)


Overeager dps group members starting fights early, pulling entire groups of adds, acting all surprised when they die. Repeatedly.


Tanks "tanking" in dps stance, complaining about not being able to keep aggro.


Group members using AoE attacks around enemies under CC, acting surprised at the amount of resulting incoming damage. Repeatedly.


People rolling Need on absolutely everything, while also expressing many of the behaviors described above, including not communicating at all.


Long loading times, as well as extremely long instance switching times, even on the beefiest computers.


The loss-of-target-arrow-upon-instance-switch bug, that happens seemingly randomly.


The dps Mercs/Commandos/Sages/Sorcerers/etc that will *not* use their shields, stuns and/or healing abilities even *when* stuff really hits the fan and said abilities *could* help save the group. But no, we can't have that, can we? We shall dps to the death, even if it's *our* death...


I have many more, but the above will do for now.


Amazingly, I still love the game. Go figure.

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