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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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Sorry, my fault. Been away enjoying the sun for a couple of weeks. Only able to browse the forums and saw a little resurgence in 'AC swap' threads.

Well, it's been a long time now since the last official word on the matter, and that word was an opinion that we will see this eventually.


That was said a LONG time ago though.

Yeah, it was a long time ago, but at least it was made by the lead systems designer still working on the game :)

I don't know if it will ever happen. I would prefer to see some stronger cues for ACs to make them feel more like a class then less, but if they do ever add this I will adapt.

I hope it will happen in the long run. I would also like them to expand the range of ACs available to each Class to help broaden the customisation choices a player has. Although with some of the answers given at recent cantina events I see this as a shrinking possibility.

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You have to understand that the Advanced Class stage of specialisation primarily exists to make sure no single character can Tank, DPS and Heal at the SAME time. By locking the core tanking and healing abilities away from each other on the AC branch you accomplish this.


No. One of the reasons for the classes (AC's) being built the way they are is to ensure that no single character can fill all three roles at ANY time, not just at the same time. This is why no single AC can fill more than two roles.

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Appearance changes are COSMETIC only and do not affect fundamental game play mechanics. A class change is not cosmetic.


This is why they allow multiple characters. No one is restricted to a single character.


I'm not aware of any two classes (AC's) that share a single spec tree. Powertech and mercenary may each have a spec tree with the same name, but they are NOT the same tree. Check it for yourself. The same goes for the other classes (AC's).


Is that the best argument you have? In essence, that sounds like you are saying "I have no real justification for asking for a class change, but how will my being able to change my class affect you? I don't think it will affect you, so I should be able to change my class."


It has already been said that you impact every player with whom you come into contact.

Fine...it's a little more than cosmetic, but AC is no more impactful than the tree I select, which is already able to be swapped as I see fit.


What does it matter to you if it's multiple characters or one that I play? EVERY Class has a tree that each AC has access to. I didn't say they were identical, but for all practical purposes, they're close enough.


Yes. My best argument for this is player retention. I want players to have fun. If swapping their AC is what keeps them playing longer or freshens up the game for them, by all means I want them to be able to do it.


"I" impact every player I come in contact with, my AC doesn't.

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No. One of the reasons for the classes (AC's) being built the way they are is to ensure that no single character can fill all three roles at ANY time, not just at the same time. This is why no single AC can fill more than two roles.


That wouldn't change. AC trees would remain the same.

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No. One of the reasons for the classes (AC's) being built the way they are is to ensure that no single character can fill all three roles at ANY time, not just at the same time. This is why no single AC can fill more than two roles.


The Advanced Class choice segregates out the core tank and heal abilities.

This design decision makes sure no character that finally specialises in tank has access to core heal abilities and no healer has access to tank abilities. (I feel this is a sound design decision, especially having seen how much more effective Treek -a companion that can tank AND heal- is than the other healer or tank companions I have)


The difference between allowing this to go from 'not at any time' to 'not at the same time' is the whole point being discussed.

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The only real downside that i can see is that some guilds will start forcing people to know multiple roles fit their operation groups even if the person doesnt really way to. It happens in rift quite a bit where you can have multiple roles although it wouldnt be exactly the same since swapping is on the fly. Other than that i dont really have a problem with it Edited by jorill
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The original intent was to allow it. Then they changed their minds just before release, stood against the idea for a long time, then relented, indicating it would "likely happen" when they commented about race and faction change.


Since then we have heard nothing, so one could assume it will not happen and they likely noticed that folks were not keen on the idea.


Since neither one of us has provided any evidence as to whether or not the original intent was to allow class changes, I guess we can agree to disagree. As I said, unless I am mistaken, the original intent was that a player could not change AC. If you can provide evidence that the ORIGINAL intent was to alllow class changes, I would be more than happy to apologize.


I know they discussed allowing class changes prior to release, but ultimately decided against allowing class changes. As I said, IIRC, this decision was due, at least in part, to the overwhelming numbers of players against allowing class changes.


So far, I have found this:




"I am sorry but most of these don't seem to be fully correct. So I will let Steven Reid answer your Question.


Folks, please don't overreact about the possibility of something happening in the future. Advanced Class switching (or re-speccing, take your pick) was, at one point, potentially going to go into the game. Right now, it's not in the game. It could potentially be added after launch. Like, frankly, anything else. To quote Georg "we reserve the right to change our minds based on feedback and testing". This thread is feedback. It'll be taken into account by the developers, along with the usual metrics we look at. I'll say this much - any sort of Advanced Class changing is not under discussion for launch, or even right after launch. Absolutely anything in the game is potentially open to change in the future. That's part of what an MMO is about. Your feedback on those changes is absolutely welcome, but just because we say that yes, something may potentially happen in the future... that doesn't make it a certainty.



So the answer to your question is no you can not change AC to another AC. If you would like the ability to be part of the community voice you opinion and maybe the option will be added in the future. Good luck and good gaming."


and this:


" Quote Originally Posted by mickybrighteyes View Post

Naw, the advanced classes have the talent trees.

Thats what he meant, if you dont pick a AC you dont get access to talent trees....so what would be point of not picking one


---------- Post added 2011-10-06 at 08:09 PM ----------


Quote Originally Posted by philefluxx View Post

Thats a nice Dev post

Yeah when is that from i wonder, the way i read it seems you cant change AC as he was saying ''if you want to switch styles ie healing/dps/tanking dont pick a AC that is only DPS''....as you now can change AC its moot "


I added the emphasis on the second quote. The way that poster says "as you can NOW change AC" makes it sound to me like you originally could NOT change your class (AC), even in BETA.

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I personally do not feel that restriction on AC change due to some desire to restrict roles is a good reason to keep it in place. This kind of restriction is not healthy for a game IMO.


Because unless you prevent a player from playing all three roles, IE not allowing them to roll another character, the restriction is pointless IMO. In the end, the player can still fill all three roles if they desire...they simply have a gate.


I think it was a mechanism whos only purpose was to lengthen their commitment to the game, and in that respect I think it failed miserably like most of the original design decisions the original dev team made (just my view naturally).


Like many of those decisions it had a negative effect...a shortage of certain classes in groupfinder and in group content, since it was prohibitive to log in a new player and join the group.


Now, that said I think the design of ACs is what caused the problem in the first place. Note how it has been quite a while since the game was released, yet we do not see threads asking or demanding for base class change often if ever.


That is because, IMO, the base classes actually feel like classes, the choice seems meaningful, so folks are satisfied. ACs are poorly designed and therefore do not FEEL like classes...they feel like fancy spec organizers. One person called them "spec cozies" and I think that fits.


We should have chosen our AC at character creation and that should have been our class IMO. We would still wait to fill out our spec, but I think if we held the AC at creation, and the mission referred to us by that designation it would have made the choice more meaningful.


I also think the specs should have had three distinct roles in each AC with one hybrid tree....tank, damage, hybrid and heal. You would have been required to unlock the other specs by placing points in one spec to a "commitment point", and this would have prevented crazy hybrids while still allowing the maximum amount of customization IMO.

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In real life, every day.

Outside of that, as SWTOR is a game I play for enjoyment, and I'd hope the majority of other players do as well, I'd like to think that after sinking 72+ hours into a character I could get a little leeway with the set of abilities they have if I offer up a little cash incentive and it doesn't unbalance the underlying mechanics.


You have the leeway to change your spec, and you can do without having to throw any money at BW. You cannot change your CLASS no matter how much money you throw at BW, though.

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The Advanced Class choice segregates out the core tank and heal abilities.

This design decision makes sure no character that finally specialises in tank has access to core heal abilities and no healer has access to tank abilities. (I feel this is a sound design decision, especially having seen how much more effective Treek -a companion that can tank AND heal- is than the other healer or tank companions I have)


The difference between allowing this to go from 'not at any time' to 'not at the same time' is the whole point being discussed.


Yet, here is your claim, which I suspect you know is not exactly truthful:


You have to understand that the Advanced Class stage of specialisation primarily exists to make sure no single character can Tank, DPS and Heal at the SAME time. By locking the core tanking and healing abilities away from each other on the AC branch you accomplish this.


Once again, the intent was to disallow any single character from being able to fill all three roles at ANY time and not just at the same time.

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The only real downside that i can see is that some guilds will start forcing people to know multiple roles fit their operation groups even if the person doesnt really way to. It happens in rift quite a bit where you can have multiple roles although it wouldnt be exactly the same since swapping is on the fly. Other than that i dont really have a problem with it


A little guild flexibility is one of the plus sides of adding an AC swap feature.


My own experience from 'World of Warcraft' was asking my friends what role was needed in the guild, at that time tank, and levelling up only to find by the time I reached that point the need had been filled by an outsider. My option was to hope that a DPS slot opened up (very rare) or go back and level up a healer as the healer they had was moving on to a better raid guild. In hindsight, I should have covered my bases better by rolling a Druid (access to all roles, but I hated Night-Elf starting area and model, they were Alliance... that said I hated Taurens too) rather than a Dwarven Warrior. In the end I left rather than go through the grind of levelling a second character.


More to the point, a guild that 'forces' its players to do anything they 'don't' want to is not a guild you should stick around with. Besides which, most of the guilds I've been with in SWTOR, have dedicated players that have multiple characters just so they can snap up Op positions.

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A little guild flexibility is one of the plus sides of adding an AC swap feature.


My own experience from 'World of Warcraft' was asking my friends what role was needed in the guild, at that time tank, and levelling up only to find by the time I reached that point the need had been filled by an outsider. My option was to hope that a DPS slot opened up (very rare) or go back and level up a healer as the healer they had was moving on to a better raid guild. In hindsight, I should have covered my bases better by rolling a Druid (access to all roles, but I hated Night-Elf starting area and model, they were Alliance... that said I hated Taurens too) rather than a Dwarven Warrior. In the end I left rather than go through the grind of levelling a second character.


More to the point, a guild that 'forces' its players to do anything they 'don't' want to is not a guild you should stick around with. Besides which, most of the guilds I've been with in SWTOR, have dedicated players that have multiple characters just so they can snap up Op positions.


So, you left the guild because you were too averse to the modicum of effort required to level a new character?

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Well, as you can see by that comment you posted it was considered before launch. They originally intended to allow it, then changed their minds.


That was really just the point I was trying to make. Naturally it does not make the choice any less or more meaningful IMO, its just an accurate timeline.


To be exact....


1) Originally they intended to allow AC change.

2) It was decided before launch to make the choice permanent.

3) Enhancements were made to the choice to point out it was a permanent choice.

4) Every comment, up until the most recent one indicated essentially that AC change was not in the works.

5) The very last comment was a dev opinion that we would likely see AC change "eventually".

6) To my knowledge that was the last comment on this issue.


That would be the proper general timeline.

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Yet, here is your claim, which I suspect you know is not exactly truthful:

There is nothing untruthful about my statement.


Once again, the intent was to disallow any single character from being able to fill all three roles at ANY time and not just at the same time.

I think you fail to understand the point of most forums is for players to offer feedback to the developers on areas of the game they would like to see changed. And, just as valid for other gamers to put forward their reasons for not wanting any changes implemented.

The fact that this whole thread is underpinned by a direct quote from the current lead system designer that an AC swap feature had been considered and was likely possible in the future only fuels further contributions from those players that would like to see the feature implemented..

Games change over time. If they didn't I'm not sure we'd have a game to play ;)

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So, you left the guild because you were too averse to the modicum of effort required to level a new character?

Back when I was playing WoW it was more than a modicum of effort to get to 60, it was a tedious mind numbing grind. Made all the more so by guildies and friends telling you how much they were enjoying endgame.

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Well, as you can see by that comment you posted it was considered before launch. They originally intended to allow it, then changed their minds.


That was really just the point I was trying to make. Naturally it does not make the choice any less or more meaningful IMO, its just an accurate timeline.


To be exact....


1) Originally they intended to allow AC change.

2) It was decided before launch to make the choice permanent.

3) Enhancements were made to the choice to point out it was a permanent choice.

4) Every comment, up until the most recent one indicated essentially that AC change was not in the works.

5) The very last comment was a dev opinion that we would likely see AC change "eventually".

6) To my knowledge that was the last comment on this issue.


That would be the proper general timeline.


I already acknowledged that class (AC) changes were discussed and considered before launch. That does not mean that the ORIGINAL intent was to allow class changes, though.


I believe that actual time line is more like this:




1) Classes (AC's) were permanent.


2) Devs discussed allowing class (AC) changing, and worked to implement them, while seeking player input


3) Class (AC) swapping is removed and class (AC) is permanent. Enhancements ar made to the class (AC) selection process to reduce the possibility of mistakes, and to educate the player that the class (AC) choice is PERMANENT.





4) Every comment, up until the most recent one indicated essentially that AC change was not in the works.


5) The very last comment was a dev opinion that we would likely see AC change "eventually".


This statement did not give any time frame, nor did it say that class (AC) changing WOULD be implemented. It did, however, mention appearance and species changes (both of which are COSMETIC only and do not involve a fundamental change in game play mechanics) also likely happening. These COSMETIC changes have occurred, but the change to fundamental game play mechanics has not even been mentioned since, despite numerous threads, including this 55+ page thread.


6) To my knowledge that was the last comment on this issue.

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I thought they were toying with the idea before launch of have them being able to change up to a certain level like 20 or something and then it was permanent. That could of been a forum suggestion though I dont remember anything specifically about advanced class changes in the game during the beta phase. I do remember changing within the trees was discussed quite a bit and it was going to be more expensive every time you did it and it wasnt like it is now where you can change whenever you want as a subscriber.
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There is nothing untruthful about my statement.


Maybe not exactly untruthful, since the "same time" would still fall into the "any time" category. It definitely was a misrepresentation, IMO, since "same time" clearly is not the same as "any time".


I think you fail to understand the point of most forums is for players to offer feedback to the developers on areas of the game they would like to see changed. And, just as valid for other gamers to put forward their reasons for not wanting any changes implemented.

The fact that this whole thread is underpinned by a direct quote from the current lead system designer that an AC swap feature had been considered and was likely possible in the future only fuels further contributions from those players that would like to see the feature implemented..

Games change over time. If they didn't I'm not sure we'd have a game to play ;)


I notice that you really want to ignore, or at least downplay, the fact that that ambiguous statement, upon which you hang all your hopes, was uttered well over 18 months ago, and there has been NOT ONE WORD from anyone associated with BW. Not one single peep from the devs despite the numerous threads and cries from those who don't want to put forth the modicum of effort and time to level that new class which they want to play. But don't worry, I'm sure we'll all be able to log in next week and change our class because someone said it wold "likely happen".


I've also got some oceanfront property on Tattooine to sell you.

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I already acknowledged that class (AC) changes were discussed and considered before launch. That does not mean that the ORIGINAL intent was to allow class changes, though.


I believe that actual time line is more like this:




1) Classes (AC's) were permanent.


2) Devs discussed allowing class (AC) changing, and worked to implement them, while seeking player input


3) Class (AC) swapping is removed and class (AC) is permanent. Enhancements ar made to the class (AC) selection process to reduce the possibility of mistakes, and to educate the player that the class (AC) choice is PERMANENT.





4) Every comment, up until the most recent one indicated essentially that AC change was not in the works.


5) The very last comment was a dev opinion that we would likely see AC change "eventually".


This statement did not give any time frame, nor did it say that class (AC) changing WOULD be implemented. It did, however, mention appearance and species changes (both of which are COSMETIC only and do not involve a fundamental change in game play mechanics) also likely happening. These COSMETIC changes have occurred, but the change to fundamental game play mechanics has not even been mentioned since, despite numerous threads, including this 55+ page thread.


6) To my knowledge that was the last comment on this issue.


Fair enough, so I post this additional comment for clarification. Now note...one can assume they never intended to allow AC change when the classes were designed, but that does not seem to be the case. They actually debated the issue quite a bit before launch.



Originally Posted by Daniel Erickson

We had alot of internal debate whether to release the advanced classes, and people need to understand they are "works in progress".


Obviously, the ideal is that people don't ever need to respec their Advanced Class. There are additional measures we are putting in place to improve the communication about that choice to the player before it happens. Ideally, we would also allow you to 'test drive' the AC , but that's fairly expensive and unlikely to happen. It's more likely that we stick with a short period (a few levels) during which you can change your AC class for a credit cost before it locks in.


We haven't made up our mind yet about the availability of an Advanced Class respec. We are evaluating all options (no Advanced Class respec, fixed cost respec, respec cost increasing with level, etc.).

A lot of thought currently goes into the consequences of Advanced Class respec - if we allow it, it will require players to relearn their entire approach to combat (which they learned over many many hours before) and replace the majority of their equipment, so it's not a thing we would want the player to do lightly, or just out of curiosity.


That statement was made BEFORE release.


Now here is the most recent statement, the one made after release:




Dulfy: Will be there any faction or Advanced Class change option available for purchase in the future?

Damion Schubert: We have had serious talks recently about offering an Advanced Class change option – I think that one will likely happen eventually. Species is likely as well.


Verbatum...folks can draw their own conclusions. It will take some time to prune them, but I can post all of the comments post and pre launch on the issue when I find them in the thread and get them into one post.


More information for folks, it may take some time to drudge all of it up. But for now...



1) Originally the Advanced class system was not designed as an individual class, but actually was a refinement of a current class to cover play styles...


Georg Zoeller - Principal Lead Systems Designer


“As you know, a core feature of Star Wars: The Old Republic is that we are shipping the game with eight classes – each with an epic story, full voiceover, quests and cinematics. This creates a very unique game experience for each of them, something never done in an MMO before.


Furthermore, we wanted to ensure that we had the flexibility to support several play-styles within each of these eight classes. So we built Advanced Classes into the game from the ground up to provide us with the ability to create and support different gameplay and roles inside each class. “


Can't find the original developer's blog, but I have the article that refers to it with the quote here.



2) Originally they intended for AC choice to be permanent, then decided to allow open changes...


It looks like you are correct on this Ratajack....they may have intended the choice to be permanent before they started the discussion.


James Ohlen - Game Director


JO: So the question is, um, in Star Wars the Old Republic you have advanced classes that you get to pick at a certain level, um, where you specialize your class...can you, uh, switch once you have made a choice in advanced class, that's the question? So, currently we are going to be allowing you to respec your advanced class... and the reason we went that way is because it is a big choice and some people might make the wrong choice.


So, the very first time you decide to respec your advanced class it's not going to be super expensive, uh we are going to make it relatively affordable, and then after that it will become a lot more difficult. We're going to let you correct your mistake...so for example, if your a Sith Warrior, you decide to pick the juggernaut route, and then two levels in you are like "i didn't want to be a juggernaut"...that first correction will be easy, but then after that we"re going to make your advanced class choice very difficult to respec.



Dallas Dickinson - Director of Production


July 2011 - Interview at SDCC 2011


What prompted the class design change from choosing a permanent Advanced Class to having the ability to switch?


DD: I think we just decided that it is just such a significant choice that you make. We try to give you as much information as possible so you make a good one, but we know that there are some people who choose to play as a Juggernaut, play for three levels, and are like "aww man!" We want to make it so that the first time you choose to respec your Advanced Class, it is relatively painless; it is going to cost some credits, but it is not going to cost a ton. Though after that, we want to make it very difficult. We don't want people to hot swap their Advanced Class willy-nilly; we want to make sure it is something you don't do all the time.



3) November of 2011 they decided to remove the option to change advanced class and make it a permanent choice.


They spoke of this in a german interview...if anyone has the translation please post it, as I no longer have it. But I do have the gist of what was spoken with relation to AC and AC change....


From this recent Interview Bioware has changed their mind again about Advance Classes and the ability to respec between them. (eg. Juggernaut to Maurader or Powertech to Mercenary)


They have decided that your AC choice will be a permanent one at level 10. They believe that once you choose your AC at level 10 you are to stick with it since if they allow you to switch between AC's it will allow for FOTM gameplay and thats not something they want.


Is it possible to change his Advanced class?


We have changed her mind again. It will not be possible to modify the Advanced class. We believe it is currently not necessary. Talent trees are to be reset but can not continue to the advanced class. At least not at launch. Probably not.


Just to bring some clarity. Never did they indicate in this process that AC was a unique class...rather a refinement of the current class with respect to new abilities for playstyle choice. It also demonstrates that they, at one time, did allow AC change or at least intended to do so for the reasons demonstrated, and chose to remove that option out of fear of abuse..NOT because the AC was considered a unique class.


The unique class viewpoint was one that Bioware evolved into to explain removing the change option. It is as simple as that, and WAS NOT in place at the very beginning.


This also proved that, before launch, Bioware had intended to allow AC change and stated the reasons clearly, ones that line up with the most common reasons posed here.


It is just not accurate to claim that they have always called advanced class a unique class, designed them that way from the beginning or that they never intended to allow AC change.


So now the corrected timeline as I see it.


1) Originally they added ACs and intended the choice to be permanent.

2) During development they decided to discuss and perhaps allow AC change.

3) It was decided before launch to make the choice permanent.

4) Enhancements were made to the choice to point out it was a permanent choice.

5) Every comment, up until the most recent one indicated essentially that AC change was not in the works.

6) The very last comment was a dev opinion that we would likely see AC change "eventually".

7) To my knowledge that was the last comment on this issue.

Edited by LordArtemis
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In july before launch at a summit discussingthe game, both devs and producers were on stage saying ac swapping -will- happen. Obviously they changed their minds or ran out of resources to implement the feature but it was a hard yes a few mos before the game went live. The link to the youtube is in here a couple times already. It's not especially relevant now except to counter arguments that devs never intended for the option to exist in their model which is wrong - I'm sure every individual dev, including fired ones, have their own opinions. Edited by Savej
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No. One of the reasons for the classes (AC's) being built the way they are is to ensure that no single character can fill all three roles at ANY time, not just at the same time. This is why no single AC can fill more than two roles.


This is the exact reason, no one class should EVER be able to fill all roles. Lets break it down

Guardian- Melee Tank/DPS

Sentinel- Melee DPS


Sage- ranged damage and Heal

Shadow- Melee damage and Tank


scoundrel- Melee damage and heals

Gun slinger- DPS


Vanguard- Melee tank and DPS

Commando- ranged DPS and healer

these are the basic roles for each advanced class type.


So the greatest advantage to a advance class respec is ONLY to the Trooper who then could change from melee tank/dps to ranged DPS/heals so a trooper would become the most overpowered character in SWTOR by allowing them to fill ALL group needs with a advanced class respec.


Advanced class respec does nothing to help the Jedi knight since they gain nothing from an advanced class respec. Looking at their options Melee tank/dps or melee DPS specialist.


Advanced class respec does A fair amount for a counsilor which has ranged DPS/heal or tank/dps as a shadow.


Likewise it does little for the smuggler who is specialist DPS or DPS/heals depending on advanced class.



in conclusion advanced respec over powers 2 of the 4 character choices and trivializes the other two. It gives the upper hand to troopers and sages who then can act in all 3 roles (DPS,TANK and HEALS) while Knights and smugglers are left out in the cold still only having access to two of the 3 roles.



Make me change my mind tell me how to lock this advantage down so that it does not kill Knights or Smugglers. I see several ways.

1, the cost is 5000 CCs for a one time use advanced class respec and if you want to respec you have to pay the 5000 CCs again. This option would slow down advance class jumpers by forcing them to depart with huge sums of real cash.

2. Make it an event that is rare like double XP, you get a unique character bound token when logging in during the respec week that you can turn into a vendor to get an advanced class reset. This will also lock down the players could not jump back and forth willynilly.

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I never got the impression people asking for this feature were looking for some kind of switch to go back and forth. This always appeared to me to be an either one-time thing or extremely limited/expensive option to correct a mistake (or I guess, laziness).
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People still want this? Its been three years and multiple double xp events....If you dont have one of each AC by now then shame on you.

Not everyone has been playing since launch, nor at the rate you seem to be. I've been here since launch and only have 3 55's...all I'll ever have most likely. This would benefit the casual player, not guys like you.

I never got the impression people asking for this feature were looking for some kind of switch to go back and forth. This always appeared to me to be an either one-time thing or extremely limited/expensive option to correct a mistake (or I guess, laziness).

Exactly what I'd expect it to be used for. There would surely be a few wealthy players who wouldn't think twice about swapping, but I believe they'd be few and far between.


I'd rather keep a player who picked wrong, by allowing them to change AC, than to lose that player because they made an easy mistake.

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