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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

HK-51 Quest & its PVP requirement.


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WOW, unbelievable reading this thread. Gamers are dead lol.


A quest has a challenge that make you go out of your comfort zone and play all the aspects of the game PvP & PvE.... oh the agony of it all!

If you don't like it go play farmville then!..This is a game. Its supposed to have a challenge. Don't whine like a little kid cause its not handed to you. Unbelievable how many wanna-be gamers there are!


I'm all into PvE but the PvE people are the biggest whiners! It forces the PvP people to do a HM FP and I barely hear them complaining. So sorry if PvP is more difficult...welcome to gaming...where there's obstacles to overcome.


This has never really been about the simple fact of there being a potential risk of meeting an opposite faction player in OD and maybe having to fight it out. I have no problem with that scenario and I don't think most PvE'ers would either.


What the issue is, is that we predicted this would lead to ganker player groups & guilds camping out in OD for the SOLE PURPOSE of preventing other people from enjoying themselves on this quest chain. On my server, an RP-PvE server no less, one guild was even ORGANISING a free for all in OD that would make it virtually impossible for many many players to even get near the vendor.


I'm not complaining about PvP, you guys can go bunny hop around each other all you like and keep believing you are god's gift to gaming, I really don't give a crap.


But when I purposely play exclusively on PvE servers in MMORPGs so that I can stay as far from from PvP griefing 'fun' then yes, I do object when content added for the PvE side of the game is gated by PvPers being ******s.

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You know on The Harbringer, at least on the first night, we had a little truce going on. The Imps controlled the vendor and would allow fellow Imps to buy from the vendor. They killed the Pubs, but that was to ignite some conflict. So I guess what I am saying is that not everyone is a brutal camper that kills everyone that moves.
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"They pay for their game (and if you are posting you are paying) so they should be able to play their way."


That statement is incorrect. You are playing within a frame that the developer made. It was advertised, described and reviewed. this attitude is why there are problems. Its not your game. Just cause you rent a house doesn't mean you can tear it down and rebuild it. You can make small additions w/permission/feedback. You are a sub. You are renting their servers and what they designed the game to be. If you don't like it, you move along to find your niche in another game.


In essence you are correct in one aspect but they also don't have to pvp and with your comment telling people to leave is also not something bioware wants. They want people to play especially the ones that pay with real life money as they are customers and without customers they do not have a business. You don't want unhappy customers as they can either make or break your business.


And they way they designed the game and made different servers they also don't expect everyone to like the same thing. Some people like pve, pvp and some like rp. So making someone (yes it is a choice) but how many people dont' want HK, because of the background of KOTOR .


They knew there were pvp'rs that would hickacked (gank) players that came into the area just for the sake of harrassing (and it's one thing to attack someone but it is another thing to keep someone from getting a part) they should make sure that doesn't happen, if they are going to place a vendor you need for the part.


There are ways they can make sure this doesn't happen, they can have CSR in the game at least for a few weeks at the location to be sure no one is overly ganked. Being attacked once is one thing but constantly being attacked by the same person over and over should not happen especially in light of trying to get the parts for HK.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Pve only player here. I've played maybe 5 warzones in 11 months. That's how little I care for it.


I just went in the outlaw den to grab my part. Ran in, bought it, ran out. There were 2 imps there but I dont think anyone cares at this point. Didn't even try to attack.


I think people have spent more time complaining about it then it would of taken to just run in and do it really quick. Just it, get it done and be over with it.

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People have different styles of playing and bioware should have taken that into account.


Just because some of you enjoying pvp gives you no right to tell others to suck it and do it.


They pay for their game (and if you are posting you are paying) so they should be able to play their way. This name calling is childish and rude and hateful. Just because someone doesn't like something doesn't mean they should be subject to childish behavior some of you have exhibited on this forum.


The main problem is you keep telling them either suck it up or play at a diferent time. Maybe your schedule allows that but some of us have other responsibilitis and can not change our schedule nor should we.


If the pvp'rs that are constantly stating they are going to be camping the vendor wouldn't be stating what they were doing and yes doing (some have actually done that( then maybe some players wouldn't have any trouble. But anytime some intentionally ganks you from getting your item that takes the fun out of the game.


Maybe you need to look at it that way instead of being so flippant and telling them to suck it or change their time of playing.


This is false logic. You don't pay for "your" game, you pay for BioWare's game.


BioWare's game does, in point of fact, contain PvP quests. If you are suggesting that this HK-51 quest is a PvP quest because it contains the possibility of PvP, then fine, I'm not even going to argue that point anymore. It's not particularly important what kind of quest this is. BioWare has PvP quests in it's game, and you pay for that game. Not "your" game; their game.


Just because you joined a PvE server doesn't mean there will be zero PvP quests on your server. BioWare did not promise you that. It just means that these quests will be completely optional. The HK-51 quest is completely optional. There are optional raid quests, optional Heroic quests, and yes, even optional PvP quests in ToR. If you don't like that, then it's a problem with your outlook, not with the game itself.


There is content for PvEers in ToR. That is not the same statement as "All content is for PvEers in ToR." Some content is for PvPers, too, even on PvE servers.


edit: It's interesting that you say BioWare should have taken different playstyles into account. If they move the vendor to a PvE area, they are essentially telling PvPers, "Sorry, this quest wasn't designed for you." Of course you don't seem particularly concerned about PvPers, as you would seem to be perfectly happy if the quest had been designed only with PvE components.


Again, I will repeat. Let's stop with all this hypocrisy and double standards.



Edited by Macheath
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But if all you want to do is pvp why force pve down your mouth? See what I did there?


Then play on a Pvp server instead of a PvE one...See what I did there?


Seriously though, this is one borked piece of bullcrap (to put it nicely) to force people who have made that choice to not PvP by choosing a PvE server to have to get flagged for PvP by going to that area. It is laughably inevitable that these people are going to get ganked (as I saw happen tonight to several friends) by Valor 100 people fully geared for PvP who are sitting around bored waiting for a queue to pop so they park their butts on top of the quest merchant for this stupid quest and gank pve geared people for giggles and harassment. And make no mistake about it, they are quite intentionally harassing other players.


I come from a pvp background, and I'm one of the first to slap down PvE folks whining because PvP even exists, but this really was a stupid decision by developers that doesn't add anything to the game and only results in player harassment and even more acrimony between PvE and PvP players.

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Pve only player here. I've played maybe 5 warzones in 11 months. That's how little I care for it.


I just went in the outlaw den to grab my part. Ran in, bought it, ran out. There were 2 imps there but I dont think anyone cares at this point. Didn't even try to attack.


I think people have spent more time complaining about it then it would of taken to just run in and do it really quick. Just it, get it done and be over with it.


Ding Ding! Look, a smart player instead of a whine ***.

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Then play on a Pvp server instead of a PvE one...See what I did there?


Seriously though, this is one borked piece of bullcrap (to put it nicely) to force people who have made that choice to not PvP by choosing a PvE server to have to get flagged for PvP by going to that area. It is laughably inevitable that these people are going to get ganked (as I saw happen tonight to several friends) by Valor 100 people fully geared for PvP who are sitting around bored waiting for a queue to pop so they park their butts on top of the quest merchant for this stupid quest and gank pve geared people for giggles and harassment. And make no mistake about it, they are quite intentionally harassing other players.


I come from a pvp background, and I'm one of the first to slap down PvE folks whining because PvP even exists, but this really was a stupid decision by developers that doesn't add anything to the game and only results in player harassment and even more acrimony between PvE and PvP players.


Putting the vendor in a zone that is contested (and PvP flags you) on PvP servers would accomplish the same thing but let PvE players go about their way with no harassment. I had to wade into 3 Imps decked in super-duper whatsis Warhero with a team of other PVE players in prayer that we could take turns getting the parts before they killed too many of us. Yes PvP players: We're bad at PvP. Why? We don't do PvP. And I'll be the first to scream that PvP stats are crutches, but I don't care if that's what you guys want to do. You pay, you play your way, fine. But if I want a companion (someone who you can't use in regular PvP or PvP zones) why do I have to fight a bloody PvP war over it? It makes no sense. And to the poster above bless you for understanding that animosity between the two types is just going to get worse with things like this.

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This is why I'll wait to 2013 when nobody cares about HK-51, to get him. Surely outlaw's den will be abandoned again by that time.


Today, I was levelling on tatooine (imp side, harbinger server), and it seemed that the pubs decided to camp right there, and the rage of the people trying to get to that vendor was noticeable on chat. lol I can bet that these pubs (or imps that do it too) would be crushed over on a pvp server, but they prefer to gank on a server filled mostly with people who don't pvp :rolleyes:

Edited by metalfenix
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I can't speak for everyone, but uhh. I entered the zone during prime time. No one attacked me. I was even able to go back later on and collect another 9 packages for current and future alts and still, no one attacked me. I guess I'm lucky. ;)


Just to be clear, I don't PvP and I'm pretty sure no one on Harbinger knows or cares about me. I like it that way too. :D

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I can't speak for everyone, but uhh. I entered the zone during prime time. No one attacked me. I was even able to go back later on and collect another 9 packages for current and future alts and still, no one attacked me. I guess I'm lucky. ;)


Just to be clear, I don't PvP and I'm pretty sure no one on Harbinger knows or cares about me. I like it that way too. :D


I'm on the same server and the same happened to me. And both factions was in there. It's not as bad as people are making it out to be.

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A lot of QQ over nothing. I've been 3 times now. Twice, an Ops group formed as I arrived at the closest outpost and we acted out our own version of Kingdom of Heaven. It was a blast. The other time we went right in grabbed our parts with no fuss and no muss. I'm a PvE player and love this bit of fun.
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This is false logic. You don't pay for "your" game, you pay for BioWare's game.


BioWare's game does, in point of fact, contain PvP quests. If you are suggesting that this HK-51 quest is a PvP quest because it contains the possibility of PvP, then fine, I'm not even going to argue that point anymore. It's not particularly important what kind of quest this is. BioWare has PvP quests in it's game, and you pay for that game. Not "your" game; their game.


Just because you joined a PvE server doesn't mean there will be zero PvP quests on your server. BioWare did not promise you that. It just means that these quests will be completely optional. The HK-51 quest is completely optional. There are optional raid quests, optional Heroic quests, and yes, even optional PvP quests in ToR. If you don't like that, then it's a problem with your outlook, not with the game itself.


There is content for PvEers in ToR. That is not the same statement as "All content is for PvEers in ToR." Some content is for PvPers, too, even on PvE servers.


edit: It's interesting that you say BioWare should have taken different playstyles into account. If they move the vendor to a PvE area, they are essentially telling PvPers, "Sorry, this quest wasn't designed for you." Of course you don't seem particularly concerned about PvPers, as you would seem to be perfectly happy if the quest had been designed only with PvE components.


Again, I will repeat. Let's stop with all this hypocrisy and double standards.







Where did I even say move the vendor? I haven't. I suggested that they put some CSR in the game by the vendor to ensure that some of the pvp'rs that have stated and it has been happening don't constantly gank the same person over and over. Like I said it is one thing to be attacked once but to be constantly attacked so you don't get the part shouldn't happen. The CSR can be at the vendor to ensure this behavior doesn't happen during the peak times for a few weeks so everyone can progress with this quest. A simple solution.


I have no problem with most pvpr's. One of my guild members is a pvp'r and he is also an officer and someone I trust and respect and I do respect most pvpr's, it is just not my style of play. I just don't respect the ones that think it is fun to keep someone from progressing with the quest just by standing there and killing them over and over.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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