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Everything posted by SootyTX

  1. I appreciate you trying to be positive and offer suggestions, but I'm not doing this for 2 reasons; 1) I loathe SWTOR so-called PvP. Tab targeting and no friendly fire is not PvP as far as I'm concerned, and I've tried it several times in the past to find the community overall highly toxic. So its simply not a way I wish to spend even 10 seconds of my time 2) Doing what you suggest further pads Bioware's numbers into believing that PvP is more popular than it really is, potentially moving resources away from the things I do want and into something I have zero interest in. As others have said, this is another Pierce/M1-4X that they clearly haven't learned from.
  2. That's the biggest problem with this fight (and many of the Eternal Champion arena fights too) - too gimmicky and really really poor feedback loops for players to understand what the hell is going on. Buffs and debuffs are vaguely described and/or almost impossible to see when they pop up simply because any character will stack 5-10 debuffs on an enemy within a few seconds. When something out of the blue shows up you either don't see it at all (most likely) or get killed trying to read what it is. Poor feedback loops is probably my single biggest criticism of SWTOR since day one. There are way too many things that happen for no discernable reason, or that don't happen when you think they should, also for no easily identified reason. Couple this with the scripted events in many fights screwing with abilities, especially if you react too fast before the script has run and totally waste the ability you just used, and you get a massive gap between the ability of players to complete certain objectives in a way they find satisfying, or at all.
  3. As a pre-kunark EQ player I'd appreciate a PM with info on the EQ server that is still pulling in those numbers. The potential of classic WoW servers pale in comparison to old EQ gameplay. As far as the original point of this thread, the claims of GTN warriors stating they will simply increase prices to compensate (which, frankly, is bs as prices fluctuate massively more than 2% based on server variables almost daily, and so will their prices if they half a brain cell) does nothing to negate the point of the increase which is to remove credits from the gamespace. Whether they increase prices or not to compensate their personal bank balances is beyond irrelevant
  4. The feeling I got was that the writer changed half-way through and the replacement struggled with nuances that had been loaded onto the Vaylin character earlier in the story. If the writer didn't actually change, then they were constrained in some way to force the final showdown in the way it happened, because very little of that interaction felt like the character we had come to know. It's almost like the whole ending sequence that's described in the memory rebuild segment of the final chapter was a last minute throw-together just to finish things somehow, and that forced the way the previous chapter went. Obviously we'll never know, I just felt even on the first playthrough that the last couple of chapters were very clumsy and basic, which resulted in one of my favourite Bioware characters ever being mishandled and, as I said before, wasted with a trite ending. Also, my intention was never to come across as bashing Arcann just to elevate Vaylin, so apologies if that's how it sounded. I don't really think Arcann is a bad character either, I've just seen it before. Vaylin was something new and different. I simply feel that judging them by the same standards is massively unfair to Vaylin and what she went through, especially Nathema and beyond, so I was attempting to head off the comparisons but in a different way.
  5. First off, really like the concept you painted in the post a couple above this reply, I really think the way Vaylin was handled was ultimately extremely disappointing while Arcann, as a very generic bad guy, went through a mediocre (at best) forced redemption arc. I think, though, judging Vaylin and Arcann under the same standards is unfair. While Arcann's childhood was brutal and obviously drove him down the path he went, Vaylin as a child discovered she had an ability she found incredible and fascinating, she clearly had no idea how to control. She was failed by her mother, and quite literally tortured into a state of insanity at her father's command through a combination of psychology, drugs and cybernetics. Arcann does not have that excuse - he was raised to be brutal, to devalue the lives of others but he was still rational. Now, obviously the way The Force impacts Arcann is a complicating issue, as it is not the same as 'real life' and the corrupting nature of the Dark Side has to be accounted for in some way. But by that same token, the same influences impact Vaylin but in an even more extreme way, as she is more in tune with The Force and that very power has been internalized by her torture, creating a kind of constant reinforcement of that corruption (to me, anyway). Honestly its a wonder she is even coherent, that I think is a testament to her sheer force of will. But all that internal turmoil has to find release, which I feel is where her random acts of violence spring from. Driven not from any form of rational thought or desire to do a thing, simply from the need to find some form of release, however temporary, for the Darkness that has been forcibly contained within her. And that is why a redemption arc for her would have been (would be, hopefully) absolutely fascinating - because she is so NOT like any character that's been redeemed (or has fallen) that we've ever seen. I think the way the writers ended her story (as it stands anyway) as just another power block for The Player to kill was such a disappointing waste.
  6. Just voted and moved it to 4, we are safe for now at least! Vaylin was easily my favourite character in the whole arc, although like many others here I wish we had had the chance in move into some kind of redemption arc as she was, much more so than Arcann, a product of Valkorian's cruelty, vanity and fear. I thought her voice actress was exceptional too. Many subtle moments and changes that felt very real.
  7. Nailed it. As a GM and player of PNP RPGs from Tunnels & Trolls era (yeah, that old) and on, you just called out better than I could exactly how it felt - this was a bad GM experience through and through.
  8. I did it on 1 toon that I chose the resilience path with when making it and got a heal ability on a relatively short CD. The whole fight was so lame though that it was not at all important, I think I only used it when I just stood around while reading the tooltips for other abilities that popped up, sort of "hang on, I'm not ready yet" kind of deal (which BW has an annoying habit of doing a lot and really is not fun for those of us with old eyes)
  9. Koth as a character is a pathetic mess of contradictions, clearly written by about 5 different people. This so-called "people's hero" led a slew of fighters through the centre of a city for over 10 minutes while they fired countless shots killing untold numbers of civilians, yet has the gall to reproach YOU for not risking your's and Lana's life to try to fix the damage caused by Valyn. He's the one that goes on and on about Senya being a traitor because she was hunting him down for actually being a traitor. He's the one that completely ignores the billions killed by Valkorian because, "hey, my planet was doing great". Koth is nothing more than a tool used by the writers (badly) to try to impose some kind of forced morality into already forced dilemmas. He's a sorry excuse for a plot device, not a character. In KoTET he's just as likely to be pinning a medal on you if that's what the writers need.
  10. Totally agree. As a fan of KotFE in general (until yesterday) the way it ended was beyond disappointing. In another thread the OP described how every step of the way has been defeat after defeat, with a few draws, but especially the last 2 chapters just being forced failures one after another. Now, that was ok in 15 IF you then got to actually accomplish something in 16 but you didn't. The player accomplished absolutely nothing, it was all down to the NPCs' actions, outside our control, frequently against our wishes. What annoys me the most though is that, in a story apparently written for a light side jedi first and foremost (although that is what I played through and it was incredibly unsatisfying even then) there was absolutely zero sense of heroic storytelling from the player's perspective. There is NO way my character would have simply walked away after Arcann got buried without making 100% sure of what had happened - even if it meant her death as the ship collapsed more. The player comes across as weak and subservient, while NPCs are given heroic/villainous roles of importance that far outweigh ours. The writing has, when all is said and done, been more about the different writers (which showed clearly by the end) being more interested in their pet NPCs than they were in making the player feel vital. Because we aren't - if the PC dropped dead today nothing at all would change as far as the Alliance goes.
  11. That is awesome, Holo, love it - made my evening lol
  12. My little sister died of bone cancer a few years ago, on my birthday, leaving behind 2 very young children and a heartbroken family. I don't even have words for the utter contempt I feel for you right now - just thank everything you hold dear that you are hidden by the anonymity of the internet. There are lines you don't cross, ever - this is one.
  13. At this point it seems like you are deliberately ignoring things just so you can keep saying "pop-media SF writers" and feel superior to those of us that think differently. There is nothing at all that suggests Zakuul is a single planet, any more than you could say Great Britain was a single country back in the 18th century, or my point about Rome originally. It also doesn't have to cover thousands of planets in order to bring two warring factions to their knees since they had pretty much done that themselves already You also completely ignored the obvious technological superiority of the Zakuul spires which quite literally reach into space - something neither Republic nor Empire would have any hope of achieving, as well as their clear superiority in infrastructure, to the point that no-one in their society has to do anything. There's no farmers, labourers or any other manual tasks being done by organic beings. Lastly, Zakuul is in 'wild space', which is (deliberately) vague and covers the uncharted areas of the galaxy. Nothing has ever indicated that it is anywhere near Chiss space, and evidence actually supports that it isn't, since they don't appear to have heard of Zakuul. Given how big a galaxy actually is, and how the Sith Empire itslef managed to rebuild in complete obscurity until just a few years ago, it's not at all hard to imagine that one (or more) other powerful forces also remain in obscurity, especially considering that the guy leading 2 of them was the same person.
  14. I think you are in part misinterpreting 'backwater' as 'backwards', and also taking a comment obviously meant to be an insult and demeaning (by Lana iirc) as a point of fact. By that interpretation, Dromand Kaas is a backwater with monster infested forests a few steps outside the capital city. Zakuul is clearly head and shoulders ahead of both the Republic and Empire - just looking at the spires stretching into space makes that obvious. Chapter 10 gives further insight into Zakuul society, where as noted the citizens literally want for nothing. During one of the earlier chapters (in the swamps) you get a conversation with Lana and the option to ask where all the resources being taken in tribute are going - perhaps this is what being used to fuel the Zakuulian way of life. I also think that it is not a valid assumption that Zakuul is just one planet, there are plenty of indications that it is a much larger enterprise - it'd be like calling Rome 'just a city' during the heyday of the Roman Empire..
  15. I've mained a Vig guardian since launch and I cannot explain how much easier it is now compared to the mess it was at the start. It's a powerful spec with great survivability in the toughest content, in part due to the changes made (esp in 3.0) that let you manage DoTs more easily, giving you more opportunity to see what's going on around you (always the bane of melee DPS). There are other classes that I find easier to play (Vanguard tank, Guardian tank, Gunnery commando to name 3) but Vig is always my go to for fun and overall ability. Plus the animation flow as you go through the rotations looks ******
  16. Actually, the problem is both sides are pretending they know a damn thing about contract or tort law and are taking the word of a random internet guy as the total, complete and unexpurgated gospel truth just to further their own agenda either pro or anti BW/EA in general or EA CS in particular.
  17. If anyone is on Ebon Hawk and needs Armstech components made, I'd be happy to do so no fee. PM me here so I can send you the character name and make sure I log in to do it. Obviously I'll need basic mats (although I'll take Archaeology on a 1:1 basis as well, within reason). I'm stuck playing XCOM 2 atm and not logging into SWTOR much for the next week or so but I'll drop in to make and mail whatever folks need if they are desperate.
  18. 1) Improves moral on supporting worlds to see action taken against the enemy. Never underestimate the importance of (1) especially. During the blitz, for example, it was of utmost importance for the people of London to know that attacks were being made back against Germany. 2) Takes resources away from the opposition in rebuilding the destroyed areas. During these early stages even slowing the enemy down a little can be vital. 3) Forces a reallocation of defenses to (attempt to) prevent future instances - this one is potentially a huge drain on military power and the ability to use it offensively. This is part of insurgency 101, making the enemy defend anything and everything, forcing them to over-extend, resulting in both reduced offensive impetus and revealing weak points in key infrastructure defenses. 4) Reduces enemy moral and support for the existing regime, Not always, or even often, effective, but against a regime and culture like Zakuul could potentially be very effective, if only to further compound on points 2 and 3 above. I spent over a decade with the MoD doing military analysis. While the Outlander's actions actions may appear brutal in a US civilian centric view, they can absolutely be justified militarily.
  19. Pretty sure we don't have enough liquor in the city to allow this game
  20. Go to fleet or stronghold and re-check. Unfortunately I don't play Sent/Mara enough to recognise the issue from what you've shown and said - it could be a level sync thing as mentioned earlier. Screenie with 2 equipped might help with sorting it out though.
  21. Looks like it's telling you what will result when added to your empty offhand slot. Put a saber back in the off-hand slot and look again.
  22. Um, yeah, that's the point. The Alliance isn't an army. It's a very small collection of individuals. Compared to the Zakuulan forces, the Alliance is miniscule. We aren't going to be having epic battles with massed ground forces, we are running a guerrilla campaign and, as such, we will be facing Knights and similar. The Alliance is an insurgent force not an army in any way, shape or form, and never will be.
  23. How on earth buying level 8s to convert to level 9s an exploit? The definition of exploit includes the idea of an unintended effect, what you are doing is absolutely intended, predictable and within the stated intent of the vendor (while it is available). It is STILL cheaper to run missions than to buy level 8s then swap to level 9s so in no way is it an exploit.
  24. What does that have to do with Knights? They are the elite warriors, not the spies or pilots. Most of Zakuulan society is droid based, I'm pretty sure they don't even have pilots or anything remotely like what we would consider spies. it's all done with drones and brute force.
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