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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official F2P Announcement


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I am angry about this. As a fan of RP, all the games I've played that went F2P lost any sense of "community" in the game.


*** I predict that "micro transactions" will be the epitaph for SWTOR before the end of October! ***


So sad. This game could have realistically been so much better. Shame on you EA and Bioware.



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So thats it then. I can't help but feel that Obi-Wan's words from Episode 3 fit this game to a "T".


.....to SWTOR




LMAO!!! That is a good one. :D *Wipes laughter tears from eyes.*

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Yeah thats why your here playing this game lol.... nice try....

Nice try!! Whats your point here. I play one MMO at a time.. And I'm a starwars fan so go figure I choose SWTOR.


As I said before I still log into LOTRO to try new content but I'm a life time subscriber to LOTRO so I get all the perks and then some..


I'm sorry you fail to understand 99% of all MMO's are going to be FTP. Even console games are going to FTP in the future.. Accept or just stop gaming man.

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I am angry about this. As a fan of RP, all the games I've played that went F2P lost any sense of "community" in the game.


*** I predict that "micro transactions" will be the epitaph for SWTOR before the end of October! ***


So sad. This game could have realistically been so much better. Shame on you EA and Bioware.




Right now this game has no community.. should be a little better with server forums coming next month.

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Yeah thats why your here playing this game lol.... nice try....


Thats the benefit of F2P


I play SWTOR mostly but at times I play LOTRO (and a few others). I get to keep what I paid for and not pay a constant monthly or things I don't want.


That allows me to play a couple MMOs at the same time and keep my cost down.

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We have some information about this in the FAQ (http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6526). Here's the question and answer for you:


What happens if I decide to change from being a subscription player to a Free-to-Play member? What will happen to my credits, inventory, bank items, and characters?


Your account will automatically be downgraded and it will operate under the Free player restrictions. You will need to choose what items to keep with you within the restriction levels of the free access. Furthermore, you will be able to see, but not use, your excess credits, inventory slots, bank tabs, and extra characters.


Hope this helps clear it up a little!


What happens if you resubscribe for a month?

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Generally, I'm slightly optimistic about the general intention of the whole thing. The game needs to compete with Guildwars 2, and remain a financially non-ruinous proposition for people who want to play both, like me. So, yay! However, I see some points that would really make the game not fun to play once I decided to let my account lapse.


Let's go over the restrictions first, since it sounds like you don't actually want people to give you their money:


Story Content: Players can play their full class stories from levels 1 to 50.

Character Creation Choices: Some character creation options, such as species, are limited to subscribers.


Sounds alright. I hope that people get the option to buy species and other creation options.


Warzones: Free players are limited in terms of how many Warzones they can play per week.

Flashpoints: Free players are limited in terms of how many Flashpoints they can play per week.

Space Missions: Free players are limited in terms of how many Space Missions they can play per week.

Operations: Only Subscribers may complete Operations.


Why do you sound so much like you don't want money? It's depressing! Let people buy admission for a fair price. 10-pack of warzone matches, with ranked warzones being more expensive, same for flashpoints, and most of all for ops! Selling tickets is really the oldest trick in the book.


Capitalism HO!


And why the limit on space missions? Does that mean we'll see multiplayer space combat, or do you just want to keep people from playing Rebel Assault?


Travel Features: Subscribers have access to all travel functionality, making getting around the world easier.


That one really, really, REALLY needs further explanation. Does that mean fee2pay players don't get to use taxis (on routes that have an alternative footpath)? Or does it just restrict use of the quicktravel options? Again, admission (or rather fare) is the magic word.


Game Login: Subscribers will always be in login queues ahead of free players.


Risking to sound (even more) cynical, I'm alright with that, not having seen a server queue in about half a year.


Galactic Trade Network: Subscribers can post up to 50 auctions for sale.


Meh, but needs watching.


Then let's go over the absolute kicker (from the FAQ):


[When you decide to let your subscription lapse, y]our account will automatically be downgraded and it will operate under the Free player restrictions. You will need to choose what items to keep with you within the restriction levels of the free access. Furthermore, you will be able to see, but not use, your excess credits, inventory slots, bank tabs, and extra characters.


No, no no NO! That does not fly. Let people buy that stuff to keep! Why do you want to make your players, your customers angry when they switch to an alternative business model? Sure, you lose some kind of safety net, but if you really need to extort people into subscribing like that, it just means that the alternative model is deeply flawed. It means that free players are really just being subsidised by the subscribers, instead of being another viable source of revenue.


I'm not sure about other people, but for me that'd mean that I'd stop playing the game. It's been really tedious to get the character set up, and losing that is a setback no matter how you look at it.


Switching models should not incur such drastic penalties. It should mean selectively paying for what you want to play, not suddenly having your game experience and characters neutered, robbed, and kicked in the face.

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Lol I remember being called a fanboy for when someone said this game would go F2p within the year....looks like I was indeed letting the shine of the game cloud my vision.


I imagine their statement was half hearted anyway, or on the trolling side atleast. I don't believe that anyone thought that it would be f2p after near a year.

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I only support doing the no general speaking, maybe a level 1 speeder only, 2 character slots seems fine to me, but only green gear is just laughable. No fps? Why not, its not like you can't just votekick ******s now and then re-queue. They already have No OPs.


No titles, no pets. Again seems fine to me.


They need to make it sort of enjoyable to keep the Lemmings playing and entice them to pay for the subs. Hell they could add advertisements to f2p to increase revenue and piss of f2ps. Just keep that **** out of subs :p


Petition Idea: Advertisements upon entering zones for F2ps, No ads for subscribers.


Yes!! Annoying advertizements for Viagra or want these ads gone? Subscribe! ads after every single loading screen. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Make those ads annoying as hell for the F2Ps. And us SMART payers get everything plus more for enjoying the game and wanting more!

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At first I was sad and shocked, but seeing what exactly will be free, and what subscription will mean, I think it's acceptable. Though I'm sceptic, and I'm a little afraid, what kind of ppl f2p will draw into the game, who may not even know what Star Wars is, and only play it because it's free....
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Honestly, I'm not worried. I've been playing City of Heroes on a similar model for awhile now, and i actually love it. If there comes a time that I need to wait a few days before I resub, I can still play.. I don't necessarily think this is the END of SWtOR... I think it's EA/Bioware looking at the recent success of the money other MMOs that switched to F2P have been doing. Sure, the first ones to do it were failing, and a failing MMO does it, but that doesn't mean every MMO that does it is truly failing. City of Heroes could have lasted many years more. They made a choice to expand their player base and, make more money.. The majority of the people I play it with, are VIP subscribers and we have badges that show we have been playing at a cost of $15 a month for 4-8 years ("4 year veteran" in my case (although I have characters with every anniversary badge from 2-8), as a few months not playing every once in awhile over the corse of 7 years added up to 2, I should get my 5 year badge soon), I have friends who where in beta) Last I heard, NCSoft was making more money on City of Heroes under their "Freedom" model than they did before on an overall average.


What it boils down to I think is that 5 years ago when DDO and LotR went F2P, it was a last ditch effort to save them... today? Their success and the success of other F2P/VIP based games that have done it recently... IT's more money for them and more OPTIONS for you.


Also, if you unsub now, you get less Cartel coins at launch. It plainly says you get 150 cartel coins for each month subscribed prior to July 31st. Read up on it ALL before you cry doom. IF after reading it all you still cry doom, well don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Nothing new if people would actually pay attention. Some did majority didnt belive it.

Posted that few days ago: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4891516#post4891516


Bioware was well aware about situation with subs and how many left after august. Also new MMO's coming out and new expansions for other MMO's (even F2P lotro will launch new exp this fall).


This community here has alot to learn looking all the data and putting pieces together, i feel so old now predicting 3 MMO's going F2P in short time.

At least GW2 wont have that issue in future with subscription model :D

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I think the last major subscription MMO that went f2p was LOTRO, and they went F2P in about the same amount of time, IIRC.


It'll be interesting to see what happens with The Secret World - seems like they have the best bet at staying with a pure subscription-based model.


Wrong, LOTRO opened in 2007, it did not go free to play until 2010. That said, it was losing subs big time in 2009/10 and it was close or go f2p then and having had a huge success taking DDO f2p after buying it out Turbine took LOTRO f2p. SWTOR holds the record for sure among major sub games for how fast it went f2p

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All of the info is ||| here ||| and in the links on the page. It is fairly well explained who will have access to what, etc. Some numbers are missing of course, but I'm sure they will drop soon.

Also this has the info for all of the new content they are advertising.

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My concern is the low life's who will now invade our servers and cause havoc because they can just create new accounts if they get banned.


This. Put those leechers in their own servers and leave subcribers on theirs actually EARNING their gear. Thats the ONLY way ill pay another penny for this game. That and make sure everything in your cash shop is somehow obtainable in game through actual game play for subscribers.


You want to give players "options"? Fine! Dont clump me together with them and you got yourself a deal. I refuse to pay a premium than have to A) listen to the tools causing trouble because their account is free ... or B) see them running around with their cash shop item while I have no option but to wait for next months "donation" to get it.

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Yes!! Annoying advertizements for Viagra or want these ads gone? Subscribe! ads after every single loading screen. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Make those ads annoying as hell for the F2Ps. And us SMART payers get everything plus more for enjoying the game and wanting more!


if i remember right LA wont let them put ads in game. ads were brought up pre launch and we were told LA said no ads in game ever.

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