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Cathar....really? I'm not one to complain, but c'mon.... the cat class??.... WTB more species from the movies....


They should've added a few species so that there could possibly be something that everyone will like, cause I doubt everyone will like the cat class... if they added a few there would of been a good chance that almost everyone would of liked at least one of the new species.

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I've said it somewhere before, but I don't give two bantha poodoos about my character speaking Galactic Basic. I'll listen to a Wookie growl or a Selkath... do whatever it does for all 50 levels.
I would rather rinse my ears with acid than listen to a Selkath.


My 2nd smuggler is gonna be a Cathar :D

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I always asked for Togruta. Which Togruta was most of the times ahead of Cathar in polls. Bioware choosing the easy way comes as a no surprise by now.


I STILL want Togruta.




Oh well, there's always tomorrow.



They should've added a few species so that there could possibly be something that everyone will like, cause I doubt everyone will like the cat class... if they added a few there would of been a good chance that almost everyone would of liked at least one of the new species.


That's what I tought they'd do. Obviously from what was already in game, of course.

Edited by FrancoisTogruta
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I am going to go out on a limb and say that there may be more species revealed later for this year. Cathar may be the only one they have at the current time ready to be launched or close to ready.


Personally, I am happy with the Cathar. I was looking forward to being able to play as one back when the game launched, before we knew which species were playable.

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Always wanted a playable Cathar myself, so I'm pretty excited about the news.


Now if only they added additional slots per server too. I really want catgirl BH, but have no slots T____T (and I don't want to leave The Progenitor, my awesome server <3, either)

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Is there really anyone who is surprised to hear that Cathar will be the next playable race? There are far more fans of cat-people in general than fans of Togruta and Nautolans combined. Let's face it, as much as some people hate them, cat-people are very popular.


I wouldn't be surprised to see Togruta or Nautolans at some point, though. I know Voss are a popular choice as well, but I don't see them as PCs because they don't really have the range of personality that is reflected in the voice acting.


I'd like to play a Rodian, but I don't see that happening. The only way I could see Rodians (or Wookiees, etc.) as PCs is if they used flanging on their voices to make it sound like they were coming through a translator (which they could do with the voices they have), but there would still be the issues of romantic options. They'd either have to write different dialog for more alien types to disable romantic options, or change the romantic scenes for them to correct clipping issues.

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VOICE OVER! It's HUMAN voice over. So no non-human species anytime soon. more like never.


News flash trandos can speak basic... all have to do is apply a filter to the human voice over and done... it really isn't that complicated... and heck most people wouldnt give a damn if they didn't. Ever hear the chiss speak in game? they have a certain tone and sound to there voices to but we don't see a filter on them for our characters either. All in all trando's are fine BIGGER issue is the trando boot/feet problem... i am unsure how bioware would handle that little facet of the species.

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I gotta admit i am pretty underwhelmed by the whole Cathar thing. yawn.... come on Bioware actually make an effort and give us the racves that are the Iconic Star Wars races please. Star wars fans expect a wide range of races not the same semi-human races in differant flavours.


Red Neo-Human, Green Neo-Human, Blue-Neo Human, Cybernetic Human, Blind Human, Tatoo'd Human, and now Furry Neo-Human. For goodness sakes we want proper aliens! player alien species. This is such a no brainer, really there is no excuse for saying you didnt know? It's obvious that Star Wars fand want to play alien races that are clearly not variants of humans.

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I gotta admit i am pretty underwhelmed by the whole Cathar thing. yawn.... come on Bioware actually make an effort and give us the racves that are the Iconic Star Wars races please. Star wars fans expect a wide range of races not the same semi-human races in differant flavours.


Red Neo-Human, Green Neo-Human, Blue-Neo Human, Cybernetic Human, Blind Human, Tatoo'd Human, and now Furry Neo-Human. For goodness sakes we want proper aliens! player alien species. This is such a no brainer, really there is no excuse for saying you didnt know? It's obvious that Star Wars fand want to play alien races that are clearly not variants of humans.


Or to semi-quote what they were saying back in april before the game was launched...

It was something along those lines :

" we might create more alien species in the future, as part of an expention where we could tailor their starting word and class quests to them, ie: race-specific content "


It's been a while, but if any expention are in the work, I hope they hold true to that.

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I gotta admit i am pretty underwhelmed by the whole Cathar thing. yawn.... come on Bioware actually make an effort and give us the racves that are the Iconic Star Wars races please. Star wars fans expect a wide range of races not the same semi-human races in differant flavours.


Red Neo-Human, Green Neo-Human, Blue-Neo Human, Cybernetic Human, Blind Human, Tatoo'd Human, and now Furry Neo-Human. For goodness sakes we want proper aliens! player alien species. This is such a no brainer, really there is no excuse for saying you didnt know? It's obvious that Star Wars fand want to play alien races that are clearly not variants of humans.


Another one of these threads? People REALLY need to deal with the fact that there is going to be no playable races that aren't human-like in this game. Why? Because it wouldn't make sense to have a romance scene with Mako and a Wookie. Or a Rodian. Or a Bothan. Just deal the fact that playable non-human races are not going to be in this game or go and rage-quit like many others do.

Edited by GiovanniD
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I would like to see the Togrutas as a playable race. But i would be happy with some of the race who was in the movies like Wookies for sure or Mon Calamari ect.

Cathar is ok but its not "realy" an Alien, its again just a "Human". But maybe its just the start and we will see more races in the game.

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Another one of these threads? People REALLY need to deal with the fact that there is going to be no playable races that aren't human-like in this game. Why? Because it wouldn't make sense to have a romance scene with Mako and a Wookie. Or a Rodian. Or a Bothan. Just deal the fact that playable non-human races are not going to be in this game or go and rage-quit like many others do.


Why not? In the current EU Books has a Human Woman a Bothan as a lover. So where is the problem?

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Another one of these threads? People REALLY need to deal with the fact that there is going to be no playable races that aren't human-like in this game. Why? Because it wouldn't make sense to have a romance scene with Mako and a Wookie. Or a Rodian. Or a Bothan. Just deal the fact that playable non-human races are not going to be in this game or go and rage-quit like many others do.


And what about those of us who don't give a flying toss about all that girly romance crap?


I would happily give up any chance of having any romance story lines whatsoever if it ment I could play a Jawa or a Wookie. Maybe that should be a stipulation of playing and alien race - no chance of any romance. Works for me.

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Did they have to choose the second-most loser-ish species in the galaxy? I know the artwork is already done in game and all, but, really?


If the next race they add is the Evocii, or these things:


Edited by jgelling
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I have no issues with Cathar, but it sure isn't the first race I would've picked. I really wish Bioware would give us an Ithorian or a Wookie or a Jawa or a Talz something that isn't going to be speaking basic. I realize with Bioware's current conversation system that means we'd be listening to probably the same 9 or 10 recycled lines of alien gibberish for every cutscene, lifted from existing in game alien gibberish but that's not really a big deal to me and it would probably be pretty easy for them to implement.


If they wanted to be fancy, they could even make it so certain quest givers can't understand your character unless either your character speaks basic, another player grouped with you speaks basic, or if you purchase a relatively cheap translator item or maybe even a protocol droid pet that serves the same purpose.


They could also have every other race besides human and cyborg be able to choose whether their dialogue is in basic or their native language. There are Twi'lek and Chiss NPCs in the game that choose to speak Huttese(or whatever language that is), and it would be nice to have that same choice when playing as Chiss, or a Twi'lek, or a Cathar or whatever.


The language thing could work well with the legacy system so if you leveled a Chiss to 50, you could have make a human that speaks Chiss, or maybe on down the line if you leveled a human and a wookie to 50 and had a ridiculously high legacy level(and probably lots more requirements), you could make a wookie that speaks basic.


Wow.. that was longer than I initially intended. Anyways yea, Cathar are ok, but I just wish there was more tangible diversity between the different races.

Edited by LaLiLuLeLolz
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I agree with the OP, Cathar are not y first choice for new species, they dont even rank in the top 20. However they are popular, speak basic and are basically humanoid. I am sure a lot of people will be happy with them being introduced. All we saw was a single picture as the extra species was annonced we dont know how many more species will come in, I would assume 2 at a minimum or when they will arrive. I am hoping for a Kel'dor or a Gran, even a Mon Cal. However I suspect with Cathar they will need an empire/non-allied species. Edited by Izorii
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PPL don think about the ramifications of having something like a Wookie as a playable race. As soon as the 1st Wookie / Human love scene is posted on youtube conservative news outlets will pounce on Bioware, as they have at least 4 other times in recent years, for having a Monkey-man mate with a human. Because it means Bioware supports beast-iality and evolution and are forcing them both on children. Edited by TKMaster
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Seriously? Cathar is what we're getting? Anything else?


How can you mess up playable species in a STAR WARS game? There's so many to choose from and they consistently choose wrong.

Quoted for truth. How hard is it to just include the canonical species? I've been hoping to play a Togruta since beta. :mad: Edited by RolyartNala
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