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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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So all the commericals running over the weekend for SWTOR is stating there is going to be a MASSIVE announcement on Monday at E3. Lets start the speculation to what it could be...



Early server transfers?

More Legacy stuff we dont know about yet?

Early Ranked Warzones?




my prediction is....when 1.3 is going to hit the PTR....... so lame...

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I thought it says E3 starts on Tuesday.


Generally, the vendors, have their big press conferences on Monday. They show their wares to the press in an allotted time slot so they are not competing with each other for press time so to speak. The event follows on Tuesday.

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my prediction is....when 1.3 is going to hit the PTR....... so lame...


Nah, that is something they will announce on the website.


E3 is a whole other ball game, it not going to be anything small.


This is of course if the announcement has anything to do with SWTOR, is there any article someone can link that can provide proof that it has to do with SWTOR? :confused:

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Clear as mud really.


I already have two pets, with more to come, I have a ship for my housing, and my crafting is meaningful to me and to those to whom i freely GIVE crafted items to.


How's that for clarity?


I've already two pets, but clearly you don't know what I'm talking about. SWG pet system was something a bit deeper and complex than SWTOR pets.


Sure you have your ship as a house. But it is exactly the same as mine. The player housing I was talking about was the chance to place your house on the planet, decor it with furinitures, looted trophies, etc. And it was in the actual game world, for everyone to see and visit, if you wanted.


You give away crafted items for free? Very generous, I do it too. But my items are exactly the same as yours. We use exactly the same resources and we don't have the chance to make modified versions of our items, something like armor or clothes colors...


If you like SWTOR it's ok for me. I like it too. But do not say that the various systems of SWG are the same of the ones of SWTOR. You sure can say that they were crap, but not the same as SWTOR.

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The fact that SWG is dead and SWTOR is living is a huge point for you, I admit it. But consider that this game is new, LA got the royalty money from EA, EA invested money in advertising and marketing, Bioware made a very good game, but a game that will not hit the numbers LA/EA/BW need to sustain it. What will happen? I don't know, but probably the staff will be reduced, the new content will come slowly. I'm not saying that SWTOR is crap. It is a very nice game, but it's a single player MMO, once you have hit the levle cap there isn't anything to do, other than rinse and repeat the same instances. This is my opinion, at least.


Have fun and take care


Oh great.


You clearly work for EA then. Could you kindly tell us what's going on with all this E3 business?

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and how is SWG doing? I mean since its "clearly" better than SWTOR then it would have still been doing well enough to keep the servers up...


That game had some neat features but overall isnt even close to SWTOR.


SWG 2003-2011. SWTOR 2011-...


Far to early to gauge whether SWTOR is doing better. In fact, if you look at the news reports from SWG's launch, you'll find it had well over a million subscribers.

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Well SWG lasted for 8 years or so and that is with the publicity disaster of the NGE. I'm not saying what SWTOR is or isn't going to do, but SWG did pretty well for itself really. Edited by Chindi
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SWG was 500 times better than SWTOR.


JTL? You will not have it in SWTOR. - How do you know? They're totally revamping space as we speak

PETS? You will not have it in SWTOR. - How do you know?

Player Housing? You will not have it in SWTOR. - How do you know? Interior customization, as a first step, is coming for our ships.

Meaningful crafting? You will not have it in SWTOR. - How do you know? Besides the fact that "meaningful" is completely subjective, they're improving crafting with every patch.


Should I continue or am I clear?


Continue all you want, but you have no clue what the future of TOR holds.

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They tend to re-announce things a lot around here.


We'll get a forum post telling us everything coming in a patch, then, three weeks later, when that patch hasn't even hit the PTR, we'll get a video re-announcing those same things.


Still not expecting anything big personally.




This made my day. Seems to be the best thing they could do.


SWTOR Re-release December 2012.


We will be shutting down the game for a complete overhaul. Comming Soon in December 2012.


Upcomming feature -


SUPER SERVER : THE FATMAN will be able to hold all remaining interested players.

Edited by Celebrus
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Continue all you want, but you have no clue what the future of TOR holds.


We don't know that they're "totally revamping space as we speak." The most that's been said is that they have a super secret project they can't tell us about. I don't know how you arrived at "total revamp[ing]" from "secret project we can't tell you about." I'd love to be surprised with a link, however.

Edited by Dezzi
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Star Wars: The Old Republic


The critically-acclaimed, story-driven MMO from BioWare and LucasArts will continue to expand in 2012, with new game content and refined gameplay features the community has been asking for – more PvP, more high-level group content, new social features and new storylines for players to explore.

• Platform: PC

• Ship Date: Available Now

• ESRB Rating: “T” for Teen


This is what I found with a quick search of SWTOR at E3.


Source: http://www.oldrepublic.net/515-swtor-e3-expo-2012.html

Source 2: http://news.ea.com/portal/site/ea/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&ndmConfigId=1012492&newsId=20120601005160&newsLang=en

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Oh great.


You clearly work for EA then. Could you kindly tell us what's going on with all this E3 business?


Nothing is going on with all this E3 business. They're going to show off 1.3, and then maybe 1.4. Hardly a big announcement.

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Continue all you want, but you have no clue what the future of TOR holds.


You are as expert as me, I see...


JTL - Do you think you can have something similar to SWG space flight with the rail space shooter we have now? How do you think crafters can make the space parts needed for a deep space flight simulation with the current resource spawn system? The flight model needs to be rebuilt from scratch, do you think it is something that can be done in 6 months?


Pets - The pets I'm talking about aren't the rakghoul or the Taun Taun we have here. In SWG to make a pet you needed this equipment:

DNA stick - extracted from a creature in the wild or looted for special pets. There was a % of purity to reach mutations.

Enzymes - crafting resources, 3 main types, each type has 2 or 3 parameters.

Crafting station, with 2 parameters, called incubators to actually make it.

Energy to fuel the crafting stations.

And once a pet was created you could sell it or hatch the obtained egg and level it, teaching him/her abilities and specials and then use it as a fighting companion. A bit different from the rakghoul or the taun taun... Think about craftable companions and you will be close.


The craft was so different that I think that describing it here will go beyond the scope of this post...

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Continue all you want, but you have no clue what the future of TOR holds.


"Meaningful" means "not a sideshow feature that contributes very little to economy".

Edited by Gungan
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Nothing is going on with all this E3 business. They're going to show off 1.3, and then maybe 1.4. Hardly a big announcement.


and you know this because you work for ea? sure i dont know what they are going to announce.. but i would not be surprised if they do not annouce at the very least dates for transfers to start.

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The fact that SWG is dead and SWTOR is living is a huge point for you, I admit it. But consider that this game is new, LA got the royalty money from EA, EA invested money in advertising and marketing, Bioware made a very good game, but a game that will not hit the numbers LA/EA/BW need to sustain it. What will happen? I don't know, but probably the staff will be reduced, the new content will come slowly. I'm not saying that SWTOR is crap. It is a very nice game, but it's a single player MMO, once you have hit the levle cap there isn't anything to do, other than rinse and repeat the same instances. This is my opinion, at least.


Have fun and take care


This is very accurate. Its a fine single player game, will it sustain the number of players needed to keep it afloat? It costs money to keep servers running every month, employee costs, Lucas Arts undoubtedly wants royalties on a monthly- semi annual or annual basis: The game is a cash bleeding pig.


Its not a bad game. It just lacks severely in the department of being a long term sustainable game. It definately needs more interactive components that are not repetitious daily combat. Add pazzak (people would love to seek ot rare cards, think of all the time they could get out of the completionists!) and some other gambling to Nar Shadda, add a racing game, add 3D space combat, add world pvp that has an incentive system, or even something objective based where each class would actually have a role instead of just playing vs 6 of the same classes over and over because they have the damage advantage.

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and you know this because you work for ea? sure i dont know what they are going to announce.. but i would not be surprised if they do not annouce at the very least dates for transfers to start.


Tranfers are lumped into 1.3 because they would have to be raging idiots to launch a same server LFG with 200 dead servers.

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We don't know that they're "totally revamping space as we speak." The most that's been said is that they have a super secret project they can't tell us about. I don't know how you arrived at "total revamp[ing]" from "secret project we can't tell you about." I'd love to be surprised with a link, however.


Finish that quote:


We also have a special project going on right now that will expand space gameplay in a significant way


Add to that the fact they're going to add space PvP, which means it can't be on rails, and you see that to do that, you either have to revamp the current space game, or completely add a new one in addition to the railshooter. I doubt there will be a new one, so revamp it is.

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Tranfers are lumped into 1.3 because they would have to be raging idiots to launch a same server LFG with 200 dead servers.


its been proven that bioware is capable of doing dumb things.. if they listened to the wrong people ( perhaps people they have recently laid off) then they might just mess it all up....


this is one of those points where i am hopefully waiting for a good annoucement of transfers being released sooner than 1.3 ( which they said before was going to be the case)

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