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Everything posted by SpyderBite

  1. Based on the OP choice of text color for this post; I suspect he/she is color blind and his/her gear actually looks really cool. They just can't tell the difference. XD
  2. I think Bioware should adapt the "No Hyperbole" policy that Red 5 Studios enforced recently on their forums. Hyperbole and you get banned. This thread wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes under such a restriction. Rightfully.
  3. Ditto. And btw.. where can I get one of these Mon-Fri, 9-5 jobs that everybody seems to have? Where do all you people work? Doctors offices?
  4. Out of curiosity, what do the Developers have to do with the legal implications of the future of the game? I didn't realize that Bioware required that their developers obtain a degree in corporate law as prerequisite to employment.
  5. If the game won't launch for everybody, then there is an issue with the game/servers. If the game won't launch for people in a certain area, then the problem is regional. If the game won't launch for a handful of people, then there is a compatibility issue with the game software and the common computer specs that said affected people are running. Its tech support 101.
  6. I have never heard of a game publisher releasing the number of active players/subscribers. Typically, they'll only release the revenue generated by the the game for the quarterly stockholder meetings if the company is publicly traded. You can find dozens of sites that have lists of game populations.. however, the sources for their information is suspect.
  7. A bunch of you remind me of the folks on the Apple rumor sites.. "The Apple online store s down for maintenance this morning. I bet you a million dollars the iPhone 9 with Laser Beams and Teleportation is being released today!"
  8. I've got this game pad. The thumb stick is useless, but the rest of it is pretty slick once you've got it mapped out comfortably. Be patient with the Synapse software. Its a little rough around the edges but gets the job done.
  9. Just re-subbed today too. Why? I got the first 4 seasons of Clone Wars on Blu-Ray for my birthday. Needed to swing some lightsabers around again for a while.
  10. Easy fix for us? Or easy fix for the developers? For the latter.. sure. For the former.. just ban vehicles on the fleet. Don't make this more complicated then it needs to be. We already get a speed boost at level 1 now.
  11. I'm digging all the hate in this thread. Bioware could offer transfers plus a $1000 cashiers check with each character transferred and people would complain that it wasn't $1001.
  12. Open world PvP on all worlds and stations with full looting rights and no level limits.. makes me feel all fuzzy to think about it. Not going to happen. But, I fantasize about winning the lotto too.
  13. How did it come to what? My enjoyment hasn't changed since Beta. .. Or did you forget an "IMO"?
  14. I love Armchair Analysts.. they're almost as fun to watch as Armchair Developers and Armchair Attorneys.
  15. Wow. I would love to live the life where my biggest concern was the welfare of an online game. Makes me wish I was an unemployed college kid too.
  16. I'd just get a second account as I've already budgeted $15/mo for an MMO. I don't think price is the factor here for most unsubs. If people aren't happy with the game, they're going to quit. If I pay $15 to bang my head against wall and then quit because I dislike it. I'm not going to bang my head against the wall for half the price.
  17. Irony at its best. In 1998 we were segregated from the rest of the MMO population in UO because we liked the thrill, risk & challenge of PvP with full looting rights. Then came the Age of the Carebear and PvP became a second rate sport and all the following MMOs catered primarily to PvE. As a result, bug fixes and balancing came very slowly to the PvP side of the games. Today, PvE is suddenly a dying breed. Its almost bitter sweet.
  18. In SWtOR and other MMOs I've played over the years, I've generally gauged a person's maturity based on their choice of names. This is a first impression of course. But, as in RL, the first impression is always the most important in my opinion. If somebody dressed in a prison jump suit asks me for a ride, I'm probably going to politely decline and walk away. Sure, it may be the latest fashion.. but, I'm not going to waste my time and second guess my instincts. Same goes for the goofy named characters looking for a group. They may have all the maturity of Dick Cavett, but its easier for me to move on and choose one of the dozens of others with less childish names who are also looking for a group or assistance. To each their own. We make our own decisions and create consequences based on those decisions. Whether that is creating a stupid character name or passing up "clownpants" for a pick up group.
  19. That's like saying "I'm broke and I don't have a job". - Get a job. Problem solved. Don't have an alt and you perceive your sole toon as useless. Make an alt. Problem solved.
  20. Nope. I'm enjoying every aspect of the game just as much as I have since launch. When I stop enjoying the game I will unsubscribe at that point. But, I won't post about it out of vanity.
  21. Do you mean "you"? I have no problem with the WZ post 1.2. However, you have chosen to speak on my behalf as I am part of the player base.
  22. If the problem were the code then everybody without exception would have the same problem as you. Since not everybody is experiencing the same problem as you, including myself (40-80 fps in WZ, 60-100 fps elsewhere) then the problem resides on your computer or your network connection. That's simple tech support 101.
  23. Be more specific because not all of us are experiencing the same issues that you are.
  24. Wow. I wouldn't blame the gpu so fast. I have a GT 525M on a Dell XPS notebook and I'm getting upwards of 30-40+ fps. Might want to check your router/isp. On my 'real' computer with dual ati HD 5670 cards and still get 40+ fps. I think people put way too much emphasis on their gpu and underestimate the thresholds of the rest of the equipment on their rigs and the limitations of their ISP.
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