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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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The world is bland and boring. Every planet feels virtually the same. The only planet which felt alive to me, like there was actually enough work put into it was dromund kaas. The idea of the republic/imperial fleet is the biggest lack of creativity I've ever seen. WoW has what...10 unique capital "hubs", and SWTOR can't even make 2? Wow.


PVP is a joke. Every class has about twice as many forms of player control as they need, and the resolve bar doesn't work. Is it so hard to understand that being taken out of control of your character is the most frustrating thing that can happen? Giving every single class 10 ways to slow/stun/cc you is silly.


No meaningful reward system. Particularly in PVP. Still no rated WZ's? lol


Complete lack of mystery, wonder, exploration, etc. The world is completely static and linear, not remotely interesting. Wow had an "open" world, where you can see things you might not reach for weeks, but it sure as hell interests you. Linear corridors don't do that. I wish they took a page out of EVEs book and made interpanetary travel and space combat a bit more interesting. Imagine if there were giant swathes of space to explore, you had completely free roam with your ship, but at any time you could go to light speed at get to a planetary space station. Bleh.


Legacy system is utter tripe. They could add things that are actually meaningful, like let a sentinel use a double bladed lightsaber instead of dual wield. Or different standing/running stances for how we hold our lightsabers. Purely cosmetic stuff, but stuff that's actually interesting. People care about their character, not mailboxes on their ship, which we have no reason to ever be on except to get to other planets.


The game is a WoW clone that is missing easily 50% of wows content. I wish the game tried something original in the wow world. You can't compete with wow with a game that is a shoddy knockoff of wow. Instead you could've done something unique, something completely different that would have appealed to people more than wow. All we got is a completely superficial story system that ends once you hit max level. I'm not sure how hard it is to realize that you spend most of your time and rl dollars at the max level in an MMO, aka when the story ceases to matter.


People want something to be better than wow, and that imo means different. All these companies making shoddy wow clones end up with their MMOS failing. Gee I wonder why.

Edited by Wazooty
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1) Learn from mistakes of the past - Cataclysmic changes, NGE fails, and 1.2. Overhauling classes less than 6 months into a launch is a terrible idea. Folks chose classes based on beta experience and levelling experience, just to have (Operative and BH) dps nerfed repeatedly. These and the healer changes were clearly reactionary and not well considered given the drastic shift they caused from the product your launch audience bought.


I don't know about you but when I face off against all these classes in WZ's they are perfectly fine regardless of the changes.

2) Underpromise and overdeliver - basic service 101. "We'll have ranked warzones in 1.2." Oops. My guild is gone to Tera due to this, once again short sighted and reactionary decision, to install part of the PvP changes (expertise/gear) but not the ranked warzones.


Sure the ranked WZ's were a highlight of many, but at the same token, many times in WZ's I've noticed not many players are truly ready for the intensity of a ranked WZ experience, so deal with it and wait patiently, you're acting as if this is the first timein history a game company has fallen back on a promise. Watch the BLizzcon trailers to build up hype for the expansions and tell me how long if ever some of that stuff took to come in. dances comes to mind.


Expertise is fine, get some, stop complaining.


3) The Legacy system is a wonderful idea and provides some great tools for altaholics. Unfortunately I don't know what class you're going to completely alter next so I'm afraid to level another character to 50.


Don't be so worrisome about class changes in an MMO, you sound liek it's your first day at the park by this comment, most people adapt or die.


4) Are you selling a product or a service? If you said a product you're wrong. You marketed this game as being groundbreaking for immersive, story driven, fully voiced PvE content. You threw in a little PvP as well because that's expected in MMOs.


The game has been live for nearly 5 months and we've seen minimal new content. All we've really seen is some (but not all) bugs fixed and wildly overreactionary "math" changes. This game will survive and thrive only by delivering on the content (service) promise in return for the $15/month fee. Again - underpromise and overdeliver.


You're complaining about changes not happening, then you're complaining about them happening, so which is it? I'm certain most of you players coming from the WoW era have to be the most spoiled bunch ever. Try playign Ultima Online back in the day when there was NO UPDATES, it was an ocassional dev thing, but most would miss it. I may be genralizing here on this one, but man, to be spoon fed details and that being one of your reasons for having a subscription to a game is sickening too.



5) Class balance changes and gear griding are no substitute for content. While $15 is a bargain for the entertainment value, paying customers have vastly higher expectations than their f2p comrades. Show more business sense than SOE (who still employees Smedley last I checked) and make appropriate staffing changes to get your product back to the experience your customers paid for. I quit WoW because I refuse to pay a subscription to repeat dailies ad nauseum to get gear you will then obsolete in 30-60 days. Fool me once, shame on you . . .


This is not a fault of Biowares, Blizzards or any other company, the purpose of MMO's is to get you hooked, they rely solely on gambling type personalities. You cannot fault Bioware at have your subscription based solely around this as well, Game companies currently tread water to make money, the innovation and risk is gone because none of them want to make it. I know they could have made space comabt way better, but they chose rails, I know they can make a game with evolving player characters that change not only in appeareance over time but body size, but they won't. People liek yourself complain about the smallest most mundane things. I expect a lot too for my $15, but truly in the end what keeps me playing these games is real people and friends I've made that help add to the experience. Not the game itself.

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Cancelled with 100 something days left


I'm playing Tera now. This is truly an MMORPG and I'm loving the new action style combat. This game by far surpasses SWTOR but that's just my opinon.



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Nothing left to explore and very little in the first place.


No farming of any type which I used to love.

Crafting? See above.

Travel between planets must have been some kind of Dev "loading screen" in-joke.

Why go back to a planet?

I so wanted to just roam an open world when i got tired of questing and find random stuff like in EQ2. Something to keep me going and pushing on just to see what was next. I am so sad over all that this game could have been it isn't funny.


I read a game magazine and in last months issue there was an ex-Bioware Dev quoted as saying; "We just want to release awesome stuff. Players, please give us a chance. Judge our games based on what they are, judge our DLC based on what it is. Stop thinking you are a producer and telling us when and where we should be building our content".


Note that I said ex-Bioware dev. Did she see what this game had become and left? Even after all the input from the playerbase during beta? I just don't see how a game this big could fail on as many levels as it has and it just makes me want to cry.... Sub gone... Just lurking til the time runs out.

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1) It's a single-player game. Structurally, this is a single-player with multi-player options, not an MMO. I played through it about 1 and 3/4 times. That's pretty good for a single-player. But there is little opportunity or incentive to interact with other players, and it plays out that way. Groups were terribly hard to find after the first few weeks, because the technical function was just not there. Auction house thing was a joke, so forget about crafting and selling. Sterile environments that do not encourage socializing and RP-ing (despite being corralled by rails and walls everywhere). Few cross-faction zones. Pvp by most accounts is an afterthought and its gear system a mess (also another disincentive to crafters and traders).


The fundamental reason to pay a monthly fee and play an MMO on a regular basis is the creativity and input of other players, not to keep replaying a single-player pve experience.


Like most players, I come and go on MMOs anyway, but this was my shortest stay yet--despite the game being the most inherently polished starting out of the gate. I spent twice as long on my first shot in LOTRO (which had remarkable RP in a similar environment of heavy movie/book-based lore). Probably a quarter of that time was RP-ing. Here, my RP-ing amounted to maybe three hours of out three months of play.


2) It's an unfinished game. Why should I pay while they patch in basic elements such as the Legacy system and a lot of the aforementioned stuff? Especially when....


3) It's a broken game. Early bugs were fine and to be expected; we're all new to this at first. But I'm sick of the aforementioned patch-a-mania breaking things either accidentally or deliberately. I came back during the free-time offer to see what things looked like. I found my main had its ability tree totally wiped (on purpose) and its headgear not rendering (by accident). Instant disincentive to play.


4) Legacy system disappointment. A matter of personal taste, but I had hopes that Legacy would be more of a guild replacement to connect fellow players into a family (or gang), something like the old Asheron's Call vassal system. In short, I hoped it would be an MMO element. Instead, it's a single-player element. All of that hard work on my main comes down to egging me to start over with yet another toon and grind through the same planets again in my own little bubble.


5) Money. In the end, we vote with our wallets. The game stopped making financial sense to me when the above reasons are factored. Why should I pay $60 to start and then $15 a month for what is essentially a single-player game with eight possible stories? Consider that the single-player Dragon Age: Origins had six separate character stories and cost about $50, period. For those of us who experience this game as a phony or superficial MMO, it's just a rip-off. Especially when this marketplace is increasingly going ftp.


I found this game enormously impressive and great fun in many ways. I suspect it will be significantly better in 9 months or a year. But those are the bottom-line places it has lost me, likely for a very long time.

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I just unsubscribed about 10 minutes ago. I started playing this game because two of my closest friends play it. While I enjoyed the game at first, it got boring after a few weeks. Here are the reasons why:


- I didn't like the graphics or the cartoony art style from the get-go (I much prefer the visual style of Mass Effect or Eve Online). The graphics engine is also completely unoptimized and at times it's downright crappy. I'm running this on a GTX 580 and the graphics still suck (shadows anyone?). How does a straight line turn into a zigzag razor shadow? Just look at the shadows on Brell's brother during that quest on Hutta.

-I didn't find the stories engaging. I've played some of every class except smuggler (not to 50 mind you but I youtubed a lot of it to see if it was worth leveling) and I just don't think they're very good compared to other Bioware games (KOTOR, Mass Effect 2, Jade Empire, Dragon Age).

-I didn't enjoy the gameplay. I feel like I'm just pressing the same buttons over and over again. I get tired from playing this game.

- I didn't find the world fun to explore. The planets are so separated from each other that it doesn't feel like a cohesive world (go to spaceport, go to hanger, enter ship, back to hanger, back to spaceport)

- The character creator. I'm the type of gamer that is willing to spend hours and hours creating my characters. I even rerolled a Bounty Hunter after reaching level 35 because I wasn't happy with my character (as in...I made another BH). The face selections in this game...well, they suck. Just go through the human faces, many of them look like mutants. You can't change your face shape, eye shape, nose shape, etc either. You can do that in Dragon Age, in Mass Effect, in EVE Online, in the Elder Scrolls. Why not in this game? It's 2012, I expect these features.

-No customization. Of anything. Your ship is the same as everyone else (not to mention jedi and sith classes share the SAME ship). I want to be able to hang trophies and stuff.

- Boring and uninspired features in general. I still don't see the point of the Legacy system. It just makes leveling Alts easier and quicker. And you get to say your characters are related. So what? It's a superficial and shallow system. I could easily imagine they're related in my head, putting a line between their portraits doesn't add anything.

- Boring race selection. Zabrak and Rattataki are pretty similiar if you ask me (they're both bald :p). Why not have Cathar, Rodians, Trandoshans, Arkanians, or even Taung?

-Crappy alien speech. The sith inquisitor trainer at Vaikan Spacedock where you choose your specialization: "oompa woompa." Seriously?? Plus many of the species have the same speech, why not have unique speech for each species?

-Unoriginal setting. What I liked about KOTOR I and II is that they were different from the movies. It seems like swtor can't decide what time frame it wants to be in. Many, many things are exactly the same as in the movies (Republic troopers - come on, they look like clone troopers, Imperial ships, etc). Its boring and uninspired.

- Boring characters. Darth Malgus is just a rehash of Malak. Seriously, so boring.

-My hair disappears when I wear a hood. Why??

-Space. Space feels so small. Even the fleet orbiting the station is small.

-Lack of a clear objective. Too much to go into detail here but I feel like my characters lack a real objective in the world. No real reason to do what they do. Why work for the empire as a lightside BH? No explanations, you have to make them up yourself. Join the Mandalorians? Ok, then what? nothing, you just continue doing what you're doing. etc etc

-Sucky mounts. Speeders, that 's it? How about walkers, Basilisk droids, banthas, etc. More variety.

-No weapon customization. Close range BH have to use a PISTOL? For TANKING? How about a vibroblade or techstaff. Or even a blaster RIFLE. Sith Assassins have to use a double bladed lightsaber? Why? In KOTOR you could choose.

-You HAVE to unsheathe your lightsaber for each convo, otherwise it floats around during the cutscene? Isn't this an easy fix? So many things in this game are so easily fixed.

-Why buy abilities? It's a credit drain, just like in WoW.

-Voice acting and dialogue. Voice acting is alright for the main characters but it sucks on a lot of the quest givers. Even worse on the republic side ("Wow, you're just AMAZING! thanks! see ya!")

-Sucky lightside/darkside options. Lightside you're unrealistically nice (Sith warrior: "I just went to the tombs and collected these shards. If I don't turn these in I could be killed. Oh wait you just tried to steal mine, why don't I give them to you!"). Darkside you just electrocute everyone you come across. ME had way more variety: Push people out of windows, set them on fire, surprise punch them, use silly tricks, accuse them of discrimination, headbutt them, etc. Though to be fair, you get some cool executions with the Sith Warrior.

-The Spacedock-centric design. Everyone just hangs out at the main fleet, there aren't more hubs or capitals spread throughout the game. For example in WoW, I had a lot of fun exploring the different capitals. This feature just doesn't exist in this game.

-Getting stuck all the time and the /stuck function doesn't always work. I had to get Customer Support once cause I got stuck in the Nar Shaadda spaceport. Not to mention you can't quick travel in spaceports. Why not? would fix this problem.

-Random glitches all the time. Try fighting some mobs near a ledge or anywhere where you can fall off, then use a Knockback. Your companion will run all the way down after them and aggro more mobs, they'll continue shooting you, etc. Sometimes you knock them into areas where you can't reach them and they continue shooting you. Very annoying. Yesterday I soloed an Heroic quest where I died because this elite mob was jumping around me and I couldn't tell where it went (cause of a knockback).

-Characters switch accents or pronounce words differently in the same conversation. For example on Dromund Kaas, you meet a possessed slave who believes he's a sith lord. This dude switches freely back and forth between data pronounced "dayta" and "dahta." Or Naga Sadow. It seems like the Sith can't agree on how to pronounce his name. Is it Naga "Sadoh" or Naga "Sadau"?



The list goes on and on. Anyway not to be too negative but all this makes me feel like its a time sink that doesn't justify the cost. It's hard to stay positive when there are so many issues I have with this game. Everytime I finish a session I feel tired and bored, like I've just wasted my time. I tried sticking with this game because of my friends but for now I can't do it anymore. I'll stil play on and off till my subscription runs out and I might resub in the future but right now I feel the overwhelming need to cancel my subscription. :(


And to people asking why these threads exist in the first place....CAUSE WE PAID FOR THE GAME. Simple as that. I spent around a 100 euros on this game more or less. It's not that I can't afford it, it's just that I wish I would've spent my money elsewhere and gotten more out of it. I also upgraded my PC to run this game. I'm frustrated as hell! :mad:


EDIT: Whoops, I got sidetracked and forgot the top 5 reasons part. I guess out of my giant list it'd be (not in order):

1) the uninspired setting

2) lack of customization/character creation

3) graphics engine

4) boring world that is not fun to explore

5) boring gameplay. I just don't like smashing buttons without thinking. (and you really don't need to think once you know your combos).

Edited by Blackholeskipper
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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?



I have a few days left on my game card and the free month, but no matter what there is no reason for me to add more game time. You want to know why? Fine :)


PvE: With the exception of storyline quests, there is absolutely no change at all, not even the chance to do one planet instead of the other (how i hate Nar Shaddaa). Linearity is something i expected, it´s a theme park MMO after all, but there is simply no option at all (PvP is not an option anymore...see next point). Now, storyline quests are fine, some are very well written, but it´s not much compared to the rest you have to do to LvL up. Also, Dark/Light side choices don´t matter, no, a different letter doesn´t change anything.


Anyway, i could live with that but...with so much instancing, no (server intern) LFG Tool, not even a damn global LFG chat, it´s simply horrible to find groups, for quests, help or a flashpoint. This is tied to low pop servers, which is another point i will make later.


So what about the endgame? With Columi tokens dropping in HC flashpoints, KP and EV, you are geared in no time at all. The loot is literally handed to you on a silver plate. Not to mention there isn´t really a challenge (ok the bugs are the challenge...). So with 1.2 we got a new flashpoint, was short and nice, no reason to run that again and a new raid with...4...encounters...


There is no point for me in doing the same daily quests over and over again, it´s boring as hell. Also i played many alts and thanks to the empty static zones and the difficulty to find groups, it gets even more boring.


PvP: The only thing i didn´t like pre 1.2 was the lucky loot system with the chests. I had a good time anyway. The two sets before BM gear always gave the feeling of progression. Now you hit 50, BUY blue gear (i´m sure people are happy to replace purples with blue gear..makes fun when items are the only progression in the game) to do pvp. You can get BM gear faster now, however then it is one hell of a dumb grind to get warhero. Valor ranks are just useless, yeah you need it for some stuff, but it´s not enough. There are more problems, instanced pvp isn´t as much fun as open world pvp (which is totally lacking), the warzones are way too small, expertise changes, faction imbalance solved with fighting your own faction..., exploits/bugs not getting fixed, ranked wz´s, class changes, gear not skill matters, money nerfs...the list could go on and on. Enough of this.


Technical Aspect: Horrible. Just horrible. Ok the game is decent looking, not great but good, the whole instancing, the loading times, the engine not being able to handle big populations in one zone without becoming a lag fest (i have a pretty good gaming rig...). The sheer endless amount of bugs, from all these annoying little ones, over crafting bugs, to people getting stuck and not getting out, the absolutely unacceptable sound bug...i really don´t know. Most of the stuff i experienced firsthand got reported in the beta, on the ptr..they do..nothing about it. Honestly after 3 Imperial agents (2 rerolls oh..ok and another one in beta..Jadus is still bugy...). Animations getting stuck, cinematics not working properly, class talents not being reliable...the list goes on. After several months i´m sick of beta testing this crap and the worst is...i have yet to meet one person ingame that got a response from the customer service. I (and no person in my guild) certainly never has.


Attitude: What i mean with this? Simply, go read most of the responses from the devs. Something is broken and it´s known since beta? No response or "working as intended" PvP changes? Basically a "suck it up". The say one thing, and patch something different. Something gets fixed but isn´t fixed, Social stuff gets removed but you get nothing in return. And so on...I don´t know them personally, i don´t want to know them, and i don´t want to attack someone, but this business attitude is something i won´t accept as long as i´m a paying customer. No free month will fix this.


The "other stuff": There are simply many things in this game that looked great but turned out to be worthless, sub-par or just boring. Space combat is fun a few times, but there is just no reason to do it again on 50, you don´t get anything worth out of it.


Companions are nice, but only the first one gives you (a few..) quest, the talks are nice, but there are only a few. They are just (sometimes) talking pets.


Crafting is so worthless...i can´t even..just no. Of course there is also no housing...and no the ship isn´t your house...


Dark/Light side points...worthless. Social points...worthless. No guild lvls or peeks (i can´t believe a wannabe AAA titel launches with NO guild banks and when they come you have to buy even the first slot? Really?)


Legacy system, so much hype about a money sink? This is your big content patch? A few lines between my alts do nothing. I wasted millions on this crap and basically stood there and had..nothing. "Good" things like more exp while playing an alt ...sorry wait for 1.3...this is just a joke.


And let's not forget the low pop ghost town servers, i have already re-rolled 2 times. I won´t do it again. Transfers in summer, too late. Also targeted transfers to specific servers....promotional transfers...and paid? Where is the free guild transfers away from GHOST town servers? Server merges no?


Just not enough and too late. I had some good fun while playing this game, not everything is bad, but the bad things always leave a bitter taste in your mouth when it´s that much. I can´t believe that so much money, resources and time went into developing...this.


Anyway i wish you good luck with the game in the future. I will take my money elsewhere.

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I have 11 days left and I'm debating the unsub . . . top 5 reasons are:


1. Servers are dead - I login to any planet and I see any number from 1 to 8 (I've been playing since day 2 of EGA & no 50's, that might speak for itself since I just can't get "into" this game)


2. Because of reason 1, can't find a group for much of anything, and the few characters that I have in guilds, those guilds don't ever seem to have more than 3 or 4 people on at once... so I suppose more specifically my reason 2 is "the game seems to be dying".


3. PvP - unbalance, less than 20ms ping to server and ~90fps and constant lagging and lag related issues like snared 10yards away, right on top of someone and can't 'hit' them, force leap 10 yards away from my intended target - PvP centered around stun lock.


4. Load times - wow, Alderaan, Tatooine, Nar Shadaa - have fun queueing from these planets to PvP, you spend 2 or 3 minutes between each game ... it's just... painful


5. Companions - OMG, they always look at you all creepy, you have to gear them, they are situational, and you can't solo much w/o them... really cool idea but instead of being an added bonus to your character they are a requirement to solo really most of the 'leveling' content.


5a. Leveling the SAME quests over, and over, and over, and over. I've rerolled too often for random reasons and hate doing all the exact same stuff on the same planets with the same options with the same outcome with the same . . .


This game isn't what I expected, I "feel" like I'm in a "game"... load screens, cheesy PvP, more NPC's in fleet than players..... am I in the matrix?


Only reasons for staying:

Time vested....


I bought the CE & feel cheated


Hoping the game will turn around


Diablo 3 will suck


Tera will be a bigger dud


/shrug, kudos for those of you that have found fun elsewhere, heres to hoping the game improves in 11 days or I think I'm done too. BW, you're welcome for the $150 I dropped on the CE. :confused:

Edited by Thannate
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1 lack of open-ended and interactive environments/planets plus they llok lifeless and static

2 nothing fun to do outside the gear grind ( i.e. no swoop racing, pazzak,housing,exploration, holo monster chess)

3 no dog fights in space

4 poor character creation options and limited species variety

5 crafting is very boring and unegaing

6 getting stuck and caught when trying to jump over rocks or going off the path

Edited by river
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Hey all,


This thread is getting off track and we would like to ask everyone to please ensure your posts are constructive to the discussion of the topic.


We welcome feedback, provided it is constructive (This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for.) and that it is on topic to discussion of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


As this thread is asking for feedback, provided it stays constructive and is centered around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, we welcome it.


However, we do want to remind everyone that if you feel a thread needs moderator attention, such as being off topic, not constructive or in violation of any of the rules of conduct, to please simply report it. Posting in the thread as to why it is a violation is not on topic and only serves to disrupt the discussion and also bumps the thread. Reporting it will bring it to our attention much faster and will not disrupt the discussion.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding moderation on the forums, please send us an email with your feedback at communitysupport@swtor.com


That being said, let's allow this thread to get back on track. If the discussion continues to be off topic, we will have to close it.


Thank you for your understanding!


You guys didn't even make it off the first page before they had to step in. Keep up the good work guys! :D

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I am not leaving the game, but since I am not playing it at the moment I won't bother paying my subscription either.


top5 reasons I have stopped paying my subscription would be.


1: no rated warzones,

2: no 8man queues

3: very few good premades left to fight

4: no server transfers

5: no faction transfers


Not sure where I will get my pvp fix in between GW2 BWE's anymore. Currently playing DayZ arma2 mod and will have to pickup dota2 again I guess.


I don't get all the drama and bravado connected with unsubbing from a subscription service though. You don't have to play a mmo every day in the year. You can stop by every third month and still be competitive and complete all content as it is released. No point lingering unless you want to.

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IWhat are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?



1. They way they designed the world to lower the probability of faction v faction conflict, world pvp.

2. The inability to design a fun performance functional Ilum. #1 compounds number #2. There are only some many 15 minute warzones a man can do, no matter how well they are designed.

3. 31 point talent trees. They are just too simple and to closed in. This drastically cuts down on replay value for those who do not like to roll a lot of alts.

4. Worlds not worth exploring. There is nothing but a few datacrons out there, and too many "painted on doors" I wish I could go to the Imperial Palace and go up to the top.

5. Load screen after terrible load screen. THIS kills immersion in the story more than any world pvp could...


I'm sure they wont read this, but I hope they do.


edit- I just read the first 4 pages. This is a classic thread here. It should be passed to a developers and be required reading before they even sit down to think about designing a MMO.



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Here are my 5 reasons that I unsubscribed today.


1. No innovation. I know this has been said over and over again, but it feels like I am playing the same game over again that I had already left for something new.


2. Server population. Servers are drying up and I had to reroll on another server so that I could actually play with people and sell things on the GTN.


3. Bugs keep popping up. They say things are fixed in the patch notes and they are not, plus it seems like every time they fix something, then something else gets broken.


4. Dailies. Enough said.


5. Lack of character progression past level 50 besides gear. This is an MMO trend that needs to die a horrible death quickly. I am tired of the only way that I can make my character any more powerful is to get better gear. It would be nice to have combat skills to level up that take a whiel that make a marked improvement on my characters performance, or an AA system that gives you abilities that work in PvE only and not in PvP so that it remains balanced and yet still gives you something to work towards.


I hope that someone innovates soon, because I really love the idea of MMO games and being able to play in a living breathing world with other players who have similar goals as you. I hope that game comes along soon.

Edited by Zeerting
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Well my sub runs out Friday and sadly I'll be gone, kinda sad BioWare doesn't even care...and they don't


1) I don't feel like a Sith, or even close to being heroic like the dude in the video said, I mean I walk up to an Imperial Soldier and he whines saying he needs me to do his job, a real Sith would force choke the fool and move on, but in this game? You bend over backwards to be his little errand boy.


2) Does there have to be 100 mobs every 10 feet in this game? lol c'mon, even right smack in the middle of the road there are npc mobs just standing there, not moving, in the "combat ready" position seemingly waiting for you to ride by so they can attack. I understand they throw elite after elite after elite at you to make it "challenging" and link 3-4 mobs together and have "strong" mobs strutting around so you'll have to use your companion


3) Character creation! I was a little upset I couldn't be a Rodain Smuggler, I mean I was in that other Star Wars MMO, if they could do it I am sure BioWare could. C'mon you think WoW would be as popular today if when creating your character all you saw was human, green human called Orc, blue human with big ears called Elf?


4) Server population. Whomever thought of tossing "Heroic" quests at you left and right probably thought more then 2 people would be playing the game I imagine, but they where wrong! I mean there are "heroic" quests in the starting planet..THE starting planet -my Trooper had to wait till he got his companion before doing those lol


5) If you re-roll a character you do the same quests over and over and over and over, well minus your story quest. And unlike WoW where you grab a quest, walk 50 feet, complete quest and walk back, you usually have to travel for 10 minutes, fighting useless mobs along the way, And seeing you're boxed in you cant take a short cut to the quest you have to follow a "set path" to get there... a path riddled with mob after mob after mob....



I could go on about the Legacy system, you know where 2 of my characters could be married or siblings or rivals...but only *I* would know that as other people wouldn't see it...because this is a single player game lol

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Unsubbed last week. Why I still check the forums? I really really really wanted this game to be successful. I want to see what changes have come and if it's ever worth coming back. Five reasons?


1) Population issues. No server transfers or server merges, despite having way too many servers with low populations.


2) Population issues. Being able to group up with people for flashpoints, quests, dailies, etc is very difficult when there is less than 5 people on each planet, and less than 10 around your level on the fleet (during peak hours even).


3) Technical issues. This game should be performing a hell of a lot better than it does now. Instead it is plagued by FPS, bugs and networking issues. Also, the load times are wayy too long and too frequent.


4) PvE end-game design issues. Operations, once the bugs are worked out, are way too easy and full of uninteresting encounters. The ones that stand out as fun fights: KP Bonethrasher, KP Fabricator, EV SOA. That's it. PvE flashpoints have a lot of fun encounters, but due to population issues and relative inaccessibility (no decent LFG tool most noteably) they are too much of a pain to get people to group with. Also, having flashpoints and operations drop some of the exact same gear also gives less incentive to do flashpoints in the first place.


5) Nearly everything MMO-related in this game was done poorly. The single player elements are decent. The voice acting is really well done. There were some cool cut-scenes and dialogs. But for the reasons listed above and more... this game fails to live up to MMO standards and certainly is not worth $15 a month.


Don't get me wrong, this game was worth the money I spent on it for the dozens of hours I played across multiple characters. I just wish it still was worth money to keep playing. Instead it became another boring grind fest with a lot of technical issues and a dying population of people who really wanted this game to succeed.

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im not unsubbing


but i will eventually, no game or mmo last forever


however if bioware add these , they will keep me in game for long time :


- additional class storyline, expanded romance storyline, expanded companion storyline.

- achievement system

- duel mode 1 vs 1 with ranking system, or 2 vs 2 with ranks

- additional planet thats heavily involved in old republic, like Yavin moon where the massassi built their sith temples or kasy***.

- add more live event tats not rakghoul related..

- add invasion type event that requires ppl from all level to help stave opposing force invasion fleet in ground combat and in space combat

- add more space combat , add variety of space combat including squadron combat with 4 ppl , a flashpoint that purely space oriented and must be done in spaceship. add multi player multi station ship , add guild capitalship and their related events like guild invasion etc

- add abilities for opposing faction to invade planets of fleets in a consensual PVP style. preferable a mix of space combat and boarding action. imperial ffleet and republic fleet should meet in battle..


ere i said it

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Also - why the heck do threads that ask these things exist at all? Are these people writing a paper and need a semi-reliable peek into their decisions?


i think the more important question is,why do they let you post on here if you unsubscribed

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1. My server is too low pop and I'm not rerolling as Ive got a valor rank 81 Scoundrel, no way Im starting over.


That's it. No other reason. The game is good, in fact very good IMO. However, so many left my server that I'm literally seeing 30-40 on fleet prime time, with about 80 total 50's across everywhere. Some servers are even worse, a lot worse if people aren't exaggerating.

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I am only posting since Bioware indicated that they actual read these posts.


1. The game is boring and repetitive.

The same quests are repackaged on each planet. The video quests slow down the game and I can't space bar through the dialogue fast enough. An option to turn off the dialogue and get straight to the quests would be an improvement. My friends and I all joined the game pre-release and the majority of us still haven't reached level 50. Questing is a chore... it is not fun.


2. Bioware has made too many radical changes too fast.

The nerf bat to classes and crew skills have significantly altered my character and ruins my trust in Bioware to not go batty in the future. I have no desire to level any other toons for fear Bioware will destroy the toon and skills that I select.


3. Bugs, glitches, and load screens are far too prevalent and infectious.

It's asinine that I couldn't even complete classes quests without encountering significant bugs that forced me to redo countless quests. The first 15-20 seconds of every warzone is a complete lag fest. I refuse to travel to any worlds when I que for wzs as the load screen will most likely take longer than the 70 seconds I have to accept the wz que when it finally pops.


4. PvP is a grindfest and stunfest.

The only way to earn the top earn is to grind approximately 10k wz commendations. Since there are no ranked wzs players have to trade in 30 regular commendations for 10 ranked ones. It took me almost a month to earn my warhero weapon. Centurion and Championship gear were removed only a few months after being released. The months I spent grinding out the gear was negated in one patch. The que times for wzs is tedious... I've waited literally hours for a single que to pop and then my team is outnumbered and we promptly lose. This is the norm, not the exception. Chain stuns are ridiculous and infuriating. I have only one way to break stuns every two minutes and I can be instantly restunned. Resolve is not adequate.


5. Make the game more like the movies: Put more iconic Star Wars qualities in the Old Republic

I want to play a game that mirrors the movies. I demand more race choices, Star Wars music, relevant Light and Dark side choices, space combat that doesn't feel like a 1980s video game, more vehicles and pets, and more interesting story lines.

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Simple fact is the game was released too early. The product at launch did not meet 2012 expectations for many people. 1.2 was a step in the right direction. This game needs a few planets that are not so scripted, they should also add some sort of alternate experience system. I don't get legacy, you have legacy levels but all it "unlocks" is a credit sink.The buffs for all classes is nice but I have to wonder if enticing players to roll alts is really a good strategy. (Part of me says, wow you made a MMO with so little long term appeal you are encouraging alts a few months after release?) People should be able to focus on one toon and develop that character. Alternate experience at least gives you a reason to grind some mobs for a marginal gain. I think they should look at the way rift is doing it.


1.2 again was a major step in the right direction. I don't know if I will resub. I am still angry with EA/BW they knew this game wasn't ready and they released it anyway. I can accept this with a small independent shop but not with these guys. EQ is 13 years old, i still play it from time to time. I don't understand how SONY of all companies can make a ancient outdated game like eq fun after so many years and yet modern games struggle keeping peoples attention just a few months in.

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I've been unsubbed for awhile (I cancelled my subscription back in February, but I had three months left on my subscription plus the free 30 days given out by BW).


I still play, and may reactivate my subscription soon, but want to point out why I'm on the fence about it:


1. I enjoy all facets of this game. I PVP heavily (Valor Rank 86), I PVE almost as much (I do operations with my guild from Friday-Sunday nights), and I rolled on a RP server because I also enjoy RPing. However, I feel like the RP perspective of the game is so woefully ignored and lacking that it's not even funny.


Basic RP functions that we do not have:

-Sitting in chairs/interacting with basic environment

-Chat Bubbles (reduces clutter and allows you to focus in on others' conversation)

-Real places to RP (All the planet zones look the same, have no day/night cycle, and are covered in enemies. I don't want to RP in a cantina all day, thank you)

-No naming enforcement on RP servers (There really is no point of a RP server besides meeting other RPers. No rules at all).


There has been little to no dev response on the RP side of things, and that basically blocks out a 1/3 of the game that I could be enjoying.


2. Development Direction . As I said, I enjoy all the aspects of the gameplay experience. However, with 1.2, I realized that the direction the Devs are going with this game is not to my liking. The removal of ranked warzones less than a day before the patch went live was a horrible disservice to the customer-base (at least the PvPers who were banking on it). With the removal of Ilum's quests, and the admittance that it was a failure, there has still been no talk about the advancement of World-PVP, a part of MMOs that I enjoy. Instead of focusing on the game's numerous bugs, gameplay promises, and class balance, the Devs touted their new "Legacy" system. This consisted, of course, of worthless legacy perks that costs literally millions of credits and a worthless "Family Tree" that is entertaining for all but a few minutes. If things like THAT are what I have to look forward to in huge content updates, no thank you.


3. Community Support. Many servers in this game have extremely low population now. I'm part of what BW considers a "healthy" server, that is occasionally at heavy population at peak times. However, 3/4 of the game's servers are pretty barren. Even my server is beginning to drop in population. Hundreds of forum posts have been made insisting on server merges, but BW is instead going with server transfers (most likely to hold up the facade that the game isn't in a decline). These transfers have no real ETA, and will leave many servers completely dead after people transfer away from them.


4. Customer Service. I have put in dozens of tickets over various issues, from player harassment to bugs. How many times have I experienced even above average responses? None. Zero. Players who have broken naming policies, exploited the game, or been harassing others have received almost zero punishment, from what I've seen. The many bugs I've put in? Ignored with a copy-pasted response from a customer service representative. I still experience bugs I've gotten months ago to this day, that I've ticketed multiple times. Oh, this is of course assuming I even get a response. I've had several cases where tickets just disappeared, never to show up again with zero response.


5. Lack of content. Once one is done with the (admittedly) brilliant story-quests, you're left at level 50 and end-game. What does this consist of now? Waiting in que for Four Warzones, Flashpoints for gear that is outclassed by Operations, and the Operations themselves. This game, as many have stated, was most likely rushed. There isn't that much to do once you hit 50. Too much time and money was spent on voice-acting and script-writing, while creating the actual game that would sustain the player-base was, at best, sub-par. Aside from the bugs, undelivered promises, and lack of character customization, most of the game just isn't that well designed. With the budget it had, it could've been a much better game, rather than an interactive movie that lasts until level 50. I guess when BW said they were making a Story-Driven MMORPG, they ignored the MMORPG part a little too much. Making eight alts doesn't a MMORPG make, but that's what BW seems to want with it's much-worked-on Legacy system and focus on story-quests.


6. This game doesn't feel Star-Warsy enough for me. I know, I know, this isn't supposed to be SWG2. However, SWTOR could learn SOME things from that game. At the moment, the worlds are completely static, boring, and have no purpose once you're done questing there. There is no day/night cycle, the planets are built completely linear, and there is no feeling of wonder that you're on a whole different planet. These are alien planets, full of diverse wildlife and cultures. What we get is the same looking things: faction camp, empty areas full of mobs, and a straight line to the next quest hub. The Space-Battle system in this game is so limited at the moment, with no open-world feeling that makes it seem like a multiplayer thing at all. It's a single-player mini-game, when it should be a huge part of the Star Wars experience. Also, only being able to play humanoid races is ridiculous. There are other species in the game, but you can't play them due to the self-imposed restraint from BW. All I see on my server are humans upon humans, or maybe a different colored human (Chiss, Sith, etc.). The design of end-game armor, as well, doesn't exactly cry out "Star Wars!" to me. I played this because it was Star Wars, not some generic science fiction game.


Those are my top six reasons as to why I'm currently on an un-active subscription.


Great post. This sums up my thoughts perfectly but I would like to add two more things.


Crafting in this game is horrid. Its beyond horrid, the crafting system and horrid can go out and horrid can wear an I'm with stupid t-shirt. I had one Saturday with nothing to do but play TOR all day. I switched from biochem to armortech to get my rakata bracers and belt. I was able to not only get that done but get my biochem and bioanalysis back up to 300 in the same day. Thats while I was doing my laundry, making food, and walking the dog. I could just set some stuff up to be crafted then go afk and keep checking back. I find no excuse for this, why not have a little bit of longevity to crafting? Why can I super glue myself to the fleet station and have my companions do my crafting? I should have to go back to Tatooine or Balmorra to farm mats, would give me a reason to go back to those planets at 50. Not to mention all the other professions are useless. Artificers got shafted when Bioware created vendors who sold high level crystals.


For as much money that has been pumped into this game the character creation is poor at best. Mostly just human characters with different colors and tattoos. I felt that the cyborg and human should have just been combined, made an option on a slider. That way you could have freed up another race option. In the end you have only 12 or so different hair styles (most of them ugly to begin with) and some jewelry. Seems like it took them all of 27 minutes to implement.

Edited by pezdestroyer
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- They aint nothin to do at level 50


- I got a faster computer and the planets load even slower.


- They aint no one left in my crew


- I dont want to redo all my skill points


- They aint noone to kill.


- I really boredomed.


- I aint even care about no free month.

Edited by Htrag
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1. Server merges


I place this at the top because it would solve the most problems in one fell swoop. There are too few players spread out over too many servers, this means that the 4 mans and raid instances get very little use compared to what they deserve. By merging servers the population would be much denser which means higher possibility of grouping and a better hive society where the auction houses, crafters, raiders, hardcore gamers and casuals would thrive due to the increased collection of resources spread out on each server.


2. Server transfers


Server transfers could potentially help band-aiding the lack of players on each server, but it is not a viable solution over the long term. Personally, it would increase my chances of re-subscribing and I know that is how many people feel. It would also help in bringing players that know each other together instead of having to constantly reroll because some people wanted to try a higher population server (this is only being strengthened by the low-population-too-many-servers ratio).


3. Improved LFG tool


I have been playing MMOs for almost 10 years. I have played World of Warcraft, Rift, Aion, Guild Wars, Age of Conan, and many more. I have been there since the moment those games came online and I have suffered through months (for some even years) of playing through their baby-period, but at this point it shouldn't feel as bad as a game launched 10 years ago. Over the past 10 years MMOs have grown incredibly with server transfer, server merges, more and more intricate LFG tools, browser purchases of in-game items, cross-server systems, hot fix systems etc. Because of all these advancements I can't bring myself to justify it anymore that a game requires several years to get out, what is now, very basic services and systems.

I am strongly against WoW's LFD and LFR because of the inherent social a**hattery that comes along with it (over-entitlement, ninja looting, no reprecussions, will never see the other players again, and the like), however, right now I have to agree with the pro-LFDers that this is the best course of action for this game. WoW made the mistake of introducing LFD when it was at it's peak of 12 million players, when they should have put it in if they landed on 2-3 million and below. Cross-server systems for grouping only works properly when there are too many servers with too few players, just like how SWTOR is now. I am proud of BioWare for sticking to their guns to keep a decent enough environment and not make the mistake WoW did by introducing this, but that doesn't work with so few players (the need for such a system is substantially increased when there is no server merges, at least as far as we have been told about the things to come in the future).

Back to the baby-phase.

Since I have gone through it so many times, I personally feel that I can't go through it again and I have only WoW (and in smaller parts Rift) to thank for this horrible state-of-mind I am currently in. Finding groups with so few players is absolutely agonizing (if I try hard to find a group, I'll get one in 10 minutes, but the days I feel up to that are rare and far apart).


4. Lack of proper communication


BioWare were very active at the start, but recently there have been less and less of communication about time lines, ideas and plans, or any sign at all that they are actually listening aside from that idiotic bot message that pops up on the forums when they close a thread. This is a minor point, but it is frustrating nonetheless.


SWTOR is an absolutely amazing game, great story, great voice acting, great IP, and an absolutely tremendous potential, however there are those little things that is holding so many people back. These 4 things are the only things BioWare has to do to bring myself and many more players back, most likely new players as well.


I agree 100% and could not have written better myself.

I wonder if Bioware is listening at all anymore or ignoring the pleas from players on dead servers.

Shame things are the way they are and i wonder if they care that so many are leaving or is it the typical Narcissistic attitude that will kill swtor in the end cause the way i see it James Ohlen needs to look at the Forums regarding people struggling to DO the end game raids n flashpoints cause they cant find a GROUP!

The Krath server i play on was great at launch but is mediocre at best now. Im am getting bored and will make a move away from swtor if the Server pop is not solved soon as im fed up.

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I canceled my subscription a couple months ago, not sure if I can still post or not, but here goes:


The biggest reason I quit is Bioware's hardline stance against damage meters and addons. Playing an MMO without damage meters is like watching a concert on mute. Sure there are a few visual clues that are mildly entertaining, but you are missing all of the important and interesting information. I have zero interest in playing an MMO without damage meters to analyze, so I seriously doubt I'll ever be back


There were lots of other reasons, like the pathetically bugged PVE content, inexcusable lack of an LFG tool, and lack of competitive PVP, although I might've been inclined to give Bioware time to work on all those features if they had allowed addons and damage meters.

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