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Everything posted by Blackholeskipper

  1. Yea, I imagine it would be insanely frustrating for PvP players if the plague went on for weeks after the event.
  2. I feel the same way. I really hope there's another expansion this year. Hopefully something that also changes some stuff in the base game.
  3. Hmm, it kinda sounds like how Revan went about doing things during the Mandalorian Wars. Well, it does make a lot of sense. I imagine the conversations with Ashara would be quite interesting. Still, it requires a very impersonal view of things for your character to act that way. In that aspect, it's a lot like the Jedi teachings on controlling your emotions, just without the moral restrictions.
  4. Oh wow, I had no idea! Never heard of the Sarkhai before. Then again, I've never played a Jedi Consular. She does look like an Arkanian offshoot from the KOTOR comic though. That's what confused me.
  5. What you're describing there is the end justifies the means. Why would a SI who grew up as a slave be so loyal to the Empire in its current form? Why would the SI even care so passionately about the lives of its citizens when the SI casually executes people as "civic duty"? Why is the SI so interested in keeping the status quo? With more LS choices you can RP it as the SI having doubts about her loyalty to the Empire (because of past mistreatment, its inefficiencies, bad policies, constant feuding, etc) but ultimately choosing to aid it in the hopes of transforming it into something greater. Works for me! Works even better in some of the conversations you have with Darth Marr about saving the Empire from collapsing, about how the Emperor's absence is a chance to transform it. Besides, in helping others, you might be able to call on their aid in the future. It's more about coaxing people to help you and keeping them alive as potential future assets/allies, rather than intimidating and executing them when you're finished. Yea, I kinda play it this way too. My SI's loyalty to the Empire grows as her power and responsibilities grow. At first she's just an apathetic slave but as time goes on and she wields more influence and is able to change things, she becomes more and more involved with the people of the Empire. By the time she joins the Dark Council, she already has a personal power base that she needs to take care of and has to take an active interest in preserving them, both against rival Sith and against Republic retribution. That's what I thought too when I played DS but my perspective changed when I switched to light side and tried out the different options.
  6. New levels come with new story content. If you don't want that, what else do you want? All the FPs, Raids, and Events are grindy already. It's not the lvl cap that makes the game grindy, it's the basic quest structure. Even the warzones are repetitive. Besides, unsubbing because of new content doesn't really make sense.
  7. Khem Val, duh! Actually, I wouldn't mind romancing Nadia with my female SI. But it's mainly cause she's Arkanian, I know nothing about her.
  8. I hope it keeps recurring but they should limit the events to the planets or at the very least revamp the vaccine so that it persists through death to make the event optional (especially for PVP players).
  9. Oh, I probably missed it cause mostly play as LS. And yea, I guess the SI starts to go crazy as part of the story but I don't think it's implied the SI was unstable to begin with unless you choose those dialogue options.
  10. Hmm, I haven't come across that line yet. I do like the "How do you know I'm not a Collicoid?" line though. Works for both dark and light side (DS you're just unhinged, with LS it's more like teasing).
  11. Well, only if you choose that dialogue option. The game gives you the option of making your character unbalanced but in no way does it suggest every SI is unbalanced. The lightside options are pretty consistent overall except for a short discrepency when you leave Korriban. Your voice somehow takes on a harsher tone and is less naive/young sounding. But it's easy to roleplay that as your character having spent some time training before moving on to Dromund Kaas (which has shaped her to be less innocent).
  12. I've noticed little changes here and there, such as improved tent textures in the Mandalorian camp on Dromund Kaas. They do make a difference! Hoping for many more of these little things!
  13. Try that with a Sith Inquisitor. Congratulations, your character now has a multiple personality disorder! Btw OP, I enjoyed your post and actually read through it. I play mostly like that with a SI but lean more towards light side on many choices. The problem with the SI is that the good and evil options often sound so radically different that they seem to be coming from different people. The kind options are often uncharacteristically kind and the evil options are just... out there ("I want robes of solid gold!"). You have to be careful with normal dialogue options as well if you want to make your character consistent (I actually think it's impossible without hitting ESC and going through the different dialogue options). Some lightside choices do help the enemy though, like letting the doctor on Balmorra go (but the dialogue and voice acting in that scene is so well done for LS, as a female inq).
  14. The back part is kinda ugly but otherwise it looks pretty cool.
  15. Ok, I uploaded a few images to better describe what I mean. Here is what it looks like out of combat: http://imgur.com/a/gP0cW#4 In combat: http://imgur.com/a/gP0cW#2 http://imgur.com/a/gP0cW#3 It should look more like this: http://imgur.com/a/gP0cW#0 (Not sure if the image links work, first time using an image upload site :/)
  16. I'm disappointed the Nexu wasn't in the current pack to be honest . I was hoping for more animal mounts.
  17. I feel you. http://darthipedia.com/w/images/0/0f/Taung.jpg Nah, I'm just kidding with the Predator pics. But yea, I do wish they were still around. This is one of my favorite Star Wars images: http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130917231344/starwars/images/c/c1/Last_Stand_of_the_Taungs.jpg The fact that it takes place on Coruscant... and how the Taung and Human cultures evolved so differently... wow. Also, the idea that a badas* alien face is hiding behind a mask that easily fits a human face is... awesome. I also liked how the Mandalorian Wars was essentially a Taung guiding humans and numerous alien species to fight for glory in their name and culture.
  18. TAUNG MASTER RACE! Let us start a new crusade (and breeding program) to restore the Taung as rightful rulers of the galaxy! In a parallel universe: http://good-wallpapers.com/pictures/5488/Aliens%20vs.%20Predator%20-%20Predator%20Imba.jpg
  19. Actually, I imagine they have much less. The clans were essentially scattered and broken, with the victors destroying most of their equipment. They've had 300 years to rebuild but most of that time has been spent as fragmented groups of mercenaries and bounty hunters. They're portrayed more or less as pawns of the Sith Empire in TOR. At this point they're almost an extension of the Empire as they have no cause of their own to fight for (other than to follow Mandalore and help their 'allies'). Why the Mandalorians would think the Sith would be better in charge or offer them a real challenge once the galaxy is conquered, or why the Sith wouldn't turn on them eventually, no idea. (Though I enjoy playing a bounty hunter and would like to see the Mandalorians act more independently). Also, all we see in the game now is this: http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090704010609/starwars/images/0/0c/Mandalorian_Blockade.jpg http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/14/149570/3521227-mandalore_and_his_followers_by_baail.png http://swtor.junkiesnation.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2011/11/Raiders-on-the-Bridge.jpg Compared to this: http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081205035210/starwars/images/b/b5/Battle_of_Vanquo.jpg http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131019190151/starwars/images/a/a1/Mandalorians_invade_Vanquo.jpg http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20061005150841/starwars/images/2/22/Mandalorians_for_wiki.JPG http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/41834/_original Even TOR makes the old Neo-Crusaders look cooler: http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120614131936/starwars/images/a/a3/Mandalorians_Neo-Crusaders.jpg Also, the new Mandalore sucks. Mandalore then: http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081205070926/starwars/images/3/35/Poscassus.JPG Mandalore now: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/yj85Vzf1iYE/maxresdefault.jpg (Just a fun comparison. I'm totally just hating on the current Mandalorians. I still like them but I'm just not as impressed by their portrayal in TOR. So yea, totally biased). Also, a bit off topic but isn't it odd that the Mandalores of this era just casually reveal their faces? Mandalore the Indomitable and Mandalore the Ultimate always had their masks on. Mandalore the Preserver also stopped showing his face once he became Mandalore.
  20. Woah, I missed the 10 AM GMT! Guess I won't be playing any more of the event afterall
  21. So, I've been using the Mint Green color crystal lately and it looks great. The only thing is when you're in combat and you actually use it with a lightsaber, the color changes to a bright green that looks very different from the color crystal itself. I still like the crystal and will continue to use it but I think it should be changed. There's also no way to preview the combat color before buying it (couldn't find it on youtube, also no preview in the game) so the color should at least match the blade. Thanks for your consideration.
  22. What about Lehon? It's more of a tropical island paradise but you really can't beat that scenery. Maybe scattered islands full of lush jungles mixed with an ocean environment? Kashyyyk would also make a good candidate, though somehow it seems more like a temperate rainforest to me. The Shadowlands would be insanely cool though. You travel all the way to the bottom of the forest, surrounded by giant trees that reach into the sky and block out the sunlight, danger lurking around every corner... Dxun would probably make the best tropical jungle location though... since it's entirely covered in tropical forests. Failing that, Yavin IV or maybe Dagobah. Bothawui also looked quite tropical in the timeline videos. But if they choose a jungle location, they should make it bright, so that it feels different from Dromund Kaas. Well, except for Kashyyyk, cause of the giant trees. But then you get tree top walks (would work with other jungle locations as well). And yea, the Rakghoul tunnels look stunning. Easily one of the best environments in the game. Would make great underwater tunnels for a planet like Manaan.
  23. Still more than a handful though and many of their brightest went to join the war. So yea, as you said, they basically lost a generation of their best. Good points and I agree with most of them, though I still think anyone cutting through thousands is a bit over the top. Maybe during the course of a war, then yea. I think in a more realistic scenario Jedi and Sith would be used for precision strikes against the enemy's command structure (example, a boarding party to wipe out the commanders of a fleet) rather than in front line battle. Cause otherwise there's too many factors (thousands shooting at you, explosions everywhere, etc) for 1 fighter to cut down thousands. But I guess anything is possible in Star Wars. Plus they've got stuff like this : http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121026095061/starwars/images/e/e9/BasiliskAssault.jpg (Though I guess it's a different era now).
  24. Well yea, I guess 10 to 1 does seem a bit excessive. Still, I imagine they would have had to take much lower casualties to even make the war possible in the first place. After all, they were attacking a foe with a MUCH larger population and industrial capacity. Maybe 10 to 1 would be more possible in a strategic sense? As in through superior tactics and better fighters, not just a straight fight. They also had cool stuff like Basilisk war droids (and each warrior is fully covered in armor). Plus the Mandalorians weren't above nuking planets (like Serocco). The Empire likely wouldn't be able to hit a such a large concentration of them since they're nomadic and very mobile (well, maybe with the Silencer?). And yea, the KOTOR games were very different. Personally I don't feel like they're the same setting. I just play TOR as TOR and don't make too many connections with the old games.
  25. This and the companion customizations is why I'd get it. Hacking is an afterthought. Keep in mind you'll need your security key to log into the forums as well!
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