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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

8 man premade


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Thing is that really crazy combinations of only one class will be unstoppable by "normal" composited group.


But that's intended and TBH I'd like to try Trooper group..


Yeah, like 8 snipers in huttball....suuuuuure they will win :p


Two days ago, I played vs. 5 Mara's, 2 Sorcs and a Sin (all BM+) - I don't see how you could lose huttball with that kind of team composition.

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Yeah, like 8 snipers in huttball....suuuuuure they will win :p


Two days ago, I played vs. 5 Mara's, 2 Sorcs and a Sin (all BM+) - I don't see how you could lose huttball with that kind of team composition.


By knocking them off the platforms? By having a tank with a pocket healer walk the ball in since the marauders have zero knockbacks and a stun that breaks on damage and are melee so one knockback sends them all to the bottom? Gee I wonder indeed...

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8 operative heals handsdown, think of the dps one op healer can put out. Can you imagine 8 explosive probes on 1 target? im sorry but every 30 seconds someones getting nuked and u cant kill someone when they have 7 other op healers keeping them up, 16 stacks of kolto probe? that and you add in the stealth factor which is huge in objective games. which wait, every game in pvp is objective.
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My guilds gonna be rolling an 8 man stealth team, 4 ops 4 assassins I believe. Assassins all as tank, one op DPS one op hybrid and two op healers - or similar. Imagine calling incs for that..


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Thats quiet easy.


- Operative

- Operative

- Operative

- Operative

- Operative

- Operative

- Operative

- Operative


Stun-lock them. They will unsub instantly.


I like the strategy of this :eek:.

Thought I would love to seewhat a full pyrotech team can do

Edited by Poulay
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2 Healers (Sawbones+Seer. I still find that combination superior to two Sawbones, they complement each other well and bubbles really help with the burst healing.)

2 Tanks (Ideally Shadows for their crazy DPS, although 1 Vigilance Guardian in Soresu can work too and is great for Huttball.)

4 DPS (I'm tempted to say 2x Sentinel, 2x Ranged DPS here.)


Having one of the DPS be a Hybrid Healer certainly won't hurt either (Scoundrel Hybrid preferably.) Despite all the talk about how crazy Marauders or Powertechs are currently, or how stacking heals makes you invinsible, I've found that a balanced team can deal with the widest range of threats and Warzones.

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