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Everything posted by Rensel

  1. DPS juggs are ok, tank juggs are a waste of space.
  2. Rensel


    Once you get better at PVP you'll understand , but in the meantime, I'll help you out : why do players leave a turret completely undefended? It's needed when you don't have the DPS numbers to retake a turret. It's a method of last resort but it's better than sitting on your last turret waiting to lose. If you are playing 6v8 for instance and want to win, you'll need to sacrifice something somewhere. When the enemy has 2 turrets and you only have one, you can't sacrifice DPS. A "defender" is nothing more than a useless player doing nothing. Sure when you have an equal battle and can spare a player, you should defend by all means, but sometimes you don't have a choice. why do players wait to call out incomings until after theyre dead? They should not have to call out incomings at all. If you really are a good enough PVP'er ( you're not, trust me ), then you should know exactly and at all times how many enemies are at each turret. Noone should have to tell you that if you and 4 friends are zerging 2 guys on the eastern turret, that they have 1 guy on defense on west and 5 guys attacking your 3 guys in mid and you're about to lose mid. L2P issue really. why do players get mad whenever someone tries to offer a real plan of attack? They might be more experienced PVP players than you. Besides, you don't need a plan of attack, everyone knows what to do by now. Besides, if you're a really good PVP'er, your tactics will be made by looking at the enemy movements : ie not before the start of the game. Also, plans of attack change every second, so having one beforehand doesn't help. Either you have noobs and you don't need the plan, or you have good players, and you don't need a plan either. You only need a plan if you have a group of average players who know just enough to think they're good at PVP ( they aren't ) why cant players understand that the giant fireball above that enemies head means hes a healer and needs to die? Everyone knows who to kill, and if they don't they are noobs. Marking players is so pre-1.2 ... why do players try to force a 3 cap on alderaan? it always, always ends in failure Again, a mistake commonly made by average players. You *NEED* to force a 3cap to win against a good team, believe it or not. I won't even care to explain why. Sure, against noobs you can 2cap and sit in the back, no worries. 99% of SWTOR players are noobs so that tactic generally works well enough. You play with too many noobs, join the top PVP guild on your server and only play with their best players. It might make you a better player too.
  3. Seriously ? I got a mail saying my char would be viable for transfer. I was waiting for the second email confirming when the transfers would be allowed ( end of april ). Ok, so it's the end of april now ( 26 April ) and I read some posts on the forum saying that the transfers have happened. .... *** !! So I check my account, and I see "We're no longer accepting requests for transfer to Asia Pacific servers" WTTTTFFFFFF What kind of customer service is this ? Where was the notice that people could move over ? Why was the notice not in the game at login ? Why was there no email ? Why was there no update on the SWTOR client login ? Why was I not made aware of this, despite waiting for the email ? I'm disappointed....
  4. Most premades would LOVE this. I get so bored of winning against obviously lower skilled / organized teams that I would love to have a real challenge. Until 8man premades, that won't happen though. Now we just 3cap them, or we use new completely idiotic strategies ( cap nothing for instnace ! and prevent the other team from capping too ) to keep things fun. But ye, bring on the 8v8
  5. Rensel

    8 man premade

    1 mercenary healer 1 operative healer 2 Assassin tanks 3 marauders 1 DPS juggernaut
  6. We need 8man premades FAST because we're tired of having to queue up with pugs. Until 8man premades, there will be no tactics, no strategies. It's the luck of the pug. Get a good pug win, get a bad pug lose. It really is that simple.
  7. A good healer cannot be killed 1v1. A good healer with a good tank will destroy 2 good DPS A good healer with a good DPS will destroy 2 good DPS 2 good healers will destroy 2 good DPS Healers are immortal. I'm not talking your average joe rescue doing 300K heals. I'm talking people that can push 1 million heals in a good voidstar.
  8. Rensel

    Uneven WZs

    The reason for this is quite simple. It all comes down to not having 8man queues. The better organized PVP guilds will queued up with 2 groups of 4 until they both get the pop. If one group pops, but the other one doesn't, everyone drops queue and requeue. The group that got the pop , obviously, will miss 4 players because they don't join. It all comes down to not having 8 man premades.
  9. So, anyone noticed that when you defend first, you only get 61 comms for a victory, no matter how you smash your opponents with 22 medals And... when you attack first, you get 101 comms ? For the same victory, same medals etc ?..
  10. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  11. Rensel

    should i pvp?

    PVP without a PVP guild is not fun. On our server ( Ajunta Pall ), every match you will get into, you'll fight at least 1 full 4-man premade, but more often than not, you'll fight 2 4-man premades ( 8 premade ). Your team usually will also have 1 premade, but they will laugh at you for being a noob, then they will laugh at you for being undergeared and having to be carried. Then, the opponents will laugh at you for being such an undergeared noob that can't even take 3 hits. You will die a lot. You will usually die in 2-3 seconds tops when it's your time to die ( ie : your icon was next in line ). If you're lucky, the opponents will mark you with a low-importance mark, which means you might live a bit longer. If you're a healer, you'll be shot down as soon as you land in the PVP area, you will last 5 seconds at most, unless you stay stealthed, in which case you might last 10 seconds until people spot you from 20 meters away or place an AOE stealth detection field on you. If you DPS, then you will hit your opponents for like 200 per hit ( they will have 18000 hp ) and they will ignore you while they hit the premaders, until they get tired of you and hit you for 4500 per hit for 3-4 times in a row. You will be the cause your team loses the match until you are BM geared. Anyone who doesn't have at least 16K hitpoints doesn't really count and is mainly wasted space, they are cannonfodder. You are part of this cannonfodder group, your job is to run in the frontlines, /flap /flap and get machinegunned down by the real players. Your life will last 5 seconds, so make the most of it, try to /flap and see if you last long enough to do a /flagdown too ! That said, PVP with a PVP guild is quite a different story.
  12. ^ This quite accurately explains it. Basically if you want to steal the ball, make sure : 1) you're within the circle 2) you are the first person within the circle to "get hit" by the ball. ie : the ball does NOT go to the middle, it goes to whoever has the "circle debuff" and is the first the ball reaches. * --------> # | & % $ | * = huttball | = edge of circle where ball lands # = player just outside of the circle, but first one to "meet" the ball & = player inside the circle, second to "meet" the ball % = player who was "meant" to get the ball $ = some other player & will get the ball because he's standing IN the circle closest to where the ball arrives. Keep in mind that lag, latency and wierd issues can have a big impact on what YOU see and what the SERVER sees.
  13. I'm not going to waste too much of my time writing a post anymore. All I want to say is my friends and partner already unsubscribed so it won't be long before I do ( with 3 great games releasing soon, I won't have a hard time leaving SWTOR ). What has ruined the experience for me ? So much. - Laggy servers - Laggy interface ( opening inventory makes my FPS drop to 2-3 FPS *** ) - horrible PVP system - horrible PVP gear grind - Overpowered healing - CC and knockback fests. - Too much "fluff" and not enough replayable content - Badly designed warzones - Easy mode PVE. Tailoring PVE difficulty to a 5-year old, that's not my thing - Nerfs ( why the hell do MMO's always make this mistake ) We create characters we like with abilities we enjoy. Then, after 30 or 40 levels, suddenly our characters lose an arm or a leg and can't do a spell anymore, or whatever : It breaks the lore, it breaks the game. BUFF stuff, NEVER *EVER* remove abilities or "nerf". - 4man premades in 8man warzones. Stupid - premades vs non-premades omg ( It's clear a PVE carebear designed this game ) - races are identical, classes are almost identical. they can all dps and most can tank and heal and all have too much CC to ever be able to be killed. I basically had enough. I already disbanded my guild. I only log for 30 minutes a day just to do a daily that I don't need. I don't enjoy the game anymore, it's become a chore and takes up too much time. Then when I finally have the motivation to log on, I get thrown into this horrible pug with level 20 green gear and I just sink through the ground. Sure, 1.2 is "supposed" to fix all this, but I won't be there to see it. Goodbye Bioware, you were great for single player games like Bioshock and Fallout, but you totally messed up this one.
  14. /signed ! Please allow server transfers. Latency and this game don't mix. Everything done on client side needs to be "verified" by server, so even opening my inventory takes as long as the latency, which is triple at LEAST to the US. Please allow transfers soon'ish
  15. Here are my tips to make PVP bearable: 1) If you get rolled by a premade, or you have too many noobs in your own team, just LEAVE THE WARZONE, and requeue. This means you will likely get into a better team yourself, or you will face a worse team. If you do not leave the warzone, all that happens is that when the warzone ends, you will queue with the same noobs you played with the last match, and get them again in the next match. Also, that premade that just rolled you : Well, they requeued also at the same time so you'll get rolled again. Break the loser-cycle, LEAVE WARZONE 2) If you're not a Sorc or marauder, REROLL ! Yes, Marauders and Sorcs will rock the boat for months to come, why would you live in agony with a weak operative or a broken sniper ? Just play the OP class and feel what it's like to be overpowered. You'll do 400K damage without even trying ! 3) Try to get into a premade. How , you ask ? It's easy, DPS > heals > tanks. So, after every WZ, sort by damage, then select the top DPS guy ( at least 300K dps , otherwise he's not worth inviting ) and ask him if he wants to join you in a premade. If not him, get the second best DPS. With 4 high DPS, you'll faceroll anyone, and the pugs that you pickup will have healers and tanks anyway, so it's a guaranteed win ! 4) Mark the other team. Use only Green / Blue and Lightblue, the rest can't be seen in a WZ due to poor color design choice, but 3 marks is enough. Mark every sorc and marauder you see on the opponent team, no matter what they're doing, because - See 2) 5) In huttball, send your 4 pugs to mid, and tell them to stay there the whole time. If they don't listen -> Leave WZ. If they do listen, you win. Also, only huttball with 4 marauders and 4 sorcs. Any other class is a waste of good PVP space because they are useless in Huttball compared to the 2 OP classes Sorc and Marauder. 6) In the other two WZ's ( Voidstar and Alderaan ) your team only needs to remember one thing : If you see more friends than enemies near you, then YOU ARE IN THE FRIGGING WRONG PLACE ! You should never need to call as long as everyone keeps that in mind. So while zerging someone 6v1 can be fun, keep in mind that your team is getting bashed at the other 2 towers and you're losing. So as soon as you see a fight is won ( 4v2 for instance ) send a guy or two over to the next tower. 7) Trashtalk your enemies at all times. Remember : An enemy who is typing doesn't shoot back ! Keep them typing, it'll distract them from their objectives. Try to offend your enemies so they feel they need to smacktalk back. If you follow these tips, you'll win a lot more PVP Warzones.
  16. WOOOOOOOOTT !!! Took me about 12 minutes to down him, but I GOT HIM ! Lost the match though, coz I had no time to look at doors while I was killing this healer. Also had help from 4 other DPS. We had to get healed ourselves because he hurt us quite bad while he was laughing and emoting. But, WE GOT HIM DOWN !
  17. Roll an Operative, and use only kolto probes and surgical probe = 500K heals. Both being instant casts means you don't have problems with people moving out of LOS, and more importantly, the enemy won't see you cast healing spells. hint: if you cast a healing spell with a cast time = you get marked = you might as well quit the WZ.
  18. lol.. nothing to see here, just a sentinel popping invulnerability hitting noobs in green gear. Seriously if you make a video, at least make it interesting.
  19. I don't want to see error messages in the center of the screen, I want to see them in the "Errors" chat screen. Please allow us to turn off error messages popping up in the center of the screen the whole time ? Or at the very least, allow us to drag them away somewhere NOT in the middle of the screen. This has been asked a long time ago and has still not been fixed.
  20. So, we've seen the cinematics in WZ 10.000.000 times now, I think it's time we disable them. Please make an option so they don't play anymore after like.. 1 time ?
  21. The PVP system is great. Also the changes made recently are amazingly well thought through and I couldn't have done any better. I enjoy playing because the PVP system is so balanced. Sure, there are a few inconsistencies like sorcs pulling ball carriers, or juggernauts jumping to victory, but those are small things, nothing major. There are even classes for the less experienced PVP'ers, troopers for instance can simply press a button the whole time and still do very good, I commend your choice to cater for less experienced PVP'ers. But not only are new players catered for, the design of the Alderaan map for instance allows for people to be completely out of the fight, for the pacifists, while still doing something useful like guarding a turret. I also would like to thank you for putting a cap on expertise, while still allowing us to get more than enough expertise. I for instance have 600 expertise on my gear, and although I know I can only use 400 of that ( 1% isn't worth 200 expertise imo ) I still feel like I have put my points to good use. I enjoy the dailies alot, because they really challenge me. It was a really good choice to put 4 random people in an 8 man premade, because otherwise the premades would always win, and where do those other 4 people go to ? At least now they can enjoy playing with a premade so they have a chance at winning and upgrading their level 30 green gear in level 50 WZs. They wouldn't be able to do that without the current premade system, and I always feel like I'm helping out these poorly geared players get better every day. I love the roleplaying features of the game also, they really add to my overall gaming experience. An example would be the scooter ride in Voidstar. You get to fly through the corridors it's really great! The way the gear is earned is another really great idea. Every time I open a bag I can't help but enjoy that feeling of suspense. Every time I don't get a commendation ( which isn't a lot, usually at least one in 10 bags drops a commendation, sometimes less though, but that's the luck of the draw ), I enjoy that much more the next bag because it might have that commendation in it. I really don't see how the PVP could be improved, you did a great job !
  22. Ok, so resolve doesn't work, we all know that. But getting chainstunned for 16 seconds is ridiculous. This needs to be fixed asap.
  23. I'm not sure why it was ever decided to only include half the CC in resolve, but fix the resolve issues please. Resolve should make you immune to ALL movement impair / stuns / slows / snares / roots / knockbacks etc...
  24. It has no use, it just allows the defenders to lose. That's all it does.
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