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Please End In-Faction PVP (Guild Issue)


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My entire guild once got pitted against each other in Huttball. So I casually mentioned in our Vent server, "Get Read first. He's a healer."


Read grumbled. We all laughed. Good times were had by all. Believe it or not, he and I are still friends.


This ^


We have a guy on the imp side who plays a PT and on the Pube side he play a Scoundrel. He logged onto his other team for a few the other day as we got him in 2 Huttball matches in a row. Both Games I spent the entire time hunting him down and killing him pulling into the fire and making his life a living H ell. Why did I do this? Because I know how dangerous he can be and there was no way I was leaving him alone to do massive damage to my team.


The next day I asked him well I did and we had a Laugh about it cause he was locked up the entire time.

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Speaking as the guild leader of a guild that's been around since 2003, I think the entire thing is a non-issue. Look at that date, think about it. 2003. We go from game to game, staying 1+ year on average. Allies in one game are enemies in the next, and vice versa, and it's never been a problem. We visit each other's ventrilo, sometimes while mutual ganking is going on, and just laugh about it (a lot). Well, what do you expect, it's a game. The guy on the other side is also just a player trying to have fun.


No, I do not think fighting the same faction (or any faction you can communicate with, and of which you know people personally) is bad. It's more fun fighting people you know, makes it more personal. And somehow, it always works out in such a way that the hardcore PVPers DO get to know each other. Even in games where the sides cannot talk at all, like Warhammer, we'd chat in IRC or get in the same ventrilo. Mutual respect and understanding do NOT prevent fighting like maniacs. It makes for more rivalry, sure, but it also makes for a lot less of the more vicious abuse, because the 'enemy' is not some faceless entity. It also rapidly puts an end to the ever-popular myth that the other faction is just a bunch of schoolkids with too much time on their hands, and that YOUR faction is (of course) the mature one...


As for the guild versus guild thing... well, my guild is heavily PVP centric. We adore PVP, especially open world PVP, it's what we do. And we LOVE going against each other in matches. We even made mirror imp/pub guilds on our server, so we can do it more. Having guildies on both sides is a reason for much hilarity in ventrilo, and (of course) attempts to gank one another. I've never seen it lead to arguments in guild.


And I honestly don't see why it should ever be considered a problem. Look at it like duelling: it is a good way to see exactly how well people perform from the enemy perspective, and compare them to others you fight. Mixing it up makes you a better PVPer, in my opinion, then always staying in the safety of the same group.


So if your guildmates cannot handle fighting their own guild... well, I'm afraid they have quite a bit of maturing to do. Or maybe they just need a humor / ability-to-have-fun transplant. Either way, please do not superimpose YOUR guild's inability to deal on the rest of us.

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If you don't want to face guildies in PvP, then it's simple - leave the game when you get matched against guildies, and re-queue.


Otherwise, harden up, would ya? You're taking PvP way too seriously, to get so emotional that you ragequit over being "farmed". If a guildmate manages to kill me in huttball, I usually type "Traitor" in guild chat, we both have a laugh, then move on.


If you've got guildmates farming you because they think you're an easy kill and don't respect your abilities, then maybe you're in the wrong guild. If they are doing it because they know you, and want to harrass you, then lighten up and return the favour.


This is a silly non-issue, and your guild is better off without these people.

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in-faction pvp is a blast. in my guild we target each other intentionally. for example - if we fight a gg guild healer, we kill his *** first. if we fight a sage that knows how to get ahead of the ball and force pull, we mark his ***. at the very least we make sure they have to work their *** off if they want to win.


its an extra challenge when the team your fighting knows how you fight and how to handle you. and visa versa


if you get angry when someone you know kills you repeatedly then you need to get off the computer and go learn some social skills. (especially if you get angry enough to g quit)



anyone who quits a guild because they get targeted will eventually leave your guild for some other ridiculous reason.

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I have often thought how this affects the mental state of not only guilds, but also people playing on the same faction. If I play Huttball, against my same faction, either you look at it as practice, and your helping your fellow allies level up, or you can take it personally. People being people, will always have some degree of emotion involved with this process, and will often think that other players do not like them, in some cases that is probably true, but for the most part, its usually nothing personal.


Take it as a way a practising your talents and skills with friendly WZ's - like Football/Soccer you play friendlies right ? - look at it as the same thing. The emotions of dying to fellow republic or sith players will be easier to cope with I think :)

Edited by dronepilot
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on topic with the OP. If youre losing people because of a WZ match those people are not worth having. They want to get that worked up over a single match playing against each other they need to grow the F up. I'm in a sizeable guild with a lot of great pvpers and we get matched against each other many many times a night in huttball and everyone enjoys themselves, and enjoys the challenge of playing against each other.
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Take it as a way a practising your talents and skills with friendly WZ's - like Football/Soccer you play friendlies right ? - look at it as the same thing. The emotions of dying to fellow republic or sith players will be easier to cope with I think :)




I look at it much the same way.


I would love if professional soccer players acted the same way as some ppl in WZ's.


They scored a goal against us?



Then they just put in some random guy from the tribune.....

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OP "We lost some whiny babies who don't know how to pvp in a game maturely and have decided to blame it on something other than them being whiny little babies."



That sum up the jist of the thread?




I frankly like the chance to fight against allies and enemies- gives me a broader range of enemies without having to go outside the community as x-server would do.

Edited by fungihoujo
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No and they should allow same faction open world pvp. I'm tired of some little chump talking crap because I can't police him myself via pvp.


I like this suggestion.


If we must have faction on faction play, why not make it across the entire world using the light/dark as the potential "enemy flag"?


For instance, if I am a light jedi, let me team up with a light imp to kills some dark jedis and imps in open world and WZs.


Would make the entire universe far more interesting, and make the choice of light/dark meaningful. As it stands, the light/dark choice seems to do nothing more than change your personal story line. It would also help end the population balance issues we see on some servers since you could essentially group with whichever light/dark faction you prefer for open world.


For WZs, you would have to choose your side so to speak. Choose to fight as a imp/jedi or light/dark to prevent double crossing, but in open world, you could fight along side whomever you want.


It would also make switching light/dark factions to group up with/against certain players or guilds more common. Ever changing story line, ever changing battles.

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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


ur guild sounds like a bunch of whiny *****es. i single out guildies in huttball all the time and they do the same to me, and noone rage quits. its fun to see who is better. besides, in-faction pvp is necessary in this game because of the server imbalances. the reason why imps hate huttball so much is that we play it 90% of the time because on most servers there are twice as many imps as pubs queing up

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If you can't take being beat to the floor then don't PvP.


Some people are just not cut out for competitive gaming, there is nothing worse than a sore loser, if you can't handle losing to your guildies or a friend then man up or just admit it's not really for you.


ragequitting or guildquitting over this shows you don't have what it takes.


Playing as a healer I got my *** nailed to the floor hard by my own guildies as their first priority when they saw me on the opposite team, I took that as a compliment because if I was crap they'd have ignored me, having them all put me top of the list showed they fear the difference I made if left alone.

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Both guilds I've been in LOVE killing each other in same faction...to the point of ignoring the objective of the WZ...personally my eyes light up when I see on of my guildees but I guess it just not that "serious" to me or most of my current and former guildees.
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I can't believe all the people in this thread who advocate ignoring objectives in a WZ just to kill a guildie. It's no wonder so many matches are full of fail...


When I'm in a WZ and a guildie is on the other team, I treat them exactly the same as any other member of the opposing team, which means if they're between me, and my objective, I'll do my best to burn them down, but otherwise I could care less if they're there.


Those of you who are headhunting guildies for lulz, or anyone else for that matter, at the sake of winning the WZ should really just consider dueling them outside of a WZ, because some of us actually want to, you know...win.

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I can't believe all the people in this thread who advocate ignoring objectives in a WZ just to kill a guildie. It's no wonder so many matches are full of fail...




because some of us actually want to, you know...win.


I feel you, but I have to say: the real point is always having fun, and sometimes headhunting guildies for the laffs is just more fun. Can it get out of hand and make the WZ a disaster for everyone else? Sure, sometimes. But for the most part, it's pretty harmless.


I mean, I wouldn't advocate doing it full-time. But every once in a while? It's like: alright, get at it.

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I don't think there should be same faction warzones, because you should not be "warring" with the same faction.


I do not count Huttball as a warzone. It is a game. It does not advance the war in any way (except perhaps in that it shows the Hutt that one side or the other is more powerful). It is like two cities playing each other in soccer or football. Since there is no death penalty and "damage" only lasts for seconds, it is actually a lot less "dangerous" than real football. (Imagine how rough the NFL would be if they knew that everyone would end the game completely healthy regardless of what happens).


Sometimes you play games against your friends. Think of a group of friends that head down to the park and divide into teams to play football. For an hour they beat up on each other and then go have beers.


That all said, I don't think that "too much Republic vs. Republic warzones" is a problem that needs to top the list of issues for them to work on.

Edited by sjmc
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I feel you, but I have to say: the real point is always having fun, and sometimes headhunting guildies for the laffs is just more fun. Can it get out of hand and make the WZ a disaster for everyone else? Sure, sometimes. But for the most part, it's pretty harmless.


I mean, I wouldn't advocate doing it full-time. But every once in a while? It's like: alright, get at it.


If its a "game day" for me it might be my 10-15th huttball...I'm not saying I don't try and score or help score but sometimes my need for "fun" outweighs my need to win...sorry.

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lol be careful... i got a warning for calling someone a troll once. i swear BW's priorities are astounding lol


You can get warned for anything. I got warned a few days back for saying this game doesn't have many good PVPers and PVP obviously isn't a serious priority.

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