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Please End In-Faction PVP (Guild Issue)


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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.

Edited by Xanthias
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I wouldn't even be able to get my dailies done in a day if not for same-side PvP.


Our server has no PvPing Imperials whatsoever.


If your guild is so uptight that they can't even enjoy a friendly Huttball match with eachother without flipping a biscuit, then I know several fantastic marriage counselors that specialize in these types of petty, incessant outbursts.

Edited by MashTactics
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So people quit your guild just because another member killed them? Really?


I mean they didn't do some exploitive or super lame crap to kill them did they?


I regularly find myself against guild members and we always attack each other for ***** and giggles. Then we talk **** to each other in /gu it's great.


I have much more problems with same faction people that AREN'T in my guild. They will get upset that I target them repeatedly or something (which they should take as a compliment anyway) and ignore me when we haven't even spoken a word to each other.


I have found people on my friends list I added because they were good at PvP that had me on ignore because they hated me heh.


So in the end, I would still like same faction PvP to be optional but they shouldn't remove it because then sometimes you just wouldn't get any PvP games.

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Sounds like your 'great members' couldn't take losing to someone they know. Simple ragequit issue and you're probably better off as a guild with them gone if they are going to be so unstable like that from pvp.


Also, as it stands, the same faction aspect of Huttball is currently THE answer to server population imbalances. While the population imbalances won't get fixed in 1.2, the problem of Huttball all the time will get fixed with other warzones being able to be same faction warzones.


This really isn't a problem that can be fixed by Bioware. You're issue is emotionally charged guildies who couldn't understand the nature of warzone play.


I suggest YOU and your guild try to address the issue. But be careful how you approach it. Simply saying guildies on the 'other' team are off limits could result in even more emotional rage.


You wouldn't want to be the lone defender in a Voidstar post 1.2 and have a 'enemy' guildie come up and start planting the bomb would you?

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In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE.




People /gquit'ing because they lost in pvp?? I think they have issues that go deep and beyond any same faction huttball games.

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If your guild is so uptight that they can't even enjoy a friendly Huttball match with eachother without flipping a biscuit, then I know several fantastic marriage counselors that specialize in these types of petty, incessant outbursts.

Word, there is something seriously wrong if you're offending eachother to the degree that people quit alt. people cant handle a joke in Huttball.


I'm playing against the same small click of "same faction" people every early morning when I'm coming back from work and we've all managed to get along despite that we're not even in the same guild. I can call a move cheap in general chat and no one's going to throw a fit over it because they know that I'm pointing out my own failure in countering it, in contrast to raging about it, and that we're probably going to play with or against eachother in the following game too.

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Although I would not say it the way the other people said it, I agree that I would want continued Same Faction PvP.


One of the biggest reasons is that some servers are not as populated as other. This helps alleviate low empire PvPers or vice versa.


I do agree that if a guildmate takes it personally or goes sofar as quits, then you're better off. I mean some find it enjoyable to fight against people you know because, well you know them.

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I think you're all missing the point. We should never EVER be in this situation in the first place. Regardless of how snippy you think they were, the PVP element should never turn us on ourselves. And it's never two equally equipped/skilled groups, it always ends up being one person who is alone on the other side getting stomped by one or two VERY geared players. Just because it's not happening in your leet guild doesn't mean it's not happening. It's a legitimate point that needs to be discussed, not merely dismissed.
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dont agree but worth talking about


considering the huge amount of same faction pvp some servers do, ill honest sometimes I have a hard time healing some maruader that spent the entire last match making my life hell..


merges or server xfers should fix this

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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


I kill guild mates all the time, they kill me. We laugh about it. Anyone leaving your guild over this is a tool that you don't need in your guild. Let them go be a waste of space somewhere else.

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I think you're all missing the point. We should never EVER be in this situation in the first place. Regardless of how snippy you think they were, the PVP element should never turn us on ourselves. And it's never two equally equipped/skilled groups, it always ends up being one person who is alone on the other side getting stomped by one or two VERY geared players. Just because it's not happening in your leet guild doesn't mean it's not happening. It's a legitimate point that needs to be discussed, not merely dismissed.


Why? Everyone else can take it, yours is an isolated incident. Why should they listen to YOUR guild of QQers?

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I mean some find it enjoyable to fight against people you know because, well you know them.

Just to respond to that, I actually find it more enjoyable to play against guild members than with them, I'm so used to playing solo anyway that I don't need anyone to hold my hand. It's fun to show off or mark an enemy guild healer and have the entire team come down on them. I laughed hard the other day when a guildy on the other team bursted out in general chat "*insert my name" DID YOU MARK ME??*.


- Oh yes I did and I will do it again :)

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I think you're all missing the point. We should never EVER be in this situation in the first place. Regardless of how snippy you think they were, the PVP element should never turn us on ourselves. And it's never two equally equipped/skilled groups, it always ends up being one person who is alone on the other side getting stomped by one or two VERY geared players. Just because it's not happening in your leet guild doesn't mean it's not happening. It's a legitimate point that needs to be discussed, not merely dismissed.


In a perfect world where every server had a balanced population with equal numbers of pvpers 24/7.... sure.


This isn't a perfect world.


Huttball addresses the population imbalance that happens with EVERY multiplayer MMO out there.


Right now, Huttball is the only solution to this. Come 1.2 when the other warzones becomes same faction capable, there will be more variety.


However, completely removing same faction pvp capabilites from this game would result in a massive PITA to everyone else and frankly, to YOUR guild as well.


There are some options you have avaliable to you.


Reroll on the other faction. From the sounds of it, you'll never have to play Huttball or same faction ever again.


Grow up. This is a game and if you have people that rage quit the game/guild/whatever, then truely, you don't need/want them in your guild.


That's basically what it boils down to. Huttball / Same faction pvp is here to stay.


If you don't like it... then don't Warzone or... go play a different game.

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I think you're all missing the point. We should never EVER be in this situation in the first place. Regardless of how snippy you think they were, the PVP element should never turn us on ourselves. And it's never two equally equipped/skilled groups, it always ends up being one person who is alone on the other side getting stomped by one or two VERY geared players. Just because it's not happening in your leet guild doesn't mean it's not happening. It's a legitimate point that needs to be discussed, not merely dismissed.


What is there to discuss?


We either concede your point and piss off countless people by making them wait ages for queues or we tell you that people need to learn that pvp isn't personal.


My second 50 is a repub. (Main is an imp). While leveling, a group of 3 guildies were constantly pvping. I leveled a lot in pvp. Not only did they kill me, they went out of their way to mark me and let the ops group know to kill me. I did the same thing to them. It was so much fun. Yes, I got stomped a lot. However, it's not personal. They do it because it is fun to fight friends. And I agree.


Since I play both sides, a lot of people recognize me. I have a number of repub and imp friends. Every one of them goes out of their way to try to kill me when they see it. Has it hurt my friendship with them? No, because it isn't personal. Honestly, if your guildmates can't figure out that pvp isn't personal, they shouldn't bother queue-ing.

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love guild v guild, and i agree with the sentiment.. if people are quitting because they are getting killed, even repeatedly.. they needa break.


Friends are friends, unless u are forming guilds based on how elite players are.. then ur F'ed, get used to it.

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If a player quits a guild because the got beaten in a match versus his own guild....i really think he should not be playing this or any game at all.


Or maybe u guys want to recruit some mature ppl to your guild, instead of 12 year old children.

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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


Get some less whiney guild members and the problem is sorted MUCH easier than separating factions to suit 2 crybaby guildies.


If i fight against guildies I will single them out and have fun trying to mess them up and vice versa, its a freaking game

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Better idea, remove the restriction in outlaws den that doesn't let you attack guildies. Its annoying having to drop guild every time I want to gank a guildy, it also gives away the element of surprise.

Especially when the person you killed was your GM who now doesn't feel like inviting you back so you have to get someone else to get you back in.


As to the OPs situation, it sounds like pvp happened but not enough lube was used so someone was left with a sore rectum.

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Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


this part was especially awsome. pretty sure death is a big part of this and any other comparable game.


change the whole system to suit a tiny minority? dont work in the real world, wont work in fake ones either.


how could you ever justify to yourself ragequitting a guild or **** even a simple WZ over merely losing, it boggles the mind.


be glad you got rid of the losers that simply would of raged later on given a mild challenge in pve and probably made a run on the guild bank had they the option.

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Also, as it stands, the same faction aspect of Huttball is currently THE answer to server population imbalances. While the population imbalances won't get fixed in 1.2, the problem of Huttball all the time will get fixed with other warzones being able to be same faction warzones.


I'm not entirely sure I agree... Having the higher pop side with long queue times (no same faction warzones) would actually encourage people to roll the lower pop side. If anything, same faction PvP in warzones enables the population imbalance because it allows the more populated side to gear up faster, win more, and gear up new toons faster, and win more... etc. If one side is getting many more warzone pops than the other simply because they are more populated, that doesn't seem to be fixing the population imbalance at all...


My server is heavily Imp, and for the longest time it would take weeks to get the Ilum quests done because every time we'd show up in Ilum (even with a full ops) 60 Imps would come zerg us to death within 5-10 minutes. Since Imps gear up twice as fast as Rep (due to Ilum quests in addition to WZ quests), you can imagine that a typical WZ has a >50% Imp win percentage. There were times where we couldn't even get 8 Republics queueing (ie: we'd have a warzone where we only had 6, then no pops), meanwhile the Imps were still able to play huttball and continue gearing up to BM. We're finally catching up in gear at this point, but based on my experience I would say no, the same faction warzones aren't a good answer to population imbalance (though they may seem nice for the higher pop side).


Whenever it is that they re-add open PvP area(s), I sincerely hope they include AAO/population buff/population cap to allow some way for the lower population side to compete. At the very least they need to allow server transfers.


On topic, OP's (ex-)guildies need a thicker skin.

Edited by Egelwolf
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Tonight, we had our third incident of people in our guild taking what happens in the warzone personally and the second time we've lost a guild member because of it. With the Rep vs Rep gameplay and because we have more than 4 players interested in PVP'ing, we sometimes have guild members end up on opposite sides in the same match. This In-Faction PVP needs to be seriously re-thought.


In a PVP match, emotions will always run high, often higher than high-end PVE. It's one thing to die to some nameless individual from the other side, whom you may never see again. It is something entirely different to die to someone that you not only know, but you interact with on a regular basis. Deaths from the same person probably happens the same amount with or without a guild member on the opposing side, but the perception that the person is singling you out may seem more apparent because you know them.


Republic versus Republic PVP is counter-intuitive and destructive to both morale and to camaraderie. It has so far also been destructive to our guild. We should be working together, NEVER working against each other. These issues I mention go even further when guildmates are opposed. Huttball is a "game" in title only as there are deaths involved.


Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


Seriously?! I find the matches where our premades meet to be really fun and often very close matches.

Have never heard anyone get mad for being killed repeatedly.

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