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Please End In-Faction PVP (Guild Issue)


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I wouldn't even be able to get my dailies done in a day if not for same-side PvP.


Our server has no PvPing Imperials whatsoever.


If your guild is so uptight that they can't even enjoy a friendly Huttball match with eachother without flipping a biscuit, then I know several fantastic marriage counselors that specialize in these types of petty, incessant outbursts.


Wow, really? Which server is this?

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When I see a guildy in a Warzone, I spend that ENTIRE *********** Warzone training them. I will look for them and ignore the rest of the map, dive through the entire enemy team, SPAWNCAMP them as much as possible.



Sidenote: LOL@Rep vs. Rep. The game has been like this for Imperials since release.

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No one here cannot say they be-line right for your guildmate/friend if you see them on the opposite team!


My guild had 4v4 fight in huttball all the while talking trash to each other on mumble!


While everyone else was trying to win, we were death-matching each other trying to win middle.


Most intensive, fun pvp fights are against your comrades!


It seriously is a nice break from the constant grind of 3 warzones to have something like that pop up once in a while to really just have fun and slug it out.

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Sidenote: LOL@Rep vs. Rep. The game has been like this for Imperials since release.


Sorry but this is an issue created by the imperial players themselves. Or did someone force you to play that faction? You can't really expect anyone to feel pity for you.

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Wow the amount of pure ******es here amazes me.


Everyone who has been ************ that our guild is a bunch of QQ'ers is wrong. Although not stated there were incidents before where guild members felt they were being singled out and farmed. I don't know about everyone else but I personally don't mind when I get killed ONCE or TWICE purely because a guildy 1v1'ed me. But when a guild member goes out of their way to farm someone that is something more personal to me.


The fact that everyone completely missed Xanthias' point here is a nice point too. READ everything in a post before you all go ************ that we are QQ'ers. We are not.


Incidents like this are stupid, and shouldn't happen. Especially when a Guildmaster states to the guild only days prior, that anyone who willingly seeks out and farms another player will be kicked out of the guild. When a player is verbally told POLITELY that he needs to stop and attacks the guild member for it then rage quits the guild, should never happen. Yes it was stupid of him, but in the first place it should have just been avoided.


I have your back Xanthias :)



Maybe you should help your buddy craft his posts better then. Your post and his are completely different. What happened in your situation is more of a douchey guild member than something that has to do with the set up of PvP in this game. Sure, same faction allowed for that situation to occur, but should it be changed so you don't have to face your own ****** guild members? No.


So, to address the combination of what you both wrote:


Same faction huttball is good -

You're better off anyway having had that interaction with that person and getting rid of him/her from your guild. In same guild huttball I will focus the hell out of my own guildies because I know what they're capable of if left alone. This is particularly true about our own healers. The same applies in reverse - I fully expect to have a more intense (and fun) game than usual.


Douchebags will be douchebags no matter what -

But, chasing down someone that is undergeared solely for the purpose of getting easy kills goes beyond just being a dick. On top of being a clown, they're not helping with objectives since they're just shutting down a weaker player nonstop.

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Open world pvp almost always blows unless the community is good. WZ is the way to go.


The community is bad, because of the lack of Open World PvP.


When you have thousands of people fighting against another outside force then you will find that those people will band together. However when the group is fighting against itself then you will see the community tear itself apart.


Warzones hurt the community, and as such you have posts like this one being made. You have also a serious decline in the population since TOR was released. Bioware was bragging about 2 million players at launch, now their whispers of server merges.


What happened between launch and a mere 3 months later ?


A whole lot of Hutt Ball, with people on the same faction killing each other, while actively exploiting, trash talking, and griefing each other.


The failure should of been evident, however Bioware acknowledges that same faction PvP is needed because the game is failing and queue times are increasing again, but for a very different reason then at launch. - Nobody is playing the game.


I myself am no longer playing TOR, I am playing Rusty Hearts, and waiting for TERA Online to be released next month.


I just come here for the free food, and the QQ.

Edited by Darth__Carnal
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I see your point OP - having lead a PVP guild and having dealt with some drama like this. PVPing against guildmates can be a lot of fun and can absolutely teach you to be better players or even just to have some smack talk lols. However, it has to be fun for both sides in the engagement.


There are some people who grief - e.g. chasing down an undergeared player repeatedly just because they are your guildmate for lols (their own) and not because it actually helps the game. e.g

When I see a guildy in a Warzone, I spend that ENTIRE *********** Warzone training them. I will look for them and ignore the rest of the map, dive through the entire enemy team, SPAWNCAMP them as much as possible.


When it's griefing your own guildmate it would not be fostering that feeling of we're guildmates. I think some people can be over sensitive for sure but some people take this too far and your guildmate may have reason to be offended.


Some guilds also have rules about engaging against guildmates and - it's not too clear from your post but it sounds like this person broke your guild rules as well.


I would in your shoes, define the rules of engagement between guildmates and kick anyone who purposely griefs a guildmate not for fun or even to win the game, but just because they can.

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Some guilds also have rules about engaging against guildmates and - it's not too clear from your post but it sounds like this person broke your guild rules as well.


I would in your shoes, define the rules of engagement between guildmates and kick anyone who purposely griefs a guildmate not for fun or even to win the game, but just because they can.


I would prefer to just tell people, you know: go ahead and headhunt, or don't, or whatever. Just be an adult; if someone tells you to knock if off, then *********** knock it off. Be adults.

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All I can really say about The OP's comments are, your better off without these people. Looks like to me they are children that don't know what friendly competition is.


I for one play against my brother in many huttball matches and sometimes he hunts me and others I hunt him, not to mention we are on vent together when it's happening. Oh, the **** talk can get pretty brutal, but all in all it's all in good fun. Your members need to realize that it is a game PvP doesn't break your armor so there is no cost really for a loss.


Anyway, the server that I am on would never have any matches at all if we didn't have this. So I say we keep it... at least until the servers can be merged or more people start playing and bring the populations up on the light servers.

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We got about 10 PvPers in my guild so we match up against each other a lot, and guess what, no one has ever *****ed about getting killed by a guildie, even the one guy who gets targeted a lot because he's a major smack talker.


P.S. we are all adults.

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They should stop calling them warzones and start being more accurate by calling them "Virtual Reality Combat Scrimmages" because thats all that same faction PvP is. There is no lore or reasoning for us to fight ourselves over these objectives other than "It keeps subs running and keeps BW taking your $."


Same faction PvP is here to stay and it's not for your benefit.

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A month or so ago I got matched up against 4 of my guildmates. They not only targeted me but told the other 4 players on their team to target Richoshist from their guild. I died 13 times in that Huttball. The game ended with the scored tied 1-1. I killed their ball carrier just before he reached the goal, held on to it until there was about 30 seconds left, then passed the ball to another teammate as my health was getting low, who ran away from the mob as time ran out. We won.


I did more than my share of poking fun at my teammates. But the people that were the most butt-hurt about it was the people on the other side who weren't in my guild. It is awesome when people call you a baddie when they lose to you.

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People need to remember than same faction pvp is supposed to be like a training simulation. The people on the other team are preparing you for what battling the real enemy will be like. The other faction isn't going to play any nicer and pulling punches isn't going to do anyone any favors.


The Real military does this all the time. Its called training. As for the guild thing well you dont need these rage quiters anyway. Its a game. In my guild if we end up on diffrent teams then its game on. Who is the top dog in the guild???

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Sorry just replying with what was on the first page. Couldn't do the whole 11 page thing. :(


When you read the daily PvP quest the last thing you would expect is same faction PvP but it is there to stay. I played Huttball 5 times in a row yesterday and I think it was on the 4th or 5th game I had a teammate whisper me saying, I'm glad I'm on your team now I was so sick and tired of being killed in the acid pit by your harpoon. I laughed about it and they laughed about it too. It is all about attitude.


It is Player vs Player (PvP). Even if you don't want it now as PvP groups get bigger your guild will soon have more than one PvP team, especially for ranked WZ's and epeen battles will rage. There is no hiding from it. Deal with it, or in your case, let the quitters quit.


Again I apologize if this reply is duplicating another post.

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Bioware, for the good of all guilds in the game, please remove In-Faction PVP. We've lost two great members because of it and I am getting to a point where I will start pushing my guildmates to boycott Huttball altogether until it stops.


Wait, so you want to remove the ability for a lot of servers to actually participate in PvP matches, because you have members who take video games way too personally?


Heck, I love singling out guildies when I see them in Huttball, and they love doing it too. I personally don't know if I could call someone who would quit over a game of Huttball a "great member" to begin w/, but I obviously don't know these people.


Everyone who has been ************ that our guild is a bunch of QQ'ers is wrong. Although not stated there were incidents before where guild members felt they were being singled out and farmed. I don't know about everyone else but I personally don't mind when I get killed ONCE or TWICE purely because a guildy 1v1'ed me. But when a guild member goes out of their way to farm someone that is something more personal to me.


Incidents like this are stupid, and shouldn't happen. Especially when a Guildmaster states to the guild only days prior, that anyone who willingly seeks out and farms another player will be kicked out of the guild. When a player is verbally told POLITELY that he needs to stop and attacks the guild member for it then rage quits the guild, should never happen. Yes it was stupid of him, but in the first place it should have just been avoided.


Sounds like more of a problem w/ his guildie who kept repeatedly farming someone (although I'm gonna go ahead and say that making a rule especially about it w/ threat of gkick is a little... immature), and not an issue w/ Huttball.


You're absolutely right, it should have just been avoided, but that was up to his members to act civil.


It's not Bioware's job to babysit your guild.

Edited by Varicite
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My guildmates and I are always good humored about getting matched up with one another. If we're in vent we'll talk trash to one another and generally have a good time. However we have all noticed that it has started to create some bad blood between the rep's on our server which is never really a good thing.


Personally I think we're just tired of playing huttball all the time. It's a fun game, don't get me wrong I love a good match every now and then. But when you're playing 5 or 6 games of it in a row against the same people, it gets very tedious. The new pvp area in 1.2 should help alleviate this tension, however I think it would be best if there could be at least 2 more arenas to play huttball in. Perhaps a forest-ish area, and maybe a futuristic one with teleporters or something (i'm just throwing things out there).

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I dont mind same faction fights except when all the ballers end up on the other team... then it stinks knowing Im about to get served something fierce before it even happens lol.


Note: I do so much more prefer serving up some Rebs but I certainly dont want to wait forever to get a queue so until cross-server pvp goes live this is IMO the best alternative.


As far as guildies rage quitting over that, Id say thats way extreme and a shame to hear. I would think they wouldnt take it personal, yall may want to put something in the guild message of the day "Dont take your supreme **whoopin in PVP personal and rage quit... Thank you, The Management"

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They should stop calling them warzones and start being more accurate by calling them "Virtual Reality Combat Scrimmages" because thats all that same faction PvP is. There is no lore or reasoning for us to fight ourselves over these objectives other than "It keeps subs running and keeps BW taking your $."


Same faction PvP is here to stay and it's not for your benefit.



delusional :p


i thought they were 'combat simulations', but in any case this is going to be a HUGE quality of life improvement for warzones in the game.


Bioware has told you guys about the population imbalance. They can't force you to change factions. . .and you wont do it yourselves(lazy gamers).


This is the solution, dont be delusional.


don't invite children to your guild. problem solved.



Edited by FourTwent
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If your guild is so uptight that they can't even enjoy a friendly Huttball match with eachother without flipping a biscuit, then I know several fantastic marriage counselors that specialize in these types of petty, incessant outbursts.


This ^


Best advice: find a new guild. It seems you've aligned yourself with a bunch of crybaby drama queens. My guildmates and I are often pitted against one another in Huttball. We make it a point to single each other out and great laughs are had all around in addition to some trash talk.


If your pals have such a huge ego that they can't take getting pwned by a guildie, I suspect these are the least of your worries with future guild problems.

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This ^


Best advice: find a new guild. It seems you've aligned yourself with a bunch of crybaby drama queens. My guildmates and I are often pitted against one another in Huttball. We make it a point to single each other out and great laughs are had all around in addition to some trash talk.


If your pals have such a huge ego that they can't take getting pwned by a guildie, I suspect these are the least of your worries with future guild problems.


I hear that death is permanent, and is a serious timesink at any point that it occurs in this game. You should obviously be upset every single time that it happens, and quit whatever guild you are a part of each time.


I can't believe you're not more sympathetic, guy. These are first world problems right here.

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