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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Interesting thing I read today.

SWTOR has 1/10th the subscribers of WOW and has 1/2 as many servers.


Does anyone else see a problem with this? :rolleyes:


Eve Online has one (virtual) server, and 1/5th of the subscribers of SWTOR. What does that tell you? Big fat nothing!


Number of servers reflects the game's architecture, and nothing else.

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Eve Online has one (virtual) server, and 1/5th of the subscribers of SWTOR. What does that tell you? Big fat nothing!


Number of servers reflects the game's architecture, and nothing else.


I think his main point is that SWTOR doesn't need all of the servers that it has, which is kind of true.


EVE has about 30k - 40k on 1 server at a time. SWTOR, has less than that on a server. Basically, some of the servers need to be merges. It would cut costs and make a lot of people happy.

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Eve Online has one (virtual) server, and 1/5th of the subscribers of SWTOR. What does that tell you? Big fat nothing!


Number of servers reflects the game's architecture, and nothing else.


It tells me Eve has an engine and servers capable of holding thousands of people while SWTOR doesn't?

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OMG is this thread still going i made the ultimate uber post with a multi-tiered strategy to help bioware get out of this mess last week.


I'm on the EU server basilisk droid and it's not that busy i can pvp in the hours between 5pm and 12am. Beyond that is a joke. If you get a warzone it's half full or it's 5 minutes in and they four nil down. Or 3 ppl leave cos your losing and 2 players are afk .


Pve is quite simply a joke finding a group for flashpoint or heroic is difficult, the optimist response here is go out and make friends or play with real life friends. My response is i did make friends and they're all waitng for 1.2. My real-life friends are playing mass effect 3.


In my last post i said SERVER TRANSFER NOW. Now i've had chance to think about it more and ii realized server transfer are likely to come in late may. They couldn't implement transfer's now cos they haven't tested it on the oceanic servers yet.


So really saying servers transfer's now won't do any good. Fair enough you're expressing you opinion and bioware needs to hear it They also have no idea how many ppl are coming back or waitng for 1.2. We could have full servers again, lots of ppl have unsubbed but they've probably still got the game.


Im trying to be positive here but the patch will only give a brief boost of a month after which server populations will return to thier current level's . 1.2 will eliminate current pvp problems, leavers, afk etc and make the game playable.


I realise this isn't much comfort for players on low population but the servers will be busy for a month for 1.2. So my message to bioware is SERVER TRANSFER IN MAY PLEASE

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It tells me Eve has an engine and servers capable of holding thousands of people while SWTOR doesn't?


So why are they calling SWTOR an MMO? I'm not saying 10's of thousands is a reasonable goal, but at least 2-3000 upwards is respectable. The world they've created is big. And population density is, well, sparse doesn't begin to define it. People are talking about server populations like they're talking about guild populations. They all stay in the hundreds. Talk all you want, but the numbers were never so huge when people played less or not everyone stuck with the game etc it might LOOK like a dent on overall numbers, but it makes servers look empty. Or close to it, anyway.


Do any other game servers support so few people? Sorry, but I can't get over this yet

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Eve Online has one (virtual) server, and 1/5th of the subscribers of SWTOR. What does that tell you? Big fat nothing!


Number of servers reflects the game's architecture, and nothing else.


Would you like to explain what sort of an MMO is it that benefits from architecture where significant portion of playerbase ends up with mains and former mains stuck with dead, empty worlds?


Causes even more people unsubbing, even more people complaining in Internets and to their friends how this game is dead, even more bad press about the matter...

Having such absurd amounts of servers is a festering wound to TOR. It amazes me fixing merges and migrates apparently is something they have to build and add. Def. among the tools people expect to BE THERE@LAUNCH in post-WoW MMOs.


Currently EU side has ONE server that is full/heavy @ peaks.

Edited by Stradlin
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Having so many servers drop to seriously low populations doesn't just make it hard to find groups for FPs, recruit new guild members or have some decent pvp, it also kills the server economy. And what's the point of grinding a craft and trying to get all the nice and shiny purple schematics if there's no one around to buy your products?



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A response to what? Transfers? They have already stated hopeful end of April for Asia/PAcific with the rest to come later. In these type of games you give a definite date on anything and you will be hung from the rafters for being a week late....


Because they're being praised by the gaming community for even admitting there's an issue?


Acknowledgement would be a step in the right direction.


What we're looking at at the moment is just flat out denial, or wishful thinking that 1.2 will make everything better. Which, of course, it won't.



Do you know the number one thing that drives off new players? When you log into a game and see no one else playing it. That's the biggest killer. As well as Seeing:





































As your server choices. That's not a great impression either...


I would also say any 5 year old could look at that list and say, "problem here. Need fix!".

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Because they're being praised by the gaming community for even admitting there's an issue?


Acknowledgement would be a step in the right direction.


What we're looking at at the moment is just flat out denial, or wishful thinking that 1.2 will make everything better. Which, of course, it won't.



Do you know the number one thing that drives off new players? When you log into a game and see no one else playing it. That's the biggest killer. As well as Seeing:





































As your server choices. That's not a great impression either...


I would also say any 5 year old could look at that list and say, "problem here. Need fix!".


I haven't seen low since release. Besides all they do is change the value associated with the server population so it gives a false appearance that it is populated. I'd be interested in seeing what the values are for each category. Full/Heavy/Standard/Low(if it really exists) I also wish they'd show faction balance as well.

Edited by KnutzSupreme
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I haven't seen low since release. Besides all they do is change the value associated with the server population so it gives a false appearance that it is populated. I'd be interested in seeing what the values are for each category. Full/Heavy/Standard/Low(if it really exists) I also wish they'd show faction balance as well.


You haven't seen light since release? Go look right now, Every. Single. Server. With the exception of 2 is light right now, and those two are standard. Yes it's early in the morning, but it is absurd to say you've never seen light since release.

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Red Eclipse had 178 in Naar Shada last night... *** lol (220 fleet)


Congratulations, sir!

Your dumb luck in getting one of the few high-pop servers (or willingness to reroll) negates anything we have to say about the majority of servers.


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So why are they calling SWTOR an MMO? I'm not saying 10's of thousands is a reasonable goal, but at least 2-3000 upwards is respectable. The world they've created is big. And population density is, well, sparse doesn't begin to define it. People are talking about server populations like they're talking about guild populations. They all stay in the hundreds. Talk all you want, but the numbers were never so huge when people played less or not everyone stuck with the game etc it might LOOK like a dent on overall numbers, but it makes servers look empty. Or close to it, anyway.


Do any other game servers support so few people? Sorry, but I can't get over this yet


Bingo. Server population should be around 2000 at the very least (1000) on both sides during prime-time.

Edited by Frostvein
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why are the server caps set so low anyone would ever have to face a 6 hour log-in queue?
they were trying to force the players to spread themselves evenly.


It's a common tactic for new MMOs the last few years: drop your max players at launch to encourage people to redistribute at the beginning in hopes that this will make the population more evenly distributed.

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they were trying to force the players to spread themselves evenly.


It's a common tactic for new MMOs the last few years: drop your max players at launch to encourage people to redistribute at the beginning in hopes that this will make the population more evenly distributed.



I don't see why they don't just wait till servers are at max and then open new ones.


There is no way that when this game launched every. single. server. was at the real max capacity thus causing them to need to open new servers. Not possible.

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People keep saying to move if the server you play on is low.


Repeat after me: "Why should the subscriber HAVE to do this???"


There are many reasons why subscribers do not want start over and you guys/gals suggesting that need to get over it. They won't. They already have TIME invested into their character. They have TIME invested into their alts used to craft. They have legacy. They have valor rank. They have, what is left, is a persona of that Avatar on that server.


To those whom starting over elsewhere is an option have probably already moved on so this isn't a issue. Heck, they are probably already level and valor capped. However, not everyone plays like. Thus the issue.


This wasn't caused by the subscribers.


This also isn't going to be solved from dropping in a LFG tool.


The server(s) have to be merged in order to give it the look and feel of a social game. Hate to say it but one of the reasons play MMO's is to socialize. To talk, to play together, to have fun, to have choices. Those aspects of the game no LFG tool can address.


"Everything" is impacted on low populated servers, more so with faction imbalance. Beginners asking for help, quests getting completed, time for warzones, warzone win/loss due to starting with less people than the other side, flashpoints, heroic side quests, crafters, and trading, market to name a few.


While we don't know the overall population we do know how it feels on the servers we are playing on.


Let me just say this. Merging of servers should have been a higher priority than patch 1.2x. That is all I'm going to say on it because without it more people will leave than new subscribers join. Word gets around.

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Then I guess 80% of wow servers are also dead.


you guys and your ridiculous expectations.


It's not. Think for a moment. 100 people on fleet. One hundred. To some here that a reasonable. There are (supposedly) 1.7 million subscribers. Are you telling me you consider 100 a MASSIVELY multiplayer game?


The problem is made worse by the fact we can hardly even tell what light or standard means. Some servers, standard is 100, others it could be 1000. That could be very heavy for some. I personally don't want to play darts when trying to reroll and it could help if standard actually fit the definition.


If the game can't handle more than 1000 people in one server with everything being shared and instanced to hell, there is a core problem that will plague them even with merges and transfers.

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Then I guess 80% of wow servers are also dead.


you guys and your ridiculous expectations.


I don't care how "dead" they are, i'd just like cross server pvp queues so I can actually play a game or two before I head to work.


I can't even play my 50 jugg because there is only 3 level 50's on until noon, which by then I'm already long gone to work.


I had to reroll on the server The Fatman just so I can get pvp queues whenever I choose to play.

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Why is Bioware silent on this? This entire thread is like one large support group. No indication of what is being done, just a lot of us venting our frustrations back and forth. I have no doubt SOMEBODY from Bioware is reading it.


Oh to be a fly on the wall in one of their meetings where they talk about server population...

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Krayiss Obelisk -0.19 change since last week.

The Fatman has more than 2.5 times the population.

The Fatman has a +0.21 increase!




BioWare, do you want everyone to reroll to The Fatman?! Nobody should be forced to start over to enjoy a game. For every person that rerolls, I'm sure 1 or more simply cancel their subs. Do something and quit ignoring people.

Edited by Kourage
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Why is Bioware silent on this? This entire thread is like one large support group. No indication of what is being done, just a lot of us venting our frustrations back and forth. I have no doubt SOMEBODY from Bioware is reading it.


Oh to be a fly on the wall in one of their meetings where they talk about server population...


im sure someone from bioware will come along,and lock the topic probably because 90 percent of suggestions are bad like usual and half the topic is filled with nothing but arguing or complaints


but hey,when the day comes were the community gets tired of being high population server obsessed and starts sticking with there low pop servers then maybe bioware will do something.until then,i doubt it.because server transfers will bring more harm then good,and server merges will only open the flood gates to the trolls who claim sw tor as being dead

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90 percent of suggestions are bad like usual


when the day comes were the community gets tired of being high population server obsessed and starts sticking with there low pop servers then maybe bioware will do something.until then,i doubt it.because server transfers will bring more harm then good,and server merges will only open the flood gates to the trolls who claim sw tor as being dead


90 percent of suggestions are bad like usual



Thanks for the perfect example.

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im sure someone from bioware will come along,and lock the topic probably because 90 percent of suggestions are bad like usual and half the topic is filled with nothing but arguing or complaints


but hey,when the day comes were the community gets tired of being high population server obsessed and starts sticking with there low pop servers then maybe bioware will do something.until then,i doubt it.because server transfers will bring more harm then good,and server merges will only open the flood gates to the trolls who claim sw tor as being dead


And what low pop server with 3-30 people on a peak time do you play on? Oh no, thats what we thought. Until you are willing to level up a 50 on a low pop server and watch as you can do nothing in game that requires people at endgame you have no right to even post in this thread. You lose, good day sir.

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