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Server population is dropping...


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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.

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Red Eclipse: 835 republic and 947 empire(not including all lvl50's),

Kellian Jarro: 185 republic, 158 empire

both standard load

Didnt read the whole last thread, but there was discussion about how standard servers have around 100 on the fleet in prime time. But the difference between the two ends of standard seems to be pretty huge. I typed who from lvl 1-10 and so on, on both factions on both servers. So not sure about the total amount of players in red eclipse, as it showed only first 100 results for lvl50's.

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My server has someone standing in the Tatooine Cantina.


I also asked in general if people were online, they said no.




My facts are based entirely on what I could think up while sitting on the jon this morning.

Edited by Vahzl
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"Enjoy the discussion", you say? Ahh, i see! "You may enjoy your discussions as long as they do not contain any criticism towards us or our handling of this game . Otherwise, they will be immediately locked and/or completely removed. Good day!"


There we go. That's so much less vague. No?


Posting in a thread called "server population is dropping"


Oh the irony.

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My server was pretty much a ghost town during the times that I played so I just waited til about my normal time frame and checked the few servers that had standard or higher rating on the forums and picked one to reroll on. Only had 1 50 on Empire and a couple other crafting alts, so I'm not too worried about it. If a merge/transfer comes around and I can get my old players and legacy levels back, awesome. If not, I'm not too broken up about it.
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Continuing from last discussion..


So you need a LFG tool because you cant get any guilds to accept you?


No wonder it promotes ninjas and trolling.




Nope that is not what i said. I said if you are already in a good guild and part of engaging community cross server LFG tool shouldn't concern you. I am still waiting for you to answer me though what is this community that will be destroyed? because 50 to 100 people standing in fleet is certainly not what i would define as strong community.

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Continuing from last discussion..


So you need a LFG tool because you cant get any guilds to accept you?


No wonder it promotes ninjas and trolling.




Nope that is not what i said. I said if you are already in a good guild and part of engaging community cross server LFG tool shouldn't concern you. I am still waiting for you to answer me though what is this community that will be destroyed? because 50 to 100 people standing in fleet is certainly not what i would define as strong community.


In an MMO without instant gratifaction tools like LFG. People would know who was what on your server. If you were a ninja, Your name would get around the server, which would get you black listed. A community built, people got to know peoples rolls and classes. Idiots would be outed and black listed and the server balance would take effect. At the moment in WoW, people log in, push a button, jump in an instance with no community ties. people ninja with no back lash. people act like idiots with no back lash as they know all that they have to do is join another queue.


No thanks!


Server merge yes, Cross server LFG no thanks.

Edited by DigitalPrime
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In an MMO without instant gratifaction tools like LFG. People would know who was what on your server. If you were a ninja, Your name would get around the server, which would get you black listed. A community built, people got to know peoples rolls and classes. Idiots would be outed and black listed and the server balance would take effect. At the moment in WoW, people log in, push a button, jump in an instance with no community ties. people ninja with no back lash. people act like idiots with no back lash as they know all that they have to do is join another queue.


No thanks!


Server merge yes, Cross server LFG no thanks.


Heard this excuse so many times and those who want to ninja still do. Community at large could gives rats ***. But thing is LFG if cross server has more benefits than negative. For those who are not lucky enough to find good guilds are on mercy of spamming 'LFG' praying to the gaming gods that someone hear their plea.


I have been on a very healthy populated server from beginning and i don't buy this bull for a minute that merging servers would automatically make grouping easy which is one of the major issue causing players to unsub once they hit 50. You could be on the most populated server and still spend hours spamming LFG thanks to holy trinity system.


I have no use of LFG because i run with my guildies only and we are tight group of friends, but i can understand why others would want a cross server LFG.

Edited by Gorrdan
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"Enjoy the discussion", you say? Ahh, i see! "You may enjoy your discussions as long as they do not contain any criticism towards us or our handling of this game . Otherwise, they will be immediately locked and/or completely removed. Good day!"


There we go. That's so much less vague. No?


Uh, did this thread get closed or what?

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Heard this excuse so many times and those who want to ninja still do. Community at large could gives rats ***. But thing is LFG if cross server has more benefits than negative. For those who are not lucky enough to find good guilds are on mercy of spamming 'LFG' praying to the gaming gods that someone hear their plea.


I have been on a very healthy populated server from beginning and i don't buy this bull for a minute that merging servers would automatically make grouping easy which is one of the major issue causing players to unsub once they hit 50. You could be on the most populated server and still spend hours spamming LFG thanks to holy trinity system.


Hang on a sec, So... first its nothing to do, not enough content. everyone doing everything which causes the loss of subs. But now according to you its not grouping which is causing the so-called loss of subs.


I love it how you guys use these lies to try and make your lack of points valid.




now its the holy trinity....jeeesh. Whats next?

Edited by DigitalPrime
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Hang on a sec, So... first its nothing to do, not enough content. everyone doing everything which causes the loss of subs. But now according to you its not grouping which is causing the so-called loss of subs.


I love it how you guys use these lies to try and make your lack of points valid.




now its the holy trinity....jeeesh. Whats next?


So you were living under the rock while people have been complaining about lack of enough people to group with due to dip in population and how no cross server lfg tool is making it even more difficult for them to do end game content?


Holy trinity is a very small factor in an overall big picture.

Edited by Gorrdan
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In an MMO without instant gratifaction tools like LFG. People would know who was what on your server. If you were a ninja, Your name would get around the server, which would get you black listed. A community built, people got to know peoples rolls and classes. Idiots would be outed and black listed and the server balance would take effect. At the moment in WoW, people log in, push a button, jump in an instance with no community ties. people ninja with no back lash. people act like idiots with no back lash as they know all that they have to do is join another queue.


No thanks!


Server merge yes, Cross server LFG no thanks.


This is such a stupid argument. With Cross Server LFG it doesn't mean you still won't get grouped with people from your server. People have in the past with systems like this logged in to said server with a ninja and spammed saying they are a ninja. You just want to have a tight nit community, if you want that, go for it. I want to be able to play with others at whatever time I want and not be able to do anything.

Edited by spectreclees
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Threads that get over a certain length cause forum problems, so the close and restart them.


Yeah, I know. It was just a silly post for a silly quote. There's a big thread right here with the title "Server population is dropping" and one bloke goes in and complains about Bioware removing and closing down critisism towards the game.

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When the servers I play on stop having queues and my guild stop taking in new members I'll consider that the population is dropping.


I agree with you but un forunately the whole game doesn't revolve around your server and guild. :rolleyes:

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Interesting little game for those who want to play.


Visit this thread in a years time when everything has been fixed, and see how much QQ there is about whatever new end of world drama players have cooked up.


I guarantee you, year on year, for any game, ever, no matter which, on the forums, you will find the same QQ about everything and anything they can find to whine about. When one thing is fixed, it's like it never existed, and the next issue is the next reason why they are donning their blindfolds in front of todays execution squad.


I firmly believe they should issue every MMo player with a black band to wear on their arm.

Edited by Vahzl
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"Cross server LFD sucks because people enter the queue, run flashpoints, and never get to know each other.


Impatience is what is ruining mmos today. No one wants to or is willing to make friends."


This was from the previous thread that was locked. Just wanted to ask, why is it so important to make 'friends' that you will most likely never meet or know in person, through a computer game?

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When the servers I play on stop having queues and my guild stop taking in new members I'll consider that the population is dropping.


Never said it did...I was speaking more to the folks that really don't have the good sense to play on a more populated server until Transfers are offered instead of crying like jilted School girls.


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"Cross server LFD sucks because people enter the queue, run flashpoints, and never get to know each other.


Impatience is what is ruining mmos today. No one wants to or is willing to make friends."


This was from the previous thread that was locked. Just wanted to ask, why is it so important to make 'friends' that you will most likely never meet or know in person, through a computer game?


Welcome to online gaming.


For people like yourself. There is single player games!

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When the servers I play on stop having queues and my guild stop taking in new members I'll consider that the population is dropping.



There are still server that have queues every day?


I've seen a few that are still heavy or very heavy in PT every day, but I've rarely seen a full one in weeks.

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Welcome to online gaming.


For people like yourself. There is single player games!


You comment doesn't makes sense. The guy is lamenting about the self entitled not wanting to take the time to make friends and you tell him to go play a single player game.


Obtuse much?

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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"Enjoy the discussion", you say? Ahh, i see! "You may enjoy your discussions as long as they do not contain any criticism towards us or our handling of this game . Otherwise, they will be immediately locked and/or completely removed. Good day!"


Threads get locked when they (1) Repeat an existing thread; and (2) contain no constructive criticism. This thread, and its predecessors, and other threads containing criticism are proof that your claim is completely bogus.

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There are still server that have queues every day?


I've seen a few that are still heavy or very heavy in PT every day, but I've rarely seen a full one in weeks.


Mostly from Thursday through the weekend you will get a queue between 100 and 250 on certain servers still. Check out servers like CO FM TEH and MotF.

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