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OK 17 FLEET INSTANCES??? Seriously ***?


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I don't think they actually realise what the issue is about.


The other thread I just read about this issue was closed with a link referring to a 'low population/server merging request' thread...


completely irrelevant :p

Edited by Syncourt
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I have a feeling this is neither a coding bug nor intentional. When the servers first went live, there were instanced planets and it sounds like that option has been accidentally enabled for the fleets.

Personally, I expect another 4 hour maintenance period while they take down the servers and fix the issue...

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If this was done to help peoples FPS issues while on fleet...nrfjhrjiwefhnijsrbihwf!


Seriously, this is trash. My server is pretty highly populated with 150-200 ppl on fleet at peak times, now its gonna feel empty. I feel bad for people on low pop servers

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They wouldn't do this on purpose, UNLESS they are maybe messing with the tech for LFD in some format.


That would be my guess anyhow.


Maybe they are finding a way to do things X-server, who knows?


While I don't like being a guinea pig, I don't mind it because I can still talk to/invite anyone in fleet on my server, and what else is it doing besides making room? Not like I feel more social with 50 people crowded around each mailbox.


Thats what the PTS server is for to mess with and test things. Not the live servers. Its the most ridiculous move ever FLeet should never ever be instanced its the only main hub we have.

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I did not log today yet. May be my english suddenly turned that bad, so that I don't unbderstand things I'm reading...please, tell me I got it wrong...


FLEET is an INSTANCE now?... With how many players limit? How are "fleets" suppose to communicate? What if i'm on DIFFERENT fleets with my friends\guildies? WHAT A BULLSITH?..

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Ya I am in a state of shock at the fact there has been "ZERO" response from Bioware regarding this. The players are requesting to know *** is going on? Would be nice for once if we could get a non automated "Gold" post on this.


Usually the devs try to figure out whats going on themselves before they respond. It'll take some time.


Patience Padawan. :)

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I did not log today yet. May be my english suddenly turned that bad, so that I don't unbderstand things I'm reading...please, tell me I got it wrong...


FLEET is an INSTANCE now?... With how many players limit? How are "fleets" suppose to communicate? What if i'm on DIFFERENT fleets with my friends\guildies? WHAT A BULLSITH?..


8 instainces on my server and like 4 - 6 people per in some areas

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The more threads on this the better I say. This is not an issue that should just be left till next week to fix.


Please take the servers down and fix what you did devs!!


Wouldn't it be better if the issue was identified and a solution was created before bringing the servers down?

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Ya I am in a state of shock at the fact there has been "ZERO" response from Bioware regarding this. The players are requesting to know *** is going on? Would be nice for once if we could get a non automated "Gold" post on this.


I bet they are looking into it had crafting a carefully word response because if they don't and something goes wrong the wolves with jump down there throats. Obviously a sever side update went wrong and they may want to find out the problem and solution before just saying, we are aware of the problem and fixing it. People just need to relax.

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I really hope this is a bug. The fleet was the one part of this game that actually felt like an MMO. Rarely do i see other people on planet now i guess i wont see them on the fleet either. Way to make the game feel dead. Edited by OBloodyO
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Ok have people actualy tried transfering to Instance 1 and gotten "this instance is full"? (At work so can't test myself)


Edit General Chat corsses isntances, just ask everyone to transfer to instance 1 and see what happens.

Edited by Jerid
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It is obviously a bug. What is also obvious is that people are entirely stupid for not realising this ... but hey let's make more threads like this!


Mabe this is the kick in the *** bioware needs. FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT

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kinda funny my server only has 1 instance of the fleet at the moment, and only 6 people on the fleet total,... well at least on republic side.


22 people on the pub side in one instance on my server atm but 11 instances on the imp side with 3 to 5 in each. It's just bugged out is all. Warzones are broken too, it's just booting everyone to character select every time today.

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I can understand the question about an issue in-game, but to cry about the fact that there has been no response from BW seems a bit whiny.


Maybe they are doing something or testing something. Maybe what they are doing you have no way of understanding or comprehending.


Maybe they are fixing something and don't have time for nursemaiding forum crybabies.


ROFL. Seriously, chill. It will be ok. Somehow...it will.

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