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  1. Obviously the developers pick the questions and only pick the easier ones or ones that line up with something they were looking to reveal to the community anyway. I'm with you, this batch of questions is garbage.
  2. I have seen literally dozens of well thought out and in depth explanations of why a person was either leaving or considering leaving responded to with: "TL;DR get out, nobody cares why you're leaving" "stop complaining and go play another game" "Go back to playing "_______" then" "GT*O troll" "stop with all the doom and gloom baddie" "obviously you're a ________ fanboy" or different variations of those responses.
  3. Don't see the hypocrisy. Explaining to people why their "get out and stay out" posts aren't constructive and are better left unsaid. Then explaining why people's posts listing their gripes with the game ARE constructive and do nothing but help to better the game in the long run.
  4. Conveniently edited out the part where I explain why they should stop, lol :/ . Just keep telling people to leave, see where that gets you and the game. People CAN continue to tell people to leave, but it does nothing constructive. People voicing their gripes with the game does.
  5. To all of the fanboys that are always on here responding to these types of threads with "go play something else" or "stop whining and just leave" you need to stop. For one thing, people are allowed to use these forums for whatever they want so long as it doesn't violate the TOS. Secondly, people voicing their gripes with the game is the single most important function of these forums. Most of them want the game to do well but aren't finding what they want out of an MMO in SWTOR right now. If them voicing their concerns gets crucial features added or more content incorporated into future patches then I hope they never stop. Lastly, if you think people on here threatening to unsub is nothing but wasted space you're wrong. As a consumer of this game you have a say in where it's headed and you vote with your wallet. Don't ever think your opinion means nothing, you always have a say in the matter. Personally I'm waiting to see what 1.2 brings. I'll be making my decision on whether to stay or not based on that patch and if I decide to leave you better believe I'll be on here saying why. Hopefully it won't come to that but if it does I'll be posting to voice my opinion and hopefully play a small role in BW making even greater improvements in the future. I could always come back.
  6. The Inquisitor pve set is AWESOME!!! Everyone loves a walking bottle opener! The pvp set is even better!!! One question about it though, will Arnold Schwarzenegger make an appearance and try to kill me somewhere along the line? If he's covered in mud I'm in trouble, I won't be able to read his heat signature!!! God help me if I see Danny Glover...or Jesse "The Body" Ventura for that matter. /sarcasm
  7. Can we please get an in-depth explanation of how 1.2 gearing is going to work? I understand that you can RE the gear and possibly learn the schematic but is that for everyone or just the people with the appropriate crew skills? Will this apply to the tier sets as well? If only people with certain crew skills can do this I'm afraid either prices are going to be unbelievably high or it's going to be unbelievably hard to find someone with the schematics you're looking for. Please break the entire system down for us.
  8. LOL you forgot a major step, REMOVE MODS BEFORE RE'ING! Yea I did see that about RE'ing the new gear but I wasn't sure it was applicable to the tier sets. I guess that'll work so long as you don't need a specific profession in order to learn and use the schematics.
  9. But what if I like the way my tier set looks? Do i have to wear an orange crit crafted set to max performance regardless? Or, will there be crit crafted pieces that look like the tier sets?
  10. Which also means slower less responsive combat for everyone. It's not like they're hard to use.
  11. Appreciate the responses, quite helpful. Also wondering if I should keep the focus or go with a shield generator, from what I've read it doesn't do enough to be worth it.
  12. AGAIN, macros in Rift were out of hand but they ARE NOT the norm. Wow has macros and very few core abilities can be combined into a one button macro and still be effective because the rotations are so situational that there's no way to automate them. My rotation there spans 15 buttons with 6-7 being the real core abilities and the rest being things like my charge and a damage buff on a 30 sec timer. NONE of it is macro'd together because it ISN'T possible. So many people have no clue how macro's work and yet are still against them. It would be up to BW to put the correct restrictions on them so that they didn't break the game like Rift's did. The only thing I've used them for is targeting macro's and combining my dps cooldowns into one button to save a little space (since both are OFF the global cooldown they could feasibly be keybound next to one another and pressed at the same time anyway).
  13. Need some advice on what breakpoints and stat priorities I should be aiming for and I really can't find any solid info on it, all I find is info on the 31/0/10 build with dps mods and I can't figure out if that setup applies to full on tanks as well. Been playing darkness spec in dps gear/mods and doing well with it but it looks like I might be making the switch to full on tank come 1.2 and I can't find any concrete info on the gearing choices I should be making to fulfill that role as well as possible. If anyone even has a link to a page that breaks it all down that would be much appreciated.
  14. OP's solution almost completely removes the gear progression for pvp
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