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Everything posted by Kabjat

  1. This is why I wish all heroics were instanced. I have been meaning to make a list of the ones that are and the ones that are not so that I can avoid the non-instanced ones entirely. People are jerks
  2. PennyAnn, You are exactly the kind of person I think my husband and I both would have loved to play this game with...I am sad you are leaving because I just noticed you are on Harbinger. We are casuals and haven't put near the time in you have...but we have been around on and off (mostly off, I'll admit) since beta. We are playing the game now strictly because neither of us has finished all the class stories. We haven't even gotten to the KOTFE stuff yet, but what irritates me about the new ex-pac are the companion problems and the fact that you seem to lose companions that you've cultivated influence with altogether. Nevermind the fact that the story with those companions seems to go out the window. That may be a small matter to some people, but I really don't feel motivated to continue into the ex-pac if I have to disregard the long time companions I've had since the beginning. It cheapens the story, in my opinion. I know this is just a small detail, but it really bugs me! Thanks for the well thought out post. I agree with you and I hope someone in charge at EA/Bioware takes notice and decides to fix things, or at the very least address these problems and work toward fixing them.
  3. I think it's really a stupid move for them to take away original companions. REALLY stupid. For those of us who played the game largely for the class storylines (at least in the beginning) it's really disappointing to start the new content without any connection or reference to the companions that were there throughout the leveling process. It depersonalizes the entire thing.
  4. Kabjat


    basically this. You really don't even have to engage your abilities or even know what they do. The game is that idiot proof. It's perfect for people who just want to play the classes for the storyline and nothing more. I don't imagine it is so great making people into players that are able to contribute to any kind of group content.
  5. Kabjat


    you can enable the exploration quests in the check box in the upper right corner of your map. Also, switch your companion to DPS or tank if you want to not be invincible. If you run your companion as a healer you can basically let your cat walk across your keyboard and you still win.
  6. Same problem for me, completed Jedi consular story on Harbinger server, character name Sorsig. I submitted a ticket over a week ago as well. YESTERDAY, I got an auto-generated reply that basically said that since it was a bug, there was nothing that could be done about it and my ticket was automatically closed. You'd think that since all they can manage is an incoherent, canned auto-reply that says they have no intention of fixing the issue that they would at least be arsed to auto-generate their unhelpful answer as soon as I submitted the ticket...not a week later. I really hate the customer service in this game. It's embarassing. Even their auto-reply messages are poorly designed.
  7. This is just what I have been looking for. I'm a returning player so this will be very helpful! Thank you so much!
  8. Kabjat

    lol bolster

    so it's a profit deal......
  9. I agree with this. Check the server selection screen and you will likely find all of your characters moved to the same server.
  10. Ooooh, I misunderstood, then. If he's a new player, I can see how this would be frustrating. Sorry that happened, OP. On the bright side, it really doesn't take very long to get through the starting zone.
  11. I would be interested to know how you arrived at this conclusion. Not sure if this is for real. Either this is a troll post, or you must be new to online gaming.
  12. I am utterly confused about what your complaint entails. As far as my experience goes, there is really no way another player can 'ruin' anything for you so that it forces you to re-roll your character. If you are that upset by someone's interference on the starting planet, may I suggest that you will be furious throughout your gaming experience in SWTOR. Try and just roll with it and not get so upset. Honestly, maybe I am missing something, but why did you have to start your character over?
  13. This proves my point. This attitude assumes that "Since I think this way, everyone must think this way." Just because it doesn't affect you, doesn't mean the problem isn't real.
  14. I can appreciate your tongue in cheek comment here....and I agree completely. This is my opinion about the "grow a thicker skin, welcome to the internet" crowd: A) They resent the reminder that they have been completely desensitized by their prolonged existence in the safe anonymous bubble of online gaming, never so much as having a blip of conscience when others act like racist, misogynistic thugs, so they lash out at those of us who insist EVERYONE be accountable for their actions, or B) they are the actual offenders that darken an online community with their presence and don't LIKE to be called out on their behavior, or C) they are lazy and don't care...until THEY are on the receiving end of abuse. I think the majority fall under the first and last categories.
  15. I've run straight into an invisible (lol) elevator shaft and died quite nubbishly. I'm in the OP's camp. I die to elevators all the time lol. I'm sure it's somehow my husband's fault.
  16. I understand where you are coming from that you don't think people's free speech should be infringed upon. If I understand your sentiment, I believe I agree with you. There's no law, IRL, against being a jerkface. But most people won't stand for anything NEAR what we see online to go on in real life. I think on the internet, there should be the same consequences. And it starts with the community. No one is talking about suppressing free speech. This is about enforcing rules that are already in place....in place, mind you, so that EVERYONE can enjoy the environment. And as for your suggestion that people get a one time transfer....I'm afraid that these 'strict regulated rules regarding speech and conduct ALREADY exist. Bioware will take action against offenders if 1.) they are reported, and 2.) the conduct for which they are reported goes against the very clear and easy to comprehend TOS. I always have to have a chuckle when I come across people who make a lot of noise about how they "just don't know WHAT is ok to do or say in a game that has rules like this." It's such a crock and a lie because if you don't know the basics of civilized behavior, then I am very sad for your upbringing. It was kind of the same thing when everyone was up in arms and butthurt over the way Bioware brought down the banhammer on all those players who took advantage of in-game exploits several months ago. The entitlement was RAMPANT. "Wahhh! I got perma-banned for breaking the ruuuulllleeeezzzz....I don't deseeeerrrrveeee it!" People will go to ANY length to excuse and justify their own selfishness. The same applies to disgusting behavior in public channels in an MMO. So, not only is it not practical for Bioware to police every comment, it's not possible. So, like I said before, it's up to the community to decide if they want a better environment.
  17. From what I understand, the ignore feature DOES have a limit....not sure what that limit is, however I have heard many people say they have maxed the thing out without having to try too hard.
  18. I didn't take it as a rage thread at all. This is exactly the sort of attitude I was talking about: "Get over it...you are too easily offended....nothing will ever change and you are a crybaby for daring to be upset over it..." I really don't understand why anyone would actually report someone for expressing dismay over Internet abuse. It's a really big, bad problem. Claiming that the 'ignore' feature is the answer doesn't actually address the problem. All it does is give carte blanche for the offenders to continue. There needs to be repercussions for abusive behavior. Only way that will happen is if it's reported by other players when it happens. I happen to agree with you that trolls can and should be ignored. But abuse, gratuitous foul language, and intentional and ongoing harassment, especially when it happens in public (general chat) should be punished. For the record, I keep the chat filter on and for the most part I am not bothered by most general chat conversations that contain bad language. Many times these conversations are never intended to hurt others...they just go beyond the limits of talk I deem acceptable speech. It's why I have enabled the handy chat filter. I can still be a part of the general population and not isolate myself. It's when the discussion digresses into obvious hate speech and abuse to others that I take it upon myself to report offenders. That's the cyber bullying and unnecessary bad behavior the OP was talking about and I think needs to stop.
  19. I said this in another thread: if enough people actually REPORT unacceptable behavior when it happens, there will start to be a change. But it will not happen overnight. It'll take TIME. Unfortunately, everyone believes their actions don't matter, what GOOD will it do to report the jerks, so most don't bother. What's even worse are the cynical malcontents who insist "IT'S THE INTERNET, IT WILL NEVER CHANGE, GET A THICKER SKIN, ETC...." It's almost as if those type of people don't WANT a nicer, more civilized community....
  20. Reporting this type of behavior is the only way there will ever be a hope of a decrease in it. The reason is because I'm pretty sure Bioware doesn't police chat. If enough of these people are slapped with suspensions, or even permabans for repeat offenses, then maybe they will learn that there actually ARE consequences for behaving like anonymous beastly savages. Even if little Jimmy is allowed to spout off at his mother with that mouth (in this day and age, it's entirely possible) he shouldn't get away with it in public. Yes....for all of you out there who embrace an entitlement mentality, PUBLIC INCLUDES THE INTERNET. Change can happen if people who CARE about decency PUSH BACK.
  21. These types of comments annoy me because they are like those Facebook status updates where the person is begging for someone to elaborate on their cryptic post, but refuse to actually reveal what the heck they are talking about. With that said, I'm afraid I am unaware of any other purpose of a forum like this if it's not to "talk" about things. Perhaps we could switch to Semaphore. *waves flags wildly off of the bow of a ship, hoping someone will interpret my views regarding the bad behavior of internet trolls in the general chat in SW:TOR* Let's hope someone was watching!
  22. I agree with this sentiment. Especially the red text. (emphasis mine) The group pressure can consist of many things, all of which can be carried out diplomatically and discreetly. If more people actually REPORTED unacceptable speech that went against TOS, then the the better the TOS could be enforced and the message could be slowly but emphatically sent to offenders that it's NOT worth it to act like a beastly and abusive tool in public channels. But Bioware cannot police this themselves. It's up to the community to do it. This could be more effectively carried out if Bioware gave more reporting choices than 'report spam' when you click on the name. Usually I have to open a ticket, but in my mind, it's worth it if some ill-mannered jerk gets a suspension for racial slurs and rape jokes.
  23. And this is where your subjective opinions get run over by objective rules. My attitude isn't a matter of opinion. The fact remains that at my son's birthday party, I make the rules....just the same as Bioware (and any MMO maker out there) make objective do's and don'ts for its community to choose to follow. If they choose NOT to follow them, then action CAN be taken against the offenders if they are reported for said bad behavior. Whether people are offended by constant bleep outs or resent having to turn off chat because of the constant barrage of gutter speech is immaterial. I do feel free to disagree with you and I maintain that you are free to choose to NOT be offended by hate speech. It doesn't change the truth that Bioware's TOS back up my position and that makes me FREE to report bad behavior. You cited the First Amendment to defend bad behavior and to maintain people are too easily offended. This is a weak argument and I would be interested to see how you back it up.
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