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Your joking right? You gonna nerf BH??


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One button? What class are you playing? If you're only using one button to dps on your MERC then you fail. Between popping my trinkets, TM, HS, Rail Shot, Unload, watching for Barrage Procs I'd say your one button BS is just that..BS.


I laugh at your absolutes.



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No, tracer missle spam is all you need to win in any situation. There is nothing more frustrating than 2 or 3 commandos/merc spamming it, and nothing else and wiping the floor with just about anyone, geared or not. the armor debuff, the insane amount of damage it does for such a quick cast time is ridiculous. Go in to any warzone pre-50 and all you see is BH/Commandos spamming tracer missle. At lvl 50 you get a better mix, but the merc are still spamming tracer missle...because thats all they need to do.


NO one cares about PVP but PVPer's Why nerf the **** ouytta my toon cause you hate my PVE skills, DO the coders of this game lack the skill to add cooldowns for specific cases, add nerfs if you want to pvp hands off my PVE or I will join the quitters. Not gonna play anotehr game where my char is good then sucks for 6 months then good then sucks,, maybe I need to get the wii out LOL.

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This game is all about the lightsabers if you dont like it dont play. All other classes are foder for the lightsabers to kill in pvp.


BTW: rerolling a lightsaber class to 50 only takes a few days. So roll a lightsaber class and you will be much happier over all. With the vast majority playing lightsaber classes it would be stupid of bioware to nerf them and piss off more people rather fixing all the classes. My powertech in half centurion/half champion gear can not kill a newly 50 sentinel or shadow, just do to the lack of dps output on the powertech. I dont die for quite awhile but the heat shot and vent heat timers are to slow to keep up with long fights in pvp. PVE they are fine when fighting HM bosses. Also when is shoulder slam going to get fixed for PVP?

Edited by Headstabber
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I honestly don't see whats so "OP" about Troopers/BH BESIDES Grav Round/Tracer Missile spam. Everything else is perfectly balanced. A trooper/BH doesn't do an amazing amount of damage (minus grav round/TM).
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This game is all about the lightsabers if you dont like it dont play. All other classes are foder for the lightsabers to kill in pvp.


BTW: rerolling a lightsaber class to 50 only takes a few days. So roll a lightsaber class and you will be much happier over all. With the vast majority playing lightsaber classes it would be stupid of bioware to nerf them and piss off more people rather fixing all the classes. My powertech in half centurion/half champion gear can not kill a newly 50 sentinel or shadow, just do to the lack of dps output on the powertech.


I find it very amusing how the "lightsaber classes" have the same complaints about you. (The ranged classes) It's like a vicious QQ circle jerk.


speculation and hyperbole thread. there is no nerf until it is on pts patch notes or you can link a dev post stating one is coming. THERE IS NO NERF INCOMING AT THIS POINT SAVE YOUR ANGER FOR WHEN THERE ARE SPECIFICS AS THE NERF MAY NOT EVER AFFECT YOU PERSONALLY.


See my post on the previous page; once again, logic will be washed away by an ocean of irrational nerd rage tears.

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Oh you mean back when Plate Armor wearing Mages were 1 shotting people with "Pre-Patch" Heavy X-Bows of Vanquishing?... lol


Had almost forgotten about that...


I wish SWTOR made me feel the same way UO did back then: Giddy and like a child exploring a whole new world.


Do you know why it made you feel that way? you were new to MMOs and you've seen a lot so naturally you aren't going to be as "wowed" by SWTOR as your were by UO as a thirteen year old lol. All of you are just getting bored with MMOs in general.

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I'm skeptical about this... but the BH is far from being an overpowered and dominating class. Inquisitors and Consulars dominate PVP. They heal everyone up, including themselves, CC you to death and then stealth to get objectives... not to mention using sprint in Huttball.


I recently respeced from arsenal to pyro, and so far liking it much more. Problem is that it uses up heat extremely quickly, so to be any good at it you have to learn to manage it properly. If they would, say, decrease the damage only, then that spec would become useless. But decrease damage and decrease heat buildup.... I don't see how it would do any difference.


In any case, Smugglers and Agents do more dps as it is. Bounty Hunters heal much less than anyone. If our dps is lowered, then all we do well is tanking.


But I'm not believing it until I see it. Still a concern.

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Let me help you out, since you have 7 posts here. It is not cool to be demeaning other folks here in the community.


The videos were the extreme where they only had 1 move on their hotbars... Tracer Missile.



I have played a crazy amount of PvP where I have seen Mercs do nothing but Tracer.


I have interrupted Mercs who are doing Tracer Missile and just sit there for 4 seconds, until the timer is up and try to tracer again. But then I just stun them, then put them to sleep. About 20 seconds have passed at this point and they are still trying to tracer me.


There are a wackadoodle number of Mercs who rely solely on Tracer Missile.


I thought I was being silly with my post with the videos cause you obviously have not seen them floating around. I tried to educate you. You came at me with hostility, sir, and for that I do not appreciate.


I say good day to you.



Good day!



All kidding aside, the Tracer Mechanics is busted, they really need to adjust it.


do you play a BH?


yes this guy was rude but ALL aresnals rely on TM, it is the hub of the arsenal wheel, it buffs us 2 ways and debuffs the target, i mean really!


The standard rotation for max dps tm/tm/tm/unload/HS/tm/tm/Rail is 5 TM with 3 other abilities.


is this spam? no


do people have any idea what we are really doing? no


changing tm if they do it is a very tricky thing, as it affects SOOOOO much of our other abilities, a .05% change could result in a 10% overall change which would criple the class in pve (numbers pulled out of my arse for effect)


I am now almost fully leveled on a sorc as well and zomg arsenal is so not overpowered or dominant


the fact of the matter is that you CANT spam tracer missile without overheating FAST, and once overheated you cant cast tracer... so the tracer missile spam is a myth.


the fact that we have one ability that is obvious and the rest (except for unload) are really hard to see means people call em like they see em, but they dont see the important stuff. I cant wait for a combat log to prove everyone wrong.


in the end over half of our attacks are tracer missle, it is our generic attack, much like lightning, or saber strike.... people are just nerf herders in the end.

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i'm a pyro merc and i see no reason for any nerf. while overall damage is reasonable (i'm pulling 300-350k in WZ in full set of champ gear) and getting 7-9 medals per match, i'm seeing (like geared) sorcerer's pull 700-750k damage plus a couple 100k in heals in the same friggin' match! seeing as how both classes are rdps/rhps (depending on spec) which needs to be "balanced"? i don't want to hear about the "heavy armor" argument, we all know heavy armor doesn't mean ***** in this game. the sorc's (spammable) bubble is a far better mitigater. i melt like butter when focused on, while sorcs bubble+heal thru most damage. their survivability is much higher on the battlefield. we don't even have a natural interrupt. i don't know if this "nerf" is for real or in what form it will take, but i strongly oppose any "nerf" against either pyro or arsenal (i've played both specs) mercs.


we should get positive changes like:


1) an interrupt (either free like Sorc's or small heat cost)


2) the ability to feat into either (or both) Unload or Power Shot to lower cast time


i switched to pyro for a more mobile style, which it is by and large with the exception of the two key abilities that proc our mainstay Rail Shot. #2 would allow us to fully realize this play style choice w/o being op.

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Wonders how many people remember where the term 'nerfed' got coined.



1 Million forums points to the first person to post the correct answer in this thread.


As I recall, Ultima Online. They reduced weapon damage to make PVP less one-hit-kill, and people complained they were "swinging nerf bats".


(Personally, I want to strangle anyone who calls clicking 'need' when they don't need it 'ninja looting'. People who played EQ had to deal with REAL ninja looting - taking items from a rare spawn you didn't even participate in fighting.)


(Also, people who think 'mob' comes from 'there's a lot of them' or 'they mob you'.)

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*** BW? Does any sense of relativity escape you? Let's compare some damage numbers between a Sorc and a BH. For this purpose I'm going to use numbers from my alt Vanguard Assault and my alt Sage Balance (mirrors to the PT Pyro and the most popular Sorc build). The trooper is a full 3 levels higher than the Sage.


The Sage has 5x as much resource as the Vanguard. The Vanguard's main spam attack does 300 damage in 1.5 seconds and takes up no heat - so 200 dps. The Sage's main spam attack does 1160 damage over 3 seconds and takes up 30 resource - but that is entirely regenerated over the course of the attack - so it fully qualifies as a spam attack, you can literally do it repeatedly forever. So that's 387 dps. Plus it slows the target 50% of the time.


Both classes get a stun (1 min CD) and a negate stun (2 min CD), but the Sage also gets a interrupt on a 12 sec CD.


And Dot? The supposed strong point of the BH/Vanguard Pyro/Assault? Well the Vanguard can do 800 damage over 18 seconds at a cost of 25% of his resources. The Sage can do 740 over 15 seconds at a cost of 7% of his resources. Sage/Sorc wins again. Did I mention that in addition the Sage also has a second DoT option doing 1000 damage over 8 seconds at a cost of 8% of his resources? Sage/Sorc DoT > BH Pyro DoT by a country mile.


Yes, but the debuffs you say. If my Merc Pyro wants to give up his DoT he can get the feared Tracer Missile, the debuff king! But the Sage/Sorc has an ability that is instant cast, and increases your damage to the target by 20%. Yes, that's equal to 2.5 TMs in one cast. Plus it is an AoE! Plus he doesn't have to give up his DoT abilities - everything is accessible within the same skill tree.


Seriously BW, BH nerf?

Edited by Macroecon
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How can you explain away the fact TM is at least double in priority than any other ability you have in any given situation. You live life 1.5 seconds to the next.


Also you have two interrupts, if you get that knockback talent for rocket punch. PT only has one interrupt more, assuming you're tank spec with grapple and charge. If you go dps as PT you only get the one, quell which is melee range only.


I'm not even going there Karbonkopi, that was waaay tl;dr.


Calling the knockback an interrupt is laughable. Its more like delaying the inevitable. As soon as they are knocked back they will simple finish casting what they were with no chance to stop it.


I play a PT and a merc. The PT is about 10x as lethal as the merc. Merc is garbage if not hyrbrid or full bodyguard spec.


mercenary's may be good in pve i dont know. But in pvp they leave ALOT to be desired.

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do you play a BH?



changing tm if they do it is a very tricky thing, as it affects SOOOOO much of our other abilities, a .05% change could result in a 10% overall change which would criple the class in pve (numbers pulled out of my arse for effect)




the fact of the matter is that you CANT spam tracer missile without overheating FAST, and once overheated you cant cast tracer... so the tracer missile spam is a myth.


the fact that we have one ability that is obvious and the rest (except for unload) are really hard to see means people call em like they see em, but they dont see the important stuff. I cant wait for a combat log to prove everyone wrong.


in the end over half of our attacks are tracer missle, it is our generic attack, much like lightning, or saber strike.... people are just nerf herders in the end.



Yes, I have a Bounty Hunter, I also had the BH as my main in beta. Merc and PT.


The one video I showed, old boy had spammed Tracer 14 times in a row. You CAN spam it, a lot.


I know the mechanics are broke, I have said that numerous times. You have to do it multiple times to get a decent debuff each target. It's messed up and wrong. I get it, I know it.


To say otherwise is just cheating yourself. Now you say it generates a lot of heat, did you spec partway up Arsenal (6 points I think) to get the reduces heat by 9? Plus there are other skills you can get that will randomly drop your heat.


I am not telling you how to play or questioning your ability to play. This is how the system is, and I hope they can adjust the mechanics as it just does not make it fun to play. I am not on the NES where I need to push 2 buttons to play.

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So much Sorc misinformation in this thread. Especially on PvP specs.


+20% debuff to damage in one attack (hint, it only affects DoTs, less than 1/3 of sorc damage, even in a Madness spec)


Comparing the BH basic attack (1.5s insta) to a 3s channel on a sorc


Heavy armor vs light armor+static barrier and heals (note that heals and static barrier cost the sorc GCDs)


etc etc etc



C'mon guys. At least *try* to get your facts straight and compare apples to apples



Sorc AE damage in PvP is easy to generate with the most popular DPS spec. This drives damage meters. Generating meaningful single target damage? Sorc is near the bottom.


Now, sorcs have ridiculous PvP *utility* when spec'd a certain way. But they really do suck at meaningful damage

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So much Sorc misinformation in this thread. Especially on PvP specs.


+20% debuff to damage in one attack (hint, it only affects DoTs, less than 1/3 of sorc damage, even in a Madness spec)


Comparing the BH basic attack (1.5s insta) to a 3s channel on a sorc


Misinformation? You mean like the part where TM is a debuff to armor, but the Sage/Sorc debuff affects attacks that already bypass 100% of armor? Yes, that's right. After a BH spams TM 5 times he has reduced the target's armor by 50%, while the Sage/Sorc is already past 100% of the target's armor and has debuffed him by another 20% to boot.


And you are complaining about comparing a Vanguard/BH insta attack to a channeled Sage/Sorc attack, when in your very first attempt at making a point you just did the exact same thing - ignoring the Sage/Sorc insta debuff vs. BH's cast/activation time debuff? Hell I won't even mention that the BH needs to chain multiple cast/activations to achieve a partial semblance of the impact the Sage/Sorc gets in an insta cast. Oops, I did mention it.

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Misinformation? You mean like the part where TM is a debuff to armor, but the Sage/Sorc debuff affects attacks that already bypass 100% of armor? Yes, that's right. After a BH spams TM 5 times he has reduced the target's armor by 50%, while the Sage/Sorc is already past 100% of the target's armor and has debuffed him by another 20% to boot.


And you are complaining about comparing a Vanguard/BH insta attack to a channeled Sage/Sorc attack, when in your very first attempt at making a point you just did the exact same thing - ignoring the Sage/Sorc insta debuff vs. BH's cast/activation time debuff? Hell I won't even mention that the BH needs to chain multiple cast/activations to achieve a partial semblance of the impact the Sage/Sorc gets in an insta cast. Oops, I did mention it.


Quoted for truth.



I don't know if you caught it, but how he could even call a 1.5 second cast "an instant?"

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All I am gonna say is they are going to have to tread very carefully when leaving already powerful classes alone, adding skills to the knight / warrior classes and nerfing BH. They could upset an already fragile PvP balance.
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So much Sorc misinformation in this thread. Especially on PvP specs.


+20% debuff to damage in one attack (hint, it only affects DoTs, less than 1/3 of sorc damage, even in a Madness spec)


Comparing the BH basic attack (1.5s insta) to a 3s channel on a sorc


Heavy armor vs light armor+static barrier and heals (note that heals and static barrier cost the sorc GCDs)


etc etc etc



C'mon guys. At least *try* to get your facts straight and compare apples to apples



Sorc AE damage in PvP is easy to generate with the most popular DPS spec. This drives damage meters. Generating meaningful single target damage? Sorc is near the bottom.


Now, sorcs have ridiculous PvP *utility* when spec'd a certain way. But they really do suck at meaningful damage


deathfield w/deathmark is your second highest DPCT ability (as calculated against a single target btw).

Edited by theunwarshed
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Ok so, anyone actually seen an official confirmation of the class rebalancing? Is everyone really just running around screaming like there hair is on fire because a "gaming Journalism" site (and I use the phrase loosely with IGN) made a simple comment that "BH's are getting nerfed."


The only official comment I've seen on the 1.2 patch is that Bioware won't discus the re-balance until 1.2 hits the PTR. In fact I think it was in a QA a few weeks back they said that they would be BUFFING the merc's healing...


Anyone actually consider that maybe IGN got it wrong or isn't portraying the big picture here?

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