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Everything posted by AmedusTOR

  1. This game is far from complex in terms of the number of skills and binds necessary. Children could figure it out. A four button faceroll game would be all sorts of suck.
  2. Server: Kaas City Faction: Imperial Name: Amedus Class: Sith Marauder Feel free to message me if you have any questions or need a hand.
  3. You didn't address the points in his post whatsoever. Are you just here to troll then? Please don't bother, as it's rather clear that you have zero clue what you're talking about. (But boy do you like smilies ) This exactly. Popping undying rage takes half your health and gives you a six second window to get your s**t together; one stun and that window is gone. Marauders are a warrior class; we lack any sort of decent CC and as such get defensive cooldowns instead. I fail to see what all of this crying for a nerf is about. If you want Marauders to lose UR, give us a hard stun or a pull instead. Lord knows we would be re-hashing this thread again if that happened with a bunch of people crying that we need to lose said ability.
  4. I routinely put out between 300k-500k damage, 75k plus healing, and minimal deaths. I also tend to hunt down Bounty Hunters for easy kills. (Especially Arsenal Mercs) Methinks your Sentinels/Marauders aren't very geared or good at the class.
  5. We need more threads about the same topic.
  6. I find it very amusing how the "lightsaber classes" have the same complaints about you. (The ranged classes) It's like a vicious QQ circle jerk. See my post on the previous page; once again, logic will be washed away by an ocean of irrational nerd rage tears.
  7. This comparison, between two different games, between a healer and a pure DPS class, makes zero sense and is completely irrelevant.
  8. QFT. I tire of a certain vocal minority whining incessantly about how hard this class is to play. Seriously, if you find it that tough, Bounty Hunter is just a few clicks away. It's not a hard class to play. People suffering from "mad cuz bad" and yelling for it to be simplified are fools.
  9. If you're not liking it, then definitely. Annihilation is pretty stellar. The damage is primarily based on DoTs, and as such it isn't quite as bursty as Carnage. However, once you stack a few on a mob the damage just rolls off. The lightsaber form used for Annihilation (Juyo) also provides a stackable damage buff with each attack. Annihilation also has more survivability, as the DoTs provide a self heal. (A fairly significant one at that if you have Berserk rolling)
  10. You're looking for logic and reason rather than rampant whining and raging on these forums? The former two don't exist here sir!
  11. Switching specs is by no means needed; Annihilation is pretty stellar in PVP. For a simpler rotation and some easy medals you could go Rage for a while until you get geared. Should you stay Annihilation, make sure you know your rotation well. (Something like Charge > Deadly Saber > Battering Assault > Rupture > Annihilate) Master and use your Defensive CD's as well; they'll get you out of a s**tstorm in a hurry. Beyond that be patient, improve your skill with your chosen spec and gear up as you go. Marauders are buzzsaws if geared and played properly. EDIT: In terms of gear, if you're lacking PVP stuff for a while, be sure to do daily quests on Belsavis/Ilum for daily commendations. You can get some decent armor mods and hilt mods that can help you shore up your gear in the meantime. Though with how quick a person can get a set of PVP gear now, you won't have to rely on it for long.
  12. I have never once had this issue. I was going to suggest to stop messing around with the Passive function, but if he was doing it beforehand I don't know what to tell you. Quinn has never let me down whilst in Med Watch. And I didn't disable a single one of his attacks either; he just prioritized on his own to heal me before throwing some punches. Weird that a select few seem to have issues with the guy.
  13. AmedusTOR

    Are BW Liars?

    I feel dumber having read this. As stated: Ratio =/= Percentage chance. At least this dude's trolling is entertaining.
  14. 1. You forgot 300k, 75k healing (with Annihilation) and any Defender medals attainable. Its rare that I'm below 7 medals. 2. Its also rare that I'm not first or second. And if I'm not, I got beat by a class spamming AOE or by another Marauder. 3. I've stated this in other threads: we're a Warrior class. We've basically traded CC for defensive skills. (Saber Ward, Cloak of Pain, Undying Rage, etc) This aside, we do have a 6 second AE CC skill that you've conveniently forgotten about. Not to mention our slow skill that is on the global CD. 4. While this can suck in Huttball, we have a pretty awesome gap closer that can be brought down to a lower CD timer through the Annihilation tree. (Or if you spec Rage, you can get a second 10m gap closer on a similar CD timer) 5. Again, while this can suck, I hardly find it game breaking. Unleash has a lousy timer, but pretty much EVERY class only has one CC breaker. They're just as likely to suffer the woes of chain CC's as we are. So this is an irrelevant point. 6. Carnage has some decent roots. (Ravage and the light saber throw thing) But we don't really need anyone to be completely rooted. We have no skills aside from Ravage (which isn't really used for it's full duration in PVP unless you're Carnage) and Force Choke (which CC's them anyway) that require us to stand still. Slow them and we're fine. Again, another irrelevant point. 7. I don't find myself squishy at all. We have a 20% damage reduction, a 50% damage reduction, and a 99% damage reduction. Not to mention Force Camo which can also be a 100% damage reduction or root/slow breaker. (Depending on how you're specc'ed) I can win 1v2's more often than not. 8. Our damage is fine. You're doing it wrong. 9. We're the Kings of 1v1, yes. But we bring a lot of great buffs to a group setting. (And obfuscate, which makes life a lot easier on tanks and healers) 10. Again, we're far from fragile. You're simply regurgitating what you've already been QQing about in this point. Irrelevant yet again. If you can't figure this class out after you've made four of the damned things, you're definitely doing something wrong. This isn't the class for you. Rather than tell you to L2P, I instead point you to the following link: http://www.swtor.com/info/holonet/classes/bounty-hunter This is probably a little more your speed.
  15. A person with a wall of nerd rage text about why they quit? Stop the presses, this is new and has never happened before! Why on earth ANYONE gets the urge to make these crap threads (and think that anyone cares whatsoever) is beyond me. Just unsub and leave it at that. Spend your extra $15 a month on cigarettes or something.
  16. Oh no, not our weekly Annihilation vs Carnage thread! I like both specs. I love how Carnage plays much moreso. Fast and deadly. But I'm more effective with Annihilation, especially in WZs. Less time on target is required for optimal DPS. You gain greater surivivability with Annihilation, but a handful of raiders will tell you that Carnage is better in PVE for damage. (However, I have no doubt theres some nerd chomping at the bit to post his wall of rage text about how retarded I am for daring to say Carnage is in any way better than his precious Annihilation spec) Honestly, for PVE they're both viable specs if played well. For PVP, I find Annihilation to be better due to less time required on target and less button spamming required. However, there's some very, VERY good Marauders (notably Kibaken) that can absolutely kick butt with Carnage in WZs. So the answer? Find the spec that works for your playstyle and stick with it. They're all viable in the right hands. And now the Annihilation/Carnage pissing match for the week can begin!
  17. 1. Healers and tanks as always; DPS are a dime a dozen. And all classes have some degree of utility. 2. Not at all. Your alignment will marginally limit gear and which lightsaber crystals you can use. (ie-certain gear pieces require a Light or Dark Side rating to be met in order to equip it) 3. Not to my knowledge. 4. For simple, Arsenal Mercs. 3 buttons and you win. For complex, Marauders/Sentinels. BioWare has actually stated that they have the most complex rotations in the game. Very rewarding to play, but more of a learning curve.
  18. Is it already time for this thread again? (Fake edit to say that I also hate the look of the bulk of our gear; we look like a villain from Dune)
  19. QFT. These forums are hands down the worst I've seen in any MMO I've played. Constant complaining, whining, conspiracy theories...and every single player who quits feels the need to post a wall of rage text about why they quit. Seriously though, the game is great and the population is solid. In game most folks are alright. Do a bit of server research and you'll be just fine.
  20. That is a horrible idea. You're mixing up Berserk and Bloodthirst. Bloodthirst gives nothing for healing. Berserk credits healing for the crit bleed healing proc if you're in Juyo stance. Which makes sense.
  21. Hell, I'd be happy if they just made it so that your next X number of attacks benefited from the 100% armor penetration, rather than chasing people around in WZ's spamming attacks to get a few off in those 5 seconds.
  22. I somehow doubt that. But hey, while we're throwing out childish, retarded insults: My dad could beat up your dad, punk! I don't care what you've done in WoW. I doubt anyone but you does. Children perform well at WoW. It's not at all an accomplishment. Never once in my post did I knock your player skills. I have no clue who you are and really couldn't care less. My point was this: the class does not need a nerf. Not to their damage and not to the skill required to perform well at it. So really, if you're "so good" at it, then please stop crapping up every single Marauder thread with your nonsense about how hard they are to play. You're a walking contradiction. "The masses", as you called them, are doing just fine. Have a quality evening.
  23. Must you post the same drivel in EVERY thread? Just because someone enjoys a challenge doesn't necessarily make them "hardcore" or "elite". This in mind, by no means am I a "hardcore" player. I have a job, a wife and a life outside of this game. And I do just fine with the Marauder rotation. I think most people are capable of it, but the bulk of those same people see pushing more than 3 buttons to win as "OMG EFFORT". There's no need to nerf it. There's no need to dumb it down. There's no need to post your whining in every thread about it.
  24. I get the feeling the OP has zero clue what he's talking about.
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