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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Tab" targeting. A nightmare.


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Tab targeting system sucks and I agree. Not only this but it is often very difficult to tell who you have targeted without looking down at the targeting bar, which is not easy if you are also trying to be effective.. (read as sometimes the highlighting of the character you have selected does not work and is bugged imo)



Edited by finetop
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Thats fine if i wanted to play in first person mode everytime i walk near a wall. Sorry too busy mousewheeling out every 5 secs in huttball so i can see what the hell is going on since the camera zooms in and stays zoomed in.


I agree but your reply states a need for rework of the camera which I aree with I wish I could zoom out and stay and I have looked at it but can u bind zoom out to the tab or another key


I am a Viligance gardian and mouse wheel targiting is soooooo much faster I can scrole through like 4 targers while force sweep of blade storm is in animation

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I assume there is a "Tab Targeting Algorithm" that is supposed to have some kind of logic. But every single player that PvP a lot knows what I'm talking about here. Quickly it becomes just "Random" targeting.


<pvp player

<knows exactly what your talking about and it's pretty annoying.


Have the "target closest" thing on but that's for auto target not tab target. Like when I'm doting people up in pvp I run through the crowd of enemy on a kamakazi dot run expecting it to target the guy 2 feet right in front of me and find myself targeting people not even in my vision or los. Then by the time I go through the tab targets rotation to target the guy right in front of me I've often just finally stopped, manually clicked him, then started again. Tab target just seems to go random pattern as of a few patches ago.

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A guy right in front of you is capping a node, you have 8 secs to stop him:

*tab* : you target someone semi-afk 40m away

*tab* : you target another toon that just passed by and died

*tab* : a third random dude

You: *rage* > *tab* *tab* *tab* *tab*: In order, guy capping the node (doh, too late, you already tabbed again due to rage), cat in the living room, semi-afk guy's pet, the third random dude mentioned above.


Guy in front of you capped, you are chewing on your keyboard.

Bioware: please save a keyboard, make tab targeting smarter.

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