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Everything posted by Nastynas

  1. One should be implemented. It is laughable that there still isn't one. NOTE: I would still leave games.
  2. I started skimming after his comments on story. Nothing else hit me as just plain wrong. I definitely feel the score is in the right range.
  3. 5/10. Even that feels a bit generous considering all the bugs and how half-baked every thing they have implemented post-launch has been.
  4. When people say things like this, I wonder how many Master's Division Pokemon TCG and VG Championships they've won. On topic, I'm expecting 1.4 this week. Not sure how it would look if they miss their September date. I am curious to see how many units Blizzard sells, though.
  5. When in Rome, do what the Romans do.
  6. It was relatively painless. I switched phones too earlier in the week and decided to use the physical key instead of getting the app again. The guy was easy to understand.
  7. You need to call Customer Support and have them do it.
  8. It lasted a year F2P... What about other games that couldn't last after going F2P? Like Spellborn or Fury. Hell, even LEGO Universe couldn't last with a strong IP. I seriously doubt there is much worry here, though. After all, EA still allows Warhammer to run.
  9. Wait, F2P games don't shut down? I don't feel like going to look, but I'm positive I've seen more than one F2P game shutting down article on Massively. I mean I'm pretty sure I just saw some City of something or other was getting the plug pulled a couple of weeks ago.
  10. Just when I was thinking things can't really get much worse, they do. These are the type of things you explain to your customers in a blog post before the fact. Well, you would if you were being transparent about all these mergers, transfers, consolidation, forced transfers or whatever they're being called. I guess communication hasn't gotten better. How to Lose Subscribers and Alienate Players by Bioware Austin.
  11. What?! I thought this was a rumor! Now, I'm beginning to wonder if he willingly left his GM position... Sucks to see them leave, but at least they made a boatload of cash.
  12. R.I.P. Valcyn... R.I.P. Sith Meditation Sphere... Long Live The Shadowlands! Long Live Thunderhorn-US?
  13. Hey man, that only looks bad because you put "massive" in front of it!
  14. I do not consider the two mutually exclusive. Especially when it appears some "game options" weren't implemented simply because they didn't want to.
  15. Star Wars: The Old Republic and all things pertaining to it are government secrets. Any bit of information must be approved by 100 separate individuals before public consumption.
  16. Something interesting that was said at GDC Europe this year:
  17. This isn't the reason people say the game is dead.
  18. From what I've observed, the Live Servers are the Public Test Servers. So, they probably consider the PTS redundant. They can get their entire population to test this way. I honestly don't get why other companies haven't done it. It has been a resounding success. The game has so few bugs because of it.
  19. When have they not? They know what is best for the game. If some people leave because of it, oh well.
  20. I always found a toy in my Lucky Charms box. I consider that lucky.
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