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I'm a bad


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I am complete agreeance. I would much rather have a team full of people who actually try as hard as they can then a team of pvp elitists any day. I'm finding the pvp elitists quit warzones when things get tough and the so called baddies stay and fight till the end. Give me a fighter any day over an elitist quitter. Kudos to the OP for the post!!


Agree completely.


OP has my vote, thanks for standing up for the silent majority;)

Edited by Calista_ZK
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I’m bad at PVP. There is no getting around it, I’m simply bad. I’m the only SWTOR player that is below the 50% skill mark. All others are above it. I’ll leave it to someone else to figure out that math. I might be terribad, megabad, superbad, or even Islamabad, who knows. I think I’m just bad, but since most people overrate their abilities, I’m probably somewhere between terribad and megabad. I’ve seen my ability to remain competitive in pvp decline in every mmo I’ve played. Age, reflexes, focus, all could be contributing factors….not really sure.




This is mathematically impossible. I think maybe you need to know the role of your class. As a sentinel, I thought I could go in and wreak havoc, oh no... I can't. I annoy people and it impacts their ability to defend and/or heal.


I used to consider myself good at twitchy PvP games 14 years ago, but I just don't have the drive since I know teens would run circles around me now. Anyhow, I just mainly replied to acknowledge the mathmatical impossibility you had posted.

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I’m the guy that only has 3-4 abilities key bound, and clicks the rest.


Sir, I'd recommend you get one of the multi-button mice (i.e. the Naga or Logitech ones, doesn't even need to be the expensive SWTOR-branded one). It might raise your game to terribad... :)

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As long as your having fun i dont care how *bad* you are.


I play with guild groups to win. I pug for fun.


Some in my guild rage at the not so great players, I just like to think they are having fun and leave them to it. I have a couple of friends who play (not in my guild, RL friends) They are what you'd call bad. (Ie the trooper will pulse cannon a single mob b/c it *looks cool*) They have fun so what's the big deal.


Being *good* at this game wont achieve anything in your life. Soon they are supposed to add rated WZ's. I'll go there for my competitive fix and pug regular WZ's for my funny-stuff moments. All good.


In short, Have fun and dont worry about what other people think.


This in short. Second sentence.


And I also agree with a previous poster, that I believe the OP is pointing out short-comings of some players via a self-employed "I'm bad" post.

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A lot of times I have these two guys in the same warzone...


Guy 1) Super awesome elite epic godly PvP monstrosity. Kills everything he touches. Fights 50 yards outside of the point on Alderaan and racks up 500k damage. Never defends a point. Never stops fighting. Demeans everyone "worse" than him. Earns 10 medals. Team loses.


That's because you and the OP and close to 90% of this playerbase play the game like the original post. Super awesome elite guy has zero interest in carrying a bunch of scrubs, or holding your hand teaching you how to play. He solo queued because his premade is eating/smoking/wife/gf aggro/at work/whatever, and wants to have some personal fun, not be the crutch for you to hobble your baddie self to victory.


He might be bothered to do actual objectives if he sees a couple other super awesome elites and score some points, but his actual objective is to farm deeps for a nice screenshot and medals so his 10-15mins of having to play with failteam #9001 isn't completely wasted.


I hope this clears things up for some people.

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"It's statistically harder for me to be consistently this band than it is to occasionally be good."


I'm like the Cleveland Browns of PVP. Or maybe more like the Buffalo Bills - I was good back in the 90s but I'm constantly "rebuilding" and figuring out these newfangled systems.


All NFL references aside, I'm with the OP on this. I occasionally get 6+ medals and perform decently in damage charts and I try not to be a *******, but I am often the guy who just gets chain CC'ed and lags the Hell out trying to pass the damn ball when someone stupidly throws the ball to me in Huttball.


Anyhow, re: the OP - even if I was good I'd still prefer the OP with a good/positive attitude to a nerdraging ******* who fills the ops chat with trash talk to his own team at the slightest mistake. It's a *********** game, people. I play to have "fun" and I don't expect to be a winner all the time. Am I not a "competitor?" Well, guess not, beyond the reason I outlined above.


On the flip side, regarding Huttball - I'm also the guy who annoyingly picks fights with two/three other attackers who are near our ball carrier knowing full well that they will paste me up against a wall with my Sentinel, and I still pop force camo, guarded by the force, saber ward and other harassment tactics to delay the inevitible. It is surprisingly effective against pugs to annoy people into attacking and killing you rather than focusing on the game objective, so I guess there's always success in being bait.


I'm the lone guy who waits by the otherwise-unguarded door in Voidstar knowing I'm going to get steamrolled by two-three incs but at least will call for help on channel while I'm getting my *** handed to me. Even if you suck, there are often ways to help your team.

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I’m bad at PVP. etc, etc, etc


You and me both dude. I just finished playng for 4 hours straight and I only have two wins. Count 'em, two. I mean, after fours I should have played about 12 to 16 matches and you figure I could get the daily done at least. Nope. And this is normal for me, regardless of team or faction or class. Odds are if I'm on your team, you're in for an huge loss.


In my defense this is why I rolled on a PVE server. I suck at PVP and I know it. Unfortunately it seems to be the easiest way to get some decent gear while you are solo. No FP/OP gear for me yet since I hate PUGs and won't be doing any FPs/OPs until I find a guild I can mesh with.


So until then, you'll see me helping the other team win, even though I am actually trying to help our team win.

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"Guy 1) Super awesome elite epic godly PvP monstrosity. Kills everything he touches. Fights 50 yards outside of the point on Alderaan and racks up 500k damage. Never defends a point. Never stops fighting. Demeans everyone "worse" than him. Earns 10 medals. Team loses. "


That's because you and the OP and close to 90% of this playerbase play the game like the original post. Super awesome elite guy has zero interest in carrying a bunch of scrubs, or holding your hand teaching you how to play. He solo queued because his premade is eating/smoking/wife/gf aggro/at work/whatever, and wants to have some personal fun, not be the crutch for you to hobble your baddie self to victory.


He might be bothered to do actual objectives if he sees a couple other super awesome elites and score some points, but his actual objective is to farm deeps for a nice screenshot and medals so his 10-15mins of having to play with failteam #9001 isn't completely wasted.


I hope this clears things up for some people.


I do not think most people have a problem with Super awesome elite guy has zero interest in carrying a bunch of scrubs, or holding your hand teaching you how to play and wants to have some personal fun, not be the crutch for you to hobble your baddie self to victory . I think that what people have a problem with Demeans everyone "worse" than him while not trying to win the game.

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I’m bad at PVP.

I’m the guy that only has 3-4 abilities key bound, and clicks the rest. I’m fully aware of keyboard turning, but I’m simply not capable of it…so I will continue to click most abilities.


I’m the guy you can always beat 1 on 1 no matter class or spec.


If I’m the guy defending a turret in Alderaan by myself and I say “inc 1 east” then you better come help or we are losing that turret.


I’m also the guy that gets guarded, and does the same thing.


I’m the guy that uses an interrupt too late or on the wrong ability effectively doing nothing.

I’m the guy that has a hard time clicking the person that is dying.


Unfortunately for you I’m going to keep queuing in warzones

Same here.:) I am also the only guy who cares to stand near Voidstar left door, while everyone goes to protect the right one.. and preys no one will be too smart to come here:)

Dont even let me start about Civil war and me solo guarding east turret...

Edited by Gelious
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