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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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Huttball is a team sport. I understand that a lot of gamers never figured out how team sports work, so I'll give everyone a hint: team is in the name. You're not going to win if you don't coordinate, communicate, and play together. Hiding away from the action does nothing for your team.


Our Republic population is outnumbered around 10:1 on my server, yet we rarely lose matches. Why? Because our tiny community learned that we had to communicate and work with each other to win. Talk and strategize. That's how real life works. That's how it works in WZs as well.


That wasn't the point, but thanks for lecturing everyone. Point is, those teams that don't have an I in them are refusing to just win the game. They play dead most of the match so they can farm the other side. It's really irritating once you notice it happening.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


Wow, they still have not edited the quote? Yellow Posts have been misread before, anyone recall the original Space Combat sticky many thought meant we were getting X-Wing? Not to mention that some have shown their inability to not "add words" that are not there. So, if you actually read what he says then all it is, is "and penalties for quitters." There is no "add" anywhere in that post. In fact the opposite word is there, "remove."


The only remove "penalties for quitters" would be to resolve the extended load times, this isn't Age of Conan guys, since lost time is the only true penalty that players leaving warzones suffer. So... I heartily endorse BioWare cleaning up their code which should hopefully improve load times.


Or is this where Nangasaur claims I'm lying again?

Edited by SirRobin
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Suggestions to fix people leaving wz is now out of control!


You think a deserter buff will fix anything?? People will still leave. Or even worse start afking now because that is shorter wait than your 15 or 30minutes buff



You are getting frustrated about loosing all the time because of leavers?


Find a group/guild of your own and que up with people that doesnt leave


There has been a suggestion earlier for dailies mission to be changed into just getting an amount of valor for daily and weekly but this will just change the warzones to not be about winning but only just participating. And i am sorry but pvp should not be about everyone just holding hands and padding eachother for 10mins so they can finish they daily mission.


the game is not broken, the people is


my 2 cents

Edited by Steele_dk
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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


all this is going to do is make me afk in bad warzones hell take away the dailies and its gonna make me warzone afk 10 times as much.

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-People play PVP to complete the dailies.

-Dailies are only completed by winning.

-Gear awarded from daily PVP bags can be harvested for mods/enhancements.

-Losing awards nothing.


You're a game designer and you wonder why people quit at the first sign of losing?


Who invented this garbage?


This... penalties for non-ranked games are NOT the answer. BioWare is not fixing the problem, they are bandaiding it.


WTB devs that play their game.

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Currently you cant group as a premade. If they allow this, then there will be less quitting. Sometimes ive quit war zones simply because my team is full of ignorant Rambos, flaming everyone else. Why should I stay if I don't want to? if my team won't even play as a team?


Penalties are a good idea, but to penalise without having the ability to queue with people I know can play as a team is stupid. Fix that, because I have no desire to play a warzone with bunch of random keyboard-turning Rambos with no clue, and try to win the warzone with me and two or three others that do. That sounds harsh, even selfish but I have limited time to play competitive pvp, and quite frankly because Iam dumped into a warzone without the ability to make a premade of like-minded individuals, why the hell should I spend my time putting up with it?


If you leave It hurts the team if they have a clue, but if they know how to play as a team I'll stay, even if we lose. I won't stay if people don't communicate, flame, don't watch objectives etc, because I'm wasting my time.


So there is that side to it as well.


Penalties are a good idea, just let us queue with premades.

Edited by PloGreen
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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


That's fine, but define quitter. What happens if you get disconnected because of your game not working correctly yet? Will there be a penalty for that? And what is to stop you from people just pulling the plug?


And disconnects still happen. There isn't an error code 9000 anymore, you obviously "fixed" that. But now you just get booted and it says "disconnected from server."

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my low pop server this 1 guy kept leaving and joining

Like he was expecting to join another wz but because

It was the only one he kept comming right back


Its not something Bw should be condoning

And they need to address ASAP


people need to remember that it's ok

To lose


this I'm losing so I'm leaving mentality

Is not accepted in any game or sport anywhere

Why should it be ok here


You don't see any sport teams or players walking off the field

Because its a loss

They give it their best then shake hands an congrat the winner


That's because most PC gamers are trolls. And trolls are cowards. It is obvious when they accuse you of something and then change subjects when proven wrong, and it is obvious when they bail a PvP wz because they're losing. Yes, something must be done about the cowards.

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That's because most PC gamers are trolls. And trolls are cowards. It is obvious when they accuse you of something and then change subjects when proven wrong, and it is obvious when they bail a PvP wz because they're losing. Yes, something must be done about the cowards.


Kindergarten Logic ?


PC Gamers = Troll = Cowards


don't you see people bail the losing games because sticking in a losing game right now doesnt give you anything except what 500valor? when you need 60k to get one level haha and wz commodations that server no use after your 60


The system is broken as it is... even the medal system is completely biased towards few classes.


Nothing is balance in this pvp system not even the awards.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


Bioware you have to implement "AFK'er kick vote" option with quitter penalty feature at the same time..


If don't, people who intend to leave but cant do it cos of penalty will go AFK in warzones...Give us vote option to kick AFK'ers..

Edited by cenx
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Currently you cant group as a premade. If they allow this, then there will be less quitting


Unless they separate the premade queue, this will lead to more quitting by folks in the hapless pug you're matched up against ;) How that would balance out with the effect you mention is anybody's guess.


In the end, though, I suspect most people quit when they think they have no chance to win.

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If the pvp in this game was fun, you think:


A: More people would leave

B: Less people would leave


Adding a punitive measure won't make it any more fun.


This is a pretty myopic view of what is going on. You can't say this is about fun because of how many different types of people are involved. What is fun to you might be really stupid to someone else. Obviously from your post, you don't like the warzones and want them to be something else you consider to be more "fun". Many people think it is great and play them every day over and over again, win or lose.


Some people only can have fun if they win. Some people have fun with a challenge and enjoy a close game even if they lose.


They say "life's not fair" but that really only applies to the real world. In a virtual world where there are rules you have to pick the most fair solution to this quitting problem. No reasonable person would side with the quitters on this one.


You can infer all you like about fun and the quality of the game, but the fact you're here complaining about it says something. If it really sucked, you wouldn't be here.

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That's fine, but define quitter. What happens if you get disconnected because of your game not working correctly yet? Will there be a penalty for that? And what is to stop you from people just pulling the plug?


And disconnects still happen. There isn't an error code 9000 anymore, you obviously "fixed" that. But now you just get booted and it says "disconnected from server."


I have experienced this a handful of times. It is really frustrating and I would like to see Bioware do something about it. Other games have this figured out and the reasonable solution is something along these lines:


If you quit the game via the menus, you get a deserter flag and cannot play a warzone for a certain amount of time. However if your game crashes or you alt-f4 out of the game, the server should know you were in a warzone and spawn you immediately back in the game, if it is currently in progress.

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Kindergarten Logic ?


PC Gamers = Troll = Cowards


don't you see people bail the losing games because sticking in a losing game right now doesnt give you anything except what 500valor? when you need 60k to get one level haha and wz commodations that server no use after your 60


The system is broken as it is... even the medal system is completely biased towards few classes.


Nothing is balance in this pvp system not even the awards.


This is the thought process I just cannot understand (emboldened for emphasis).


What you SHOULD be getting is a competative 8v8 PvP team based experience. If you don't enjoy competative team based PvP and you're just in it for the gear, then please PLEASE just don't queue. In fact, don't play this game. In fact don't play ANY game that involves team play that relies on other players to contribute.


This isn't some sort of min/max optimization question.


It's a question of common courtesy and being a good teammate. Quitters have none of the former and are perfect examples of not being the latter.


It's rude. It's aggrivating to the other players. And franky it's against the whole intent of the game, which is to HAVE FUN.

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That's fine, but define quitter. What happens if you get disconnected because of your game not working correctly yet? Will there be a penalty for that? And what is to stop you from people just pulling the plug?


And disconnects still happen. There isn't an error code 9000 anymore, you obviously "fixed" that. But now you just get booted and it says "disconnected from server."


you have to assign the same loss to disconnect




back in apb they would have people actually closing out the game client through an alt tab just to avoid the loss...


once they assigned a disconnect loss... problem solved

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It's a question of common courtesy and being a good teammate. Quitters have none of the former and are perfect examples of not being the latter.


It's rude. It's aggrivating to the other players. And franky it's against the whole intent of the game, which is to HAVE FUN.


So you think random people online care about you, your interests and your goals in game? Most people would rob you blind if they could in game. I get chests stolen from out under my feet while I kill the guy guarding it all the time. What makes you think that people care about your PvP experience? Most of the general population don't know you (i'd assume), don't care about you and don't care if they hamper your experience.


This game does little to nothing to encourage a community feeling, and warzones hand out items for PvP gear, which is why a LOT of people play WZ's. A lot (I'd say most) of people have the "to hell with everyone else attitude."


People just dont care about you, sorry. Not many people outside my guild care about me either, and I don't expect them to, because i dont care about them and have no reason to.

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you have to assign the same loss to disconnect




back in apb they would have people actually closing out the game client through an alt tab just to avoid the loss...


once they assigned a disconnect loss... problem solved


That's all fine and dandy but what do you do about the folks crashing or locking up due to the bugs and glitches? Especially since errors like the nodespeccache and long load times by no means guarantees that they'll be able to log back in before being timed out of the match.

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This is the thought process I just cannot understand (emboldened for emphasis).


What you SHOULD be getting is a competative 8v8 PvP team based experience. If you don't enjoy competative team based PvP and you're just in it for the gear, then please PLEASE just don't queue. In fact, don't play this game. In fact don't play ANY game that involves team play that relies on other players to contribute.


This isn't some sort of min/max optimization question.


It's a question of common courtesy and being a good teammate. Quitters have none of the former and are perfect examples of not being the latter.


It's rude. It's aggrivating to the other players. And franky it's against the whole intent of the game, which is to HAVE FUN.


Heh, I have been playing Competitive FPS's for a while, CS,Quake 3, Now BF3... which requires teamwork.


and SWTOR PVP has nothing to do with competitive PVP, the fact that some classes have a HUGE advantage on certain warzones makes it uncompetitive, the fact that some classes are OP makes it uncompetitive, the fact that PVP gear is based on Time/Luck makes it uncompetitive.


Yes a Pre-made of 4 will usually win the game because of their teamwork, but it's because the other team doesnt have a pre-made usually or is just undergeared/baddies.


i have seen so much fail in WZ that when i solo queue and join a WZ full of baddies or a losing WZ i will just leave right away before the game even starts, so i don't cause damage to this warzone.


But the current system is flawed, and punishing people over a flawed system is probably the worst thing they can do.

Edited by DestyOwn
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Kindergarten Logic ?

No, just years of experience.


PC Gamers = Troll = Cowards

No, just said "most".


don't you see people bail the losing games because sticking in a losing game right now doesnt give you anything except what 500valor? when you need 60k to get one level haha and wz commodations that server no use after your 60


Really? Your server must be configured differently than mine, because I've been getting commendations win or loss.


The system is broken as it is... even the medal system is completely biased towards few classes.


Nothing is balance in this pvp system not even the awards.



How'd we go from people being quitters in random games, to the medal system being biased? Are you saying people leave because the medal system is screwed? Why would they join in the first place?

Or is that...your kindergarten logic?

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No, just years of experience.



No, just said "most".




Really? Your server must be configured differently than mine, because I've been getting commendations win or loss.




How'd we go from people being quitters in random games, to the medal system being biased? Are you saying people leave because the medal system is screwed? Why would they join in the first place?

Or is that...your kindergarten logic?


Wz Commodations from a loss ~60

Wz Commodations when your valor >60 ?? Useless? I have 350adrenals/350 medpack and don't know what to do with my Wz commodations anymore.


Add a Punish System in a PVP system which is flawed from the ground up?


Fix your warzones,awards and people will be probably stick to the end, for way more balanced warzones.

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I am tired of the people leaving. Previously I felt that I wanted the penalty, but it was unrealistic to punish people who DC through no fault of thier own.


I have changed my mind. It has become so pathetic. I have played in many Huttball games that if the other team ever gets ahead by even 1 point, at least two people leave the WZ.


It's exhasting carrying the dead weight on my coattails. If it sucks for people when they DC, so be it, still need a penalty.

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I would like to see some stats on percentage of discos during WZ game play, or any game play for that matter.


It can't be all that frequent? Not a very good sample size, but nobody I have grouped with has ever just randomally discoed (without saying this sucks I am leaving first LOL)

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