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Everything posted by OdinsBloods

  1. That's fine, but define quitter. What happens if you get disconnected because of your game not working correctly yet? Will there be a penalty for that? And what is to stop you from people just pulling the plug? And disconnects still happen. There isn't an error code 9000 anymore, you obviously "fixed" that. But now you just get booted and it says "disconnected from server."
  2. You will love Kinetic in Warzones. Good surviviability, force slow is awesome for huttball groups and stopping mass caps, guarding is op imo, spin kick out of stealth is amazing, and your damage can be scary with your full combo. The other specs fall short atm.
  3. There will probably be some flames for this, but I totally agree. Infiltration Shadow is lack luster. Sure you can see some big bursty hurray for me numbers, but you die so fast that it becomes a burden on your teammates. You have to be in a group or you get focused so fast when they see that spin wheel you won't know what hit you. Powerr has some great videos where he shows off the burst and damage potential of the Infiltration spec, but he also has one, if not more, pocket healers more often than not, and when he does win alone, it is against other squishy targets. He also has the BEST gear in the game atm. I've tried Balance, Kinetic, and Infiltration. I find balance a good pressure style play, but the fact that you have to be mid range means you get blown up by range. Infiltration is great for taking down healers and squishy targets, but like I said, as soon as CS is seen, it is like a big target is painted on your head. Kinetic can do it all - mid, close, decent burst, great survivability. I've been working hard on my Scoundrel also. Let me tell you, the combo coming out of stealth is sooo much nicer than shadows, it isn't even funny. And if you want melee dps, try a sentinal. Numbers fly everywhere and targets drop fast. I hope after the hybrid nerf they take a long hard look at the dps numbers of a Shadow as it is my main. I have all Champ gear but my relics, one implant, and my gloves btw.
  4. I second this. Also, if progression is so important to the devs - making sure you get tier 1 before tier 2 and imposing this RNG abomination - I think you should have let us work for each piece without the RNG - but if you wanted to upgrade a piece of gear, you had to turn in your old gear to get the new set piece. Wild idea yes? Then make them modded and keep 1 or 2 of the mods if you think letting us keep all the mods is op.
  5. No, the end game PvP did it for me. 1-49 was fun. Edit - I have 4 friends who came into this game with me. All 4 say the same thing. 2 have already unsubscribed as well as most of our guild who happen to be game designers, developers, and involved heavily in MMOs. They liked the leveling, but there was little or no incentive for them to continue since it was such a single player game. 1- make content harder, more rewards for multiple players 2- allow for lower level and higher level classes to level together. A sidekick type system. 3- little or no player action with the other faction unless in warzones. There should be more cross player encounters These are just a few thoughts. Tons more that could be done for the game for player interaction.
  6. I'm in this boat. 2 off hands, 2 belts. Rank 53, 43 bags.
  7. The biggest thing I see is that the main channeling spell that they get has a slow.
  8. I feel your pain man. The first tier 1 I bought I got the same champion piece the next bag. I still have only 1 piece. I lost count. I think I'm at 30 to 35 bags right now. Working for that weapon now. Is there ANYTHING that increases or decrease the chance for the RNG? Anything at all? What is the chance? I've seen statistics all over the place. I wouldn't mind the system so much if they increased the chance you would get a piece a little bit - from say 10% chance to 15% chance and so on each bag you open. Hell, if it is 10 to 11% I would be happy. I would be something to actually work for besides hoping those 7 die hit yatzee everytime.
  9. I'm in this boat. People have had some success with the shared tree but it is usually when they use a hybrid or small parts of it. I want to ask for those balance users, what types of numbers do you hit for healing in warzones? 300k damage and 50 k healing in champ gear?
  10. "PvP in SWTOR at level 50 suffers from unreasonable queue times, and has gear unbalances between those who have no expertise gear yet, those who are maxed out expertise gear, or those who are some where in between. This gear disparity simply does not exist anywhere before level 50 and it really does beg a big question... Why PvP at level 50? Why not reroll once you hit level 50 and use that alt to pvp in a reasonably balanced environment." This is exactly my plan. I go in a warzone at level 50 and get my **** rocked because I'm undergeared. Will in continue to play? Of course. Eventually I'll pull a few items out of the lottery to help equal the playing field. I don't understand why they can't have equal gear? This is what WoW failed at. You could only have the best gear by raiding. The PvP gear that was equal to the raid gear was nigh untouchable. Make it so you can have both. Make it so PvP tier 1 = PvE tier 2. Give different set bonuses and make it similar game time to get there.
  11. OdinsBloods

    Resolve Bar

    Define this. What does it actually do? -does it lower the time a player is can be cc'd? -does it make a player immune to cc? -does this affect all cc types? How long should it last? -is there a set time? -is this time the same for anyone cc'd to full? -do different abilites cause the resolve bar to stay at max longer? shorter? I personally have watched it at times and I have noticed I still can be cc'd even when it is full. I don't actually know what it is good for. It seems to have lowered the cc time - but really, how much good does that do after all the cc that was used to make it full in the first place. I think Resolve should be clearly defined. I think it should be explained in terms of abilities, how the bar can fill faster or slower, how it diminishes over time. Right now, most players agree, it is not functioning properly. It almost seems like there shouldn't be a bar in the first place to have the hope that while being stunned, slowed, knocked down, silenced, or knocked back you might get out of it while your trinket is down.
  12. Wow wow, easy killers. Gabe gripes, not that he hates it. I agree that it is a good game, I'm just pointing out what Gabe thought could be changed. I agree, it's a good game. I'm in for 6 months at least. I'll give it the same go I gave WoW back in the day. I'm just saying they could improve on some things and Gave pointed out a few.
  13. http://penny-arcade.com/2012/01/16 Skinny: 1) Goofy looking gear an no option for covering it up 2) Orbital stations and load screens 3) Changing Advance Classes for gobs of money
  14. Hey fellow Shadow PvPers. I'm rolling up to 50 and I'm not sure yet what spec I want to run. Do I go balance and be a mid range battle mage? Do I go Kinetic and be a utility bruiser? Do I stay Infiltration and pump out the monster melee dps? So, being at a crossroad, I'm not sure what gear I should get coming into the 50 PvP world. Will it matter that much if I choose crit over surge for each of the specs? Am I going to be gimped if I skip out on the big endurance pieces if I want to PvP tank? Help a jedi out.
  15. Maybe, but it also takes polish on the account of the game itself. SWTOR is promising. It really is. 1 month in and it is worlds ahead of WoW at the beginning. They've learned a lot, made a lot of things easier, leveling is much easier. All in all, a decent game. A little extra could make it amazing.
  16. Already there are reports from scale wide wars just over a world boss. For a couple items. Just think how much more people would contribute if you had a fight over a town or your own town.
  17. Because when you have millions of people with this kind of need for gratification, and the culture is saying that it's possible for everyone to satisfy all of their needs and desires all of the time, there are obviously going to be clashes - clashes of ego. Taylor Hackford Instant gratification is not soon enough. Meryl Streep Instant gratification takes too long. Carrie Fisher There was a time in WoW when there wasn't a warzone. There was a time in WoW when PvP gave you nothing. There was a time when attacking a town gave you nothing but the satisfaction that you killed a few of the opposing faction and in general, "wasted" the other sides time. Why was it so great then? Why was it so fun? Because it was nothing more than playing with friends and causing havoc. You were able to tell a story how you took over part of a town for an hour. This was the BEST PvP. My friends and I still talk about it to this day. Some changs that would be amazing to implement, make the game fun, and still have: 1 - Let the world change. Let the Empire take over towns. Don't have a the npc's in a world respawn every 10 minutes. Let the Empire take it over for their own. Let the Republic push back when people are off doing something else. This is a WAR. It is ok to have one side take over an area. What rewards do you say? Really anything. Maybe crew skills or a fun item from the venders for having it change hands. Maybe nothing. But it would be game changing and people would love it. 2- Make a giant chess-like war. Have an AV like world where if you take a grid, it now becomes yours, except as you push further in the grid, it becomes harder and harder. Make defenses, make fortresses that you have to scale. But let things change! 3- Give guilds a base like in SWG. Give anyone a base. I would gladly spend millions of credits for a place out in the middle of no where to call my own. I would defend it to my last toon hp just for the sheer knowledge that I own a little property in SWTOR. I would call my friends or other faction members to my aid when the opposing side begins seige. Let it be for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour a day when you have to watch your base or they can get the rewards. Again, this is war! Make PvP personal again. Make it mean someting more than clicking on a node or running an object over a line. Make it more than teh purplez. Make people want to get better at this game not just for their toon, but for their "home," for their faction, for their friends. If you can incorporate this, you will have avid players for years. You will have 50's holding their homes, raiding for gear an parts for their homes, PvPing so they can better defend, and PvPing so they can steal from others. Make it open world. Make it possible and you will have the greatest MMO to date.
  18. "I agree. I'm using Zenith now. He's better than Cedrex, but Nadia can't come fast enough for me." That's what she said!!
  19. I've been waiting for a video like this. The infiltration spec you use is exactly what I've been working for. What do you think of the burst of the class in general? I feel like it can be there, but it is very situational dependant. I rolled a Shadow just for the rogue-like play-style, but now I see it is the operative that is more rogue-like. Will I enjoy the Infiltration later in the game or does the burst fall off most of the time? Will I most likely have to go a Kinetic type build because out of stealth our damage just isn't there?
  20. This. It might be a big deal, but can't they just have one smooth motion where the rock flies out of the ground and hits almost instantly? Maybe add a little hand motion for the assassins to be equal? It doesn't sound too much of a problem to me, but then, I don't code or design games.
  21. ^^ Thanks, I also found the thread about the UI complaints. Probably should have looked a little more. Maybe I'll look into another class until then and then come back for some more.
  22. Is there a ding or a sound activation for this? I have a hard time seeing these buffs on the buff bar as I play on a laptop and have poor vision. Can I turn off all the music so I can hear this happen?
  23. I see that not much is known yet on this.
  24. 1000 badges - good to know. So, you might as well spend them on something.
  25. Bump - a guide would be great. I'm sure it would be sticky worthy.
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