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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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You know what else hurts the community? Not being able to run anything even though you just spent the last 2 hours spamming general, cajoling your guild, and whispering everyone in your level range.


Take off your rose-colored glasses.


Why don't you say what you really mean. Not being able to run something everytime its good for you is your inconvienence and to hell with the community.

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Why don't you say what you really mean. Not being able to run something everytime its good for you is your inconvienence and to hell with the community.


Yes....what a horrible world we live in when people want to run a flashpoint when they got the time.......looking at your post this community is already bad.

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NO cross-realm for anything...


Believe it or not, my RP server has plenty of good natured people worth meeting.


By adding cross-realming just to pacify impatient people, we will lose our community.


The impatient people and greedy people can go play something else.


And you don't need to click the x-server LFG tool, you just do it the "old way", write on channel or whisper to your friends, guild, whatever you use actually.. I believe patient people like you will still use the old way and meet people from they're server, as I said, no need to use the automated tool.


In another mmo with this tool, i rarely used it , because i had lots of friends and guildies, we just joined up and we were good, but sometimes when i logged at "strange" hours and friends, guildies, where not online and server was with very low activity due to the late hours, i liked a lot having that x-server LFG, it was really really nice.


"The impatient people and greedy people" will use the tool, the patient and nice people will use the old way, and gather up together.


Don't see whats really the big problem here with this tool. Its like the end of the world for some ppl.

Edited by kryator
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Why don't you say what you really mean. Not being able to run something everytime its good for you is your inconvienence and to hell with the community.


Community is what you make out of it regardless of whatever automated or unautomated tools there are for forming groups.




Look players are fostering communities without server barriers and all while using a cross server tool!

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"ability to destroy community"


Does anyone who uses this phrase actually know what it means? I have no idea what this means. Community? We don't go to neighborhood watch meetings and hang out and BBQs. This is an internet game. We are all strangers. If you don't want it to be that way, form a guild of all the other complainers who feel just like you do. That way, you have your very own, special, exclusive community. Problem solved, stop crying.

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Yes....what a horrible world we live in when people want to run a flashpoint when they got the time.......looking at your post this community is already bad.


You should have soo much pride in calling your server's playerbase bad because of the insight a forum post provided that you wouldn't hesitate to attach your main character's name, server, and guild they are in to such a grand statement.


Its amazing how people will speak to one another when theres no repercussions involved isn't it?

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Why do people want cross server gameplay do they not care about the community


Why do people think a general chat of just lfg spam with no server forums is a servers community and that that is completely fine?


This community you speak of has always been in your guild and/or your imagination.

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All I know


Is that the wife and I hate sitting here for 30 monutes trying to find ANY level 50 group for ANYTHING and still not finding somthing.


The wife is irritated to say the least at the game and yes, she will leave soon if this isnt resolved.


If bw even adds a same server lfg, that would at LEAST garentee us a group within a set amount of time. M y wife would rather sit in an hour long que and get a group that is 100% then sit in lfg asking for a group for an hour and not be garenteed to even look at a flashpoint entrence.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Community is what you make out of it regardless of whatever automated or unautomated tools there are for forming groups.




Look players are fostering communities without server barriers and all while using a cross server tool!


You link me a fluff piece with no actual factual backing it up?


So a bloggers opnion is your fact, interesting.

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Maybe because his friends or guild are there?



Victim blaming is bad mmmkay.


The two are contradictory statements. On the one hand, you state this hypothetical person rolled on a dead server and couldn't get groups. On the other you state he might have rolled there because people he knew still played were on that specific server.


What is he a victim of? Rolling on a dead server not knowing anyone there or rolling on a server where he has people to group with/get help from? If he rolled on the server not knowing anyone there he would have known it was a low pop server, and quickly would have figured out it was a dead server. If he rolled on the server knowing people already there who were still actively playing then he shouldn't have any problems. In both cases he cannot play the victim because he isn't a victim of anything. In both cases he knowingly rolled on that server knowing in advance it was a low pop server.


Short version it's not victim blaming because he's not a victim of anything.

Edited by terminova
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I don't care one way or another about the so called "community", but as a healer I despise the concept of cross-server LFD.


Even Blizzard silently admitted with their bribes for tanks and healers that random cross-realm LFD was failing. Or rather it was failing for the multitudes of dps players and working perfectly for the few healers and tanks brave (or stupid) enough to risk grouping with some random group of potential idiots.


But something like that should be available for 'those people' who want it and optional for those that only want to group with players from their server.


ps - No, I don't care if my suggestion makes dps queues longer. :p

Edited by Qilue
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You link me a fluff piece with no actual factual backing it up?


So a bloggers opnion is your fact, interesting.


Unlike yours?


And all of the counter-argument crowd?


All you have is opinion.


Whereas we have immense use of the tools provided and participation rates in dungeons sky rocketing.


All you have is anecdotal evidence of this so called server community dieing, a server community I've never seen in all my many years of playing.

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I don't care one way or another about the so called "community", but as a healer I despise the concept of cross-server LFD.


Even Blizzard silently admitted with their bribes for tanks and healers that random cross-realm LFD was failing. Or rather it was failing for the multitudes of dps players and working perfectly for the few healers and tanks brave (or stupid) enough to risk grouping with some random group of potential idiots.


But something like that should be available for 'those people' who want it and optional for those that only want to group with players from their server.


I disagree I think blizzard admitted that on average tanking and to a far lesser extent were and are far less popular.


There's is just far less of them it's always been the case.

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I don't care one way or another about the so called "community", but as a healer I despise the concept of cross-server LFD.


Even Blizzard silently admitted with their bribes for tanks and healers that random cross-realm LFD was failing. Or rather it was failing for the multitudes of dps players and working perfectly for the few healers and tanks brave (or stupid) enough to risk grouping with some random group of potential idiots.


But something like that should be available for 'those people' who want it and optional for those that only want to group with players from their server.


ps - No, I don't care if my suggestion makes dps queues longer. :p


Don't forget, idiots queuing up as Tanks who weren't tanks. Can't kick them either.

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We need some kind of dungeon finder... Not just to find group but for me,,replacing people is why there needs to be one. Sometimes it just takes too long to replace people in flashpoints. A single player shouldnt have that much impact on the rest of the group. Few days ago I pugged D7,,,tank dc'ed half way through. We seriously looked for an hour before giving up. A group shouldnt have to disband over someone dc'ing or leaving the group.


keep it for server only i say though,,,i dont like the cross-server from wow.

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Same-server LFG - Yes!


Cross-server LFG - No!


For PvE, absolutely agree.


For PvP, don't really care one way or the other. Though, if they do cross server PvP, there will never be any viable open world PvP in the future because the PvPers will just park in Fleet and queue up for cross-server PvP.

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Unlike yours?


And all of the counter-argument crowd?


All you have is opinion.


Whereas we have immense use of the tools provided and participation rates in dungeons sky rocketing.


All you have is anecdotal evidence of this so called server community dieing, a server community I've never seen in all my many years of playing.


Pot. Kettle. It's black?

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I don't get why a cross server queue for PvP is acceptable but one for PvE isn't? So PvPers should get faster queues and the ability to do what they like but PvErs shouldn't? Okayyyyyy >.> Cross-realm PvP will only lead to cross-realm PvE, look at Rift and WoW!


I wholeheartedly support a cross server LFG tool. I played on Republic (sawbones smug) on a "standard" server and it was nigh difficult to find groups, even as a healer! I mostly play during the daytime as well as I work evenings, which makes it even more difficult for me to find groups. I stopped playing the game and canceled my sub 3 weeks ago and it is due to expire on the 20th but news of -something-, even a same server LFG tool, would definitely help me resub to the game as I honestly feel like there isn't much to do at end game considering I've only done one heroic flashpoint at 50 and I've been 50 for about 3 weeks <.<

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