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Other players "helping" you ....


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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


1. I was only attacking other players mobs when they were about to get killed just to save him OR by able to revive him after he is dead. When they were in just little trouble I stand near and heal the guy.

2. Sometimes I do that just to save time. As example mobs guard objective. I wait for another player to attract the mob and I'm taking the objective. No harm done since most of the time after they finish with mobs objective will reset.

3. One of my friends was playing on PVE server and he mostly did that to toggle ON PVP using AOE.

4. If you don't want other people around you play single player game. Skyrim is good.

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2... I wait for another player to attract the mob and I'm taking the objective.

3. One of my friends was playing on PVE server and he mostly did that to toggle ON PVP using AOE.


Is it just me, or are both of these points just examples of griefing?

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2. Sometimes I do that just to save time. As example mobs guard objective. I wait for another player to attract the mob and I'm taking the objective. No harm done since most of


Ooh I see someone doing that I stealth out of combat and let them have the mob :)

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I've been playing MMOs a lot longer than I'd like to admit. I've never heard of an etiquette that says DON'T help other players. If somebody's getting overwhelmed, I help them if I can. If somebody's fighting an elite, I help them. I've only ever gotten whispers of, 'Thanks dude!,'. I mean seriously, 'working on my rotation'?! No you're not. If you were really doing that, you'd be doing it where it could do the most good, in HM FPs with your guild, not downing an elite mob. Just say thank you like a good little boy or girl and let the awesome person who just saved you time know it was worth THEIR time to help you when they didn't have to.
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Folks aren't quite at the point of inviting others standing around trying for the same quest objectives, but they have gotten nice enough to help dust elites. It is kind of nice that when ever another player sees you fighting an elite, that they lend a hand.


So fokls aren't trying to be *****es, they are just trying to be nice. Say thanks and move on.


Count yourself lucky that you actually SEE other players while your playing. I'll go for days without seeing another player.

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I've been playing MMOs a lot longer than I'd like to admit. I've never heard of an etiquette that says DON'T help other players. If somebody's getting overwhelmed, I help them if I can. If somebody's fighting an elite, I help them. I've only ever gotten whispers of, 'Thanks dude!,'. I mean seriously, 'working on my rotation'?! No you're not. If you were really doing that, you'd be doing it where it could do the most good, in HM FPs with your guild, not downing an elite mob. Just say thank you like a good little boy or girl and let the awesome person who just saved you time know it was worth THEIR time to help you when they didn't have to.


Agree with every word, especially your signature.


It's just courteous to say thank you. Usually people have good intentions and even if you'd prefer if they didn't it's polite to say thank you. I think all the people that get angry are little children that are used to having things exactly their way. If they don't get it their way they decide to cry or come on the forums and act as if they're justified.

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Typing in "Thanks for helping, but I'm trying to test my limits against these guys" after a fight is over is a lot easier to type then "142146214 helpI'minovermyhead [ 10 Hit here to summon medical probe ]" during one.


So I'll stick to helping people.



... the exception being if someone is naked... if they're naked figting a mob, I'm assuming they're looking for a free ride to the med center with no gear wear.

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Sheesh,l try to spell check and it cancels my post, so i guess no worrying about spelling, and time to retype:I


I come from LOTRO and COH, in those games you take away exp from other players if you attack thier mobs, so its often considered bad to randomly help someone if they don't need it. That being said, I will heal someone, or attack the mob if i see that they are about to die. I like to help people, thats just me. I certainly don't mind when someone helps me if im about to faceplant. I get irritated when someone just watches me die, and I feel bad if i see someone die near me if i could have helped. There are of course caveats. If someone is being especially stupoid, ie dragging mobs to get them before me, zerging, or trying tiodrag those mobs on me, I let them die. If they have been an A** to me and my guild, I tend to walk away,but sometimes ill be the better man:P


In COH esp, people tend to randomly buff you, drive byheal, etc, so I like doing that to others. I never expect a thanks, or a return buff, but they are always nice.


As far as dragging mobs on ya, or tellingyou that "this area is ours" I tend to tell those people to frack off andmove on. I really love it when they dothat tome on my champs on LOTRO, i just pop ardour, and kick a** and then say something snarky when i win. Griefers like that piss me off, and if they do it more than once, I always report them.


I guess my point is, help someone out, its polite, if you dont want the help, tell me after, and I won't do it again. Its not really skin off my teeth, or yours, in this gam ya don't loose exp.

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If I do decide to help someone, I will only do so on mobs that are already gray for me and if I think they can't survive the fight. I'll even rez your companion for you if it dies and buff you up :o


Same here. I'll usually jump in if I see someone who's companion is already down as well.

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If they didn't help at all, and just stood there while watching you die, then you would post "Why don't you help me instead of watching me die!?!!??"


People aren't trying to "show off" and they can't steal your kills in this game.

You want etiquette? How about being grateful for people helping.

If you don't want them to help, then tell them in game while they are next to you.

Also, stop being a doosh.


Yeah, you were the guy last night that kept coming in and tagging that one mob that didn't get hit by my AOE. Or you waited until I was in a fight then came and activated the quest objective that I was clearing trash to get to. Or maybe you were camping the boss that was the last step for my bonus chain and you didn't need it anymore.


Yeah, it's like that sometimes. To deny it happens seems to indicate you are the one causing the problem. Or is my opinion less valid than yours for some damn odd reason?

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Ooo my, hmm interaction in an online game. Only time its rude is when the try and take mobs from you but if they are attacking grey mobs to them, then just say ty and move to the next mob a few feet away. Also sometimes when I need X mob and someone else is killing them and there are just a few mobs I will help them get their quest count so they respawn faster. Thats much nicer then hogging or stealing mobs. Get a grip. Edited by Nanfoodle
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It depends on how they are acting. If they are being selfish I'll pull everything in the area of I have to and vanish if I happen to get into trouble.

Though I always buff people running by.

The times I've been rising by and seem someone dying and hop off and heal I've never gotten a thank you or anything.

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Outside of hoping we can type quickly enough to communicate before that other character dies, there is no quick method to determine if help is wanted or not.


Perhaps we can petition Bioware to implement something akin to an anti-LFG icon to flag our floaty names.

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Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


I assume a player pulled what they wanted to pull, so I usually won't help unless (1) it is clear that the player had some bad luck and needs help (about to die because some pat showed up) or (2) I'm benefiting by that player killing stuff. For example, I'm doing a daily and I'm able run thru a tunnel because somebody else pulled the mobs there, I'll throw a little aoe or rocket punch out on my way by.

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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


I only attack ones that are grey because I know that I'm not stealing them. I also don't use area of effect attacks because I could end up stealing some. No, the enemy does not turn red upon attacking them unless we group up mid-skirmish.


Not everyone knows MMO etiquette. This is my first MMO and I haven't fully learned that MMO etiquette means avoid everyone else, don't try to help anyone, and be as rude as possible. I wonder why everyone complains that this game is more like a single-player game. It couldn't possibly be the way that most people treat others in the game.

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I made a suggestion about this that they would remove gray mobs from the game, and the loot, xp, and other stuff would be divided some other way...


I don't hope ever seeing that in game, but I can dream...


I think this is one of things that display how narrow minded the gameplay in mmos is in general, I'm sure there are alternatives to this...

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