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  1. Well he is a droid, maybe there is decent customisation potential. Maybe some cybertech love? Maybe???
  2. It doesn't matter on which faction gear was crafted, the look will change to match faction. Gear crafted by a Rep char will look like Imp gear if you give it to an Imp Char and visa versa, hope that makes it clear
  3. As other people have said these are indeed instances as this is a technical term, districts is a nice bit of terminology so both could apply...... but in general instances can apply to an instanced dungeon which you could infer meant a new instance for a player or group..... or instanced zones which is usually a larger area related to population, fleet would be a good example of this (on some servers).
  4. Just report them if you really believe speed hacks are the source of their speed,.... or you could try asking one of them first, just in case you are missing something. BW will investigate and if you are wrong they may gift the player with some free play time... Certainly don't start cheating yourself.
  5. I expect it just gets you on people's ignore lists but if actually works for you then keep calling people noobs all day long
  6. Its in the lore, what with aliens with no gender aliens with 50 genders the Republic Military just uses Sir for everything.
  7. Yes that's the current fix unfortunately its stops casual players losing rankings by preventing their playstyle from participating at all. Yes if they joined a pvp guild and ran premades all day that would fix things and I'm sure pvp guilds don't mind you dropping in and out after each game, not turning up at all etc etc
  8. Also why don't pvpers learn to wear trilbys for Jebus's sake if your guild doesn't wear trilbys on a regular basis you're a complete noob!! Bet you don't even own a decent trilby that's what you'll never find true happiness.
  9. If we assume unranked stays a mixing pot for all ,there needs to be some progression for most playstyles. I for one am worried the proposed ranked system will damage pvp on my server if it goes ahead. So maybe add a pro and amateur bracket limiting the pro bracket to 8 man premades? You could register a char in only one league you could still have perks for participating in both. Potentially a game at the end of the season with best 8 pros vs best 8 amateurs. This is assuming population gets fixed. Anything to not to erode either the premade or casual pvp scene really.
  10. I agree its unfair but it goes to the whining comment, there is enough of an advantage now being in a premade, as you've brought up gear add to that premades coming back in to unranked with better gear, even it its marginal and the whining is only going to get worse. Premades are not the majority of pvp on my server so catering specially to them is a good way to get more whining not less.
  11. If people with ranks are then no longer allowed in unranked games id agree.
  12. Those wont be new complaints, people whine already
  13. If you have a full 8 man premade how does any of that apply? Do you often get a sneeky 9th join in against your will?
  14. I think you should let them, odds are they'd find out who the crap players are and form an ad-hoc premade over time anyway... granted proper casuals shouldn't bother as if they'll likely not enjoy being beaten over and over... its a server pop issue for most.
  15. Well they would, its a game mate, its stops being fun and people leave, trite responses aren't helping although I'm sure you feel very clever using them. I'll give you an example i was listening to the radio and a song i don't like came on so i switched it off, I can see how you would find that dramatic but it was really no big deal
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