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Other players "helping" you ....


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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.

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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


If I do decide to help someone, I will only do so on mobs that are already gray for me and if I think they can't survive the fight. I'll even rez your companion for you if it dies and buff you up :o

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The only time I personally will attack another player's mobs is if it looks like they're about to die. It drives me nuts as well when someone runs up and kills the stuff I was working on. Often because, like you, I may be working with a new ability or a new rotation or whatever and it throws me off.
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Here's an idea:


Instead of whining on the forum, why don't you tell the person in-game "hey, I'm guessing you're probably trying to help and I appreciate the thought but I am trying to get some practice taking on more difficult opponents."


Or, just go to one of the many phased story areas and clear it enemies, then go outside, open your mission log, reset the mission, go back inside and clear it again.


BTW I don't usually help anyone fight mobs. If they look like they are dying, I'll stand by and watch them die, then kill the pack after it resets. Preferably while the person is still laying there dead hoping for a rez. Then I leave.

Edited by marshalleck
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I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.



HOW DARE THEY If it is not bad enough that people want to group NOW they want to help. What do they think this is a multiplayer game or something. Jeez the nerve of some people

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If the mob is gray i will help them especially if its a Boss in a quest area. Most of the time people just want to kill it and get on with the quest so i help speed up the process. Ive never had anyone get mad everyone always thanks me for the help and i do the same for them when they help me out. Ive actually met quite a few friends in game helping out with stuff like that.
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I hate that when other players run by then all of a sudden they stop to help me kill a level 50 champion...


I was so pissed... I was like look dude im an uber BH Merc ... get your own champion to kill geez.


I almost died because he messed up my rotation...good thing Mako heals for 2k.

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The only time I personally will attack another player's mobs is if it looks like they're about to die. It drives me nuts as well when someone runs up and kills the stuff I was working on. Often because, like you, I may be working with a new ability or a new rotation or whatever and it throws me off.


I agree with this, it happens all the time. I guess they're trying to help, but that doesn't change the fact that it can be annoying.

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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


Traditionally, and always depending on how the game is coded, courteous players tend to leave each other's targets alone. because jumping in and attacking could be considered "kill stealing." However, lots of people are doing this because they think you need help, not to try and "steal your kills." They can't always accurately tell that you don't need help. Plus they have no idea that your panic power has refreshed and is about to save your life.


On the other hand, lots of people also use "I am helping" as an excuse to steal kills. In TOR this generally isn't an issue unless you're talking about one of those bonus bosses that take 10 minutes to respawn. Doesn't mean doing it on purpose isn't rude, though.

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Its a real fine line between helping and annoying. I get a bit annoyed but I assume they intend to help not steal kills, there's really no lack of mobs to kill.


I do prefer to fight and die on my own on the potentially challenging fights ... I think that gives you a chance to learn more about your character and abilities (you guessed it, no level 50 character yet). That said, I can always fight the re-pop if I need to re-evaluate the fight etc.


I'm happier seeing other people playing the game than annoyed by unasked-for assistance.

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HOW DARE THEY If it is not bad enough that people want to group NOW they want to help. What do they think this is a multiplayer game or something. Jeez the nerve of some people




No its not like that. I don't mind grouping with people at all. I just think its rude when others attack your targets. I think a lot of the times they aren't really that into helping, they just want to show off. If I'm attacking a group of 4 mobs, and not losing any health, I don't need help.


To me this is almost as bad as someone ninja looting chests, gathering nodes, quest mob bosses, while you are clearing an area to get to them.

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I'll only attack the gray mobs (the mobs the other person already hit first).



OR, if I feel the person is fighting a losing battle (they only have like 15% health left and theres still 2-3 mobs. Then I'll CC them or something.



Someone did that for me, and I was more than thankful.

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As an autonomous response, I often do drive by helpings if and only if a) mobs are grey and b) player seems to be having difficulty handling the mob pack. If its debatable I stand by and wait, monitoring the situation closely. Even if its a close fight I often will do nothing if the player looks like he will barely succeed and just toss a heal after combat.
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This game is real sensitive to throwing me into combat when all I do is run past someone grinding their own mobs. AoE heals maybe? If I'm in combat, I will kill whatever is putting me there. If that bothers someone, I urge them to write a strongly worded letter to Bioware asking them to change this gameplay mechanic.
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On a "one off" encounter, I do not mind at all. I thank the person and continue on. But if they followed me around and attacked my targets, I'd ask them to stop. For me it's no big deal at all if someone helps out when they think I need it, and I would consider it fairly childish to get angry with that.


Plus, the mob layout and coding of the game is not about grinding mob kills for experience like it has been in game past, getting the kill is not nearly as important as finishing the objective. I have never seen people sitting around camping mobs killing them to get leveled...so the old, "you're taking my kill/exp" claim is no where near as relevant here as it is in older games.

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Like everyone else, I'll help out if the mobs are grey and the player seems to be struggling, regardless of said player's faction (granted I may jump them after they've healed up..).


I wouldn't go out of my way to try and steal mobs away, that's about as irritating as stealing quest items and I know how much I can't stand people who do that to me. Of course, if they do it first then it's fair game. ;)

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I'll only attack the gray mobs (the mobs the other person already hit first).



OR, if I feel the person is fighting a losing battle (they only have like 15% health left and theres still 2-3 mobs. Then I'll CC them or something.



Someone did that for me, and I was more than thankful.


I totally agree with what you are saying. I do appreciate a helping hand if say I have 2% health, and death is certain. I will always tell them thanks, and throw up a buff or something. I should have made this clear in my OP.


Its the players who just want to run by and attack your trash for no reason that I don't like.

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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


If they didn't help at all, and just stood there while watching you die, then you would post "Why don't you help me instead of watching me die!?!!??"


People aren't trying to "show off" and they can't steal your kills in this game.

You want etiquette? How about being grateful for people helping.

If you don't want them to help, then tell them in game while they are next to you.

Also, stop being a doosh.

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If the target is already grey, or if I see them about to die, I'll always try to help, wheter by healing (My main is a healer) or just attacking the mob. I try to not ninja steal targets, specially when they are red ones, but If I can help, I would. This is a MMO after all, right?
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^^^ same as this guy, if you look like your dead or gonna die first, ill throw a heal to you and some kind of dot on the elite and walk away after that, unless your one foot in the ground already lol


*edit* sry been a few posts since i actually posted, i help if i feel it'll save the player from an obvious death, otherwise i leave them alone

Edited by Kento-Solo
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I'll only attack the gray mobs (the mobs the other person already hit first).



OR, if I feel the person is fighting a losing battle (they only have like 15% health left and theres still 2-3 mobs. Then I'll CC them or something.



Someone did that for me, and I was more than thankful.


I totally agree with what you are saying. I do appreciate a helping hand if say I have 2% health, and death is certain. I will always tell them thanks, and throw up a buff or something. I should have made this clear in my OP.


Its the players who just want to run by and attack your trash for no reason that I don't like.

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That's not what the OP's saying at all.


Well I mean if OP doesn't want players assisting his kills, why would he want or expect healing or a rez after combat, depending on its outcome?


If everyone takes the "hands-off" approach and plays an MMO like it's a single-player game, the inevitable end result is a bunch of people appearing to act like selfish, uncaring jerks to each other.

Edited by marshalleck
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