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Everything posted by flyersfan

  1. No, there aren't any healing abilities that require the cannon. I run my Commando with a rifle. It keeps you out of a couple abilities, but since companions are so OP it doesn't really matter for doing dailies and such. I also despise the cannon. I think it's a cool option, but I don't like that it's a requirement. Same thing for the lightsaber requirements. Why can't a Jedi Guardian use a double-bladed lightsaber?
  2. I agree. I'm livid that I can no longer play my Sniper with full Willpower mods, which only completely gimps me. I just want to be able to have the choice to go wildly out of my way to ruin my own experience as well as simultaneously being a dead weight for my team. Whatever will I do without being able to fully customise my characters to be utterly useless. /unsub
  3. Always a great choice to use Eddie Izzard's voice.
  4. That's part of why I stopped playing Marksmanship. It's so boring. I run Engineering now. I dabbled in Virulence and liked it, but Engineering just draws me back. I think all the skills are very distracting and make it harder to play.
  5. I was hoping the late great 1313 was going to be like this. I would certainly just settle for a DA:I-inspired KotOR III
  6. I'm shocked by the lack of Powertech/Vanguard mentions. I think it's by far easiest class to play. It's fairly straightforward and powerful. Other than that I'd suggest the Shadow/Assassin. On the other hand, I find the Sniper a bit harder. Maybe it's because I try too hard to use all of my utility abilities (Leg Shot, Diversion, Shatter Shot, et cetera), but I feel like it's the class I've had the biggest learning curve with.
  7. To five to ice: Skadge Scourge Quinn Kira Nadia As you can tell, I don't like either of the Jedi Padawans. I even told Master Satele in the comm that I don't want to train Nadia (substantial loss of affection). I don't think that either of them are a good fit for the Jedi Order, especially Nadia because she hasn't been raised as a Jedi. Quinn goes for obvious reasons. It's actually a huge plot issue that my Warrior can't clip him then and there, specifically because they had started a romance. She would've Force Choked him and bashed his skull in. Scourge, besides being the Emperor's Wrath, should not be hanging out with any Jedi. Plain and simple. Not only that, but he killed Meetra. Once our little plan on Hoth was over, it should've been lightsabres out. Skadge is just a jerk off. He in no way fits in with my Bounty Hunter's crew or my Bounty Hunter herself, so under no circumstances should he be there. Add in his attitude and he just needs to be killed.
  8. I don't believe him, but I wish so badly that it was true. As someone else mentioned above, we've heard dialogue like this far too often where you're posed a question without having the right with which to respond. BioWare has done this many times in virtually all of their games, but Pokémon was always the worst to me. Before the second gym, you get offered a spot in Team Rocket, but can't answer yes to join. That still haunts me to this day.
  9. When the music started, I became overwhelmed with nostalgia and started crying a little. The music and location are so beautiful. I love everything about Manaan.
  10. I don't understand how you think that you're being forced to play these maps. In your post, you mention that you leave them immediately, which means that you are not playing them. If you are not playing them, then you are not being forced to play them. As a matter of fact, you aren't forced to queue at all. You say that you would be okay with longer queue times, but I'm sure that's not true. Over time, you will get frustrated by how long the queue times are. On the other hand, virtually eliminating some of the maps will take us back to when we only had 2 maps anyway. With you opting out of arenas and Huttball, that limits you to only three maps now leading to complaints that there aren't enough maps, even though you've elected to ignore half of them. The real reason, in my opinion, is that BioWare isn't able to crank out enough maps. It's averaging one per year (not counting the arenas), which I don't feel is enough to satiate the PvPers. By not allowing you to pick and choose, it can perpetuate the false sense of variety. I feel the same way about PvE (there are so many Flashpoints, but I feel like I'm always in Czerka). Personally, I'd like to opt out of some Warzones too, but I see the problem that would likely cause. However, I'd settle with being able to see which Warzone I'm joining when the notification comes up. In a few cases, I would immediately decline the invite without loading in, seeing where I am, and backing out. I don't ever back out of Warzones, but I feel like it would allow backfilling to happen quicker in the event that the initial invite is simply declined.
  11. From the info released, all 8 very different classes will fill a singular role, presumably to overthrow the Eternal Empire. One way or another, your class will be shoehorned into being The Outlander. The Republic is gone, the Empire is gone, and the whole basis of The Old Republic and essentially Knights of the Old Republic has been thrown into the wind. Personally, I don't see how this will work and I think it's going to suck hard. To me, it doesn't even really make sense. I don't really expect to be playing this game by the end of the year.
  12. Way to be that guy that makes the Cartel Market generate revenue by spending way more money on fluff than you would if you were just a subscriber.
  13. Cannons are important because they can blow stuff up and should be respected for their power. In an RP sense, cannons are very dangerous and can do real harm to your character IC. As an aside, canon is also important.
  14. I'd like to see an above water SH with unlockable subsurface areas. That would be ideal for me. But I love Manaan. It's my favourite planet from KotOR to TOR. I want a daily area and a SH there.
  15. It's hard not to just hear Lil DeVille. I agree that she sounds like a young girl.
  16. I tried to do that, but the name was taken *shakes fist* To OP, my favourite voices are FemAgent, FemWarrior, and FemTroop, and, FemHunter. Only male voice I've actually liked is the Trooper.
  17. My question is: why do you need the superior main hand weapon if you're not running Ops? As a non-Ops player, you hit a point where having better and better gear is just overkill for doing dailies.
  18. I would make an Imperial Agent Sniper. I loved playing through the class and enjoy all the different abilities. Species? Probably Mrialuka because it's funny or Mirialan. For you, though, I definitely suggest the Assassin tank. I think you'd enjoy that play style.
  19. That sounds amazing. I still haven't been to Ziost, but I definitely need to finish the SoR stuff now to see this. That part of ME2 was one of my favourite parts of the series. The music, the atmosphere, the running around, the look of the moon, and the loud heavy breathing of Shepard as she runs through the dead quiet environment was all just so perfect. It really made me feel like a space marine. I hope I'm not disappointed when I get to Ziost now.
  20. Redoing the same base story and saying it's some kind of revolutionary new piece sounds just like BioWare
  21. I see nothing wrong with adding Gungans and Naboo would also be a cool planet to add. There's nothing really wrong with the species; they catch a lot of fallout just because of Jar Jar. I also like that so many people want to play as a Wookiee but can't spell the species' name correctly.
  22. I buy mine from Amazon. The 'Zon offers the physical card for sale or the downloadable code, if you want the digital version. You can get whichever one you like.
  23. The very word "conquest" implies conquering and fighting. I agree that the current model of conquest is kind of silly and that guild SHs should have been added to most planets where guilds can attack and defend their SHs. However, I also agree that PvP really isn't this game's focus (which is really strange for something based in the Star Wars universe). Furthermore, this game can't really handle open world PvP with several players all fighting at once. The engine gets really bogged down and runs like complete garbage. If I remember correctly, there were a couple times at launch where players crashed servers because of PvP events.
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