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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sith Armour Cool Republic armour meh...


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Let's put the facts together..:




-Empire characters all get cool helmets and awesome varieties of capes/vests or jackets

-They all have different colour ie. Black/red/orange/blue etc.




-Sages get a few masks which look just plain weird, Jknights get cyclops eye wear or crowns, smugglers get a few and troopers are ok.

-Way too much white on the Rep side of armour - why can't my trooper wear black or red?

-Lots of brown and again white....

-Too many robes not enough good looking ones

-Ref episode 2 and 3 Obi Wan/Anakin Battle jedi Robes/Vests....bring them to game

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At least Jedi get ROBES instead of... whatever the hell Sith are wearing. Juggernaut raid set makes them look like robocops. Marauder is the same really. Inquisitor set? Do NOT even go there. I have rakata on my main and I look like a circus clown. BH and IA just looks generic, might as well have mud on you.


Just in case someone at BW is reading this, no one, I repeat NO ONE thinks giant shoulder pads with gizmos in them look cool or intimidating. STOP IT! Inquisitors could fly with their raid sets, given enough wind. It's STUPID!

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I won't deny the Republic side is a little bland, but at least it's generally more functional in design and far less costumey. Sith in particular look like jokes. Agents and BHs are okay, but nothing special.


The only Republic gear I hate is the smuggler cowboy vibe. The rest I feel is superior.

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I won't deny the Republic side is a little bland, but at least it's generally more functional in design and far less costumey. Sith in particular look like jokes. Agents and BHs are okay, but nothing special.


The only Republic gear I hate is the smuggler cowboy vibe. The rest I feel is superior.


What he said.


Sith look like they are going to a halloween party, on crack. Jedi look like they are going to war.

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Jedi Initiate Vestments, Orange lvl 11 Craftable (Republic side) has to be one of the better Chest pieces out there.


My main issue is the lack different craftable armors that are not a different color with a few extra lines here and there.


And maybe Qyzen looking just like my Trooper. I realize hes a Trandosian but can the poor fella put some boots on. Looks like i'm a cruel cruel Jedi.


Would help alot if Crafters could somehow make any armor available into an Orange with enough effort/materials. Then the picking and choosing could be endlessly fun!

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first off, i play republic. just fyi.


however, the temptation to roll imp JUST for the amazing armor is very strong. BUT, this is Tier one. and i am 100% sure there will be many tiers to come. with the faction issues, i am VERY sure they will put a HUGE effort into republic armor come next tier, while still maintaining imps amazing looks.


i for one see HUGE potential with smugglers. they stuck FAR too close to the safe Han Solo style look, while the fact is a smuggler could look like ANYTHING in game, so long as they dont stand out too much. imo. no lore expert, just saying that must be part of their goal for sure, to blend in.

but at the same time, again, just imo, they are quite a flamboyant (sic?) style person who also likes to show off and be seen, kind of a contradiction i know, but thats how i see them. on that note, i think they really could go nuts artistically with the smuggler and create some really unique and original designs.


jedi really need to lose the "heres a slightly different brown robe" look, and get a bit more creative. there is no reason that EVERY jedi has to look like they do currently. they could wear some "evil" looking armor for sure, the suit doesnt make the man after all (dress doesnt make the women)


and troopers, well, ill be completely honest. i play a trooper, along with 99% of pubs on my server it would seem, but i am kinda at a loss as to how they could diversify the look much more. however, this is how i personally see the trooper look going. bigger shoulders, and amazing creative helms, working with REALLY detailed backpacks, that dont all look like a radio from WWII. just to make a note, i LOVE trooper armor, the helms on some sets are a bit meh, but the gear in general is just amazing. IMO.


i just think they took alot more freedoms with the imp armor, especially the sith stuff. it looks great. but i guess this is why : ALOT of ppl love darth vader and the emperor, but from my experience, the characeters ppl relate to the most when you talk about starwars are the Han Solo and the Luke Skywalker / O-B-1. also the storm trooper / trooper. this is why i personally feel BW chose to stick so rigidly close to the movies look for those classes. its VERY annoying for me personally, but i can also understand how if they moved too far away, they would have been cut down by the angry netters.


massivly TL;DR, but : Agree.....imp armor > pub armor IN GENERAL.



Edited by Darth_Pants
i cant not be speeling for ****tles
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I can't see how. If anything it's the other way around, I have a 47 trooper and even I know this.


Trooper story sucks, our weapons suck, our animations suck and our companions suck. Our only selling point is that we look cooler with the proper gear, but even then it comes down to personal preference. Not to mention the Rebublic faction is inferior to Empire in this game.


all opinion based, and yet you list it as facts. strange.

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What's more annoying is how they stopped you from changing the armorur slot on epic gear at the end of beta. So now you have almost no customization at end-game on how you look :(


The pve raid gear look AWFUL, especially for sith.

Edited by NasherUK
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Let's put the facts together..:




-Empire characters all get cool helmets and awesome varieties of capes/vests or jackets

-They all have different colour ie. Black/red/orange/blue etc.




-Sages get a few masks which look just plain weird, Jknights get cyclops eye wear or crowns, smugglers get a few and troopers are ok.

-Way too much white on the Rep side of armour - why can't my trooper wear black or red?

-Lots of brown and again white....

-Too many robes not enough good looking ones

-Ref episode 2 and 3 Obi Wan/Anakin Battle jedi Robes/Vests....bring them to game


Because that would not be 'iconic'.

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What's more annoying is how they stopped you from changing the armorur slot on epic gear at the end of beta. So now you have almost no customization at end-game on how you look :(


The pve raid gear look AWFUL, especially for sith.


i love the look of most of the raid gear. so again, its opinon based.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would like to wear my slave outfit, that is the best looking gear available for the republic (and it's not even exclusive for the republic, go figure), but sadly the armouring mods of the artefact quality gear can't still be removed, so I have to wear the ugly Consular PvP Gear.
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Hey. Let's be honest, here.


Trooper > Bounty Hunter. Oh, so very much.


There also is black and red armor when you get to the higher level stuff, particularly the PvP sets.


If you are just referring to "dress up" then maybe, but I played my trooper to only 13 before rolling my BH. Didn't like the Trooper story or much of anything else to do with it.

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I want to wear black like Luke, you know, the main protagonist in the original trilogy. But no, according to BW I can only wear white and different shades of brown *sigh*


And that's when BW chooses to introduce full gear customization, atm I'm stuck with the BM armor and those hideous cyclone eyes...

Edited by darthtoph
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This is all fairly irrelevant with the poor quality of graphics that they make us use outside of cutscenes.


Give us the option to at least have our own armor be high resolution and then I will care a bit more. However, I do feel like armor could be better in its design. Especially the Jedi knights inability to lower their hoods. One can only assume that they are vampires that must hide from the sun via their hoods.

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