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Everything posted by mrbiggggy

  1. he was talking about whether or not games should tell you a story or have player authored stories now we can argue about whether or not bioware tells stories or allows for player created stories those who think they are player created will argue thats because of decision making the story is the players those who think it just tells a story will argue many reasons the most reocurring one will be that their games arent sandbox and in fact linear rpgs(tor and da) and linear shooters(me no, me is not an rpg) as you can tell i feel that bw games do not allow for player created stories
  2. i think they should consider buffing everyone else's cc yeah yeah theres already too much cc in this game but i dunno:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  3. the fact that something like this even made it into the final version of the game is indicative of the production standards set by EA and BW
  4. pretty much everything this guy listed are my major gripes with the game, these are pretty standard things you would find in an mmo or **** in any rpg game theres little to no immersion..... In swg i felt like i wanted to do RP and im not even the RPing type
  5. i would make a jedi sentinel in a heartbeat if their gear looked better
  6. this is one they should have just made one a lumber mill turret and one a gold mine turret
  7. mrbiggggy

    650 expertise.

    thats hoe its designed if you see them using crush or choke on you just get them away from you. Smash is really easy to avoid because its radius is so small
  8. yeah i am seriously considering hopping back on my nightshade to go dick around in labby
  9. why do people have this obsession with making the gear grind so long? in wow you could get the 2nd tier in a week of playing 5 hours a day..... why us it that the only realistic way of getting the gear has to be through dailies why dont they just make getting bags with comms more realistic
  10. there is a big difference approx. 7-8k health and not to mention expertise bonuses
  11. go talk to him on your ship its free xp err disregard that, i get that bug from time to time too where it says they want to talk in private. it goes away i just talk whenever im on my ship and they have that quest marker on their head
  12. no endgame pvp is **** gear takes too long to get if you even get it
  13. so what they are doing is they are closing the casino after people were running around in there making a muck walking out loaded and now the people waiting in line to get in are having to go back to slaving away for ****** gear whilst still being miles behind those who exploited valor gains to get BM
  14. saw a flyboy flyboy on my server yesterday also so master bates alot
  15. i saw a teleport hacker the other day like those ones that were in wow for a while where they would teleport underground and mine and stuff well this one was underground at the nodes for the chests a couple of times cause his game was sticking out of the ground with some of his head couldnt target him fast enough to get his name tho
  16. same here i have had a ticket open about an item restoration since the first of january no response w/e that items pretty much dead to me
  17. pretty much everything the op said thats what i have been doing got my sin to 50 hated the gear system and im behind all the exploiters that hit 50 first by miles so i am just re rolling characters and playing in the 10-49 bracket
  18. i dont even consider myself a hardcore i want to see what my **** is hitting for and have a log of it i want to see why this ability didnt go off i want to see why it used the cooldown on an ability but the ability was not performed i want to see why that hit for less than it usually does i want to see how often im missing i want to see how often my **** is getting dodged i want to see basic **** that you can see in a log in almost every other mmo and a lot of single player rpgs (not bioware ones, lol those are the call of duties of rpgs)
  19. how do they expect to effectively balance pvp with out actually knowing for sure how much damage healing etc everything is doing i mean isnt a combat log required not just for the players but for developers too this just seems like a such a big joke to me
  20. Seriously BW why would you leave out something so critical to an mmo pretty much every mmo ever has had a combat log some people actually RELY on the combat log for information during combat was there just not enough time to include one? did you figure no one would care? did you just say oh this is just a casual game, we are trying to get people who played games like mass effect and dragon age to pay us a subscription... they never had a combat log that would just confuse them
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