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Everything posted by Mezla

  1. **** games go F2P. Good games stay P2P.
  2. That's most likely true. I kinda started expecting that about 2 months ago when APAC populations died.
  3. F2P announcement is definitely the best thing to happen to this game since launch. Forums never been funnier.
  4. There is no market trend. The only trend is that people refuse pay monthly sub for crappy games and WoW is getting old.
  5. Pretty much same reason they lost almost 2 million subs - they have no *********** idea how to develop and run an MMO.
  6. Have you played SWTOR? That's the kind of grammar I would totally expect from the development team.
  7. They will never admit that this massive failure is their fault. They will blame everything except the fact that they badly mismanaged this game into the ground from the second it launched.
  8. Making 100 bucks a month instead of 10 bucks a month is a massive increase alright.
  9. Because they can't sell those to you now for Cartel Coins? Want to decrease your planet loading times by 10 seconds? 100 Cartel Coins. You're sick of clicking on the SWTOR in the launcher? Want to go straight in? 200 Cartel Coins. Wanna go from Belsavis straight to your ship? 100 Cartel Coins.
  10. When a game goes F2P it has already failed. There is no if.
  11. 5 bucks per mission in the cash shop. Mark my words.
  12. Holy ****. I thought my predictions that it will dead by the end of the year were way to pessimistic. Way to prove me wrong BW/EA and do that 5 months earlier.
  13. Yes, development team being a bunch of incompetent ****wits had nothing to do with it.
  14. Cool. Meaningless awards from nobodies. That's definitely a sign that this game is doing fine.
  15. Around 500K. That's with a bit of padding from free trials.
  16. What are you talking about? This game has no bugs. That's why we have so much maintenance.
  17. Wait. Taking a good survival horror game and turning it into a crappy shooter is "great wisdom" now?
  18. It is small things like that which made more than a million players quit the game already. It might seem like a minor nuisance, but the game has thousands of them and they add up.
  19. Only bad players are against convenience features. Fact.
  20. Except in the case of SWTOR we will still be playing broken and buggy game after maintenance.
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