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Announcing The Old Republic Guild Summit


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Sometimes it feels like Bioware is trying to invent the pen to write in space instead of a pencil.



Anyway, this is not Bioware making an "elite class" of players or anything. It is Bioware coming up with a relatively easy way to get people who represent players like themselves so that they can talk in a more intimate setting. For better or worse, guild leaders are the community leaders of the game. The devs recognize this, and so they invited guild leaders.


Theoretically, these chosen people will take the opportunity to voice their concerns, questions and so on to the dev team. These concerns and questions are more than likely shared by a larger number of people. Thus, they are representative of the population.


As someone above said, it may just be that the dev team wants to meet these people personally. Why do you think most employers have face-to-face interviews? There is a whole level of communication that goes on in personal settings that can't come across in text on a forum. There's also a higher signal-to-noise ratio when anonymity is removed from the equation. The devs aren't looking for bootkissers; they're looking for people who will talk to them straight up and tell them what they need to hear without the trapping of internet memes, QFTs, STFUs and so on that are so prevalent on these very forums.


This isn't an either-or proposition, though, which it seems many people for some reason believe. The community team will still troll the forums looking for good, constructive criticism as well as praise, and they will then pass this information on to the dev team. That doesn't change simply because Bioware decides to meet some people face to face.

Edited by JacenHallis
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Greetings everyone!


We have noticed that this thread has gone a little off-topic from the Guild Summit Announcement to other topics related to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


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Thank you! :)

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If you want to tell us whats going on, TELL US! Your failure to communicate is epic. I could point to loads of threads where you decided to give an answer, and the answer did not address the questions of the topic. But in most cases you just choose to be silent.


In all fairness, anything the devs wind up saying is held against them, by SOMEONE (usually me). James Ohlen's September 23, 2011 Gamasutra interview pretty much sums up something that was probably meant in a neutral manner, but comes off as one of the most purely arrogant and egomaniacal things any developer has ever said; "But at the same time, it's good for fans to feel like they're having an impact, and sometimes they do. Sometimes they do point out information that is a little bit surprising, but nothing hugely surprising. There's been surprises on the project, but mostly they've come from us playtesting this stuff." He basically confirmed that yeah, they were pretty much ignoring the opinions of all of their beta testers...


Maybe this is finally damage control for that interview.

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So soon? Kinda ballsy imo, considering all the technical issues so far.


Also, I am curious to know how people can discuss the state of a game, if so many basic things about the game are broken.

If you want to know what parts of this game the players think could be improved, read these forums :jawa_confused:

Its pretty simple.

Not sure what dragging (apparently) 'insider' guild leaders to Texas is going to accomplish in terms of fixing the game.

Just seems like lots of wasted money to me.

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As there are several topics being discussed, we would like for you to please continue any discussion that is not related to this particular topic in either one of the following threads or please use our Advanced Search Feature to find one that best suits your interests!


Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold




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In all fairness, anything the devs wind up saying is held against them, by SOMEONE (usually me). James Ohlen's September 23, 2011 Gamasutra interview pretty much sums up something that was probably meant in a neutral manner, but comes off as one of the most purely arrogant and egomaniacal things any developer has ever said; "But at the same time, it's good for fans to feel like they're having an impact, and sometimes they do. Sometimes they do point out information that is a little bit surprising, but nothing hugely surprising. There's been surprises on the project, but mostly they've come from us playtesting this stuff." He basically confirmed that yeah, they were pretty much ignoring the opinions of all of their beta testers...


Maybe this is finally damage control for that interview.


Sad. This is exactly what they want to do: make players feel like you have an impact, when in fact you don't. We know they have everything planned out years ahead. They will hold this summit, people will voice their opinions,chances are some of those opinions coincide with BW plans for the near future, so they can say: "See? We DO listen to the feedback you give."


Nothing will change.

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I'm glad that Bioware is investing in the long-term by soliciting the GLs for information.


Good GLs spend a lot of time organizing people and helping them have fun playing SWTOR. They become one of the more potent "retention forces" for subscriptions AND they become part of a very loose system of behaviorial checks and balances for the community.


Good for you, Bioware. If my guild gets a seat I'd be more than willing to spend some of my vacation $$$ to come see you guys in Austin.





+1 - I would also hazard a guess that all the folk whining about the Guild Summit are the same ones who were whining about not getting early game access the very first second it was available.


I think it is a great idea, and all kudos to BW for doing this.

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I'm on my third guild so far. First one was destroyed at launch by being put on a server with an all night queue (and many quit before they had ever logged in once). Second had about 50 members and just drifted apart as people stopped playing at the beginning of January.

The third is going the same way. Had 50+ members, but now has maybe 2 or 3 online in the peak playing hours (mid evenings and weekends).

All three on different servers as I can't find a server that actually has much of a player base at all - essp for Republic. Sometimes play an hour in open PvE without seeing another PC.


Apparently the game is doing well, and there are some succesfull guilds. I'd love to find one.

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Thats cool that yall are doin guild stuff outside the game, but how about more guild stuff inside the game?..........dont think just because BIOWARE and EA are so called juggernaut game companies (no pun intended) that the empire cant fall (again, no pun intended) because all's im gonna say to that is Sony (SOE) is much bigger and they fell much harder from lesser ignorance. it will be interesting to see what happens really..... the whole we are listening speil will only get you so far..... in the end.... Star Wars fans really know when you are listening and when you are using mind tricks.... your mind tricks wont work on us.


time to buckle down their jimmy pooh! and GABE!!!!!! FIX ILUM AND PVP!!

Edited by Kelzyne
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I truly can't believe that people are ignorant of the fact what it would cost, $2000+ for me, to fly out to Texas.


Let me take a wild guess, you have either a well paying job, live in America or are just trolling. Which is it?


That is why true star wars fans will pay the money to go or will support the idea and fake fans/trollers will bash it and complain about the money. Dont put in a application and you wont have to spend the money lol. you dont have to go if you do not want to or have the means too.


GJ! BW!!

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  1. They've spent somewhere between $80 and $300+ million dollars on development of this game across the lifetime of everything associated with every company working on it and advertising it.
  2. They took SIX YEARS from concept to go-live.
  3. The game was in some form of closed beta for OVER ONE YEAR, beginning circa October 2010.
  4. Just about every single major design problem or major feature that is MISSING was identified pretty much in the first 4 months of closed beta. And repeatedly burned into the forums.
  5. Not a single major design change was made, and not a single major feature was added, in the entire time that the game was in closed beta.

None of us are being too harsh. Harshness is deserved, because BioWare Austin ignored people that they should have been listening to, and instead, listened to those who gushed heaps of disengenuous praise that excused mediocrity and who attacked anyone who even remotely uttered a possible hint of criticism.


Perhaps they're finally willing to listen. Hopefully before it's ultimately too late. Perhaps they're not willing to listen. Perhaps it's merely a large publicity stunt. I'm willing to keep an open and hopeful mind. Because after all the money they've spent on the game... they're likely the last, best hope we will have for a very, very long time, for a proper Star Wars property MMO.


No one in their right mind will try to do it, ever again.


Couldn't agree more with what you said. Something like this guild summit, in a smaller scale obviously, should have been done years ago, a long time before the testing even began.


They've known for a long time who their target audience was and what kind of game they were trying to make. What they should have done is get feedback from representatives from guilds playing other games that matched their design goals. Players at the forefront of progression in other games. Those were the people that could tell them what we want, what works and what doesn't, and what we wanted to see in SW:TOR that wasn't being provided in other games.


As with many other things, if this wasn't done and I strongly suspect it wasn't, this is just another example of a great opportunity wasted Bioware, and another occasion where they failed to learn from the past.

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Couldn't agree more with what you said. Something like this guild summit, in a smaller scale obviously, should have been done years ago, a long time before the testing even began.


Thank you. Considering it took them six years to go live, that was a long time that they could have had such an event. I do believe that some similar events, in context, did occur, at various conventions that were attended by BWA staff. Not all were fan-based, there were many game industry professional events that BWA staff attended that such Q & A sessions may have taken place in.


They've known for a long time who their target audience was and what kind of game they were trying to make. What they should have done is get feedback from representatives from guilds playing other games that matched their design goals. Players at the forefront of progression in other games. Those were the people that could tell them what we want, what works and what doesn't, and what we wanted to see in SW:TOR that wasn't being provided in other games.


Fanboys freak when this is pointed out, but the fact is, that BWA designed SWTOR while keeping in mind the feature set and fanbase of WoW's vanilla release. BW, BWA, EA, LA, and LFL reps have *all* compared SWTOR to WoW, quite openly. And then they failed to take advantage of the next seven years of what amounts to free market research on the feature sets we wanted in the game.


As with many other things, if this wasn't done and I strongly suspect it wasn't, this is just another example of a great opportunity wasted Bioware, and another occasion where they failed to learn from the past.


To be fair, this is what EA is known for. This was predictable. It didn't help that BWA is a custom built studio that's never published a single game, before.

Edited by DTuloJr
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BioWare can coat it with whatever topping they like, but it dosen't change the fact that its;


1) A huge money sink for anyone not invited.

2) Unneccessary on all fronts, since they have the means to awnser anything that needs to be addressed here.

3) a huge and unneccessary PR stunt.



My thoughts.. oh and im Euro. USA is a bit too far away to come on my own expenses, esp if its invite only... Frankly.. WHY you do this?

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I think it's a great idea and look forward to hearing how it went!


Contrary to some of the opinions here, it makes sense for them to hold it AFTER the game is live. Our guild has been gaming together almost 10 years, and this guild for this game was up and running almost two years prior to launch. I have pages of 'members' who SWORE they were going to play, but have gone MIA, prior even to the open betas. The best way to receive valuable feedback from a segment of your consumer base is to identify and interact with your consumer base who is actually consuming your item. Yes, yes, I know you are the most avid star wars fan ever and had forums built the day they announced the game. So did many others. There is no way to accurately gauge your true player base and meet with them to discuss anything, until there IS a true player base.


It also makes sense to choose 'representatives', and the best representatives for the masses are the guild leaders. If you disagree, explain how you would choose 'representatives' from millions of people? Who can provide not only 'individual' feedback, but 'collective' feedback from more than one viewpoint? If you're saying a lottery system accomplishes this, I fail to see the logic. Individuals would provide feedback from one viewpoint, theirs. Guild leaders have collective viewpoints, have heard various complaints and ideas from more than one person and can provide much more in terms of quality than an individual member.


The only part of this that makes me say, 'that sucks' is the lack of compensation. BW should cover the costs.

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insted of this rather over the top farce, why not just have a live chat style system, few hours a day people can log on wait there turn ask a question get an answer while watching the stream of others asking there questions, gotta be better then asking people to travel and it would give the people who dont live in america (yes honestly we do exsist) a voice for once
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Do I really need to sit in a hotel with these guys, and say "Hey you know all that stuff that people say on the forums? DO THAT!"



Actually its posts like this that make me happy they are only offering guild leaders spots, since 90% of the forum whining is utter garbage and i would hope that the majority of whiners on this forum are non guild leaders, so maybe it would be more along the lines of hey the guys on the forums say this, we really do not want that but if you guys did "this" instead we think everyone would be happier.


hopefully i can make it out there...so i can help police the others out there and preventing garbage like chat bubbles and new silly outfits before more warzones and the fixing of memory leaks

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Stephen / David, if you REALLY want to get everyone's opinion in a convenient way, why not create a survey and then post a link to that survey on the launcher and forum?


The survery could require a person to log into the website in which to access it, and therefore only one completed survey per account will be accepted.


Then you can get EVERYONE's opinion, not just guild leaders in a way that EVERYONE can participate in.

Edited by Tarka
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Actually its posts like this that make me happy they are only offering guild leaders spots, since 90% of the forum whining is utter garbage and i would hope that the majority of whiners on this forum are non guild leaders, so maybe it would be more along the lines of hey the guys on the forums say this, we really do not want that but if you guys did "this" instead we think everyone would be happier.


hopefully i can make it out there...so i can help police the others out there and preventing garbage like chat bubbles and new silly outfits before more warzones and the fixing of memory leaks


Yeah, cos YOUR opinons are the ones that matter over others aren't they :rolleyes:


I think that perhaps your giving yourself a little too much credit, and not enough to the devs, who also have a brain and don't need players to "police" this event.

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That is why true star wars fans will pay the money to go or will support the idea and fake fans/trollers will bash it and complain about the money. Dont put in a application and you wont have to spend the money lol. you dont have to go if you do not want to or have the means too.


GJ! BW!!


So with your logic, anyone who cannot afford to fly from, let's say, Russia to Texas is not a true starwars fan and is in fact a troll.




Also, what about those who weren't invited by Bioware, and didn't get one of the limited available spots?

Edited by Tarka
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