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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Because it's not magic. Every MMO has had to do this before.


Stop being stupid.


Rollback accounts, sure. Maybe even in game servers. It's easy to rollback just one. You can take that one offline to perform it. But to perform a rollback on them all?

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Why does everyone believe there is a magical system which would allow the developers to instantly roll back!??


If you've spent at least TEN MINUTES doing professional software development, you'd know that's not even a possible solution. Not at least without having to shut the entire game down for a solid week to roll back every subsystem, server, database, platform, etc involved in the update and then to verify the integrity of the restore.


It's not viable. Never will be...


BS. NCFail did it with Aion and it didn't even take a day...



Article says server Azphael but it occured on all servers, I was there.


Let me guess, you work as a so-called professional software developer at Toys'R'Us or perhaps Ikea, yes?

Edited by darthtoph
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Because it's not magic. Every MMO has had to do this before.


Stop being stupid.


In extreme situations of data loss or similar that affected the vast majority of the playerbase. Not for sure in a situation in which the vast minority of the playerbase used an exploit.

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Why does everyone believe there is a magical system which would allow the developers to instantly roll back!??


If you've spent at least TEN MINUTES doing professional software development, you'd know that's not even a possible solution. Not at least without having to shut the entire game down for a solid week to roll back every subsystem, server, database, platform, etc involved in the update and then to verify the integrity of the restore.


It's not viable. Never will be...


EXACTLY. But noobs will be noobs.

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Congratulations on officially the worst MMO launch period ever. I never thought Vanguard would get knocked off the bottom rung, but amazingly you managed it.


It's not that this debacle is incredibly earth shattering and the game is definitely still playable, but the simple facts of the matter are:


a) It took way to long to form any sort of coherent response (why wasn't Ilum just shut down till a fix was implemented?) - 3 Hours is too long?

b) A second year programmer (let alone any developer with any pvp experience at all) could have seen this happening from a mile away. - Not the legitimate exploit.

c) People on the Public Test Server forums told you that this is exactly what would happen - Prove it

d) Your response is completely inadequate - Because it's not what you want, and your throwing a fit.

e) You are more interested in deleting posts or tickets than actually fixing problems - you are confusing community managers with programmers and analysts.

f) I've run out of tissues and now my salty tears are streaming down my face. - Agreed. QQ Moar. Your tears sustain me.


I am embarssed that I spoke out for this dev team previously - yes people make mistakes but this goes far beyond that. No consideration for the quality of your product or the experience of your subscriber base at all. Just keep raking in the cash.


Patching with nothing better to do than to point out how wrong you are.

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What?!... Are you going to start banning players for playing Ilum? And took advantage of what situation? And what would the consequences be? I just want to know who's in the safe zone and who's not. Is this about camping the opponents base? Spending your day doing illum to get tons of Valor? And if so, how much valor would be the limit? Would the punishment be bann or just reverted Valor?


So busted

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Seriously most of the comments in this thread makes me so sad. They made a slip and made the turrets not one shot people as intended, and you guys yell at them like all hell is loose.


The changes to ilum was great. I had an awesometime today running with 10 other republics hunting down imps outside our base. Those of you going to such length and saying devs should be sacked, you are just being rude. They have made great game in the pvp department, and I'm enjoying all of it. The pvp in itself is so incredibly balanced and well done I'm amazed. There's no overpowered classes, just learn how to deal with them and you're set. Grow up and learn some patience, this childish spoiled gibberish you are spouting in this thread is not helping anyone.


Ilum is probably the most epic pvp zone I have ever seen in any game, the only problem with it as of now is faction imbalance. If they "fix" this with a hard cap, imps woul complain about que time, if they dont, republics will complain about being outnumbered. All I am seeing on this forum is complaining about something, and then complaining about that fix. Don't you guys have anything better to do then complain?


If you feel like you won't keep playing the game, I honestly don't beleieve you since it would make no sence that you would stick around on these forums.


To any Bioware employe reading this: I think you are doing an amazing job, keeping us informed on every issue and rolling out fixes every day! The game is very well done, and this patch brought really cool content I enjoy.



They messed up and made the turrets not kill in one hit AND ALLOWED THE SERVERS TO STAY UP INSTEAD OF SHUTTING THEM DOWN FOR AN EMERGENCY FIX.


MMOs have EMERGENCY PATCHES all the time, they could have done it.

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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


no you arent. no action will be taken on the player for the dev teams mistake. if you rush a change in the game and dont talk to your player base to bounce ideas or exploits off them, then it is your own fault

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Im suffering from a patching problem so i can't even play the game at this point but if i manage to log in tomorrow and find ppl who were rank 20 are now rank 60 while i spent weeks grinding to rank 58, then thats just another reason to unsub and cancel my account. Nice going Bio lol... and this game was suppose to dethrone WoW so much for that Dream.


dude no one got from rank 20-60..And if anyone says they did then you got trolled.

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Why does everyone believe there is a magical system which would allow the developers to instantly roll back!??


If you've spent at least TEN MINUTES doing professional software development, you'd know that's not even a possible solution. Not at least without having to shut the entire game down for a solid week to roll back every subsystem, server, database, platform, etc involved in the update and then to verify the integrity of the restore.


It's not viable. Never will be...


A smart company would create backups of all major data so they can reverse patches, xp, loot or whatever when necessary. Bugs happen, being able to shut them down or fix them quickly is MANDATORY.

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Yeah I bet this was a serious problem on all those Republic-dominated servers.


Err... Not on Tomb of Freedom Nadd EU. Here's basically how the day went:

Ilum (3), the Empire was camping in the Republic Base

Ilum (1), the Republic was camping in the Empire Base

Who said anything about republic dominated servers?

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I know type of player that would throw a hissy fit and unsub a game after a mistake in a patch (which will be fixed within a day) and speculation as to how the exploiters will be dealed with. (even if they don't know yet)


These are the types I wanted removed from my gaming community anyway. So pleas unsub. Take your immature kiddie friends with you. It will make the community better and more mature for those of us who stayed.


Super +5

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I agree, no rollback sucks, but people are severely overreacting (what else would you expect from an MMO community I suppose?).


People need to realize that in the grand scheme of things, the number of people who benefited from this exploit today is miniscule. In a month or two the number of lvl fifties will more than double. In even more time, the percentage of ppl who actually took advantage of this will grow even more tiny.


No rollback sucks, but the world is not ending... Calm down, take deep breaths, everything will be okay.

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Its called standards. You hold them to the high standards that they have vaunted and delivered before SWTOR. Every small mistake will also be held to those exact same standards.


It is our money.



We choose where and how to spend it.



If people do not feel they are getting the standard of quality they expect for their money, then they should cancel their subscriptions.



Why should someone have to put up with incompetence when they do not have to.



Some people have enough of a real life, that they can easily walk away from what they consider a faulty product, and really not care about how 'popular' they are on an anonymous internet forum.



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Lost all confidence in your development team, poor implementation and testing on your part.

Lost all confidence in your customer service team, trying to tip toe around today's issues without really addressing them.

Lost all confidence in your company. Not buying anymore of your stuff.


Exactly I'll be staying far away from their products for now on. What a waste though eh? Could have been wonderful.

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You still have no idea. These companies are slow to 'fix' or 'improve' these kinds of games all the while siphoning off your monthly subscription. You seem to have no concept of how this works. If you are ok with playing a mediocre (could have been great) game, then that is your preference. This would have been a great single player game but the fact remains that it is not.


You seem to be the one with no idea. Like I said before, I have fun playing this game. I understand you don't have that kind of patience to enjoy it and that is fine. I understand improvements take time and some of that time might be spent milking subscribers for money, but hey that is business. But I enjoy several other aspects of the game. If pvp was the absolute only element of this game, then I wouldn't pay monthly for it, or any game like that for that matter. You seem to want to remain narrow minded towards this game and that is your choice, I choose to accept it's mistakes and enjoy its strong points for now.

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Actually the fault is with the player, the Dev may have messed up patch (through an UNFORESEEN) CODE GLITCH. But you the player new you were doing wrong. It is you the player who is at fault an it is you the player who deserve the rollback. Grow up take responsibility for what you KNEW was wrong. Edited by BegaTasty
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